Specify (V) Sector (N) Public Sector: /STRƏ Ti Dʒɪk

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Unit 9: National Drug Policy

specify describe or explain st clearly and extractly làm rõ
sector a part of an area of activity, especially of a bộ phận/ lĩnh vực
(n) country’s economy thuộc nền k.tế q.gia
eg: the manufacturing sector, the financial sector
public sector part of the country’s economy that is owned or >< private sector
controlled by the government
eg: Most teacher work in the pubic sector
strategy a detailed plan for achieving success chiến lược
(n) strategy for doing something
strategy to do something
strategic (adj) one as part of a plan that is meant to achieve a thuộc chiến lược
/strəˈtiːdʒɪk/ particular purpose or to gain an advantage
frame border (strong border); eg: a picture frame cấu trúc, cơ cấu, hệ
(n) thống
structure (of a piece of furniture, a building, a
vehicle), eg: the frame of a car
form of person/ animal’s body
coordinate to combine: to make various different things kết hợp, phối hợp
(v) work effectively as a whole
to match; to look attractive together hòa hợp
donor Person/ organization gives money, goods to a
(n) charity
a person gives blood or a part body to help ill
pursue follow or chase somebody/something, especially
(v) in order to catch them
to do st or try to achieve st over a period of time pursue a goal/an aim
expert (n) a person with a high level of knowledge or chuyên gia
skill; a specialist
(adj) having/ showing a lot of knowledge or skill
advocate to support something publicly tán thành, ủng hộ
(to) advocate (sb) doing st
(to) advocate that....
advocate lawyer (who defends someone in a court of law)
(n) supporter (who publicly supports st)
outline (v) give the main facts about something phác thảo
(v) draw the main shape or edge of st
(n) a description of the main facts about st
(n) the main shape/ edge of st without any

formulate create or prepare st carefully, giving particular formulate a policy/

(v) attention to the details theory/plan/proposal
express your ideas in carefully chosen words
integrate to combine two or more things to become more kết hợp, hợp nhất
(v) effective
to become or make sb become accepted as a hòa nhập
member of a social group, especially when they
come from a different culture
integrate A into/ with B
approach a way of dealing with sb/st; a way of doing or phương pháp, cách
(n) thinking about a problem or a task tiếp cận
movement nearer to sb/st in distance or time khoảng cách gần,
tiệm cận
= offer/ request
valuable very useful or important
(adj) ~ invaluable (very valuable or useful)
~ priceless (extremely valuable or important)
>< valueless or worthless
proceed to continue as planned tiếp tục
(v) =go on, to do st after you have done st else
→ proceed to do something
Eg:He outlined his plans and then proceeded to
explain them in more detail.
conflict (n) an active disagreement between people with mâu thuẫn
opposing opinions or principles
eg: She found herself in conflict with her parents
over her future career.
eg: He often comes into conflict with his boss.
(n) a violent situation or period of fighting xung đột
between two countries
(v) ~ clash đối lập, trái ngược
duty = tax thuế
= responsibility bổn phận, trách nhiệm
Eg: I do it purely out of a sense of duty (chỉ vì ý
thức, trách nhiệm)
reliance ~ dependence rely (v)
(n) ~ trust
trust a person not a thing or system. trust sb's judgement or advice.
depend on sb's support, but not their judgement or advice.
rely on/upon sb/sth is used especially with you can/could or you should
to give advice or a promise: I don't really rely on his judgement.

discourage = make less confident ~ dishearten làm nhụt chí, ngăn

(v) = prevent cản
discourage somebody from doing something
eg: The weather discouraged people from attending.
alleviate (v) to make st bad such as pain/ problems less làm dịu, làm giảm bớt
/əˈliːvieɪt/ severe
~ ease. Eg: to alleviate suffering
prove (v) to use facts, evidence,.. to show that st is true chứng minh
objective (n) = goal, target mục tiêu
(adj)based on real facts and not influenced by khách quan
personal beliefs or feelings. >< subjective
specific detailed and exact ~ precise rõ ràng, cụ thể
(adj) relating to one thing and not others ~ particular đặc trưng, riêng biệt

