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Multiple Fracture Propagation Model

for a Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Fracturing Simulator

Koji Yamamoto1; Tatsuo Shimamoto2; and Shunichi Sukemura3
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Abstract: Multiple nonplanar hydraulically induced fractures are often observed or assumed to exist in well stimulation sites of
petroleum and geothermal reservoirs. Although such multiple and nonplanar features of the fractures affect the fracture extension and well
stimulation efficiency, or even cause failure of the fracturing treatments, most of the available numerical simulators for hydraulic
fracturing place restrictions on the fracture geometry such as a single, planar, and symmetrical fractures. To develop design tools and
investigate the nature of fracture formation in consideration of the interaction between each fracture, the authors developed a true
three-dimensional simulator of the fracturing process. The stress field around a fracture induced by the entire fracture system is computed
and used to determine fracture aperture and its advance. The displacement discontinuity method is used to model arbitrary shapes of
fractures with a fully coupled solution of fracture deformation and injected fluid pressure under the condition of mass conservation. In this
paper, the theoretical basis and numerical method are presented with some examples of the simulated results for multiple fractures.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1532-3641共2004兲4:1共46兲
CE Database subject headings: Fractures; Boundary element methods; Finite element method; Coupling; Petroleum; Well construc-
tion; Reservoir design; Hydraulic models.

Introduction three-dimensional fracture geometry with fracture aperture

Due to its complex nature involving the mechanical behavior of solutions such as the Khristianovic–Geertsma–de Klerk 共KGD兲
solid material and fluid flow under the high-stress and high- model 共Geertsma and de Klerk 1969兲 and the Perkins–Kern–
pressure conditions of rock mass systems deep underground, hy- Nordgren 共PKN兲 model 共Perkins and Kern 1961; Nordgren 1972兲.
draulic fracturing is a subject of much debate among engineers In such models, the fracture shape should be basically rectangular
and scientists. Various numerical models of the phenomenon have and develop under the condition of constant height or constant
been developed by different approaches, and their application to length. To determine the fracture aperture, the plane strain condi-
the petroleum and geothermal industries has become an important tion is applied to horizontal or vertical cross sections of the frac-
issue in the field of geomechanics. We have improved our under- ture, respectively. Fluid pressure is modeled as one-dimensional
standing of the mechanics of rock failure through the develop- flow along the fracture length. Such simple fracture geometry is
ment and verification of the numerical models, since the fractur- believed to be reasonable, because in many cases the fracture
ing operation can be regarded as an in situ rock mass destruction would be confined in a reservoir formation that generally has a
test of the greatest scale under partially controlled conditions. lower Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, and consequently,
The development of hydraulic fracturing models has pursued lower horizontal stresses. A three-dimensional model of the hy-
freer fracture geometry models, with no restrictions. Studies on draulically induced fractures is necessary for more general situa-
the behavior of cracks under several stress and pressure condi- tions, since the scale of fracturing operation increases as higher
tions started with analytical solutions for static simple circular injection rates and treatment pressures are used to improve recov-
共so-called ‘‘penny shape’’兲 fracture with internal pressure 共Sned- ery and productivity. The assumption of confined fracture is not
don 1946兲. More realistic analytical models for hydraulically in- suitable for such massive fracturing operations, and so numerical
duced fracture were developed for two-dimensional or quasi- methods like the finite difference, finite element, and boundary
element methods have been introduced for planar fractures of free
Research Engineer, Technology Research Center, Japan National shape by Wiles and Curran 共1982兲, Vandamme and Curran
Oil Corporation, 1-2-2 Hamada, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-0025, Japan. 共1989兲, Clifton and Abou-Sayed 共1979兲, Clifton and Abou-Sayed
E-mail: 共1981兲, Gu and Yew 共1988兲, and others. A model comparison
Reservoir Engineer, Technical Planning Dept., Teikoku Oil Corpora- study 共Warpinski et al. 1993兲 was carried out and many other
tion, Hatagaya 1-31-10, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8565, Japan. E-mail: models were introduced. In such simulators, the fracture surface
t – is discretized with nodes and elements, and the coupled solution
Senior Research Officer, Simulation Products Division, Fuji Re- of the fracture aperture and fluid pressure is derived by the nu-
search Institute, 2-3 Kanda-Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8443, merical methods.
Japan. E-mail: In case of a fracture from a deviated well, the fracture initiates
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2004. Separate discussions
along with the borehole because of the stress concentration in-
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing duced by internal pressure, but departs from the original surface
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- to minimize the strain energy around the fracture tip. Such curved
sible publication on June 7, 2001; approved on July 15, 2002. This paper and/or twisted fracture should be modeled for recent complex
is part of the International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 4, No. 1, well geometries. A completely free and three-dimensional fracture
March 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641/2004/1-46 –57/$18.00. model was developed with boundary element methods by a group


