Accountability and Transparency: Application of Good Educational Governance

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International Journal Management Science & Business

Vol 1, No 1, 2019, pp 1-14

Accountability and Transparency : Application of Good Educational


Program Studi Manajemen Keuangan Syari'ah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam,
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Aims of research is to determine the quality of financial management at the madrasah tsanawiyah in the region
of the office Ministry of Religious Affairs Bandung district. The issue is how much influence the accountability
and transparency to madrasah financial management at public madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bandung district. The
method used is survey method explanative with quantitative data analysis, data collection techniques conducted
through questionnaires and document review and interviews. The results showed about madrasah financial
management in the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Bandung district, as follows: 1. the magnitude of the
relationship simultaneous between X1 and X2 to Y is high which 0.768. While the contribution together variables
X1 and X2 to Y by 59%. The results of descriptive analysis of the variable Y, the most powerful indicator of the
organization and coordination of 83.36% while the lowest indicator is 77.99% for controls; 2. The relationship
variable X1 on Y is 0.762 while the contribution of variables X1 to Y by 58.1%. The testing of hypothesis saw that
significantly affects the accountability to financial management. The results of descriptive analysis of the
variables X1, the most powerful indicator is periodic and annual financial statements of 82.31% while the
weakest indicator is the quality of the preparation of APBM of 66.85%; 3. The relationship variables X2 to Y is
0.636 while the contribution of variables X2 to Y by 40.4%. The testing of hypothesis saw that significantly
influences the transparency to financial management. The results of descriptive analysis on the variables X2, the
most powerful indicator is the assurance of integrity by 81% while the weakest indicator is the availability of
information to the public at 68.81%; 4. In general it can be concluded that the accountability and transparency
of financial management in the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Bandung district has been running well but
there needs to be increased to achieve the expected results.

Keywords : Accountability; transparency; madrasah financial management.

Corresponding author. E-mail address:

Received December 2018; Received in revised February 2019; Accepted May 2019
International Journal Management & Busines Vol 1, No 1 (2019) 1–14

The paradigm of reform in Indonesia is Bastian (2007: 52), in the service and the
mark by the emergence of the spirit of provision of education, limited allocation of
democratization, accountability, and funds from the government is one of the
transparency in every aspect of life. Phenomena obstacles that make the quality of school
occurring in the public sector development in education has not budged. To that end, schools
Indonesia today are a stronger demand for must use the funds effectively and efficiently as
accountability for public institutions, both at possible in order to improve service and quality
central and regional levels. According to Indra of school education. If government funding is

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International Journal Management Science & Business
Vol 1, No 1, 2019, pp 1-14

inadequate, the school may seek through funds madrasahs in Bandung district. Second, the
from the public. Management of funds, from facts of the alleged distortions in the allocation
government and from society, should be based of the budget at the school, lack of supervision
on the spirit of accountability and transparency. of financial management in the madrassas the
With the transparent management of funds, the country, on the other side accountable to the
public can find out where the funds were spent Committee on Madrasah always be well
on schools. received, and still have not explained the
During this time, the school only has the mechanism of regulation of the financial
reports and letters as a form of accountability reporting entity in the education unit . In
transparency of financial management school. Bandung district, this is especially true in the
Now the statement of cash flows, as well as the management of BOS, both in the provincial and
calculation of the cost spent by each school is district levels. Also on the management of funds
expected to have an accountability report, in the form of GAKIN management grants to
including financial statements consisting of the poor students many of whom are not
school budget, reports surplus deficit and distributed according to their function.
students. So that the government and the public For that, we need scientific research to
can more easily find out how much each student find empirical proof about the relationship of
needs in each month, semester, or year. The transparency and accountability for financial
next government can take actions and policies management education units, researchers
related to education sector development. In focused on a Public MTs in Bandung district.
other words, the school's financial reporting
should be able to provide useful information for Literature Review
the providers of funds and other users, both Scientific research is a form of research in
current and potential, in making rational ways of thinking and acting systematically.
decisions about the allocation of funds to the Therefore, studies need to be supported by a
school. foundation or basis of the theory of reference in
Now every school has a School analyzing the issues and provide clarity of
Committee as a watchdog. However, in many direction in conducting further research; it will
schools, the school committee does not have be elaborated on a theoretical framework that
adequate access to these funds. The school deals with aspects - aspects of this writing.
committee was more often the legitimator for
every step of the principal. The position of Financial Management
treasurer of the committee are usually held by Although not the only source of
one of the teachers at the school that in fact performance, finance madrassas is certainly an
subordinate to the principal, so the principal undeniable part as an important staple in the
doings in the use of school funds almost development of madrasah. Finance and funding
uncontrolled (Bastian, 2007 :91). is one of the resources that directly support the
Based on the above understanding, effectiveness and efficiency of education
motivations underlying this research are first, management. This is again more pronounced in
there has been no research on transparency and the implementation of the MBS (School-Based
accountability in financial management of Management), which requires the ability

