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8 Assignment Submission (Portfolio # 5)

Edu 210-1001

October 10, 2018

This is a case about a high school principal named Debbie Young she is educated as a special

education teacher and an assistant principal in a district in the South. She was put in a situation

when parents of a disabled tenth-grader were wanting to place their child in the high school. This

10th grader has multiple disabilities such as requiring constant care by a trained nurse. He is

mentally disabled, having spastic quadriplegia and has a seizure disorder.

In the support of Pro the scenario of case with Debbie Young. This article in the Houston

Chronicle. A story by Brian Rosenthal Published Dec 27,2016. Houston schools were not

accepting any students in their special education program. The main conclusion on this was that

the budgeting on the school allowed them not able to provide such accommodations. The

principal was are unaware of the circumstances due to being new. I believe a lot of schools lack

in funds which provides them with the deficiency to provide any special education service. I

believe this is similar to Debbie Young case in a sense that she is not able to provide all those

services to a child and therefore is telling parents ahead of time that they do not have all the

accommodations that will be needed. The students in Houston sadly were already attending

many years of schooling before parents were able to find out that accommodations were not

being met.

In support of a Con in the Scenario of Debbie Young. A articled titled “What are your

rights if your child with a disability is denied a school place?” Published in January 28, 2016.

This article states that in the federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992, it covers both public and

private schools. The legislation makes it clear that a school cannot refuse enrollment because of a

child's disability or offer enrollment on a less favorable term. In the case of Debbie Young as a

school principal she should have been able to provide any accommodation as possible. Being

that they are to meet all students needs. Jonathan the 10th grader should have not been turned


In support of a Con in the Scenario of Debbie Young. A court case of Finney V Hills

Grammar school. This cause was about a young girl named Scarlett Finney who was refused

enrollment at a Sydney private school. This case has paved the way for future student and more

inclusive schools. This case goes to show that a once a child is enrolled in the school of choice, it

is important to remember that the right to equal education extends to their participation in all

aspects of school life. A school may need to provide additional support for a child to enjoy those

specific rights.

In the support of Pro the scenario of the case with Debbie young. According to the Nancy

Bailey Education Website. A school in Alabama in 2015 was being brought up in the attention of

special education classes were being cut.Parents were noticing some weird changes on their

children’s behavior and how a lot of changes in classes were made. At some point the special

education program was cut and those students were put into a general education class. This goes

to show that a school is not fully equip to support a special education program. They lack funds

and educated teachers to keep the program running. This goes to show that in Debbie Youngs

case if a school does not have the program to fully provide for a child. The best option is to speak

about it ahead of time and announce the lack of needs before a child gets put into a school and

then suffer later on.

In my personal opinion, I am pro the Idea of why principal Debbie Young made such

decision. Jonathan is a student with high levels of certain needs. If her high school is not able to

provide such needs it should be understanding for the parents to see that this school is not able to

provide such special needs that their child needs. If I put myself in the shoes of Jonathans parents

I would be concern that I want the best for my child and if a school is not able to provide all the

accommodation that my child needs that is when I would realize that I will have to move on to a

different school. I want to say that Debbie Young was very professional and when refusing was

very organized and well mannered. It would have been a different situation if Debbie Young has

approached the parents in a harsh and very rude way but that was not the case.

What Are Your Rights If Your Child with a Disability Is Denied a School Place?
Karen O'Connell -

Denied: Houston Schools Block Disabled Kids from Special Education

Brian Rosenthal-John Barned-Smith -

Denied Special Education Services: Parents Push Back For Students

Nancy Bailey-Judith Strollo-Joan Kramer-Tina Andrews-Kat -Wendy -Linda Montalbano-Candi
-Laura -Linda Montalbano-Cindy Rose-Lynette Williams-Shannon -Nikki -Karen Holme-Vivian
Willis- LC -

What Are Your Rights If Your Child with a Disability Is Denied a School Place?
Karen O'Connell -


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