English Test Unit 2 "My World": Mark

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English Test Mark:

Unit 2 “My World”

Miss Muñoz Parra Javiera Date: Thursday 23rd, May

Form: 6th
Student’s name: Time: 90 mins.
Total score: 30 points Student’s score: 30 points. Requirement:
Learning Outcome: Identify and describe different places in the city/town using the correct grammar

I. Listen to the dialogue and answer True or False. 5 points total (1 each)

1. _______ There’s a cinema in the shopping centre.

2. _______ There isn’t a computer shop in the shopping centre.

3. _______ The computer shop is next to a shoe shop.

4. _______ There are some great shops in Thames Street.

5. _______ There’s a nice café in a street opposite the school.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct singular or plural form of the words in the box. 5

points total (1 each)

baby / woman / city country / person

1. There are 13.228 ___________________ in Santa Juana. It’s a small town.

2. There a 128 ___________________ and 98 men in the school.

3. Mexico and Australia are my favorite ___________________.

4. His ___________________ is 5 months old.

5. Concepción is a nice ___________________.

III. Correct the following sentences. 5 points total (1 each)

1. There are 30 childs in my town. ____________________________________

2. There are two mens in the band. ____________________________________

3. Paris and Rome are interesting citys. ____________________________________

4. My friend has two house. ____________________________________

5. There are 5 village. ____________________________________

IV. Choose the correct words. 5 points total (1 each)

1. There aren’t / isn’t any expensive clothes shops.

2. There is / are 30 children in the class.

3. There are any / some interesting museums in London.

4. There isn’t / aren’t a cinema in my town,

5. There aren’t any / some clubs after school.

V. Look at the picture and describe it using the correct preposition form the box. 5 points total

(1 each)

under / opposite / in / next to / on

1. There is dog and the cat ______________ the table.

2. There is a computer ______________ the table.

3. There are books ______________ the bag.

4. There is a phone ______________ the computer.

5. There are two posters ______________ the table.

VI. Read the text and choose the correct answer. 5 points total (1 each)

1. The Pencil Museum is in a noisy / quiet place.

2. The Pencil Museum is / isn’t near London.

3. There is a big / small pencil in the Pencil Museum.

4. There are 8 / 5.8 million object in the British Museum.

5. There are two / four shops in the British Museum.

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