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madrasah for planning, implementing and educational unit established by the community
evaluating and managing the funds in a consists of a. general principle, and b. specific
transparent accountable to the people and principles. The general principle referred to in
government. Article 58 letter is a. principles of justice; b.
Finance and financing in providing principle of efficiency; c. principles of
education is crucial and an integral part in the transparency, and d. principle of public
research of education management. Financial accountability.
components and financing at a madrasah is a Hereinafter Transparency and public
component of production that determines the accountability became the main indicator in
implementation of teaching and learning nearly every assessment of the quality of
activities at the school along with other financial management of a madrasah. While
components. In other words, any activity- these regulations have not been explained in
undertaken madrasah cost, be it conscious or more detail these two principles, so it needs to
unconscious. Financial components and provide further explanation about the
financing are need to be managed as well as philosophy to the instrument builders of these
possible, so that there are funds that can be two principles.
used optimally to support the achievement of Conceptual definition of financial
educational goals. management throughout the madrassas are the
Without a clear vision of an administrator efforts of financial management component
of a reliable, (Mohammad Rais, 2008: 249) and the madrassas that are managed as well as
madrasah development that rely solely possible financing, so that goals can be achieved
idealism, will hit the wall of reality that is not madrasah effectively and efficiently, within
necessary. In preparing the Strategic Plan and which covers the cost of investment, operating
further to RAPBM education course required of costs, and personal expenses.
a competent administrator.
Objectives of Financial Management Accountability
Education in the perspective of public Asian Development Bank confirms a
administration is to assist the management of consensus that good governance based on four
financial resources and educational pillars: (1) accountability, (2) transparency, (3)
organizations to create appropriate control can be predicted and (4) participation (ADB,
mechanisms, for financial decision-making in 1999). It is clear that the number of components
the educational attainment of organizational or underlying principles of good governance
goals transparent, accountable and effective. vary greatly from one institution to another
Good control of the administration of the institution, from one expert to another expert.
financial management of education will provide At least there are a number of principles, which
a good social responsibility to the various are considered as the main principles that
interested parties (stakeholders). underlie good governance, namely (1)
According to the PP. 48 2008 on Accountability, (2) Transparency, and (3) Public
Education Funding Article 58, Principles in the Participation.
management of education funds by the However, accountability is the key
Government, local governments, providers and principle of all these (ADB, 1999) this principle

