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To: Jim Okrasinski, TRC CEO

From: Kevin Worytko, Illinois Park Company

Sent: April 19th, 2019

Subject: Amusement Park Proposal


IPC is pleased to partner up with TRC Inc, to provide a new amusement park to not only the state
of Illinois, but to the country as well. IPC’s experience with creating new parks and attractions
have always lead to positive reception and profit. We are also aware of the positive impact and
success that TRC Incorporated are not only capable of, but also currently maintaining. A
partnership like this can not only lead to more business opportunities, but also a drive to push for
better theme park technology for the coming years. In 2017 the top twenty-five theme parks have
increased in volume by 4.7%. North America had steady results of 2.3% in attendance exceeding
150 million visits for the first time.

The IPC is not only careful when creating parks, but also efficient. It takes at most approximately
eighteen months to build a single steel rollercoaster. However, due to technological push, our
company is capable of cutting that time down to fifteen instead. We plan to make our parks to
not only stand, but to last for years, employ for years, and entertain for years. As of May 2018, at
least 51,400 people are employed at amusement parks and arcades. We not only create a safe
environment for the guests, but for the employees as well. From the parks that we have
constructed there have been zero that have had non-annual maintenance.

The IPC would be more than willing to work with TRC Incorporated on a new project. If we
create a new amusement park in the state of Illinois, we will create a new destination hub for
families and outside tourism. By building it in a specific place, we can maximize advertisement
reach and bring in people from out of state as well. Profits and satisfaction from the park will be
an abundance.

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