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

Fig. 1. Model of multiple fractures from horizontal wells: 共A兲
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transverse fractures and 共B兲 axial fractures are formed along the bore-
hole normal to the minimum horizontal stress direction

from Cornell University 共Lutz 1991; Morales et al. 1993兲, which

used volumetric elements to discretize the space around the frac-
ture. The present authors developed another true three- Fig. 3. Schematic of the disposal domain concept for drilling waste
dimensional model for single, nonplanar fractures 共Yamamoto reinjection 共After Moshchovidis et al. 1994兲; multiple fractures of
et al. 1999兲. With the numerical simulator in which only the frac- different orientation are created in a small region around the well
ture surface needs to be discretized with elements, free fracture during periodic injections due to equalize the horizontal stress by the
formation for an arbitrary injection schedule of the stimulation deposition of cuttings
can be modeled with reasonable computation time.
Multiple fracture formation is believed to be a common occur-
rence around boreholes, and complicates the fracturing treatments for which two fractures are created from both injection and pro-
such as severe tortuosity and early screen-out 共high-pressure drop duction wells, as shown in Fig. 4.
at the fracture tip due to concentration of solid particles兲, because As mentioned above, the geometry and extent of multiple frac-
the fracture aperture is limited due to the fracture interaction. tures are likely to affect the efficiency of hydrocarbon production,
Such multiple fracture formation is observed with conditions such capacity of drilling waste disposal, and reliability of environmen-
as extended reach wells and deviated boreholes as shown in Figs. tal safety. To consider such multiple fracture cases, the system of
1 and 2, respectively. On the contrary, artificially generated mul- the fractures should be three-dimensional and heterogeneous, and
tiple fractures might be useful for storing drilling waste for rein- interaction between the fractures should be taken into account.
jection of drill cuttings. According to the disposal domain concept Following the previous work on a single nonplanar fracture
proposed by Moschovidis et al. 共1994兲, the capacity of the dis- model, the authors extend the application of the simulator to such
posal site should be secured by multiple radial fractures from the multiple fracture cases.
single interval of the borehole shown in Fig. 3. In such cases, the
fracture extent is also the key to the environmental friendliness of
the disposal operation, because the fractures must not reach the Overview of the Systems Modeled in the Simulator
seabed or usable fresh aquifers. Another example of multiple frac-
tures is the heat dry rock 共HDR兲 geothermal reservoir creation, Similar to most other three-dimensional simulators, the simulator
is based on models of the following four major physical phenom-
ena 共Yamamoto et al. 1999兲.
1. Fracture aperture due to internal pressure:
• Elastic deformation of the formation around the fracture

Fig. 2. Model of multiple fractures from a deviated well; fractures Fig. 4. Model of fractures from injection and production wells of a
are initiated along the borehole but expected to depart from the origi- HDR reservoir; two fractures are designed to merge at a certain point
nal plane to create a channel of the water and steam


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

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Fig. 5. Simulated and measured pressure history in typical well stimulation treatment; single planar fracture case with various leak-off rates
共Yamamoto et al. 2000兲; 共four cycles of periodic injection with slurry pump rate 3.15 m3 /min)

by the displacement discontinuity method; Displacement Discontinuity Formulation

• Stress concentration around the fracture tip with the linear
fracture mechanics model. The displacement discontinuity 共DD兲 formulation is based on
2. High-viscosity non-Newtonian fluid flow inside of the frac- Green’s functions, which represent the relationship between dis-
ture and leak-off into the formation: placement discontinuity and stress tensor. On the fracture plane,
• Incompressible power-law fluid flow between parallel sur- displacement discontinuity is defined by aperture and two kinds
faces; of ride 共relative shear displacements between fracture surfaces兲,
• Fluid leak-off rate according to one-dimensional Carter’s shown in Fig. 6. Assuming arbitrary Cartesian coordinates, the
flow model. crack opening and rides are modeled as the distribution of the
3. Proppant 共solid particles as elastic support material to sustain concentrated displacement discontinuities ⌽共␰兲, which is defined
the fracture aperture after injection termination兲 transport in- by Eq. 共1兲 at a point ␰ as follows:
side of the fracture
• Particle motion due to fluid flow; ⌽ kn 共 ␰ 兲 ⫽ lim u k 共 ␰ 兲 ⫺ lim u k 共 ␰ 兲 ⫽␦ 共 ␰ 兲 •␾ *
kn (1)
␰ n →⫺0 ␰ n →⫹0
• Slip velocity between fluid and solid induced by settlement
of the particles by gravity; where u k ⫽kth component of displacement; n⫽normal compo-
• Viscosity variation of the fluid according to the concentra- nent of the fracture surface; ␦(x)⫽Dirac’s delta function; and
tion of the solids. ␾*kn ⫽intensity tensor of the displacement discontinuity. Fracture
4. Fracture propagation: itself is modeled as a continuously distributed displacement dis-
• Stress intensity factor determined by aperture at the frac- continuity on a curved or flat plane without thickness.
ture tip with the linear fracture mechanics model; The concept of the DD method was presented by Crouch
• Fracture tip advance determined by fracture toughness of 共1976兲 as a means of discretizing crack opening with finite length
the formation and mode I stress intensity factor. segments which have uniform displacement discontinuity
In this model, we assume uniform elastic moduli of the entire throughout each segment. Wiles and Curran 共1982兲 and Van-
space. However, different values of in situ stress, fracture tough- damme and Curran 共1989兲 derived the three-dimensional formu-
ness, and leak-off coefficient are given for each parallel stratum. lation and Green’s functions in uniform, infinite, and elastic
Stratum boundaries are not obliged to be horizontal. The injection media for a point source, in order to apply it to the fracture of an
schedule, which gives the pump rate of the fracturing fluid and arbitrary shape in three-dimensional space. Some applications to
proppant concentration at the wellbore, is arbitrary, so the post-
shut-in process, flow back, and periodic injections can be mod-
eled without any assumption other than mass conservation. In
case of multiple fractures, the schedule can be defined indepen-
dently for each borehole or fracture wing. Fig. 5 shows a typical
pressure history simulated with the model for single fracture cases
of various leak-off coefficients 共Yamamoto et al. 2000兲.
For the multiple fracture cases, any number of boreholes with
free geometries 共azimuth and deviation angle兲 can be modeled.
One or multiple perforation interval共s兲 are defined for each bore-
Fig. 6. Definition of the three modes of displacement discontinuity
hole. Initial fractures are planar ellipsoids, and have free azimuth.


