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Article · April 2018

DOI: 10.25073/2525-2445/vnufs.4252


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1 author:

Thi Kim Anh Vo

University of Foreign Language Studies


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Vo Thi Kim Anh*

PhD. Student, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
English Department, University of Foreign Language Studies, The University of Danang
131 Luong Nhu Hoc, Khue Trung, Cam Le, Danang, Vietnam

Received 5 November 2017

Revised 21 March 2018; Accepted 29 March 2018

Abstract: In the 21st century, evaluation in education has been paid great attention and the evaluation
models in education which were created in the 20th century have been further developed and widely applied
in educational evaluation. The paper provides readers with comprehensive discussions on the four well-
known evaluation models in education: Tyler’s objective model, Stake’s responsive model, Scriven’s goal
free model and Stufflebeam’s CIPP model. These models have a long history and have been thoroughly
developed over time. The application of these four models is found in many fields of evaluation, but
mostly in educational program evaluation. In order to help educational evaluators have better and deeper
understandings of the four models, the paper presents the nature of the models, the characteristics of the
models, as well as discusses strengths and weaknesses of each model.
Keywords: educational evaluation, evaluation model, objective

1. Introduction judgmental information about the merit

Educational evaluation includes a wide and worth of some object’s goals, design,
array of activities like student assessment, implementation, and outcomes to guide
measurement, testing, program evaluation, improvement decisions, provide accountability
school personnel evaluation, school reports, inform institutionalization/
accreditation, and curriculum evaluation. dissemination decisions, and improvement
The term “evaluation” is sometimes used decisions, and understanding of the involved
ambiguously in relation to other terms phenomena” (Stufflebeam, 2003, p.34).
‘assessment and testing”. However, evaluation Educational evaluation was first
does refer to the same thing as “assessment and developed in the USA, and then spreads
testing” even though assessment instruments widely to all parts of the world (Madaus &
such as tests can be made use of in evaluation. Stufflebeam, 2000). Madaus and Stufflebeam
Evaluation is regarded as “the systematic (2000) divides the history of evaluation in
attempt to gather information in order to make education, which dates back to 150 years ago
judgments or decisions” (Lynch, 1996, p.2). into seven different periods: Age of Reform
Evaluation is more thoroughly defined (prior to 1900), Age of Efficiency and Testing
as “the process of delineating, obtaining, (from 1900 to 1930), Tylerian age ( from 1930
providing, and applying descriptive and
to about 1945), Age of Innocent (from 1946
Tel.: 84-905190029 to 1957), Age of Development (from 1958 to
Email: 1972), Age of Professionalization (from 1973
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150 141

to 1983), Age of Expansion and Integration of the program are achieved. Unattained
(1983 to 2000). objectives mean that the instructional program
A large number of evaluation models were has inadequacies. By contrast, attained
created in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Among them objectives show successful instructional
are the four models: Tyler’s objective model, education program. However, as the objectives
Stake’s responsive model, Scriven’s Goal Free can be changed during the implementation of
model and Stufflebeam’s CIPP model, which the program or the program may not have
have been developed and widely applied clear objectives, Tyler’s objectives model can
in educational evaluation in general and be only used to evaluate those with clear and
educational program evaluation in particular. stable objectives.
Even though Tyler’s objective model was
2. Tyler’s objective model
first created for use in evaluating educational
Ralph W. Tyler plays an essential role in
programs, objective-based evaluation can be
the development of educational evaluation
found in all kinds of services and it is usual to
and testing and his name is given to the period
see the government requirements specifying
of evaluation development from 1930 to 1945
that evaluations should be carried out to
(Madaus & Stufflebeam, 2000). He is the father
of the objective model, which is called Tylerian determine the extent to which each funded
model or Tyler’s objective model, which was program achieved its objectives (Stufflebeam,
first created in the 1940s. This model has the Coryn, & Chris, 2014). The objective-based
basic principles involving matching the pre- approach developed from Tyler’s objective
behavioral objectives with the actual outcome model is especially applicable in evaluating
(Tyler, 1949). Evaluation is conceptualized in tightly focused programs that have clear and
the view of Tyler as a comparison of intended supportable objectives. Such evaluations
outcomes with actual outcomes. In fact, as can be strengthened by assessing program
suggested by the name, Tyler’s model is based objectives against recipients’ assessed needs,
on the objective-oriented theory. The model looking for side effects, and studying the
considers curriculum as a means of aiming process together with outcomes (Scriven,
toward an educational object. 1974, 1991).
If the evaluator wishes to identify the level
2.1. The nature and characteristics of Tyler’s the program meets its intended objectives,
objective model Tyler’s objectives model is the best choice.
The nature of Tyler’s objective model Yet, the model can only be used if the program
is that it evaluates the degree to which an has clear objectives. Therefore, before
instructional program’s goals or objectives deciding to use Tyler’s objective model, the
were achieved. The model mainly involves evaluator must make sure that the objectives
the “careful formulation according to three of the program evaluated are clear and stable
educational goals (the student, the society, during the implementation of the program.
and the subject matter) and two goal screen Tyler (1976) focused the curriculum
(a psychology of learning and a philosophy of development on four areas: selecting
education)” (Popham, 1995, p.25). The result educational purposes, selecting learning
goals are then transformed into measurable experiences, organizing learning experiences
objectives. and evaluation. The principles of Tyler’s
With Tyler’s evaluation, the evaluator can model engage the answers to the questions:
determine the level to which the objectives “What should the educational objectives of
142 V.T.K. Anh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150

