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Lesson Plan #2

1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course:​ Social Studies Name:​ Historical Debate
Grade Level:​ 10-12th
Topic: ​Historical Figures

2. Expectation(s)
The students will be able to assess an historical figure’s point of view on a topic and challenge the reasoning and

Learning Skills ​(Where applicable):

● Critical Thinking
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Information Management

3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
The students will then be able to effectively communicate the new evidence to their peers.

Today learners will:

Be assigned, or may choose, a historical figure to research, selecting a speech given by the figure, and then write a
rebuttal challenging some of its content backed by facts.

4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)

(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric)
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I intended?
The teacher will have students create multiple choice, or other types of questions related to the information they
researched on each historical figure. These multiple choice questions will be collated and used as a basis for an
assessment and evaluation.

5. Learning Context
A. The Learners
(i) ​What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning
● Research
● Structure
● Note Taking
● Analysis
● Discussion

(ii) ​How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all
learners?​ (Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as
Students may work alone and present both sides of the issue. Use all figures from the past, no longer living. Use
all current figures from the present, living. Assign female figures to girls in the class, males to boys in the class, or
vice-versa. If relative to the timeframe, use current political figures running for office.

Lesson Plan #2

B. Learning Environment
On the board write the names of the historical figures assigned to each student. Arrange the room in
advance,creating a space for discussion and quiz/test space for when the quiz/test is to take place, giving all
students a proper classroom for the activities.

C. Resources/Materials
● Name of a historical figure for each student, Internet access or extensive resources for research
● Prepare ahead of time​: A list of historical figures (past or present), enough for each student in the class.
The figures should be those who have well-known speeches or writings available for students to listen to
(on the Internet) or read. For long speeches, the students may choose portions of it to refute. Also, two
video/audio recordings of speeches rebutting each other. May also prepare a one page “research results”
handout for students where students can write down info about their assigned figure.

6. Teaching/Learning Strategies

How will I engage the learners? ​(e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of learners’ prior knowledge,
activities, procedures, compelling problem)

● After students are seated, present the audio or video recording of the famous historical figure’s speech you
previously prepared. The more controversial the better.
● Ask students their thoughts about the speech.

Teaching​: ​How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility - modeled, shared, and
guided instruction.)

● Next, ask students to give, or their different opinions, with evidence to support their comments.
● Now present the audio or video recording of an historical figure’s rebuttal of the first speech.
Guided Practice
● Assign each student an historical figure to research, and distribute the “Research Results” handout.
● Pair the students.
● Explain to each student that they are to research the figure and locate a past speech given by the figure.
(The speech must be a minimum of one minute.)
● They will also include other information about the figure using the “Research Results” handout.
● In addition, each student is to create 3-5 multiple choice question related to their historical figure.
● The two students working together will then share the speeches. While reading their partner’s historical
figure’s speech, the student will list things to rebut.
● From the list the student will write their own speech to rebut the original.
● Once all the students are completed it will be time for the presentations. (Allot at least one class period for
● The pair of students working together will stand in front of the class. Student one will read the original
speech, student 2 will give the written rebuttal. (Remind students to be professional.)
● The two students will then switch roles.
● Following each pair of student’s presentation, class discussion may follow regarding the issue(s) in the

Application​: What​ will learners do to demonstrate their learning?​ (Moving from guided, scaffolded practice,
and gradual release of responsibility.)
● Every student will receive a multiple choice quiz/test using the classroom questions developed during the
research of the figures.
Lesson Plan #2

CONCLUSION: ​How will I conclude the lesson?
Discussion will take place with all students and the teacher allow students to give their opinions on the historical
figures presented to them and other comments about the issues.

7. My Reflections on the Lesson

What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?

Additionally, in order to help students succeed in the assignment we must be positive, prepared, patient and active.
The students will benefit more from having a teacher that not only guides them but represents what they should also
be accomplishing with each lesson. Helping each students have a clear perspective of what is required helps support
the students.

Lesson Plan #2

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