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requires two things: (1) the ability to answer stakeholders from the beginning will know and
(answerability), and (2) the consequences feel they have an existing system.
(Consequences). The first component (a term Conceptual definition of accountability in
that originated from responsibility) is associated this research is a measure that indicates the
with demands for the authorities to periodically extent of compliance with the provision of
answer any questions relating to how they use services on the size of the values and norms
their authority, where resources have been held by external stakeholders with an interest in
used, and what has been achieved using these such services.
There are eight things to be done by Transparency
schools to increase accountability: First, schools Transparency is a principle, which
should develop rules about the system of guarantees freedom of access or for any person
accountability, including accountability to obtain information about the governance,
mechanisms. Second, schools need to develop information on the policymaking process and
guidelines for behavior and school system implementation, and results achieved
performance monitoring and supervision (BAPENAS, 2002: 18)
system operator with clear and firm sanctions. Transparency of the policy is open to
Third, schools and school development plans to scrutiny. While the definition of information is
deliver a public / stakeholders at the beginning information about every aspect of government
of each fiscal year. Fourth, develop a clear policy that are accessible to the public.
indicator of school performance measurement Disclosure of information is expected to
and communicated to stakeholders. Fifth, take produce a healthy political competition,
measurements of performance achievement of tolerant, and policies are made based on public
educational services and deliver the results to preferences (Meuthia Gani, 2000: 151). This
the public / stakeholders at the end of the year. principle has two aspects, namely (1) public
Sixth, to respond public questions and communications by the government, and (2)
complaints. Seventh, provide information to the the right of people to access information. Both
public school activities that will get educational will be very difficult if the government does not
services. Eighth, to renew the performance of deal well performance. A good performance
the new plan as a new commitment agreement. management is the starting point of
On the eighth attempt, everything rests on the transparency.
ability and willingness of schools to make it During this time, especially before the era
happen. Instead of the school to know its of decentralization and reform, the
resources, so it can be mobilized to create and management of education in many schools is
enhance accountability. Schools can involve much closed to outsiders. Community, parents
stakeholders to develop and update the system and most teachers do not know much about the
considered cannot guarantee the realization of management of school education, do not know
accountability in schools. School committees, income and expenditure the school, and they
parents, professional groups, and government are not involved in evaluating the strengths and
can be involved to implement it. With so weaknesses of school performance.

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Lack of transparent management give different from the school, but in Indonesia
negative impact on the development of schools madrasah are not understood as a school, but
as communities and parents will wonder if when given a more specific connotation, namely
they were asked to participate in thinking about "religious school", where students get kids
education funding shortfall, the contribution learning of things or the intricacies of religion
they provide will really be used for educational and religious (in this case Islam).
or irregularities that would not be expected? On In practice there are madrassas that
the other hand, school leaders are applying a besides teaching religious sciences (al-'ulum al-
closed management feels that the other party diniyyah), also taught the sciences that are
does not need to interfere with school taught in public schools. In addition there are
management issues because it was simply madrassas that only specialize in the subject of
handled by the principal and staff of the two religious sciences, the so-called madrassa
principal beliefs. They worry that disclosure diniyyah. The fact that the word "madrasah" is
would be very inconvenient and cannot solve derived from Arabic and not translated into
the problems facing the school. Indonesian, causing more people to understand
Transparency in the management the "madrasah" as an Islamic educational
consists of 1) the financial management, institutions, namely the "place to study religion"
transparency in income and school or "place to provide religious instruction and
expenditures from government, donors and religious".
other sources. 2) Management of staff /
personnel: workforce requirements, Objective
qualifications, abilities and weaknesses, the Based on the issues that have been the
need for professional development, etc. 3) writer suggested above, the purposes of this
Management of the curriculum, including research are:
openness in terms of student achievement and a. Analyze the effect of accountability on
performance, the availability of facilities and financial management of madrasahs in the
infrastructure supporting the implementation Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of
of the curriculum, vision, mission, and Bandung district.
education quality improvement program. b. Analyze the effect of transparency on the
Conceptual definition of transparency in financial management of madrasahs in the
this research is the principle which guarantees Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of
freedom of access or for any madrasah Bandung district.
stakeholders to obtain information about the c. Analyze the effect of accountability and
financial management of the madrasahs, which transparency simultaneously on financial
is information about the policy making process management of madrasahs in the Ministry of
and implementation, as well as the achieved Religious Affairs Office of Bandung district.
results the madrasah.
Research Methods
Definition and Characteristics of Madrasah Population and Sample
Even though technically, in the teaching- The number of members of the
learning process, madrasah are not formally Committee is 9 members, Teacher / Employee

