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- Business Case -

Understanding Online Payments in Argentina

Argentina’s e-Commerce is full of opportunities Argentinians are performing Online. Business Insid-
er says e-Commerce in Argentina corresponds to al-
With a new government in December 2015, Argentina is the third largest economy in Latin Amer- most 12% of the market in Latin America.
ica, and its e-Commerce market is currently the third
Argentina is opening up to international trade and
largest. Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-Commerce According to Camara de Comercio Argentina, seven
becoming more attractive to foreign investors. It sales are forecasted to reach $9 billion US in 2016 in 10 Argentinians use a credit card to make purchas-
is the third largest e-Commerce market in Latin and then grow by 14% a year until 2018. es Online. Amongst those that don’t, 29% say it is be-

America with more than 10% of the region’s volume. cause of lack of trust. The distribution of products is
Argentina experienced a profound financial crisis be- also something that merchants should have in mind.
Moreover, Argentina is expected to experience 14%
tween 1998 to 2002, creating economic turmoil that There is a lot of space for improvement in this area
growth a year in e-Commerce until 2018. Online affected the country for many years. High inflation when average delivery times are no less than a week.
bank transfers and cash-based methods are strong and fear of economic depression contributed to the Having access to local payment methods is key for
creation of a thriving black market for foreign curren- international merchants to benefit from the opening
in the e-Commerce sector.
cy that that the government has only recently begun of this market.
to control.

This is one of the many aspects that the new admin- RapiPago and Pago Fácil
1. e-Commerce Sales in Argentina, 2016 - 2019 istration led by President Macri has changed. The have a strong presence in the market
(billion USD)
economy appears to have stabilized and has opened
to global markets in the last six months. Foreign RapiPago and Pago Facil are cash based Online pay-
investment is pouring in, and the whole market is ment methods that are fundamental for selling prod-
opening. Like in other countries in Latin America, it is ucts and services Online in Argentina. To use them,
11 now possible to remit funds outside Argentina. the customer prints out a receipt when transacting

Online and pays cash at any point that accepts these
Despite its economic difficulties, Argentina has kept payments. They work like a Boleto in Brazil, Oxxo in
up with technological advancements and has the sec- Mexico and Baloto in Colombia.
5 ond mobile penetration in Latin America after Chile.
A large number of customers use their phones to Cards and Online bank transfers are also relevant
make payments, increasing the importance of being in the Online payment distribution and merchants
able to charge Online. 75% of the population has ac- should consider them. Debit cards are very popular
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 cess to the internet, one of the highest percentages in Argentina. Lafferty says that 85% of workers in for-
source: eMarketer in the region. This is reflected in the purchases that mal jobs have a payroll account with a 0% cost Debit

Understanding Online Payments in Argentina: A Business Case by allpago

card linked to the account and now the main acquir-
2. Online Payment Methods Share in Argentina, 2016 ers are beginning to accept Debit cards Online. Credit
cards have gained greater usage in recent years as
for operating locally in Argentina
banking and merchants have used significant rebate
Online Bank promotions to encourage the use of credit.
Transfers Merchants will face challenges when going into the
The acquiring market in Argentina has been difficult Argentinian market. Offering local payment meth-
Cash Based to access. Visa (Prisma) and MasterCard (First Data), ods, tracking local regulation, knowledge of local
Methods which are owned by the top banks, dominate the ac- taxation and remitting money outside the country
Cards quiring business. The situation is slowly changing as are particularly relevant.
the market has opened and new players are moving
into Argentina. Besides, the government is regulating However, the country is at a turning point regard-
the market and putting caps on the prices that the ing market flexibility, and merchants should take
banks and acquirers can charge in exchange rates to advantage of this opportunity. International mer-
merchants. chants working in Argentina need a reliable partner
source: allpago Research
with local knowledge and connections to key players
The primary issuers for Visa and MasterCard in Ar-
in the market to tackle the issues and thrive here.
gentina are Banco Galicia, Santander, and BBVA, but
3. Share of Acquiring Market in Argentina, 2014 closed looped cards like Tarjeta Naranja are also
critical in the market. Due to a saturation of cards
in high-income segments, local schemes like Tarjeta
Naranja were launched successfully for low to medi-
Visa 64%
um tiers and have gained market share.

First Data 23%

Others* 13%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

*Tarjeta Naranja and Cabal source: Lafferty

Understanding Online Payments in Argentina: A Business Case by allpago

Javier Vallaure If you want to improve your payments in LATAM
Chief Business Development Officer

Javier Vallaure is the Chief Business Development

Officer of allpago, the new way of accepting
payments in Latin America. Prior to allpago, he
worked as an analyst at Morgan Stanley in London
and as a property asset manager at Grupo Lar in

Javier holds a Double Diploma from Universidad

Pontificia Comillas and Reims Management School
as well as an MBA from ESMT.

Javier is fluent in Spanish, English, French, German

and Italian.

Understanding Online Payments in Argentina: A Business Case by allpago

Invalidenstr. 112
10115 Berlin | Germany
Tel: +49 (30) 60 98 79 82-0

Calle 95 No. 13-87 Oficina 202
Bogotá I Colombia
Tel: +57 (1) 702 11 51

San Martín 140
C1004AAD Buenos Aires | Argentina
Tel: +54 (11) 59 84 25 50
allpago is a leading payment service provider for Latin America,
enabling e-Commerce merchants to accept all relevant local
payment methods through a single platform and API. allpago’s
state-of-the-art technology and regulatory knowledge are used
Varsovia 36 - Colonia Juarez
by merchants including, Getty Images, McAfee, Paylogic, 06600 Mexico City | Mexico
Symantec and Teamviewer to maximise conversion rates and Tel: +52 (55) 41 61 38 78
ensure compliant transactions with customers in Latin America,
and as a ‘last mile’ payment interface by leading payment
companies around the world. SAO PAULO
Alameda Joaquim Eugênio de Lima 739
01403-001 Jardim Paulista
São Paulo | Brazil
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