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

multiple fracture problems are introduced 共Vandamme et al.
1988兲. Also, Kuriyama and Mizuta 共1993兲 adopt the method to
the hydraulic fracture cases and applied to three-dimensional hy-
draulic fractures case and two-dimensional multiple fracture cases
for HDR plant design 共Mizuta et al. 2000兲.
Stress tensor ␴ i j and displacement vector u i at a point x in-
duced by the point source at ␰ are obtained by multiplying
Green’s functions by the intensity tensor of the displacement dis-
continuities as follows:
␴ i j 共 x 兲 ⫽T *
i jkn 共 x,␰ 兲 ⌽ kn 共 ␰ 兲 (2)
Fig. 7. Configuration of the fracture front elements
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u i ⫽G *jkn 共 x,␰ 兲 ⌽ kn 共 ␰ 兲 (3)

where T * ,G * ⫽tensor representation of Green’s functions as and for type II elements defined in Fig. 7 as

i jkn ⫽
4␲ 共 1⫺␯ 兲
r 冋
⫻ 3 兵 共 1⫺2␯ 兲共 ␦ ik ␦ jn ⫹␦ jk ␦ in 兲
⌽⫽N 1 ⌽ 1
N 1 ⫽ 冑d/d 0

3 where d⫽distance from the fracture tip; d 0 ⫽width of the front

⫺ 共 1⫺4␯ 兲 ␦ i j ␦ kn 其 ⫹ 兵 ␯ 共 ␦ ik y j y n ⫹␦ jk y i y n ⫹␦ in y j y k elements; and ␶⫽parameter to represent the circumferential posi-
tion defined as ␶⫽t/t 0 in Fig. 7. Since only the fracture surfaces
⫹␦ jn y i y k 兲 ⫹ 共 1⫺2␯ 兲共 ␦ kn y i y j ⫹␦ i j y k y n 兲 其 ⫺
yy y y
r7 i j k n 册 need to be discretized, such boundary integral methods are suit-
able for analyzing the fracture propagation problem in which the
analysis mesh should be regenerated for each time step.
(4) The pressure of the fluid should balance the normal component

* ⫽⫺
G ikn
8␲ 共 1⫺␯ 兲

r3 再
共 y i ␦ kn ⫺y n ␦ ki ⫺y k ␦ in 兲
of stresses against the fracture faces and shear stress on the sur-
faces must be eliminated, hence,
p 共 x 兲 n i 共 x 兲 ⫽␴ i j 共 x 兲 n j 共 x 兲

冋 冕 再兺 冎 册
3y i y k y n
⫺ (5) E N(e)
where, G⫽shear modulus of the formation rock; y i ⫽(x i ⫺␰ i ),
⫽ 兺
i jkn 共 x,␰ 兲
⌫e p⫽1
␾* (p) (p)
kn N 共 ␰ 兲 d⌫ e n j 共 x 兲

and r 2 ⫽y i y i .
The stresses induced by the finite extension of a fracture, such
as the continuous displacement discontinuity, are obtained by in- where p(x)⫽fluid pressure at x; and n i ⫽normal vector of the
tegrating the right-hand side of Eq. 共2兲 over the total fracture surface of fractures.
surface ⌫, written as By applying numerical integration and coordinate transfer, Eq.
共10兲 is rewritten as a vector–matrix equation:
␴ i j共 x 兲⫽ 冕 i jkn 共 x,␰ 兲 ⌽ kn 共 ␰ 兲 d␰
T* (6) E N (e)

p m n im ⫽ 兺兺 T mn(p)
ij ␾ n(p)
j (11)
In case of multiple fractures, ⌫ should include the whole of the e⫽1 p⫽1

fracture system. where m⫽node number of the observation points; n⫽node num-
The discrete form of Eq. 共6兲 is derived by discretizing the i j ⫽influence matrix between node m
ber of the source points; T mn
surface with triangle elements and appropriate shape functions and node n derived from integrating the tensor T * ; and ␾ i
N i (x): ⫽displacement discontinuity vector defined as ␾ i ⫽␾ * ijn j .

冋 冕 再兺 冎册
E N(e) For the integration of Eq. 共10兲, a Gaussian point integral is
␴ i j共 x 兲⫽ 兺
i jkn 共 x,␰ 兲
⌫e p⫽1
␾* (p) (p)
kn N 共 ␰ 兲 d␰ (7) used when r is sufficiently large. The number of integration
points varies with the distance between the element centers to the
source points r 共if r is larger, fewer integration points are used;
where e⫽element number; E⫽total element number; p⫽node the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 7. If r is less than a certain
number in element e; N (e) ⫽number of the nodes which form value, the elements are divided into sub-elements for the integra-
element e 共in this paper, N (e) ⫽3); and ⌫ e ⫽area of the element e. tion.
In this model, we choose a linear shape function for the elements Since a hypersingular integral is necessary to obtain the diag-
inside the fracture and square-root shape functions for the dis- onal elements of the matrix T i j , we define a small polygonal area
tance from the fracture front for front elements in order to repre- for each node, of which the boundary is defined by a function
sent the fracture opening characteristics predicted as the infinite a(␪) as shown in Fig. 8. The displacement discontinuity is as-
crack tip stresses by linear fracture mechanics. The aperture of
sumed to be uniform in the area as ␾ (0)j . The diagonal element of
type I elements defined in Fig. 7 is written as
the influence matrix T mm is derived from the integration of the
⌽⫽N 1 ⌽ 1 ⫹N 2 ⌽ 2 Green’s function T of the infinite area on the plane outside of the
polygon as
N 1 ⫽ 共 1⫺␶ 兲 冑d/d 0
冕 冕
(8) ⬁ ␪2

