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EDUC 5312-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 2

Observation Date: __16.04.2019____ Observation Time:___One hour time_______

Teacher Observed:___Hatice Onel____ Subject/Grade Level: __Grade 7_______

School Observed: _Nigerian Tulip Int’l Colleges__ Observer:__Sevda Erdas____

For the things you observed, place a check. Please explain further about the checked item
directly below the particular section. Provide overall comments and reflections at the end.


_____ On Task _____ Off Task _______ Engaged ___ Learning Successfully

Explain: They were all engaged. They cooperate with the teacher. The teacher grouped them
and allow to communicate within the group. So this really worked.


___ Modeling ____ Question/Answer _______ Lecture _____ Monitoring Groups
____ Listening ____ Problem Solving _______ Evaluating _____ Reading To
____ Modifying ____ Integrating Content ______ Guiding Cooperative Groups
___ Other _ _____________________

Explain: After her 10 minute lecture the teacher gave them quiz and grouped them , guide them
and by giving the fruit to the group that answered correct was the evaluation for her.


____ Manipulatives ____ Workbooks ___ Overhead Projector ______ Smart Board
_____ Chalkboard ____ Maps ____ Computer ____ Projector
_______ Books ______ Other Audio –Visuals ____ None
_____ Other __________________________________________________________________

Explain: She came up with wonderful smart board presentation and quiz competition as well as
educative fruits and vegetables songs
______ Small Groups _____ Whole Group _____ Pairs _____ Individuals

Explain: She grouped them 4 in a group and she didn’t mix their gender.


__ Worksheet ______ Listening _______ Writing _____ Reading _____ Performing
___ Journaling ___ Discussing _____ Centers _____ Homework _____ Research
___ Investigation _____ Laboratory _____ Using Technology
___ Other : Memorization_____________________________________________________

Explain: After her lecture she gave them quiz and they wrote the correct answer and then they
memorize the song she chose for them

____ Stated Expectations for Behavior _____ Positive Reinforcement
____ Redirection of Inappropriate Behavior ______ Encouragement of Students
_____ Self-disciplined Students _______ Effective Time Management
_______ Materials Ready _____ Enthusiasm for Teaching/Learning
Explain: She was disciplined teacher. The time also was enough and satisfied for each activity.
She clapped the winner team after the each questions and she made the class do so.


The lesson was well organized and the teacher was very good at her subject. She motivate the class,
encourage the students and make the class memorable for them. I take away a lot of things especially in
terms of activity. The students were happy when they were memorizing the song. Maybe when they
translate it to their language it will be too simple and ordinary but in another language it means a lot. She
used the sources she has very effective and she wasn’t depending on the book too much. She took her
time and prepared for them. Students will understand if the teacher is prepared or not. So her own was
very successful. We teachers should try our very best for all our classes and make sure students will take
away something on that day to home. When they look at heir notebook they will recognize the things with
our activities. So every of our class we should try and do the best as much as we can.

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