the curriculum be? What learning experiences emphasis is put on learning outcomes instead
should be developed to enable students to of organizational and teaching inputs. In this
achieve the objectives? How should the case, the model helps to avoid the subjectivity
learning experiences be organized to increase of the professional judgment or accreditation
their cumulative effect? How should the approach (Madaus & Stufflebeam, 2000).
effectiveness of the curriculum be evaluated?” However, although the model is
(p.42). The evaluation applying Tyler’s highly appreciated in regard to curriculum
objective model has three basic steps. Firstly, development, some criticisms on it can be
the instructional objectives are specified. found in the field of educational evaluation
Secondly, the performance data is collected. (Chen C., Chen Y. & Cheng, 2005; Huang &
The final step is to compare the performance Yang, 2004; Stufflebeam & Shinkfield, 1985).
data with the objectives specified. Huang and Yang (2004) criticize that the
2.2. Strengths and weaknesses of Tyler’s model does not provide feedback mechanism
objective model to tell stakeholders or evaluators on how to
deal with improvements. It means that the
Tyler’s objective model has several
evaluation applying Tyler’s objective model
strengths in evaluation, especially in
has little use in improving a program and
curriculum development. Obviously, Tyler’s
assessing the worth of a program. In addition,
model is based on the objective-oriented
there is no connection between evaluation and
theory and this model considers curriculum
organization. In the same way, Stufflebeam
as a means of aiming toward an educational
and Shinkfield (1985) point out some
object. The model aims at student’s
weaknesses of Tyler’s model like placing
developing behaviors as the curriculum target
the evaluator in technical role, and focusing
of teaching. It is certainly one innovation in
mainly on objectives.
the field of education in the early 20th century
as the application of the Tyler’s model which Furthermore, despite the benefits that
is now used as an approach that helps to have behavioral objectives bring to curriculum
better curriculum development in regard to design, evaluation using Tyler’s objective
the curriculum’s objectives (Chen, Chen, model have some limitations. First, the
& Cheng, 2005). In fact, with the model’s evaluation focusing on behavior fails to
development and innovation, Tyler’s objective evaluate objectives. Second, the objectives
model is now used to define objectives for the does not apply to all subjects or the design of
new curricula and assess the degree to which a subject content (Huang & Yang, 2004). The
the objectives are later realized. Curriculum objectives of the program or projects are not
is viewed as a set of broadly planned school- always stable and they can be changed to suit
experiences designed and implemented to the context of the program’s implementation.
help students achieve specified behavioral Therefore, Tyler’s objective model cannot be
outcomes (Madaus & Stufflebeam, 2000). applied to evaluate such programs or projects.
Secondly, since Tyler’s model engages The final limitation of the Tyler’s objective
internal comparison of outcomes with model lies in its objective- based- nature. As
objectives, evaluations using this model do not the objectives can be changed at any time
apply for costly and disruptive comparisons of the implementation of the program, the
between experimental and control groups. evaluation fails to evaluate the program with
The model calls for the measurement of unstable objectives. Any educational program
behaviorally defined objectives, so an with unclearly defined objectives cannot
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150 143

