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Common Nouns Worksheet

Common Noun--name of any person, place or thing. (car, book, child) Worksheet
Instructions: Circle all common nouns. The number of nouns in each sentence is in

1. The ice is melting. (1)

2. The boy and his dog played happily. (2)

3. When will the pool open? (1)

4. The book is inspiring. (1)

5. My grandparents live down the street. (2)

6. You may use my crayons. (1)

7. The window of the church is stained glass. (3)

8. Joe and Pat are brothers. (1)

9. Did you clean your room? (1)

10.The baby crawled to the table. (2)

Instructions: Test your knowledge! Please supply common nouns.

1. The little ____________________ helped his Mother and Father.

2. A ____________________grows outside my window.

3. Helen and Beth played with their____________________.

4. The ____________________is beautiful.

5. I called my ____________________.

6. I made a ____________________for our pastor.

7. Did you and she go to the ____________________?

8. Dad will fix my ____________________.

9. Mike gave a ____________________to his friend.

10. The clean ____________________is folded.


A verb tells what someone or something does. It expresses action.

Older children should know A verb is an action word or word of being.

The pony trots.

The children studied.


In each of the following sentences, please circle the action word. It is the word that
tells what someone or something did.

1. Henry jumped with joy.

2. Edward sauntered to the park.

3. God loves us.

4. Anna washed the dishes.

5. The puppy wagged his tail.

6. The bell clanged loudly.

7. The leaves rustled as we walked through them.(2 points!)

8. Sarah read her book.

9. Our angels watch over us.

10. He wrote his name neatly.

11. The bird nibbled the grain.

12. The old truck rumbled down the street.

13. His older brother cut his sandwich.

14. The lion paced and roared. (2 points!)

15. The family smiled at the camera.


Adjective: a word used to describe a noun An adjective usually tells "what kind."

For example, what kind of cat?


Please supply an adjective for each of the following nouns. Do not use the same
descriptive word twice. Be creative!

___________________ car

___________________ book

___________________ desk










Please circle the adjective and underline the noun it describes. (Hint: There may be
more than one in a sentence.)

1. The lovely princess floated down the steep staircase.

2. Down the lane skipped the young boy.

3. Our loving Savior died on the cross for us.

4. The colorful leaves swirled in the autumn wind.

5. We stood on a high cliff.

6. Mark Twain wrote funny stories.

7. He paints beautiful pictures.

8. The children laughed at the magician's clever trick.

9. The brave saint prayed as he died.

10. We merrily sang as my little brother blew out the birthday candles.

Memorize: An adverb modifies a verb.

A student sixth grade and above should memorize: An adverb modifies a verb,
an adjective or another adverb.

An adverb indicates time, place, manner, degree, affirmation or negation.


Homeschool worksheets directions--Please circle all the adverbs in the following

sentences. (Note: Only adverbs that modify verbs are used in this download.)

1. We must run now.

2. The child spoke politely to the elderly man.

3. Put the candle box away.

4. Tomorrow we will drive to the historic church.

5. God is always with us.

6. Brush your teeth carefully.

7. The bus leaves immediately.

8. Hide the present inside!

9. The puppy played noisily with the squeak toy.

10.Never speak unkindly of anyone. (Find 2!)

11.The three magi traveled far to find the Baby.

12.Jim swims competitively.

13.The toddled fell down.

14.Read the instructions first.

15.Finish the assignment cheerfully.

(16 points)

Please supply adverbs for the following sentences.

1. The Mom cradled her child ___________________.

2. God __________________ loves us.

3. The roof leaked ____________________.

4. Dad called ___________________.

5. ___________________ is the missing paper!

6. The boys stepped ____________________.

7. Have you ____________________ heard that tall-tale?

8. Sing that song _____________________, please.

9. Alex folded the letter ____________________.

10.The soldiers fought _____________________.

11.Let the dog _____________________.

12.Study _____________________ and _____________________ and you will

reap the rewards.

13.The large vessel pulled ________________________.


A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its

relationship to some other word in the sentence.

The preposition is always followed by a noun or pronoun. (There may be one or

modifiers in between...He walked with his little sister.)

about, above, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind,
beside, between, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, near, of, off, on,
over, through, to, toward, under, up, with

Please circle the prepositions in the following sentences. (Hint--There may be

more than one per sentence.)

1. We went with the pastor to the church hall.

2. The puppy ran after the little girl.

3. Jacob threw the baseball across home plate.

4. Mom found the book under the paper.

5. The frog jumped off the stone.

6. The name of Jesus is holy.

7. During the party, the children played many games.

8. The police followed the speeder into the parking lot.

9. The boat sailed down the river.

10. The street light at the corner is broken.

11. "Over the river and through the woods," sang the chorus.

12. Please come with me.

13. Matt peeked in the open door.

Find the prepositions in the following sentences.

1. He suggested they clean the statue by the art building for their service project.
__________ __________

2. The book on architectural design has been on the kitchen table since this
__________ ____________ _____________

3. Five dollars was required of each student who planned to go on the trip.

__________ __________

4. The teacher asked Tom to give an oral report about horses in the Appalachian

__________ __________

5. Over the holidays, I visited the Thompson family for several days.

__________ _______________

6. Do you have a special someone in your life?


7. She put all of her savings toward the down payment on a new house.

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