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Bill Clinton recently stated: “We only have one remaining bigotry.
We don’t want to be around anybody who disagrees with us.” In
light of recent hate crimes committed against not only black people
but the Jewish community and Muslim community, it could be
argued that a twenty-first century world is nurturing exactly what
Clinton voiced. Young people simply don’t care about anyone’s
opinion other than their own as long as it doesn’t get in the way of
what they want to do and does not impede their own opportunities
to get exactly what they want. As Nietzsche said “God is dead.”
Truth and tolerance died a long while ago. Young people simply
nod their heads at civil rights legislation but care nothing beyond
that and that’s why nothing will change.

Strong thesis statement that puts your stake in the ground where you stand on this subject. You
CANNOT be wishy-washy about it. Be clear with your opinion AND BACK IT UP WITH
EVIDENCE not must many people, and mabe’s and stuff, and things, and often …. I will be
looking for evidence of active voice - no passiveness about your writing.

The 21st century has changed and gotten to a point where people consider themselves

the highest priority. When Bill Clinton discusses how the United States only has “one remaining

bigotry” expressing how bad the hatred for certain groups and beliefs are. The official definition

for bigotry is “intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.” (Webster)

Knowing this definition it is clear that our country holds a lot of bigotry. I strongly agree with

Clinton in the case that a twenty-first century world is nurturing into a society where it is filled

with hatred and rejectment.

Clinton is not wrong when he states that there is a hatred and rejection towards jews and

muslims in our country. Rejection of these groups has been around since the beginning of the

1900s. The first governmental incident of anti-jewish sentiment was recorded during the
American Civil War when General Ulysses S. Grant “issued an order of expulsion against Jews

from the portions of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi under his control. (Wikipedia) Jews

were blamed a lot during wars even though they were the innocent ones. During World War I

Ford blamed Jews for instigating the war, saying “ I know who caused the war: German-Jewish

bankers.” Although many will believe that the unjust treatment of Jews ended after the war,

unfortunately the cruel behavior continued post war as several Jews were put in concentration

camps. This was not only happening in the United States but also in Germany under the

German leader Adolf Hitler. Being a muslim was never a problem in the years of the founding

fathers as they stated in the constitution that one can practice any religion desired. Jefferson

fought for religious freedom in Virginia demanding “recognition of the religious rights of the

Mahamdan, the Jew and the pagan” while campaigning for president. (Williams) Although this

was once said by one of the founding fathers and put into the constitution, people still find a way

to discriminate muslims. Even the issue of whether a Muslim could one day be president of the

United States- an issue that recently came up when republican presidential candidate Ben

Carson stated that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”


Not only have Muslims and Jews been affected in the States but also people of different

colored skin. In our country we see people with white skin, black skin, dark skin and light skin.

Underneath that skin we are all the same people; at least that's what some people think.

Several people in our country exclude and hate on people because of a different in what they

look like. Due to skin color being the most visible part of a human, many are being discriminated

daily for the color of their skin. The official definition of racism is “discrimination directed against

someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” (Webster)

There are too many acts of racism in our country that got carried into society today. Young
teenagers are hearing racist comments at school, sports and even the church. A 13 year old

African American hockey player was playing in a tournament in Maryland when he received

racist taunts from the opposing team. He kept looking at the refs during the game but they said

nothing. This shows that people do not care as long as it does not involve them. Many people

will not stick up and defend others because they feel as if it does not affect them therefore they

do not need to say anything. Another instance of racism in the daily life of a United States

citizen is the emergency medical responders who confronted racial bias. This specific case

occurred in Oregon when a black male was not given correct treatment. While the African

American male was suffering in pain, the EMT believed that he was just complaining of pain to

receive medicine. We can assume based off of statistics that this is because he is an African

American. Black patients are 40% less likely to receive medicine than white patients are.

Statistics show that “whites tend to get better care and have healthier outcomes.” (NPR)

One topic that has never seemed to be equal and still is not is the topic of gender.

Weather it is male, female, or transgender we are all people underneath the skin. For years

since the 19th century we have been fighting as a nation for the equality of men and women.

Although we are still fighting for women’s rights we have defending the transgenders and LGBT

members as well. Unfortunately it is not safe to say that we successfully reached our goal of

creating peace in the LGBT group as there was a shooting at Orlando in 2016. This shooting

occurred at a gay pub where many were injured. Another unjust thing towards members of the

LGBT group is Trump’s ban on transgenders being in the United States military. People are

volunteering, willing to fight for our country but they cannot just because of who they identify

themselves as. Transgender service members who had been able to serve openly and obtain

transition-related health care “will now face significant impediments on their service and an

outright ban for many of them seeking to enlist.” (Johnson)

Clinton is completely correct when stating that young people don’t care about anyone

else opinion except their own. Everyone in todays century is only worrying about themselves

and how far they will get in life. Although there is still a goal to reach equality, I feel as if it is not

that much of a priority anymore. People are not as worried about gaining equality as they were

in the 1900s. People that have nothing to lose are not as invested in the process than the

people who are not treated with respect. The change in the American dream overtime has

changed the views of how people see equality. In the 1930s the American dream was that all

get the same opportunity and chance at a fulfilling life. The American dream today in the 21st

century is all about buying the biggest and best things. Everything in today’s society is

materialistic and all about the money. Many people strive to buy the new iphone or the best car

but what happened to the goal of striving for an equal opportunity? Everyone is so focused on

satisfying themselves that people do not acknowledge the homeless on the sides of the street.

People’s minds and goals have changed so much that the act of kindness has seemed to

disappear. As more people are becoming more greedy, there are less acts of kindness. It is

obvious to see homeless sitting and sleeping on the ground and cities, but many people walk

past not acknowledging because they don’t want to get involved if it does not benefit them


When Nietzsche stated that truth and tolerance died a long time ago I think that he is

referring to the time when people cared about each other and not about materials. Nowadays

people are intolerable and have no respect for one another. Nietzsche states that “god is dead”

to demonstrate the fact that no one believes in being unified as one. The whole belief of being

equal under one god has seemed to change as many believe that some are superior to others.
Works Cited

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