N 2 ⫽␶ 冑d/d 0 i j ⫽⫺
T mm T i j 共 r,␪ 兲 ␾ (0)
j rd␪dr (12)
a(␪) ␪1


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

where n⫽(n ⬘ ⫺1)/2 and m⫽(2n⫹2)/(2n⫹1).
Because Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 are nonlinear equations that should
be satisfied simultaneously, the equations are rewritten as a form
of Euler’s differential equations, and the solution is derived as the
extremal value of a functional with the calculus of variation 共Clif-
ton and Abou-Sayed 1981兲. We introduce a function L as

L 共 p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ 兲 ⫽ 冉 冊
w2 w2
m n⬘
1/n ⬘
兵 共 p ,␰ ⫺␳g ␰ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 p ,␨ ⫺␳g y 兲 2 其 m/2

冉 冊
⫹p q L ⫹
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Fig. 8. Domain of the singular integration for diagonals of the
matrix; uniform aperture is assumed in the small region around the where p ,␰ ⫽⳵p/⳵␰, p ,␨ ⫽⳵p/⳵␨.
node, and analytical solution of the area outside of the singular area is Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 are rewritten as

冉 冊 冉 冊
⳵L ⳵ ⳵L ⳵ ⳵L
⫺ ⫺ ⫽0 (17)
⳵p ⳵␰ ⳵p ,␰ ⳵␨ ⳵p ,␨
where the integral is derived from analytical solutions.
⫽⫺q ␰
Coupled Model of Fluid Pressure and Aperture ⳵p ,␰
Distribution ⳵L
⫽⫺q ␨
⳵p ,␨
Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow
respectively. The boundary condition of injection fluid injection is
In this model, the fracturing fluid flow of each fracture wing is written as
solved independently. However, along the borehole, the pressure
of each fracture wing should be the same value at the same point. ⳵L ⳵␰ ⳵L ⳵␨
⫺ ⫽q 0 on ⳵⌫ (19)
The fracturing fluid viscosity is assumed to obey the power law, ⳵p ,␰ ⳵n ⳵p ,␨ ⳵n
in which the viscosity is a function of the shear rate, and the
velocity distribution along the axis normal to the surface is not where q 0 ⫽injection volume per unit time and unit boundary
parabolic but higher or lower order function forms. The model length, and ⳵⌫⫽injection domain which is a model of perforated
assumes that the fluid runs through the parallel planes between intervals on the borehole.
fracture surfaces as a laminar flow. The numerical method for A functional J(p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ ) is introduced as

冕 冕
analyzing the fluid pressure distribution of the injected fluid is
based on the two-dimensional finite element formulation with the J 共 p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ 兲 ⫽ L 共 p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ 兲 d␰d␨⫺ q 0 ds (20)
model presented by Clifton and Abou-Sayed 共1979兲. Friction loss ⌫ ⳵⌫

caused by fracture tortuosity is not considered, although the effect

where ⌫⫽entire fracture plane. Using Gauss’s integral theorem,
cannot be neglected around the borehole.
the solution of Eqs. 共13兲 and 共14兲 under the boundary condition-
The governing equations of the two-dimensional power-law
defined by Eq. 共19兲 is derived as the extremal values of the func-
fluid flow in the ␰–␨ plane between fracture surfaces are written
tional J(p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ ).
as follows:
The fracture surface is discretized by triangle elements, and
• The equation of continua:
Galerkin’s procedure with appropriate shape function N i are used
⳵q ␰ ⳵q ␨ ⳵w to give pressure p and pressure gradient p ,␰ and p ,␨ in each ele-
⫹ ⫽⫺q L ⫺ (13)
⳵␰ ⳵␨ ⳵t ment as follows
• Pressure gradient along ␰ and ␨ directions by friction losses ⳵N i ⳵N i
and body forces p 共 ␰,␨ 兲 ⫽N i 共 ␰,␨ 兲 p i , p ,␰ ⫽ p , p ,␨ ⫽ p (21)
⳵␰ i ⳵␨ i
⫹␩ ⬘ 2
w 冉 冊 n ⬘ ⫺1
⫽␳g ␰ where i⫽number of adjacent nodes of the element. Using the
relations of Eq. 共21兲, the functional J(p,p ,␰ ,p ,␨ ) is rewritten as a

冉 冊
⳵p 兩 q 兩 n ⬘ ⫺1 q ␨ functional of a single variable J(p), and the extremal value of the
⫹␩ ⬘ 2 ⫽␳g ␨ functional J(p) can be derive by the relation
⳵␨ w w3
where w⫽fracture aperture; q ␰ and q ␨ ⫽fluid flux in the ␰ and ␨ ⳵J 共 p 兲
directions; ␳⫽fluid density; and g ␰ and g ␨ ⫽gravity accelerations ⫽0, i⫽1,N (22)
⳵p i
in the ␰ and ␨ directions. Values q ␰ and q ␨ are obtained from the
integration of fluid velocity profile between fracture surfaces. q where N⫽number of nodes.
⫽total flow rate defined as 兩 q 兩 ⫽(q 2␰ ⫹q 2␨ ) 1/2; and q L is the leak- Eq. 共22兲 can be rewritten as a nonlinear vector-matrix equation
off rate. The viscosity parameter ␩ ⬘ is given with the empirical for the element e as
power-law exponent n ⬘ and consistency law index k ⬘ as
K ei j 共 p 兲 p j ⫽F ie 共 p 兲 (23)
␩ ⬘ ⫽␩ 0 2 共共
m⫹1 兲 2 m 兲 1/共 m⫺1 兲 , ␩ 0⫽ n (15)
2 where