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numbered 120 people so that the overall Description of the answer will refer to the
population of 129 people. Sample in this interpretation of the following categories:
research is set equal to the population, because 20 – 35,99% categorized as not good; 36 –
of the overall population is relatively small 51,99% categorized as good enough; 52 –
(approximately 100 people). So the sampling 69,99% categorized as medium; 68 – 83,99%
technique used in this research were saturated categorized as good; 84 – 100% categorized as
sampling techniques in accordance with this very good; This interpretation is adapted from
opinion Sugiyono (2007:96) says that the score category Likert.
"saturation sampling technique is the technique
of determining if all members of the population Path Analysis
sample used as a sample. The other term is a The magnitude of the direct effect of an
census sampling saturation ". Based on the exogenous variable on endogenous variables,
above opinion sampling is conducted on every expressed by the value of numerical coefficient
member of the population that is internal of the path (path coefficient) from exogenous to
stakeholders within the Ministry of Religious endogenous.
Affairs Office of Bandung district with number p
129. X1
Types and techniques of data collection p
Data types used are the primary data, p
taken directly from the source / respondents 
through a questionnaire and secondary data, Figure 1
taken from the document analysis and Causal relationship of X1, X2 to Y
literature research.
The relationship between X1 and X2 is a
Methods and Data Analysis Techniques correlational relationship. The intensity of the
Descriptive Analysis closeness of the relationship is expressed by the
Descriptive analysis is a statistical
magnitude of the correlation coefficient r x1 x2 .
function to provide an overview of the object
The magnitude of the direct effect of X1 to Y, and
under research through the sample data as it is.
from X2 to Y, each of which is expressed by the
Descriptive analysis is used to determine the
magnitude of the numerical value of the
respondent's answer to the ideal score by using
the following formula: coefficient of the path p Yx1 and p Yx2 . Path
coefficients (p Y ) describing the magnitude of
∑ 𝑆𝑅
𝑃= ∑ 𝑆𝐼
× 100% (2.1) the direct influence of the residual variable to Y.
(implicit exogenous variable). Numerical values
Data values can be specified categories of of path coefficients can be concluded that the
the general condition of a variable, whether it is percentage of how much the variable residue,
worth variable high, medium, and low. how to calculate 100% - (p Yx1 + p Yx2 ) = p Y so
that we can find out what percentage of

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variables that have not been included in the

o Ho : p yxi = 0,
model of causal relations X1, X2 to Y.
meaning there is no influence of
Formula to calculate the correlation
exogenous variables (Xi) of the
coefficient is Product Moment Coefficient of
endogenous variable (Y).
Karl Pearson. The reason the use of techniques
of Karl Pearson correlation coefficient is due to o H1 : p yxi ≠ 0,
the variables that want to look for correlations meaning there is the influence of
have interval measurement scale. The formula exogenous variables (Xi) of the
is: endogenous variable (Y).
Where u and i = 1, 2, k
N  XY  ( X ).( Y )
rxy 
N  X 2
 ( X ) 2 . N  Y 2  ( Y ) 2  2. Statistical tests:
o To test each path coefficients:
p yxi
Identify the sub-structure and the (1  R 2 y ( x1x2 ...xk ) )C ii
equation coefficients to be calculated on track, n  k 1 (2.4)
which is expressed by the equation: Testing criteria: Disapproved H0 if the
Y = p yx1 x1 + p yx 2 x2 + … + p yx k xk +  (2.3) calculated value t greater than t table
value. (t0 > table (n-k-1)).
Received by the influence of an
endogenous variable from two or more
exogenous variables, can be individually or o To test the overall path coefficients:
jointly. The magnitude of the direct influence of (n  k  1)(R 2 y ( x1 , x2 ,...xk ) )
exogenous variables on endogenous variables = k (1  R 2 y ( x1 , x2 ,...xk ) ) (2.5)
yx i yx i
p x p . The magnitude of the indirect effect Testing criteria: Disapproved H0 if the
of variables exogenous to endogenous variables calculated F value is greater than the
= p yx i x r x1 x2 x p yx i . The magnitude of the table value F. (F0 > Table (k, n-k-1)).
influence of exogenous variables on total
endogenous variable is the sum of the amount o To examine differences in the degree of
of direct influence by the amount of indirect influence of each exogenous variable on
endogenous variables.
influence = [p yx i x p yx i ] + [p yx i x r x1 x2 x p yx i ]. p yxi  p yx j
Significance test of each path coefficient t
has been calculated, either individually or (1  R 2 y ( x1x2 ...xk ) )(Cii  C jj  2Cij )
jointly, as well as examine the differences in the n  k 1
degree of influence of each exogenous variable (2.6)
on endogenous variables. Testing criteria:
H0 is rejected if the value of t bigger than
1. Statistical hypothesis (operational value t tables. (t0 > table (n-k-1)).
hypotheses) to be tested.