be evaluated using Tyler’s objective model Responsive model has several advantages.
(Chen et al., 2005). First of all, in responsive evaluations, questions
are allowed to emerge during the evaluation
3. Stake’s responsive model
process rather than being formulated. The
Robert E. Stake created a system for
evaluation applying responsive model helps
carrying out evaluation in education in
evaluators to acquire a rapid understanding
1970s. (Popham, 1995). The model was then
of the program and to determine which
developed with the name Stake’s responsive
model (Stake, 1975, 1983). Stake’s responsive issues and concerns are the most important
model is the model that “sacrifices some to various groups of stakeholders. Secondly,
precision in measurement, hopefully to the responsive evaluation uses content-rich
increase the usefulness of findings to persons information to describe the program in the
in and around the program” (Stake, 2011, p.8). way that is readily accessible to audiences
(Stake, 1983; Hurteau & Nadeau, 1985).
3.1. The nature and characteristics of Stake’s Furthermore, the responsive evaluation
responsive model provides audiences with the chance to react to
The evaluations is considered to be the evaluator’s feedback and interact with the
responsive “if it orients more directly to evaluator regarding their issues and concerns
program activities than to program intents; (Paolucci-Whitcomb, Bright, Carlson, &
responds to audience requirement for Meyers, 1987). In other words, the values
information; and if the different value- and perspectives held by different audiences
perspectives present are referred to in reporting are explicitly recognized, which provides a
the success and failure of the program” (Stake, context to examine different concerns. To
1975, p.14). The responsive evaluation puts sum up, Stake’s responsive model is really
an emphasis on the “concerns of the primary successful in producing such evaluation
stakeholders, gathered through conversations accessible to a large variety of stakeholders.
with these parties on an ongoing basis However, besides some advantages, Stake’s
during the evaluation” (Spiegel, Bruning, & responsive model also has drawbacks. The first
Giddings, 1999, p.2). disadvantage is that the application of the model
In responsive model, the evaluator is a full, requires much time as the process of evaluation
subjective partner in the educational program using the model takes a long time (Popham,
who is really highly involved and interactive. 1995). Secondly, it is not easy to apply the model
The evaluator’s role is to provide an avenue to evaluate educational programs if the evaluator
for continued communication and feedback is not an experienced one (Hurteau & Nadeau,
during the evaluation process (Stake, 1975). 1985). The third disadvantage comes from the
According to Stake, there is no single high level of interaction between the evaluator
true value to anything, but the value is in the and stakeholders. With such high interaction,
eye of the beholder. It means that there may the role of the evaluator is ambiguous and in this
be many valid interpretations of the same case the evaluator “serves as a resource person
events, based on a person’s point of view, rather than a researcher” (Popham, 1995, p. 3).
interest, and beliefs. The duty of the evaluator Finally, the model is very flexible; as a result,
is collecting the views, the opinions of people it may be not easy to maintain the focus of the
in and around the program (Stake, 1983). evaluation, which may result in a failure to
3.2. Strengths and weaknesses of Stake’s answer specific questions (Hurteau & Nadeau,
responsive model 1985).
144 V.T.K. Anh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150

