Teacher Candidate:: Edtpa Requirement

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Teacher Candidate:​ Caleigh Scanlon ​Subject:​ Global History ​Grade Level:​ 9 ​Lesson Number:​ 1

Central Focus/​Overall Goal:​ Students will be able to ​justify ​(Evaluation) the differences between the two major
belief systems in India, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and how the Mauryan Empire was able to keep and
consolidate power.

Learning Segment​/Unit Language Function:​ justify

State-adopted New York State Social Studies Framework 9.3:

student academic Classical civilizations in Eurasia and Mesoamerica employed a variety of methods to
content standards expand and maintain control over vast territories. They developed lasting cultural
achievements.​ Both internal and external forces led to the eventual decline of these

CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies 4

Determine the meanings of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary describing​ political, ​social​, or economic ​aspects of history/social studies.

21st Century Skills Learning and Innovation Skills- Communication

Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively
Lesson 1a. Students will be able to explain (​knowledge​) key characteristics of the classical
Objectives/Targets/ civilizations which are: patriarchal lines and agriculture economies.
1b. Students will be able to explain (​knowledge​) what it means to justify answers.
edTPA requirement

1c. Students will also be able to identify (​knowledge)​ key similarities and differences
Evidence between the civilizations of the East and the West.
1. T-Chart Graphic Organizer
2. Exit Slip
Common Students may have some misconceptions with the ancient civilizations of the East,
Misconceptions/ and may know the names of Rome and Greece, but not any specifics. How this will be
Possible Student addressed is the teacher will prepare Venn Diagram charts to help students organize
Errors & How they
the similarities and differences while writing her own on the board in the classroom.
will be addressed
This lesson is an introduction for students, to learn some basics before transitioning
into the specifics of India and the Mauryan Empire.
Procedure – Hook:
● For the hook the teacher will lead students into a game.
Label:​ Instructional ● The teacher will explain to students the rules of the game, which are: the
method(s), learning
teacher will say a prompt, and if students agree with it, they move to the side
tasks, modeling,
guided practice,
of the room where there is a sign that says agree, and if they disagree they
scaffolding, move to the opposite side. (​Kinesthetic)​
independent practice, ● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions for the class.
activities and/or other (​CFU-directions​)
● The series of prompts will be related to themes regarding the classical
● The activity will last until all the prompts are completed. At the end, the teacher
Label:​ ​Bell Ringer
will explain what the meaning of the prompts were, and how they were starting
Also may be called:
anticipatory set,
a new unit which was Classical Civilizations.

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hook, introduction,
review, Do Now,
Write Now, Silent Transition​: After the game, the students will be asked to return to their seats and the
Starter, warm-up
teacher will transition into the bellringer activity.
Warm Up
● For the warm up activity the teacher will ask students to create a short list of
anything they think of when they hear the term ancient civilization.
● The teacher will ask for two student volunteers to repeat the directions for the
class. (​CFU-directions)​
● Students will be given one minute to complete the warm up activity.
Label:​ ​Transitions ● The teacher will put students on the clock for one minute.
Transition:​ The teacher will give students a ten second warning.
● After the bellringer is completed, the teacher will conduct a brief discussion on
what words the students came up within the minute they had. (​Auditory​) This
discussion will last around two to three minutes.
Accommodations for Transition:​ After the warm up discussion, the teacher will move forward with the
Learning Modalities agenda for the day.
visual,​ ​auditory​, and
● After the brief discussion and the conclusion of the bellringer, the teacher will
transition into the agenda for the day’s lesson.
● This will be displayed on a slide show in the front of the room.
Label:​ ​Checks for ● The teacher will explain that the lesson is the first in a larger unit plan on
Understanding: Ancient Civilizations, and more specifically the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta
directions​, and/or Golden Age in India.
content​ (formal or ● This lesson is the first introduction to Ancient Civilizations, and the teacher is
going to be giving an overview of important characteristics of the civilizations of
the East (India and China) and of the West (Greece and Rome).

Label:​ ​RBIS
Transition​ ​After going over the agenda the teacher will transition into the next activity,
which is a vocabulary activity about the word justify.

Vocab Tab Activity

● The teacher will ask students to take out the worksheets that will have the
Label:​ Evidence of
Cognitive Student
Vocab Tab activity. The teacher will have a photo on the board to help
Engagement​ ​(CSE) students.
● The teacher will explain how the Vocab Tab works, and how they will be using
it today.
Label:​ Academic ● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat how the Vocabulary Tab works.
Language (​CFU-directions​)
(​introduced/practiced/ ● The teacher will complete a model for the class using the term empire.
● The teacher will model all the parts of the Vocab Tab which are: writing the
term, writing the definition, creating a synonym, drawing a picture, creating a
​21​St​ Century Skills gesture, or creating a gingle, writing the vocabulary term in a sentence and
then writing an antonym. (​Visual,​ K​ inesthetic​, Modeling)​
● Students will be completing this first Vocab Tab along with the teacher.