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In the above formulas the meaning of the item is declared valid. R of the table for the
each symbol is I = 1, 2, k, k = number of 64 respondents with a significance level of 5%
exogenous variables in the substructure obtained for 0.246 r table. From the results of
under test, t = follow F distribution table, data processing was found 56 items that are
with degrees of freedom k and n -k-1. otherwise not valid. The items have the highest
validity is item 39 is a 0.814 correlation value of
Results and Discussion the indicator formulation, budget execution and
Characteristics of Respondents reporting publicly madrasah in the variable
The research was conducted on 129 transparency. While the grain that has a validity
people madrasah internal stakeholders, the of 50 items with the lowest correlation value
madrasah committee, teachers, and 0.263 of the planning process in a variable
administrators at the public madrasah indicator of financial management.
tsanawiyah in the Ministry of Religious Affairs
Office of Bandung district. One hundred and Reliability testing
nineteen questionnaires distributed to Reliability testing of the reliability testing
respondents by courier, the number of return is results shows the reliability of question items
64 so that the percentage rate of return of used in this research. Research questions in the
53.78%. questionnaire items are considered reliable if
Based on research results known to the cronbach coefficient alpha value> 0.60 (Nunnaly
data characteristics of the respondents were as in Ghozali, 2001: 133). Reliability test results are
follows: that the madrasah committee who presented in detail in the following table:
were respondents in the research as many as 3
people or 4.69%, teachers 54 people or 84.38%, Table 1. Reliability test results
and the administration of 7 people or 10.94%. Cronbach
No Variables Conclusion
The number of men who were respondents in Alpha
this research of 25 people or 39.06% whiles the 1 Accountabilit coefficien 0.933 Reliable
2 y
Transparenc t 0.944
values Reliable
number of women 54 people or 84.38%.
3 y
Managemen 0.876 Reliable
Madrasah Tsanawiyah education personnel in
Sources: PrimarytData Processing
the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of
Bandung district have met the qualification This suggests that the reliability of test
standards of teachers. results from all of the variables in this research
expressed reliable.
Validity testing
The validity test performed on all items in Descriptive analysis
the statement of the research instrument by To give an idea of the influence of
connecting score points with the total score on accountability and transparency of the financial
each construct. Then compared with the value management of the madrasahs, in the Ministry
of the coefficient of the critical value of r of Religious Affairs Office of Bandung district.
(Nisfiannoor M, 2009). If the coefficient value is Therefore, in this section, the researchers will
greater than the number of critical values, then

