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(11/4/2015)The older people who need employment have to compete with

younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions?

It is true that fierce competition in the
job market between older people and
their younger counterparts has counterpart = a person who has the
become an increasingly widespread same position or function as someone
concern. Several problems have else in a different place or situation.
resulted from this tendency and they
should be tackled by a number of
effective solutions from both
individuals and the government.

Competing with the young, the older

generation has to face up to two main age discrimination = the practice of
issues. [1] Firstly, due to age treating older people unfairly
discrimination, older people often compared with young people.
suffer more disadvantages when
seeking the same positions as young
candidates, even when they have
similar abilities and qualifications. As
a result, a number of them become
unemployed, which prevents them

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from meeting basic human needs. [2]
Secondly, old employees might be stemming from = resulting from.
under strong pressure, stemming
from the fact that their young
colleagues seem to be more creative
and adapt themselves to changes at
the workplace more easily than they
could do. This may lead to both
physical and psychological depression = an illness, when a person
problems, including heart disease and feels very sad or anxious.

Since such issues are serious, the

government and individuals should
take steps immediately to address
these problems. [1] The first solution
is that the government should
encourage enterprises to apply the
Age Discrimination in Employment
Act of 1967 in order to protect
employees who are 40 years old or
more from employment
discrimination based on age. As a earn a living = to get money for the
result, they would be given greater work that you do.
opportunities to find suitable jobs and
earn a living. [2] On an individual update = to make something more
level, older workers should be willing modern.
to update their skills through

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attending training courses.If younger
colleagues also help them to adapt to
changes in the working environment,
older workers will gain confidence
and improve their work performance.
rivalry = a situation in which people
In conclusion, there are various are competing for the same thing.
negative consequences of increasing
rivalry between the old and the
young in the job market and
appropriate steps need to be taken to
tackle these problems, not only by the
government but also by individuals.
307 words

(08/10/2016) Some people think that men and women have different qualities.

Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable
for women.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is true that some people still believe

that men and women are born with
different qualities which determine
what jobs are open to them. While
there were strong arguments to justify
the world of work [expression] the
this view in the past, I completely
type of work people do, the job market
and the possibilities for employment

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disagree that it should apply to the
world of work today.

On the one hand, it used to be thought

that men and women have some
distinct characteristics which affect
the range of jobs open to them and
which traditionally affect their choice
of career. In terms of physical
strength, when most work was still
performed manually, it was argued manually [adverb] by hand
that women were simply not strong
enough to work on construction sites construction site [noun] an area of land
where something is built
or drive heavy trucks. They were also
believed to be unsuited to dangerous
stereotype [noun] a fixed idea or
jobs, so few women entered the army.
image that people have of a particular
In terms of traditional stereotypes, person or thing, which is often not true
in reality
women were considered to be more
caring and sensitive than men, so they sensitive [adjective] aware of and able
to understand other people’s emotions
tended to enter professions such as
and feelings
nursing or the care of children and the

On the other hand, the workplace has

changed dramatically, and I believe outdated [adjective] no longer useful,
because it is old-fashioned and not
that there is no room for outdated
suited to today’s needs
attitudes towards the capabilities of
men and women. Men and women

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should enjoy equal opportunities in all
careers. Firstly, changes in education
have given women the same chance to
reach the top [expression] to arrive at
gain qualifications as men. If they
the highest position in your company
work hard, they deserve the or organization
opportunity to reach the top in their
barrier [noun] a problem, a rule or a
chosen field. Secondly, a more modern situation that prevents you from doing
outlook has broken the traditional
barriers, which effectively prevented
men and women from doing certain
jobs in the past: construction workers,
truck drivers or soldiers in the case of
women; nursing, cooking and cleaning
jobs in the case of men.
sex discrimination [noun] = treating
somebody or a particular group in
society less fairly than others because
In conclusion, I would argue that there
of their gender
is no room today for sex
discrimination at work – either
against women or against men.
298 words.

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(22/04/2017) Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep
doing it are more likely to have a satisfying career life than those who
frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? [WORK]

If asked whether it is keeping a job or
switching jobs that gives more job
satisfaction, many would struggle to
make the final choice. In my opinion,
while job hopping has its own
benefits, choosing a job earlier on and
keeping it would provide people with
a greater sense of fulfillment.