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Label:​ ​Adaptations/ ● The second Vocab Tab will be used for the word justify. The teacher will ask
Accommodations​ for students to raise their hands if they know what it means to justify something.
diverse learning (​Academic Language: Introduced​)
needs ​(not required)
● The teacher will explain the directions which are, she will provide the word and
definition, and students will complete the rest of the tabs individually.
Label:​ ​Differentiated ● The teacher will give students five to seven minutes to complete the task.
Instructions​ ​(content, ● The teacher will ask two students to repeat the directions for the class.
process, and/or product (​CFU-directions​)
–ability/readiness) –only Transition:​ The teacher will give students a one minute warning.
required in 1 LP
● The teacher will keep in close proximity to monitor progress of students.

Label: Transition-​ When the vocabulary activity is completed, the teacher will move forward
Interdisciplinary Skills with the next activity which is guided reading.

Guided Reading:
● The teacher will give out a packet of stapled worksheets for the students to
Label:​ ​ ​Closure
pass around to each other.
● The teacher will be reading the text out loud, and asking for student volunteers
to help read sentences of the passage for the class. (​Auditory)​
● The teacher will introduce important words and concepts: ​patriarchal, and
● The teacher will break down and explain what each of these terms mean, and
have the students write the definition in their own words. (​Academic Language:

Transition​- After the brief guided reading introducing Classical Civilizations, the
teacher will move forward with some guided practice.

Modeling and More Guided Practice

● The teacher will ask students to turn their attention to the next worksheet
provided in the packet to students.
● The teacher will move slides on the powerpoint, and introduce the word
● The teacher will read aloud the definition of periodization to the class and have
the students copy the definition on the top of their worksheets. (​Academic
Language: Introduced​, ​Auditory)​
● On the same worksheet, there are three different columns created. They are
labeled “Stone Age”, “Dark Ages”, and “Golden Age”. The teacher will explain
that these are all examples of periodization.
● The teacher will then read the directions aloud to the class. (​Auditory)​
● The students will first draw a picture of what they think each of these phrases
means. (​Visual, ​RBIS#1)​
● Then below their pictures, they are to explain what they think life was like
during these three eras or periods.
● The teacher will then have two students volunteer to summarize the directions
to the class. (​CFU-directions​)
● The teacher will do a model to demonstrate for the class. (​Modeling​)
● Students will work on this worksheet individually and will have around three
minutes to complete. (​CSE​, ​Independent Practice​)
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Transition:​ The teacher will put students on the clock, and give a one-minute warning.
● Then, the teacher will instruct the students to turn to their “elbow partners” and
have a two-minute discussion on what they drew for each column, and why
​ 1st Century Skills,​ R
they did. (​Auditory, 2 ​ BIS #2)​
● The teacher will use proximity to monitor progress for both these steps.

Transition- ​After the modeling and guided practice activity, the teacher will move
forward with an independent practice for students.

Independent Practice

● For the next activity the teacher will ask students to move to the next
worksheet provided in the packet.
● On this worksheet is a T-Chart graphic organizer labeled East Civilizations and
West Civilizations.
● Students will have to fill out the differences (in each column for East and West)
and similarities in the middle column (Both). There will be two questions at the
bottom as well.The question will be: can you think of what the name of the
periodizations used for the East and West Civilizations are? And can you
explain what these similarities mean? (​Academic Language: Practiced​)
● Students will have to put in at least two things in each column and answer the
● They will use the other worksheets in the packet to help answer and complete
the T-Chart independently. (​CSE,​ ​CFU-content formal)​
● The students will have three to five minutes to complete this worksheet alone.
Transition:​ The teacher will give a warning when they have one minute left.
● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions to the class.
● The teacher will use proximity to monitor progress of students
● If students are done early, they may come up and receive a worksheet, to try
and label where all the classical societies are on a map. (​Anchor​)
● When time is completed, the teacher will ask the students to write their names
on the front of their packets and pass them forward to the teacher.
● The teacher will explain to students that this will not be graded, but feedback
will be provided and handed back to them next class.

Transition​- ​After the independent practice is complete the teacher will move forward
with the exit slip and closure of the lesson.

Closure/ Exit Slip

● After the teacher has received all the worksheet packets, she will move to the
final slide on the board.
● The teacher will ask students to take out the exit slip handed out at the
beginning of class.
● The teacher will read the directions on the board for the exit ticket prompt.
Students will have to name two things that classical civilizations have in
common and explain what they mean, and define what it means to justify in
their own words.Students will have four minutes to complete this exit ticket.
(​Auditory, ​AL Assessed)​
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

● The teacher will then ask two students to repeat the directions on the board for
the class. (​CFU-directions)​
Transition:​ ​The teacher will give the thirty-second warning for students.
● When the time is up, the students will hand in their exit slips to the teacher.
The teacher will explain this will also not be graded.(​CSE​, ​CFU-content formal​)
● If completed early, the teacher will give students blank maps, where students
try to label all the areas of the early river valley and classical civilizations.