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

Fig. 9. Schematics of the coupled solution of fluid pressure and fracture aperture through an iteration loop of liner displacement discontinuity
equations and nonlinear finite element equations
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K ei j 共 p 兲 ⫽ 冕 冉 冊
w 2
1/n ⬘
兵 共 p ,␰ ⫺␳g ␰ 兲 ⫹ 共 p ,␨ ⫺␳g y 兲 其
2 2 m/2 ⫺1
cake formation. t e0 is the time taken for the area of the fracture
element e to be generated. The leak-off rate of any specific point
on the fracture is assumed to decrease in inverse proportion to the

⫻ 冉 ⳵N j ⳵N i ⳵N j ⳵N i
⳵␰ ⳵␰

⳵␨ ⳵␨
d␰d␨ 冊 (24)
square root of time after the fracture formation as described by
Eq. 共27兲. This assumption, which is based on the pore-pressure
change due to one-dimensional Darcy’s flow near the fracture

冕 冕 冕 冉 ⬘冊 1/n ⬘
w surfaces, is known to be valid only for the single planar fracture
F ie 共 p 兲 ⫽⫺ N i d␰d␨⫹ q 0 N i ds⫹ w2 case under the condition of sufficiently fast fracture propagation
⌫ e
⳵⌫ e
⌫ e ␩
compared to the seepage flow inside the formation. In the case of
⫻ 兵 共 p ,␰ ⫺␳g ␰ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 p ,␨ ⫺␳g ␨ 兲 2 其 m/2 ⫺1 closed multiple fractures, fluid flow from the multiple fractures
and pore-pressure accumulation should be taken into account.

⫻ ␳g ␰
⳵N i
⫹␳g ␨
⳵N i
d␰d␨ 冊 This issue will be discussed later.
The second term is the injected fluid volume from the bore-
hole共s兲. The third term is the fracture volume of the time step

q L⫹ 冉
⫹ 冊 冕 ⳵⌫ e
q 0 N i ds⫹ 冕 冉 ⬘冊
⌫ e

1/n ⬘ (n⫺1) as the sum of the products of each element area and
In the single fracture case, the fracture aperture at each time is
⫻ 兵 共 p ,␰ ⫺␳g ␰ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 p ,␨ ⫺␳g ␨ 兲 2 其 m/2 ⫺1 obtained to satisfy the fracture volume W as

⫻ ␳g ␰
⳵N i
⫹␳g ␨
⳵N i
d␰d␨ 冊 (25) 冋 T
⫺1 ␾
0 P册再 冎 再 冎
⫽ W (28)

where a e ⫽area of element and subscript i⫽adjacent node num- where T⫽global coordinate form of the influence matrix
ber. The solution for the entire system is given by integrating Eq. defined in Eq. 共11兲; ⫺1⫽(0,0,⫺1,...,0,0,⫺1) T ; a⫽
共23兲 on entire fracture surface ⌫⫽⌺ e ⌫ e , and the nodal values of projection of the area representing the node (n)
the pressure p are derived by the iteration scheme for p. and a⫽a (n) n (n) ⫽(a (1) n (1) x , a
(1) (1)
n y , a (1) n z(1) , a (2) n (2)
x , a
(2) (2)
ny ,
a n z ,..., a n x , a n y , a n z ) ; ␾⫽displacement dis-
(2) (2) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) T

continuity vector written in global coordinate; and ␾⫽(␾ (1) x ,

Coupled Solution ␾ (1) , ␾ (1)
, ␾ (2)
, ␾ (2)
, ␾ (2)
,..., ␾ (N)
, ␾ (N)
, ␾ (N) T
) ; p⫽p (n) (n)
y z x y z x y z
The coupled solution is given by the condition of fluid volume ⫽(p (1) n (1)x , p
(1) (1)
n y , p (1) n z(1) , p (2) n (2)
x , p
(2) (2)
n y ; p (2) n z(2) ,...,
conservation. The fracture volume W at time t of step n is given p (N) n (N)
x , p
(N) (N)
n y , p (N) n z(N) ) T ; and n (n) is a normal vector to the
by fracture surface at the nodal point n. P⫽integral constant; and the
pressure at the node n⫽sum of p (n) and P.
W⫽ 兺e a e(n) w e(n) ⫽⫺⌬t 兺e a e(n) q Le(n) ⫹⌬t 兺e r e q e(n)
The coupled solution of fracture aperture and fluid pressure
balance is obtained from the convergence loop shown in Fig. 9.
The pressure distribution is given by the fluid flow solution of the
⫹ 兺e a (n⫺1)
e w e(n⫺1) (26) finite element method, and the displacement discontinuity distri-
bution is given by the DD solution.
In the case that fluid is injected into the entire system simul-
where a e ⫽area; w e ⫽fracture aperture; r e ⫽length of the perfo-
taneously, e.g., unintended multiple fractures from a single sec-
rated segment included in the elements; q L ⫽leak-off rate; and
tion, the fracture aperture at each time is obtained so as to satisfy
q 0 ⫽flux of in-flow through the perforation. The superscript e
the total fracture volume W 共total fracture volume⫽total injected
means element number, (n) means a number of time step, and ⌬t