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describe these variables based on the responses can be determined from the actual total
of respondents in the questionnaire research. score of the responses of 1503 and achieved
the highest possible score is 5 x 6 x 64 = 1920.
Accountability Variable Analysis Calculate the percentage of degrees than the
Frequency distribution of the responses actual score is the ideal score (1503: 1920) x
to the four indicators of accountability (X1) can 100% = 78.28%. Seen the percentage of
be seen in the explanation of the frequency scores obtained from responses to the 64
distribution data scores as follows: respondents were either criterion. This
a. Indicator of the quality of budgeting (APBM). means that the participation of stakeholders
The result of 64 responses to the 11 items in creating accountability has gone well.
respondents question the actual total score d. Overall Accountability indicator. The results
can be determined from the responses of of 64 respondents response to question can
2353 and achieved the highest possible be determined from the actual total score of
score is 5 x 11 x 64 = 3520. Calculate the 492 respondents and achieved the highest
percentage of degrees than the actual score possible score is 5 x 2 x 64 = 640. Calculate
is the ideal score (2353: 3520) x 100% = the degree of actual percentage score
66.85%. Seen the percentage of scores compared to the ideal score is (492: 640) x
obtained from responses to the criteria of 64 100% = 76.88%. Seen the percentage of
respondents were medium. This means that scores obtained from responses to the 64
the quality of the preparation of APBM not respondents were either criterion. This
so good, not in accordance with the rules means that the overall accountability has
and failed to accommodate the interests of gone well.
stakeholders madrasahs as a whole.
b. Indicators of the Periodic and Annual Overall, the criteria of financial
Financial Report. The results of the 64 accountability at the public madrasahs in the
responses to the 5 question responders can Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Bandung
know the actual total score of the responses district.
of 1317 and achieved the highest possible
score is 5 x 5 x 64 = 1600. Calculate the 3520+1600+1920+640
∙ 100% = 73.76%.
percentage of degrees than the actual score
is the ideal score (1317: 1600) x 100% = Although it could be categorized as good,
82.31%. Seen the percentage of scores of course, the financial accountability of these
obtained from responses to the 64 public madrasah should be further enhanced,
respondents were either criterion. This because the percentage is not too large.
means that the periodic and annual financial
statements have been going well, delivered Transparency variable analysis
on time and in accordance with a. Indicators of Clarity Management Roles and
predetermined rules. Responsibilities of School Finance. The
c. Indicators of Participation of Stakeholders in results of 64 respondents response to
Creating Accountability. The results of 64 question can be determined from the actual
respondents response to question 6 points total score of 736 respondents and achieved

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the highest possible score is 5 x 3 x 64 = 960. highest possible score is 5 x 5 x 64 = 1600.

Calculate the degree of actual percentage Calculate the percentage of degrees than the
score compared to the ideal score is (736: actual score is the ideal score (1296: 1600) x
960) x 100% = 76.67%. Seen the percentage 100% = 81.00%. Seen the percentage of
of scores obtained from responses to the 64 scores obtained from responses to the 64
respondents were either criterion. This respondents were either criterion. This
means that the clarity of roles and means that the guarantees have been
responsibilities of financial managers of the provided with good integrity.
school has gone well.
b. Indicator of the availability of information Overall, the criteria for financial
for the Public. The results of the 64 transparency in the public madrasah in the
responses to the 5 question responders can Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Bandung
know the actual total score of the responses district conditions can be determined by
of 1101 and achieved the highest possible performing the calculation: the sum of the
score is 5 x 5 x 64 = 1600. Calculate the actual total score divided by the total number of
percentage of degrees than the actual score ideal score multiplied by 100.
is the ideal score (1101: 1600) x 100% =
68.81%. Seen the percentage of scores ∙ 100% = 76.66%.
obtained from responses to the 64
respondents were either criterion. This Although the condition of transparency
means that the availability of information to of madrasah finances in the Ministry of
the public has been given quite well by the Religious Affairs Office of Bandung district can
financial manager. be said to be good, but still needs to be
c. Formulation, Implementation, and improved because the percentage is still small,
Reporting Openly School Budget. The results especially in accordance with Section 31 of the
of 64 respondents response to question 9 availability of madrasah financial management
items can be determined from the actual information media.
total score of the responses of 2264 and
achieved the highest possible score is 5 x 9 x Analysis of Variable Management
64 = 2880. Calculate the percentage of a. Indicators of Process Planning. The results of
degrees than the actual score is the ideal the 64 responses to the 5 question
score (2264: 2880) x 100% = 78.61%. Seen responders can know the actual total score
the percentage of scores obtained from of the responses of 1586 and achieved the
responses to the 64 respondents were either highest possible score is 5 x 6 x 64 = 1920.
criterion. This means that the preparation, Calculate the percentage of degrees than the
execution, and reporting publicly the school actual score is the ideal score (1586: 1920) x
budget has been going well. 100% = 82.60%. Seen the percentage of
d. Indicators of Integrity Assurance. The results scores obtained from responses to the 64
of the 64 responses to the 5 question respondents were either criterion. This
responders can know the actual total score
of the responses of 1296 and achieved the