4. Scriven’s goal free model that may come from the goals of the projects
Goal-free evaluation model was created or educational programs can be reduced. In
in 1972 by Michael Scriven. At that time, other words, evaluators are not influenced by
for the more effective management practice the goals of the projects or programs. However,
of education, much money was invested in it does not mean that the goal-free evaluation
education. Such action raised the need for is recommended as the replacement of the
evaluating the educational projects which goal-based evaluation. Goal-free evaluation is
were funded by the government. As one suggested to be used as a supplementary to goal-
person taking part in the evaluation of these oriented framework by Scriven (Popham, 1995).
projects, Scriven realized that the evaluations Youker and Ingraham (2013) suggested a
were influenced by the project’s goals, guideline for evaluators to follow when they
which led to the low quality of evaluations. conduct a goal-free evaluation. The guideline
Therefore, he proposed the new model called proposes four main steps that evaluators
‘goal-free evaluation” in program evaluation should take as follows (p.7):
which is defined as “a model in which official “1. Identify relevant effects to examine
or stated program goals and objectives are without referencing goals and objectives
withheld or screened from the evaluator” 2. Identify what occurred without the
(Youker & Ingraham, 2013, p.51). prompting of goals and objectives
The term “goal” used here is different 3. Determine if what occurred can logically
from the term “objective”. Goals are defined be attributed to the program or intervention
as “broad statements of program’s purposes or 4. Determine the degree to which the effect is
expected outcomes, usually not specific enough positive, negative or neutral”
to be measured and often concerning long-term
4.2. Strengths and weaknesses of Scriven’s
rather than short-term expectations”(Weiss &
goal free model
Jacoss, 1988, p.528). By contrast, objectives
are ‘statements indicating the planned goals or One of the main benefits of the goal-free
outcomes of a program or intervention in specific evaluation model is that it allows evaluators
and concrete terms” (Weiss & Jacoss, 1988, p.533). to be attentive to a wider range of program
outcomes rather than just look for the program
4.1. The nature and characteristics of Scriven’s
results that are stuck to the program aims/ goals.
goal- free model
In this case, goal-free evaluators function as
As opposed to goal-based evaluation, internal or external evaluators. For example, in
goal-free evaluation puts a focus on the a curriculum development project, one member
outcomes of the educational program, of the project can be an internal evaluator who
intended and unanticipated. The goal-free- assess the worth of various project endeavors
evaluator does not deal with the rhetoric of in terms of their results while another evaluator
the instructional designers regarding what who is not the member of the project works as
they want to achieve, but rather pays attention an external evaluator.
to the results accomplished by the designers’ The second advantage of goal-free
educational programs (Popham, 1995). evaluation is that it can be used to supplement
The goal-free evaluation works in the way goal-based evaluation (Youker & Ingraham,
that it tries to discern what a total effects of 2013; Youker, Hunter, Bayer, & Zielinski,
the project are while assiduously avoiding the 2016). For instance, an evaluation may begin
“false” information coming from the program goal-free but later become goal-based using
or project goals. In this way, the side-effects goal-free data for preliminary investigation
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150 145

purposes while the evaluation is ensured the model in practice (Irvin, 1979; Mathison,
to examine goal achievement (Stufflebeam 2005). The lack of knowledge in practice
& Shinkfield, 1985). In other words, the leads evaluators to the belief that they cannot
findings from GFE can be utilized as baseline use GFE in practice (Shadish, Cook &
information for subsequent GBEs. Moreover, Levinton, 1991). More researches should be
a more comprehensive review can be done in order to have a clear methodology and
accomplished when goal-free evaluation is guidance for the GFE model to be effectively
used to supplement the findings from goal- exploited in the world of evaluation.
based evaluation.
5. CIPP model
Another advantage of goal-free evaluation is
Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP)
avoiding the rhetoric true goal. “ It is tragic when
model is one of the oldest and thoroughly
all resources go to goal-directed evaluation on a
tested model which was developed by Daniel
program when the stated goals do not even begin
Stufflebeam in the late 1960s (Stufflebeam,
to include all important outcomes.”(Fitzpatrick,
2000, 2003, 2014). The model was first created
Sanders, & Worthen, 2004, p.85). Identifying
for helping improve and achieve accountability
which goals the evaluator should use is, in fact, a
for the United States school programs. Later
difficulty if the program has multiple stakeholders
on, the model has been widely applied in
with different goals. GFE can avoid this issue by many fields such as social programs, health
eliminating the distraction of goals (Youker & professions, business, even in military and so
Ingraham, 2013). on (Daniel L. Stufflebeam, 2000). The model
Finally, goal-free evaluation can be is defined as “a comprehensive framework
adapted or adjusted to suit the sporadic changes for guiding evaluations of programs, projects,
in consumer needs, program resources, and personnel, products and evaluation system”
program goals (Scriven, 1991; Davidson, (Stufflebeam, 2003, p.31).
2005). Consumer needs, program foundation
and environment are dynamic and may change 5.1. The nature and characteristics of CIPP
over time; therefore, the goals of the program model
may not be relevant any more. In this case, CIPP model has four different dimensions:
the goal-free evaluator still continues with his Context evaluation, Input evaluation,
task of recognizing and recording the effects Process evaluation and Product evaluation
providing that changes in goals or objectives are (Stufflebeam, 2000, 2003; Vo, 2017). Context
reflected in program’s actions and outcomes. evaluation deals with assessing needs,
Nevertheless, even though goal-free problems and opportunities within a defined
model has a long history, it has remained environment. In put evaluation is used to
conceptually abstract and highly theoretical evaluate competing strategies, the work plans,
with very few practitioners and others who and the budgets for the strategies chosen to
have written about it (Youker & Ingraham, implement programs or projects. Process
2013). “Goal-free evaluation has been widely evaluation is used to monitor and assess
criticized for lack of operations by which activities carried out during programs or
to conduct it” (Shadish, Cook, & Levinton, projects’ implementation. Product evaluation
1991, p.61). In other words, it is quite hard helps to identify and evaluate short term,
for evaluators to assess educational programs long term, intended or unintended outcomes
using GFE as they just know the model in of programs or projects (Shtufflebeam, 2000,
theory and there is a lack of knowledge of 2003, 2014; Vo, 2017a, 2017b).
146 V.T.K. Anh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150