冋 册再 冎 再 冎
fluid volume⫽total leak-off volume兲. This condition is written as
is an interval of time step.
The first term of the right-hand side represents the volume of T 11 T 12 ¯ ⫺1 ␾1 p1
fluid leak-off into the formation. The leak-off rate of the element
T 21 T 22 ¯ ⫺1 ␾2 p2
q L at each time and is derived as 共Geertsma 1989兲 ⫽ (29)
] ]  ] ] ]
2c L P W
q Le ⫽ (27) a1 a2 ¯ 0
冑t⫺t e0 where the subscript is the number of fractures. T mn means the
where, c L is the leak-off coefficient defined in each layer which is influence matrix between fracture m and n.
related to the fluid viscosity, formation permeability and filtrate On the other hand, the injection schedule can be defined inde-


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

pendently for each fracture, e.g., fractures from independent
wells, and multistage or periodic injection. In such cases, fluid
mass balance should be satisfied at each fracture, so the equation
of fracture aperture–fluid pressure relationship and conservation
of fluid volume is written as

冤 冥
T B (1) 1B (1) 1 T B (1) 1B (1) 2 ⫺1 T B (1) 1B (2) 1 T B (1) 1B (2) 2 0
T B (1) 2B (1) 1  ] T B (1) 2B (2) 1  ]
aB (1) 1 ¯ 0 0 ¯ 0
T B (2) 1B (1) 1 T B (2) 1B (1) 2 0 T B (2) 1B (2) 1 T B (2) 1B (2) 2 ⫺1
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T B (2) 2B (1) 1  ] T B (2) 2B (2) 1  ]

0 ¯ 0 aB (2) 1 ¯ 0
Fig. 10. Fracture propagation direction determined by the maximum
␾ B (1) 1 circumferential tensile stress criteria

冦 冧冦 冧
pB (1) 1
] ]
P B (1) W B (1)
⫻ ␾ B (2) 2 ⫽ p2 (30) Stress intensity factor K I is derived from the aperture distribu-
tion at the fracture tip as follows:
] ]
P B (2) W B (2)
where W B (k) ⫽total fracture volume injected from the borehole k;
K I⫽
Ew e
2 共 1⫹␯ 兲


B ⫽integral constants for fractures connected to the bore-

and P (k) where w e ⫽fracture aperture at the second layer of the nodes; and
hole k. d 0 ⫽width of the front elements; E⫽Young’s modulus; and ␯
⫽Poisson’s ratio.
When the multiplier C front is appropriate, the maximum value
Fracture Growth Path of K I of new geometry (K I*max) satisfies the following relationship
with the same fracture volume (W (n) ) as
The fracture mechanics approach is adopted in the simulator to
K I*max on ⳵S (n⫹1) ⫽K IC (35)
determine the growth and path of the fracture.
Fracture growth length ⌬d for a given time step ⌬t (given) is where ⳵S (n⫹1) ⫽new fracture front after the propagation. In this
determined by comparing the mode I stress intensity factors K I at simulator, the fracture front advance is basically determined by
the fracture front and fracture toughness of the rock mass K IC the relation of Eqs. 共31兲, 共32兲, and 共33兲 and checked and corrected
共Mastrojannis et al. 1980兲, which is defined at each stratum by the relation of Eq. 共35兲.

冉 冊 ␣ In the present model, only the opening mode of the stress

⌬d⫽⌬t (given) C front (31) intensity factor (K I ) is concerned with the fracture growth. How-
兩 K I max⫺K IC 兩 ever, the contribution of sliding 共mode II兲 and tearing 共mode III兲
where ⌬d⫽fracture advance at the point; K I max⫽maximum should be considered especially for curved fractures. Fracture
value of stress intensity at the fracture front; and ␣⫽constants propagation direction is determined by the criterion of maximum
which is usually set to be 1. tensile stress in the circumferential direction. The stress field
A multiplier C front is related to material properties of the for- around the fracture front is a combination of in situ stresses and
mation and stress conditions, and is determined to satisfy the stresses induced by fracture opening and rides, which can be ob-
equilibrium of fluid volume change and fracture volume change at tained from Eq. 共7兲. In this simulator, we generate the computa-
certain time steps during the simulation. When fracture advance is tion points of the stress around the fracture tip and compare the
given by the maximum advance length ⌬d (given) at the time step, principal stresses of each point. New nodes are generated on the
the equilibrium equation is given as plane normal to the original fracture front with the angle deter-

冉 冊
mined by the maximum tensile stress as shown in Fig. 10.
⫺ 兺e a e q Le ⫺ ⌬t 兺
a e(n) w e(n) ⫺ 兺 a e(n⫺1) w e(n⫺1)
Mesh Configuration for Stable Computation
⫹ 兺e r e q e0 ⫽0 (32) The analysis mesh system is critical for the stability and accuracy
of the nonlinear solution of coupling analysis. The remeshing
where the second term of the left-hand side⫽fracture volume scheme for the simulator should accommodate a variety of frac-
change during a unit time between time step (n⫺1) and n. The ture geometries in three-dimensional space and deformation of
time step ⌬t for the fixed advance length ⌬d (given) is derived by the fracture through the simulation steps.
solving Eq. 共32兲. Then, C front is found by Since the methods for two-dimensional fracture are not appli-

C front⫽⌬d (given) 冒 冋冉 K I ⫺K IC
兩 K I max⫺K IC 兩 冊 册

⌬t (33)
cable for the present three-dimensional system, the authors have
developed an adaptive remeshing scheme for a fracture on a
curved surface 共Yamamoto et al. 1999兲. A new mesh is obtained
Once C front is determined by Eq. 共33兲, the value is used to from the solution of the previous step, and the surface is divided
determine the fracture front advance for subsequent time steps into regions, each of which is the band having the same physical
with Eq. 共31兲 for a fixed time step. property divided by the contour lines. We chose the fracture ap-