Formal Assessments

Name the assessment and describe the 1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method
purpose/what is being assessed
(include related objective(s))

1. The way I would evaluate this assessment is

T-Chart Organizer​- The purpose of the T-Chart through a basic point system. The answers are
organizer, is for students to be able to organize essentially right or wrong, so for every answer
and separate information into different categories, they get correct I would give them a point. For
in this case for the East and West civilizations, as the question about periodization, I would be
well as using their knowledge of the term more lenient with answers, such as naming it
periodization to come up with their own terms for the “Roman Empire”, “Ancient Rome,” or
these civilizations. This aligned with objectives 1c “Classical Rome”. I would accept any of those
because students are able to categorize similarities answers. The point system will be out of seven
and differences. What is being assessed is their points; two for each column on the T-chart and
ability is to separate the information between the one point for the answer. For my on target
two categories, and see if they grasp the term of students I would accept 5-7 points, and for my
periodization. below target I would accept 3-4 points.
2. The feedback I would give to this would be
Exit Slip​- The purpose of the exit slip is for simple, such as writing and moving the items
students to demonstrate their knowledge on what into the correct lists.
they learned from the lesson. In this case it being
naming two things the classical civilizations had in 1. The way I would evaluate this assessment is
common, and explain what that means, as well as through a point system. I would be looking for
explaining what it means to justify in their own basic explanations of two items classical
words. This aligned with objectives 1a and 1b civilizations had in common (example
because students are not just stating key agricultural economy, and patriarchal lines, and
characteristics, but explain in their own words. what did that mean?) I would also be looking
for students to give the definition of justify. This
would be out of 4 points, two for each section.
For my on target students I would allow 3-4
points, and for my below target I would allow
1-2 points.
2. The feedback I would give to students, would
comments such as “elaborate more on this”,
“write in full sentences”, etc.
Academic Language Academic Language:​ Justify, patriarchal, agricultural, periodization

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required for the lesson

How​ will the language be

Introduced: ​The students will be introduced to the AL through the use of a
introduced, practiced, &
Vocabulary Tab activity. The teacher will model what a Vocab Tab looks like,
before having students complete their own with the word justify. Students will
have to be able to complete the tabs of synonyms, drawing a picture, creating a
gesture or jingle to represent the word, writing a sentence using the vocabulary
term, and writing antonyms.
Students will also be introduced to the AL through the use of guided readings
about Classical Civilizations, and their commonalities they have with one another.
The teacher has given examples and simple definitions of what each
commonality means for students, written in bold for students to see. Through the
use of modeling and more guided activities, through a graphic organizer chart,
students were introduced to the definition of periodization. Students would then
complete the chart, where they drew visuals and explained what they thought life
would be like through the periodizations of “the Stone Age,” “the Dark Ages,” and
“A Golden Age.”

Practiced: ​The AL will be practiced by students through the use of a T-Chart

graphic organizer and guided questions at the bottom. In the graphic organizer,
students will have to organize what belongs in the West and East Civilizations
categories, and what goes in the middle labeled “Both”. At the bottom of the sheet
are the questions that ask students to elaborate on what these similarities mean
in their own words, and if they can think of periodization names for these two
categories of East and West?

Assessed: ​The AL will be assessed through the use of an exit slip. The exit slip
have students writing down two similarities that classical civilizations had in
common, and explaining what they mean. The exit slip will also be asking for
students to explain what it means to justify in their own words.

Instructional Resources/

Powerpoint slides-

Worksheet packets.

Worksheet packets adapted from New Visions for Public Schools, and Timothy
Northrop of Saratoga Springs High School.

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Anchor Worksheets


Timothy Northrop:

Research and/or Theory

Supporting Instructional RBIS #1​- Marzano (2012), ​Nonlinguistic representations.​ Students’ abilities are
Decisions (at least 2) enhanced by being able to represent and elaborate on their knowledge using
images. By having a student draw a picture, it allows students to represent their
learning style in a way that is not simply copying words from the teacher.

RBIS #2​- Marzano (2012) ​Cooperative Learning​. By having students have a

small discussion with an “elbow partner”, it allows the students to share their
ideas and thoughts with each other while enhance their learning in the process.

Include key instructional materials and assessments. Provide citations for materials that you did not create.

Formative Lesson Plan Template Hackett 2018 – includes practice for the edTPA Prompts/Language in blue are requirements from the edTPA Secondary Handbooks - Copyright © 2017 Board of Trustees of the Leland
Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Reminder: This information can only be used with candidates in programs and courses that are preparing students for the edTPA exam. All materials must remain secure.

Objectives, input, anticipatory set, guided practice, independent practice, checking for understanding, closure

Hunter, M. (1982). ​Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities.​ Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

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