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GEEN 1101 Business and Professionalism

Aug-Dec 2018

Activity: Job Descriptions

EXERCISE 1: Read the following description of a job. On Exercise 2, you will answer some
questions related to the text.


Nutritionists study the science of food and nutrition to better understand their effects on the
human body. They focus on the health and wellbeing of patients as they assess their current
diets and medical issues. Typically, nutritionists study diseases related to nutrient deficiencies
and how to use different nutrients to treat a variety of health issues. They may work with
doctors or other healthcare professionals to create specialized meal plans and diets for patients
with special nutritional needs.

Nutritionists focus on diet and nutrition and how those factors influence health, wellness,
disease and deficiencies. They work to improve their clients' quality of life by evaluating their
dietary needs and then creating specialized meal plans. They must monitor and document their
clients' progress and make changes if needed. Nutritionists who are self-employed are also
responsible for record-keeping, client scheduling and designing informational material.

Some alternative careers are registered nurse (RN) and health educator. Registered nurses
provide medical care by documenting patient histories, administering treatments, performing
diagnostic tests and monitoring equipment. They often discuss the cases with other doctors and
healthcare professionals. Health educators gather wellness data, create strategies to improve
individuals' wellbeing and present their findings to the public. RN's must have completed a
nursing program leading to a diploma, associate's or bachelor's degree, while health educators
need a bachelor's degree.

The chart below provides more information about a career as a nutritionist.

Degree Required Bachelor's degree

Required Field of Foods and nutrition, dietetics, food service systems management, clinical
Study nutrition, or a related area

Salary (2015) $57,910 for nutritionists and dietitians*

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

GEEN 1101 Business and Professionalism
Aug-Dec 2018

EXERCISE 2: After reading the text “How to become a nutritionist”, answer the following

1. What is a nutritionist?

2. What does a nutritionist do?


3. What fields of study should a nutritionist know about?


4. What other careers are related to the nutritionist profession?

GEEN 1101 Business and Professionalism
Aug-Dec 2018

EXERCISE 3: Think about the job you would like to have in the future. Write your own job
description using the text “How to become a nutritionist” as an example.

In your job description you should talk about:

 The name of the job you want and what you have to do
 The degree that you need to have this job
 Fields of study that you should know about
 Other careers that are similar to this job

Job Name: _____________________________________________
















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