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

Fig. 11. Rule of remeshing and generation of new nodes on the conserved fracture surface
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erture as the property, because fluid transmissibility is propor- the constant value p 0 on the fracture surface in this case. Here,
tional to the cube of aperture for a Newtonian fluid. the stress near the fracture surface seems to be distorted due to
To avoid the phenomenon that the fracture surface departs numerical interpolation error.兲
from its original one through interpolation, we first define the The cases of fractures whose centers are off to one side from
fracture surface with quadratic functions using so-called T-9N the cases presented in the previous paragraph are discussed next.
共Bazeley et al. 1965兲. The T9-N element is a nonconforming tri- Such cases can be regarded as representing multiple fractures
angle element, and its inner distribution of variables is determined from an inclined wellbore, where the fractures are formed from
by three nodal values and six derivatives at three nodes. The different points on the fractures in the plane normal to the mini-
distance between the original curvilinear surface and the plane mum principal stress.
formed by the three nodes v is defined as follows: In Fig. 15, the distribution of fracture aperture on the horizon-

再 冏 冏 冎
3 tal (z⫽0) plane is shown for the case of fracture numbers 3, 4,
⳵v ⳵ v (3)
v⫽ 兺
v i N i(1) ⫹ N (2) ⫹
⳵x i i
⳵y i i
and 5, and fracture interval d⫽R, 2/3R and 1/2R, respectively.
The center of each fracture is located on the oblique line which
has an angle of ␲/4 to the direction normal to the planes in which
where the fractures exist. Here, the fracture volume becomes smaller in
N i(1) ⫽L i ⫹L i L j 共 L i ⫺L j 兲 ⫹L i L k 共 L i ⫺L k 兲 each fracture similar to the cases in the previous subsection. Fur-
thermore, the distribution of fracture aperture in each fracture is
N i(2) ⫽c *
k 共 L i L j ⫹ 2 L 1 L 2 L 3 兲 ⫺c *
2 1
j 共 L i L k⫹ 2 L 1L 2L 3 兲
2 1
(37) asymmetric due to the fracture interaction, which would lead to
asymmetric fracture growth.
N i(3) ⫽b *j 共 L i2 L k ⫹ 21 L 1 L 2 L 3 兲 ⫺b *
k 共 L i L j⫹ 2 L 1L 2L 3 兲
2 1

and Multiple Fracture Propagation

b i* ⫽y j ⫺y k , c i* ⫽x k ⫺x j
Multiple Fracture Growth from a Single Borehole
The distribution of the variable is obtained by using area coordi-
nates (L 1 ,L 2 ,L 3 ) as shown in Fig. 11. 共␰,␨兲 is the position of Here, examples of multiple fracture growth from a single section
nodes on Cartesian coordinate defined on the element. i, j, k take of a borehole are presented. We consider two fractures, a larger
the values 1, 2, and 3 in cycle. Since the curvilinear surface initial fracture 共height, 15 m; width, 15 m兲 and smaller initial
formed by the shape functions intersects the plane formed by fracture 共height, 15 m; width, 6 m兲, formed perpendicular to each
three nodal points as shown in Fig. 11, v 1 , v 2 , and v 3 must be 0 other. The fracturing fluid is injected into the borehole at a con-
at the nodal points, and derivatives ⳵ v /⳵x i 兩 1 , ⳵ v /⳵x i 兩 2 , and stant rate, and the injected volume is kept to be the sum of the two
⳵ v /⳵x i 兩 3 are obtained from the normal vectors of the fracture fractures to simulate the fracture growth from the same open hole
plane at each node. or perforated section. In this condition, fracture apertures are gov-

Static Fracture Models

Here, we present examples of the fracture interaction briefly for

static fracture displacement under constant load and geometry
共Yamamoto 2001兲, considering single or multiple penny shape
fracture共s兲 of radius R⫽1 under constant internal pressure p 0 .
The ratio of Young’s modulus to pressure E/p 0 is 500 and Pois-
son’s ratio ␯ is 0.3. The model configuration is shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 13 shows a case of single fracture aperture distribution along
the diameter with cases 3, 4, and 5 for parallel fractures with the
interval d⫽R, 2/3R, and 1/2R. The single fracture solution agree
well with the analytical solution given by Sneddon 共1946兲 shown
by the solid line. The distribution of stress normal to the fracture
Fig. 12. Model configuration of multiple fracture under constant
distribution on the horizontal (z⫽0) plane is shown in Fig. 14.
pressure case
共Note: the stress should be equal to the fluid pressure and takes


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

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Fig. 13. The fracture aperture of a penny shape crack under constant internal pressure; dotted line: calculated; solid line: analytical solution 共1兲
(E/p 0 ⫽500, ␯⫽0.3, R⫽1)

erned by Eq. 共29兲 in the iteration loop. The fracture planes are height from the center axis. Hence, complex fracture interactions
confined in the original surface; turning of the fracture is not such as fracture tortuosity around the borehole are not considered.
considered here. To avoid the singularity caused by the integra- Three different initial stress cases are shown in Fig. 16 to show
tion of hyper singular functions, fracture wings are separated the effect of the stress condition on the fracture growth: the uni-
from each other with a certain distance. In the cases presented form horizontal stress (S H ⫽S h ) case, slight deviated stress case
here, the fractures have a distance of 10% of the initial fracture (S H ⫽S h ⫹0.7 MPa) and higher deviated stress case (S H ⫽S h
⫹1.4 MPa). Generally, the smaller fracture tends to grow in the
vertical direction and to form a spindle shape fracture, while the
larger one tends to grow uniformly in all directions and to form an
almost circular fracture. The reason for this inhomogeneous frac-
ture growth is that the compressive stress induced from the larger
fracture prevents the lateral advance of the smaller fracture. Here,
Poisson’s ratio ␯ is 0.3, Young’s modulus E is 70 GPa, and injec-
tion rate q 0 is 3.15 m3 /min. If Poisson’s ratio is 0, no interaction
between two perpendicular fractures occurs and two circular frac-
tures are formed independently.
In Fig. 17, the time series advance of two fracture systems
from different sections of a single borehole is shown.