priority (n) st that is considered more important than other sự ưu thế, ưu tiên
/praɪˈɔːrəti/ matters
efficacy (n) the ability of st to produce the results that are Tính có hiệu quả
/ˈefikəsi/ wanted
efficiency the quality of doing something well with no hiệu quả, hiệu lực,
(n) waste of time or money năng suất
efficient working or operating quickly and effectively in Có hiệu quả, có năng
(adj) an organized way ~ capable; skilful lực
efficacious producing the result intended hiệu nghiệm
prescribe (v) (doctor) give medicine kê đơn
/pris'kraib/ give rule quy định, ra lệnh
dispense to prepare and give out medicine phát thuốc
(v) -give out st especially product, services to phân phối
Prepackage wrap (goods, especially food) on the site of Đóng gói sẵn
(v) production or before sale.
internal (adj) existing or happening inside a person, object, bên trong, nội bộ, nội
>< external organization, place or country địa
/ɪkˈstɜːrnl/ về tâm trí, bản chất
Transportation and Communications Giao thông vận tải
intellectual (adj) connected with or using a person’s ability Thuộc trí tuệ, trí óc
to think in a logical way and understand things
~ mental
(n) well educated person who enjoys activity in
which they have to think seriously about things

property things that are owned by somebody tài sản, vật sở hữu
(n) land and buildings
quality or characteristic thuộc tính; đặc tính
intellectual property rights quyền sở hữu trí tuệ
regardless without being affected or influenced by someone bất chấp, không đếm
(adj) or st xỉa không chú ý tới
circumstance ~situation, conditions hoàn cảnh, trường
(n) hợp, tình huống
conditions of a person’s life, especially the tình hình tài chính
money they have
comprehensive complete and including everything that is (bao hàm) toàn diện
(adj) necessary. ~ complete, full
equity a situation in which everyone is treated equally tính công bằng
(n) /ˈekwəti/ ~ fairness
access (n) a way of entering or reaching a place đường vào
/'ækses/ (n) opportunity or right to use st or to see sb/st cơ hội/quyền sử dụng
(v) to reach, enter or use something
sustain (v) = maintain Duy trì
/səˈsteɪn/ = suffer Chịu đựng
sustainability the ability to continue or be continued for a long sự bền vững
(n) time
present (v) to give, provide or make known đưa ra, bày ra
/prɪˈzent/ to offer or express st in speech or writing bày tỏ, trình bày
to introduce giới thiệu
budget the amount of money you have available to ngân sách, ngân quỹ
(n) /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ spend
Mechanism (n) a way of doing something which is planned or máy móc, cơ cấu, cơ
/ˈmekənɪzəm/ part of a system chế
a method or a system for achieving something kỹ thuật, kỹ xảo
allocate (v) to give st officially to sb/st for a particular cấp cho, phân phát,
/ˈæləkeɪt/ purpose phân bổ
incentive something that encourages you to do something sự khuyến khích, sự
(n) khích lệ, động cơ
optimal (adj) = optimum ~ ideal

Core (n) the basic and most important part of something nhân; lõi (quả)
Center: the hard central part of some fruits, điểm trung tâm, nòng
central part of an object cốt, hạt nhân

capacity (n) the number of things or people that a container sức chứa, dung lượng,
/kəˈpæsəti/ or space can hold. dung lượng
the ability to understand or to do something
~ role
Regulatory having the power to control an area of business Quản lý
(adj) or industry and make sure that it is operating
fairly ~ controlling
Regulatory agency cơ quan quản lý

Agency a business which represents one group of people công ty, đại lý, chi
(n) when dealing with another group nhán
a government organization cơ quan

feature (n) a typical quality or an important part of st nét đặc biệt, đặc trưng
/ˈfiːtʃər/ (n) a special article or programme about sb/st bài đặc biệt (ở tờ báo)
(n) a film that is usually 90 or more minutes long
(v) to include ab/at as an important part
eg: The movie features Jame as a disaffected
Health care coverage bảo hiểm y tế
broad (adj) ~ wide >< narrow
general; not detailed khái quát
breadth (n) = width bề ngang, bề rộng
/bredθ/ a wide range (of knowledge, interests, etc.)
Prominent important or well known ~ famous
(adj) easily seen ~ noticeable dễ thấy; nổi bật
sticking out from something nhô lên
eg: prominent cheekbones: gò má cao
issue (n) an important topic that people are discussing
/ˈɪʃuː/ or arguing about
(n) problem/worry
(n) one of a regular series of magazines or lần in (sách...)
(v) to produce or provide something official đưa ra; phát hành, lưu
hành, in ra
provision Provide (v)
(n) ~ supply

