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Address: 3259 Northway Ave. Windsor, ON.

Ruihang (Ray) Wu Email:
Phone: 514-781-4066

Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from McGill University
Worked with C, C++, Python, Java, and VHDL from academic and personal projects
Familiar with development tools such as NetBeans, PyCharm, Keil µVision, Altera modelsim, and Git
8-month internship experience in hardware test
Hard working, punctual, dedicated team member
BE, Electrical Engineering, McGill University Dec 2017
R&D Hardware Test Intern at Reflex Photonics Jan 2015-Aug 2015
- Characterized prototype short range optical transceivers
- Examined bit error rate, optical sensitivity, eye diagram, and thermal performance
- Set up testing stations with optical attenuators, signal analyzers, and other testing equipment
- Debugged faulty modules and reported rest results
Study guide maker at OneClass Jan 2018-Present
- Summarized textbook and notes from college courses and made study guides
- Transcribed hand-written engineering and math lecture notes to typed format
Sudoku Image Recognition Solver May-June 2018
- Created a python program that is able to recognize and solve a sudoku puzzle using a camera
- Used OpenCV and NumPy library for image processing and contour finding functions
- Trained classifier using scikit-learn from gathered data for number recognition
IoT Pipeline Simulation September-December 2017
- Built a system in C that explored the interaction of embedded peripherals and sensors with cloud-enabled services
- Involved several devices and services, which is one of the main hallmarks of IoT design
- The system performed common operations such as data acquisition, data transmission, signal conditioning, and
general input/output configuration
- Experimented with different connection interfaces such as UART, BLE, and Wi-Fi
Music Chord Recognizer September-December 2017
- Programmed a myRIO development board to use machine learning to recognize the chord of an audio input
- Designed and trained an artificial neural network LabVIEW, and used built in utilities to monitor training
- Explored design space of the neural network by generating and comparing designs with different parameters
Split Ergonomic Keyboard January-March 2017
- Designed and built a split ergonomic keyboard driven by modified QMK firmware in C running on two Arduinos
- Planned dimensions and layout with modelling in Fusion 360
- Contacted local companies for RFQs with drawings to have parts produced
VHDL Mastermind Board Game September-December 2017
- Implemented an algorithm in VHDL using a finite state machine to play the Mastermind board game
- Designed a controller and data path using VHDL entities for input and output
- Performed timing simulations to ensure correct circuit operation in Altera Modelsim
LEGO Autonomous Robot September-December 2015
- Programmed a LEGO Mindstorm robot using Java to pick up and drop off blocks on while avoiding obstacles
- The robot could localize, navigate, and correct its tachometer errors using markings on the floor
- Kept detailed documentation for each stage of the iterative design process
Hackathons (Datathon, Robohacks, CodeJam, McHacks)
Robotics (McGill Robotics Club, ECSESS Robotics Club)

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