Multiple Fractures from Different Wells

Turning of the fracture due to the influence of the other fracture is
simulated here. Two fractures from different boreholes are mod-
Fig. 14. Distribution of the stress normal to the fracture plane (␴ n )
eled as shown in Fig. 18. Each initial fracture has the same area
(E/p 0 ⫽500, ␯⫽0.3, R⫽1)
and shape 共ellipsoid兲, but exists in a different plane. One is in the


Int. J. Geomech. 2004.4:46-57.

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Fig. 17. Time series advance of two crossed fracture systems from
different sections of a single borehole

Fig. 19 shows the fracture geometries that have complex shape

under the interaction between two fractures, and minimum prin-
cipal stress distribution around the fractures which directly gov-
erns the fracture growth path. If there is only the front fracture or
no influence from the other fracture behind, the first fracture
should tend to turn into the plane normal to the minimum princi-
pal stress. In fact, the left wing of the fracture turns parallel to the
x – z plane. On the other hand, the right wing turns toward the
other fractures because the formation around the second fracture
is compressed by the opening of the second fracture, and high
compressive stress is induced. We can see which way the fracture
front is going to advance from the stress distribution around the
tip as shown.
In the case that two initial fractures have progressed further
than the former model, the effect of the fracture interaction is less
significant, and the front fracture grows along the plane normal to
the minimum principal stress like a single fracture case as shown
Fig. 15. Fracture aperture of penny shape cracks offset on one side
in Fig. 20, where the position of the second fracture center to the
关 E/p 0 ⫽500 共constant pressure兲, ␯⫽0.3]
first one is (⫺2.5R,⫺4.0R) and R⫽15 m. The geometry of each
fracture is asymmetrical relative to the borehole, but is symmetri-
plane normal to the minimum principal stress, and the other one is cal again at the intermediate line of the two boreholes.
in the plane which has an angle of 1/6␲ to the other one. The
maximum horizontal stress S H ⫽S H ⫹0.7 (MPa), Poisson’s ratio
is 0.3, Young’s modulus is 70 GPa, and injection rate is Discussion
6.3 m3 /min. The position of the center of the second fracture to We have presented the concept of a multiple fracture interaction
the first one is (⫺2.5R,⫺2.5R) where R⫽6 m is the minor axis model. Although the model satisfies the balance between stress
of the initial fractures. and fracture aperture in the multiple fracture system, we should
consider the following issues.

Fig. 16. Fracture geometries of dual perpendicular fracture systems Fig. 18. Model configuration of dual fracture system cases 共two
(␯⫽0.3) fractures are formed from different boreholes兲


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Fig. 20. Asymmetric geometry of a dual fracture system 共the distant

fracture case兲

In real situations, we often observe fracture growth by modes

II and III shear displacements. It is anticipated that such shear
fracture modes are important in complicated stress states in mul-
tiple fracture systems. Also, such shear displacements would con-
tribute to fracture permeability through the fracture dilation
mechanism 共Barton et al. 1985兲. We can derive the shear dis-
placement and stress intensity factors at the fracture front from
this numerical model, and if reliable fracture propagation criteria
are established, the factors can be applied to the model.
Fracture propagation velocity is also a complicated issue. Al-
though there is much literature about the dynamic behavior of
brittle failure for steel and other metals, the problem of a rock
mass is more difficult because of its composite nature and non-
linear behavior. Many micro-mechanics factors such as accumu-
lation of micro cracks and cavities, creation of a plastic zone and
others affect the behavior of the fracture tip.
Another factor affecting the fracture propagation velocity is
the fluid velocity and pressure at the fracture front. Desroches
et al. 共1994兲 and Desroches et al. 共1998兲 pointed out the impor-
tance of the pressure distribution of the fracture tip, and regarded
the fluid velocity as the key to advance of the fracture front. It is
difficult to derive an accurate value of the fluid pressure distribu-
tion of the fracture fronts in this model due to the rough assump-
tion of fracture opening behavior and static fluid flow model for a
fixed boundary, in which transient flow due to the change of frac-
ture shape and injection rate is not considered. A more accurate
Fig. 19. Propagation path of a dual fracture system 共the close
stress and displacement distribution model than the classical
fracture case; the contour lines show minimum principal stress
distribution on the horizontal plane兲
square-root model around the fracture front is required, and the
simulator should treat the fluid flow around the fracture tip in
more detail.

Fracture Propagation Model Leak-Off Characteristics of Multiple Fractures

In the model, fracture propagation velocity and direction are gov- The leak-off model in the simulator does not consider the accu-
erned solely by the tensile stress normal to the fracture surface. mulation of pore pressure from neighboring wells.
As a result, the model gives a final fracture geometry in which A system of two closed parallel fractures is expected to behave
mode I stress concentration is predominant. The shear stress on like a single fracture, since the pore pressure between two frac-
the fracture surface is completely released in the model, although tures is quickly saturated. However, the result from the simulator
some portion of the stress might remain interlocked due to frac- gives the leak-off characteristic of two independent fractures, and
ture roughness. might give almost double the leak-off volume compared to the


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