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means that the plan has been implemented Overall, the criteria for the condition of
properly. financial management at the public madrasah in
b. Indicators of Organization and Coordination. the region of the Ministry of Religious affair
The results of 64 respondents responses to 8 Bandung district can be determined by
items can be known to question the actual performing the calculation: the sum of the
total score of the responses of 2134 and actual total score divided by the total number of
achieved the highest possible score is 5 x 6 x ideal score multiplied by 100.
64 = 2560. Calculate the percentage of
degrees than the actual score is the ideal ∙ 100% = 81.21%.
score (2134: 2560) x 100% = 83.36%. Seen
the percentage of scores obtained from Good criterion is of course still to be done
responses to the 64 respondents were either to improve, especially in monitoring indicators
criterion. This means that the organization remained below 80%.
and coordination has been implemented
properly. Hypothesis testing - Correlation analysis
c. Indicators of implementation and reporting. Relationship between accountability (X1)
The results of 64 respondents responses to 3 and Financial Management (Y) at r = 0.762 and
item may be known to question the actual obtain p = 0.000 <0.01, so H0: rejected and H1:
total score of the responses of 770 and accepted. Means There are positive and
achieved the highest possible score is 5 x 3 x significant correlation between accountability
64 = 960. Calculate the degree of actual to the management. Accountability increasingly
percentage score compared to the ideal positive, the higher management. Conversely,
score is (770: 960) x 100% = 80.21%. Seen the the more negative the lower the Management
percentage of scores obtained from Accountability. Relationship between
responses to the 64 respondents were either transparency (X2) and Financial Management (Y)
criterion. This means that implementation at r = 0.636 and obtain p = 0.000 <0.01, so H0:
and reporting of financial management of rejected and H1: accepted. Means There are
madrasah has been implemented properly. positive and significant correlation between the
d. Supervision. The results of 64 respondents transparencies of the management. The more
response to question 7 points can be positive transparency, the higher management.
determined from the actual total score of Conversely, the more negative the lower the
the responses of 1747 and achieved the transparency of the management.
highest possible score is 5 x 3 x 64 = 2240. 1. Path analysis
Calculate the percentage of degrees than the a. Correlations
actual score is the ideal score (1747: 2240) x Based on the calculations, the
100% = 77.99%. Seen the percentage of correlation between variables obtained
scores obtained from responses to the 64 figures Accountability and Transparency of
respondents were either criterion. This 0.751. Correlation of 0.751 has a mean
means that the surveillance had been correlation between variables Accountability
implemented properly. and transparencies are very strong and
unidirectional (because it is positive).

Darmawan - Accountability and Transparency: Application of Good Educational Governance 11