The model is based on “learning by doing” and put a focus on accountability (Stufflebeam,
(Stufflebeam, 2014, p.318). CIPP model is a 2000, 2003). Besides, the model has objectivist
continuous effort to identify and correct mistakes orientation based on the theory that “moral
made in evaluation practice, and it is also the good is objective and independent of personal
way to invent and test needed new procedures or merely human feelings” (Stufflebeam, 2000,
for more effective practices. The underlying p.281). In other words, the evaluation applying
theme of CIPP model is that the most important CIPP model is free from human subjective
purpose of evaluation is “not to prove but to feelings to reach a more precise conclusion.
improve” (Stufflebeam, 2003, p.58). Evaluator can use the whole CIPP model
CIPP model underlines both summative for their evaluation or just select one dimension
and formative evaluations. CIPP evaluations of CIPP model for use. Stufflebeam (2000)
are formative when keying the collection and proposes a specific guideline for evaluators,
reporting information for improvements while which states the objectives, methods and the
they are considered to be summative when use of each component of CIPP model. Based
they assess the completed project or program on the guideline, evaluators can decide which
activities or performances of services. With component or dimension of CIPP they should
the summative role, the evaluations sum up use for their evaluation, and what method they
the value meanings of relevant information should adopt.
Table 1. Objectives, methods and relation to decision in the change process of four CIPP dimensions
Relation to decision
Objectives Methods making in the change
- To define the institutional/
service context
- To identify the target - For deciding on the
population and assess its setting to be served
needs - By using such methods as - For defining goals and
- To identify pertinent survey, document review, setting priorities
area assets and resource secondary data analysis, - For surfacing and
opportunities for addressing hearings, interviews, diagnostic addressing potential
the needs tests, system analysis, and the barriers to success
- To diagnose problems Delphi technique - For providing assessed
underlying the needs needs as a basis for
- To judge whether goals are judging outcomes
sufficiently responsive to the
assessed needs
- By inventorying and analyzing
available human and material - For selecting sources
resources of support and solution
- To identify and assess
- By using such methods as strategies
system capabilities and
literature search, visits to - For explicating s sound
alternative service strategies
Input exemplary programs, advocate procedural design,
- To closely examine planned
evaluative teams, and pilot trials to including a budget,
procedures, budgets, and
identify and examine promising schedule, and staffing plan
schedules for implementing
solution strategies - For providing a basis for
the chosen strategies
- By critiquing procedural monitoring and judging
designs for relevance, implementation
feasibility, cost and economy.
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150 147

-By monitoring the activity’s

potential procedural barriers
and remaining alert to
- For implementing and
- To identify or predict unanticipated ones
refining the program
defects in the procedural - By obtaining specified
design and procedures,
design or its implementation information for programed
i.e. for effecting process
Process - To provide information for decisions
evaluative the programmed decisions - By interviewing beneficiaries,
- For lodging the actual
- To record procedural describing the actual process,
process to provide a basis
events and activities for later maintaining a photographic
for judging implementation
analysis and judgment record and continually
and interpreting outcomes
interacting with and observing
the activities of staff and
- By operationally defining and
- To collect descriptions and - For deciding to continue,
measuring outcomes
judgment of outcomes terminate, modify or
- By collecting judgments of
- To relate outcomes and refocus a change activity
outcomes from stakeholders
judgment of outcomes - For presenting a clear
Product - By performing both
- To relate outcomes to goals record of effects (intended
evaluative qualitative and quantitative
and to context, input and and unintended, positive
process information and negative)
- By comparing outcomes to
- To interpret the efforts’ - For judging the effort’s
assessed needs, goals, and other
merit and worth merit and worth
pertinent standards
(Stufflebeam, 2000, p.302)