On the one hand, there are several

merits to job hopping. Firstly, by
switching from one job to another,
people have the chance to try their
To acquire
hands at different fields and thus experience/knowledge/skill: to gain
experience/knowledge/skill by your
acquire more skills. Job hoppers may
own efforts or behaviour
find job satisfaction in being able to
Job satisfaction: the good feeling that
put the knowledge gained from
you get when you have a job that you
previous employment into practice enjoy
at the new workplace and receiving
Put knowledge gained into practice:
recognition for their capabilities. to put to practical use the knowledge
that you have acquired
Secondly, people who change work
more often and experience various Working environment: the conditions
that you work in
working environments have the

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opportunity to find what suits them To have a steady job: to have a job
which you are unlikely to lose, but
best. For example, many young
which is
people dislike the idea of having a
A desk job: a job in an office, where
steady job or a desk job and
you sit and work all day at a table or
therefore, switch career to seek more desk
Job prospects: the chances of being
dynamic opportunities that could later
successful and having more
prove more fulfilling. opportunities at work

Promotion opportunities: chances to

On the other hand, there are strong move to a more important position in a
company or organization
reasons why holding down the same
job for a long time appeals to many To take something into
consideration/ account: to consider or
adults. First, people would benefit
remember something when judging a
from better job prospects, which situation
include promotion opportunities
To dismiss somebody (from
and pay rises, if they stayed in a job something): to officially remove
somebody from their job
long term. As experience and
commitment are both taken into To move up the career ladder: a
series of stages by which you can make
consideration when a company
progress in your career
decides who to promote or to dismiss,
To earn a living: to earn money to
those who work longer for an
sustain life
organization stand a higher chance of
Holiday entitlement: the number of
moving up the ladder and earning a
days off work that you are allowed as
more lucrative living. Besides, there holidays
are various perks that follow when
Sick leave: permission to stay away
people keep the same job, namely from work because of illness or injury
sick leave, holiday entitlement, a
A generous retirement package: A
generous retirement package or lot of money or other benefits that you
receive from a company or
yearly bonuses. In addition to
organization when you stop working
there because of your age

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improved job prospects, people who
Supportive work colleagues: people
stay in the same job may establish a
that you work with who give you help
wide and steady network of partners and encouragement
as well as gain supportive long-term
To pursue a successful career: to
colleagues. have a series of jobs in a particular area
of work, with more responsibility as
time passes

To have no career ambitions: to have

In conclusion, I believe that despite
no desire to be successful or to move
the excitement that changing jobs up the career ladder
entails, whether for people bent on
pursuing a successful career or for
those with few career ambitions, it is
staying with the same job that is more
likely to bring greater job fulfillment.
347 words

1. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best

route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job
straight after school. Discuss both views

upon graduating from: you use upon
Upon graduating from high school,
to talk about once you have finished
the young often wonder whether they doing something, in this case
graduating from a school
ought to keep on studying further or
not. Many people believe that
guarantee a successful career: to
continuing to study at a university or
ensure that someone has a good career;
college will be the best way to make sure someone has success in
their career
to guarantee a successful career,

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whereas others believe that working straight after: when you do
something directly after another thing
right after school is a better option.
to earn money: to make money; to be
paid for your work
Working straight after graduation is
beneficial in some ways. Firstly, by to live independently: to live on your
own, outside of your parents’ home
working, young people will be able to
earn money as soon as possible, and leads to: to go from one state to
another; something that causes a
since they will likely be mature
change that makes you go from one
enough, they will be able to live state to another; something causes
another thing
independently on their own income.
It is also common knowledge that pursuing higher education: to
continue to study at higher and higher
having a job leads to even more
maturity. Secondly, a person who
progress rapidly: to improve very
chooses to get a job instead of
pursuing higher education is likely
to obtain a lot of real experience: to
to progress rapidly in their career.
obtain means to get and real
This may help them to obtain a lot of experience means real-life experience
in the real word versus just learning
real experience and skills in their
things from textbooks or lectures
chosen profession.
chosen profession: the career that a
person chooses is their chosen
On the other hand, there are a variety profession
reasons why people tend to choose to
to tend to do something: to usually do
continue their education after high a certain thing
school. First, a college education
prepares young people to meet
to meet higher-level qualifications:
higher-level qualifications, which is
to be able to do higher-level jobs; the
what most employers expect these qualifications are the things that you
are supposed to be able to do if you
days. University graduates usually get
want a specific job

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a much higher salary than those
without a university education.
Furthermore, the job market is
becoming more and more competitive
and nowadays people are well-advised
to get a degree, as hundreds of
applicants often chase the top jobs. chase the top jobs: to go after the best
jobs; to try to get the most important
Having a degree is an obvious
advantage that university graduates
to have an obvious advantage: to
have. In Vietnam, students who
have a clear advantage; to be clearly
graduate with an engineering degree better at something than another
are highly paid and have an easy time
getting a good job. it seems evident that: to appear clear
that something is true

In conclusion, it seems evident that unique advantages: special, one-of-

a-kind advantages; things that make
both working right after school and
you better than another
choosing to continue higher-level
studies each have their own unique

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