International Journal Management Science & Business
Vol 1, No 1, 2019, pp 1-14

Accountability means that if the height Figures obtained from the calculation (F
direction of the transparency is high. The studies) 43.924> 3.15 (table F). Thus, H0
correlation of two variables are highly rejected and H1 accepted. This means that there
significant because the number of is a linear effect between variables
significance of 0.000 <0.01. Accountability and Transparency in Financial
Management. Above regression model is
b. Regression already feasible and true. In conclusion,
In this section, the analysis is divided Accountability and Transparency variables
into two. The first is to look at the combined simultaneously affecting financial management.
effect and the second is the influence of the The influence is 59%. The influence of variables
partial view. other than the regression model was calculated
by the formula:
Accountability and Transparency effects
simultaneously on Financial Management. 1 - r2 or 1-0.590 = 0.410 or 41%.
To find Accountability and Transparency
effects simultaneously on Financial The partial effect of variable Accountability
Management, we will see the results of and Transparency to Financial Management
calculations in the model summary, especially Based on calculations derived figures (t
the number R square: square magnitude of the research) 5.261> 1.999 (table t), then H0
numbers R (r2) is 0.590. The number is used to refused and H1 accepted. That is, there is a
see the huge influence of variable linear effect between accountability and
Accountability and Transparency of Financial financial management. The magnitude of the
Management by calculating the coefficient (KD) influence of accountability on the financial
by using the following formula: management is 0.653 or 65.3%. Based on
calculations derived figures (not research) 1169
KD = r2 x 100% <1.999 (table t), then H0 refused and H1
accepted. That is, there is no significant linear
KD = 0,590 x 100% = 59% effect between transparency and financial
management. The magnitude of the influence
This figure has meant that the of transparency on the financial management is
Accountability and Transparency effects 0.145 or 14.5%.
simultaneously on Financial Management basis
were 59%, while the remaining 41% (100% - Path Diagram
59%) influenced the other factor. In other Based on all the calculations and analysis
words, the variability of Financial Management, has been done in the previous section, the path
which can be explained by using the diagram obtained as follows:
Accountability and Transparency variable, is
equal to 59%, while outside of this model is

Darmawan - Accountability and Transparency: Application of Good Educational Governance 12

International Journal Management Science & Business
Vol 1, No 1, 2019, pp 1-14

There is a positive and significant relationship

between the transparencies to the
management. The more positive transparency,
than increased the management. Conversely,
more negative transparency the lowers than
decreased the management.
Third, accountability and transparency
Figure 2. Path Diagram simultaneously affect the financial
So that the structural equation to get the management of 59%. There is a significant
path diagram above as follows: influence of Accountability to Management. On
Y = 0.653 X1 + 0.145 X2 + Ç (2.7) the other hand, data obtained from these
respondents showed no significant effect of the
Thus, the effect of the Financial transparency of management. Although it
Management Accountability partially is 0.653 or generally indicates that, there is significant
65.3%. Effect of Transparency of Financial influence of the Accountability and
Management partially is 0.145 or 14.5%. Effect Transparency to Management. With effect of
of Accountability and Transparency of financial 59%, we can say that accountability provides a
management simultaneously is 0.59 or by 59%. greater contribution. Alternatively, we can say
In addition, other influences that are not that accountability is more influential than the
covered by these two variables were 41%. The transparency of management. This can be seen
correlation between Accountability and also from the magnitude of the value of beta.
Transparency is 0.751. The correlation between Fourth, most of the indicators that
the accountability to the Financial Management contributed to the significant influence of the
is 0.762 and a correlation between the accountability variable are an indicator variable
transparencies to the financial management is Quality Management Financial Budgeting and
0.636. the next row indicator Periodic Financial
Reports, Participation and Accountability
Conclusions Stakeholders Overall. While the indicators are
Based on this research, some can be built Transparency variable scale effect is not
inferred. First, the results of hypothesis testing strong enough to make the variables
has concluded that the correlation of the significantly affect the variable transparency of
Accountability of Financial Management. There financial management.
is positive and significant relationship between
accountability to the management. Recommendation
Accountability increasingly positive than then The low degree of influence of
increased the management. Conversely, more transparency on financial management in this
negative the accountability lowers than research would provide a separate concern.
decreased the Management. Because this will eventually result in Quality
Second, the results of hypothesis testing finance management at the madrasah in the
has concluded that the correlation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs will decline. The low
Transparency of Financial Management. Means perception of respondents towards

Darmawan - Accountability and Transparency: Application of Good Educational Governance 13

International Journal Management Science & Business
Vol 1, No 1, 2019, pp 1-14

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anticipation by the authorities in advance of
external stakeholders. Because the relative
external stakeholders are free of conflicts of
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