5.2. Strengths and weaknesses of CIPP model aviation, business, communication, distance
education, elementary, tertiary, and secondary
CIPP model has a long history and it has
religion and sociology.
been updated regularly, so it proves to be
Secondly, the four different dimensions
extremely beneficial in evaluation. First of
(Context, Input, Process, Product) of CIPP
all, the model is not designed for any specific
model can be used as the whole process
programs or solution in mind; therefore, it is
to evaluate programs or projects or can be
easily applied to multiple evaluation situations.
applied separately to suit the need of the
It is used by “evaluators, program specialists,
evaluation. Context evaluation is used for
researchers, developers, policy groups, leaders, planning decisions to determine objectives;
administrators, committees or task group, and Input evaluation helps to structure decisions
layer persons” (Stufflebeam, 2014, p.310). to design instructional procedures; Process
Zhang from East Carolina University stated evaluation is to implement decisions to use,
that while she searched for relevant literature monitor and improve procedures; Product
on CIPP model, she found about 200 CIPP evaluation is applied for recycling decisions
related evaluation studies, journal articles, and to judge and to react to the outcomes produced
doctoral dissertations in many nations and in by procedures (Popham, 1995).
many fields (Stufflebeam, 2014). The model Thirdly, it is easy to apply CIPP model in
is also found to be applied in 134 doctoral evaluation as the model has a clear guidance
dissertations at eighty- one universities developed by Daniel Stufflebeam and his
involving 39 disciplines. CIPP model is colleagues. Stufflebeam (2000, 2003, 2014)
employed in such disciplines as agriculture, provides evaluators with in-depth guidance
148 V.T.K. Anh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.2 (2018) 140-150

on when, why and how to use CIPP model. program’s improvement quickly, responsive
Based on such guidance, evaluators can model is a good choice. Scriven’s goal-free
decide whether they apply all CIPP model or model is carried out as a supplement for goal-
just choose a particular dimension to use in based model to increase the effectiveness
their evaluation. A comprehensive framework of the evaluation. The final model, CIPP,
of CIPP model is very useful for evaluators is widely used for educational programs
during their evaluation. Besides, Stufflebeam or projects in many fields for not only
(2007) assists evaluators by a checklist that accountability but also improvements. The
they can use to figure out what they need to do whole CIPP model is suitable for universities
during the evaluation. The checklist also helps which are under accreditation because the
evaluators to know what they should deal with model provides chances for evaluators to
in their evaluations. assess not only programs’ implementation but
Despite its being widely used, CIPP has also universities as the system.
some drawbacks that should be considered All in all, the four models discussed above
before it is applied for evaluation. First of all, are well-known evaluation ones with long
it is said to be similar to the needs assessment. history. Each model has its own strengths
Context evaluation has some features in and weaknesses when being applied for
common with needs assessment when it also evaluation. Therefore, evaluators should
deals with needs. Secondly, the application of consider their needs and also their evaluation
the model takes much time if the whole model experiences to select the one suitable for their
is applied. evaluations.
6. Conclusion References
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Võ Thị Kim Anh

Nghiên cứu sinh, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Khoa Tiếng Anh, Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng,
131 Lương Nhữ Hộc, Khuê Trung, Cẩm Lệ, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

Tóm tắt: Đánh giá giáo dục đã được chú trọng và các mô hình đánh giá giáo dục được đề xuất
trong thế kỷ 20 đã được phát triển và áp dụng rộng rãi trong đánh giá giáo dục ở thế kỷ 21. Bài báo
cung cấp cho độc giả cái nhìn tổng thể về bốn mô hình đánh giá nổi tiếng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục:
mô hình khách quan của Tyler, mô hình phản hồi của Stake, mô hình phi mục tiêu của Scriven và
mô hình CIPP của Stufflebeam. Những mô hình này có một bề dày lịch sử và được phát triển theo
thời gian. Bốn mô hình này được áp dụng rộng rãi trong nhiều lĩnh vực đánh giá, nhưng chủ yếu
là trong đánh giá chương trình giáo dục. Với mục đích giúp các nhà đánh giá giáo dục hiểu rõ hơn
về các mô hình này, bài báo trình bày bản chất của các mô hình, đặc điểm của mô hình, cũng như
thảo luận điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của từng mô hình.
Từ khóa: đánh giá giáo dục, mô hình đánh giá, mục tiêu

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