orient to direct sb/st towards st định hướng, đặt

(v) to make or adapt sb/st for a particular purpose hướng
fraction (n) a small part or amount of something phần nhỏ, miếng nhỏ
/ˈfrækʃn/ a division of a number. Eg: ⅝ phân số
affluent (adj) having a lot of money and a good standard of
living ~ prosperous ~ wealthy
proper (adj) real, satisfactory, suitable or correct đúng; thích hợp, đúng
complete cách
constructive useful, helpful; having to do with making, not có tính chất xây dựng
(adj) with destroying
guarantee (v) to make st certain to happen cam đoan, bảo đảm
/ˌɡærənˈtiː/ (n) a firm promise that you will do st or that st sự bảo đảm, bảo lãnh,
will happen sự bảo hành
(n) a written promise giấy cam đoan
procurement the process of getting supplies, buying and sự thu mua, sự cung
(n) selling in general ứng
empower (v) to give someone official authority or the freedom trao quyền
to do something
institution (n) a large and important organization, such as a cơ quan; trụ sở cơ
/ˌɪnstɪˈtuːʃn/ university or bank quan, cơ sở
when a law, system, etc. begins or is introduced sự thành lập, sự lập
a building where people with special needs are
taken care of

Unit 8: Type of dosage form

spray (n-v) thuốc xịt
bơm, phun, xịt; phun ra thành hạt nhỏ li ti
paints (n) tuýp thuốc
delivery (n) sự phân phát (thư, hàng...)
the way in which someone speaks in public (phát biểu)
the process of giving birth to a baby (sự sinh đẻ)
the sites of action vị trí tác dụng
relate (to) (v) = connect (liên hệ, liên kết, có quan hệ, có liên quan)
to give a spoken/ written report of st (kể lại, thuật lại)
desirable (adj) desirable (for somebody) (to do something)
>< undesirable mong muốn; đáng ao ước

toxic (adj) Poisonous (độc)

toxin (n) a poisonous substance (độc tố)
toxicity (n) the quality of being poisonous; the extent to which st is
/tɑːkˈsɪsəti/ poisonous (độ độc, tính độc)
mucous membranes niêm mạc
membrane (n) a thin layer of skin or tissue (màng)
rectum (n)(pl: recta) trực tràng
rectal (adj)
respiratory (adj) (thuộc) sự thở, (thuộc) hô hấp
digestive (adj) (thuộc) tiêu hoá
gastrointestinal (adj) thuộc dạ dày-ruột, (thuộc) tiêu hoá
gastric (adj) (thuộc) dạ dày
intestinal (adj) (thuộc) ruột, trong ruột
tract (n) a system of connected organs or tissues in the body (hệ
thống, đường...)
a short piece of writing (tiểu luận)
a large area of land
respiratory tract đường hô hấp

digestive tract = bộ máy tiêu hoá

gastrointestinal tract
circulatory system hệ tuần hoàn
systemic (adj) hệ thống, toàn thân
inevitably (adv) chắc hẳn, chắc chắn
blood stream dòng máu

potential (adj) ~ possible (tiềm năng; tiềm tàng)

parenteral (adj) ngoài ruột → đường tiêm

release (v-n) make free (giải thoát, tha, thả, phóng thích, giải phóng)
make public (phát hành)
sự thả, sự giải thoát, sự tách, giải phóng/// sự phát hành
cross verb vượt qua, đi qua /// gặp nhau, giao nhau
secretion noun sự bài tiết /// chất được tiết ra (nước bọt, mật...)
vomit (v-n) nôn, mửa, bị buồn nôn /// chất nôn ra
unconscious (adj) không có ý thức, bất tỉnh

predictable (adj) có thể đoán trước

irritation noun a painful or sore feeling in a part of body (sự kích thích)
anger (sự làm phát cáu, sự chọc tức)
alveolar (adj) (thuộc) phế nang
anaesthetic n-adj gây tê, gây mê
/ænəsˈθetɪk/ thuốc gây mê
volatile (adj) change easily into a gas (dễ bay hơi)
disperse verb giải tán, phân tán
aerosol form dạng khí dung
nasal (adj) (thuộc) mũi
(n) âm mũi
duration noun khoảng thời gian
sustain verb Maintain (duy trì; kéo dài)
intravenous (adj) into or connected to a vein (qua tĩnh mạch)
Intra-arterial (adj) trong động mạch
bypass (n-v) vượt qua, thoát khỏi
vary verb Be different, change (thay đổi, biến đổi)
infusion noun sự truyền thuốc
neonate noun trẻ sơ sinh

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