Introduction To Angle Measure: Lesson Summary

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Introduction to Angle Measure

Students are introduced to angles, learn their definitions, how to name them, and the
idea of measuring angles. They also learn the number of degrees in a circle, a half-
circle and a quarter circle.

Lesson Summary


Students are introduced to angles as turns, learn their definitions, and how to name
them. They are also introduced to the notion of the measure of an angle, learn the
number of degrees in a circle, a half circle, and a quarter circle, and the terms right,
straight, acute, and obtuse. This CYBERCHASE activity is motivated by an episode
in which the CyberSquad has to navigate with angles and distances to locate a
treasure chest.

Grade Level:


Suggested Time

60 minutes

Media Resources

Directions to Hen Rock QuickTime Video

What's a 360? QuickTime Video


Handout 1: "Naming and Defining Angles"

Handout 2: "Measuring and Categorizing Angles"
Assessment: Level A
Assessment: Level B
Answer Key

The Lesson

Part I: Learning Activity

1. Read the following riddle aloud. Ask the students if they were on a treasure hunt,
what might they think the riddle means:

Nose to shoulder
Spy the boulder
That looks like a hen
But remember the turn
Ye will learn
You'll need it again.

2. Discuss their interpretations.

3. Tell the students that they will watch a video clip in which the CyberSquad is on a
kind of treasure hunt.

4. Tell the students to watch the video and answer the question "Why are they using
a "V" shape to measure a turn. Does it matter how long they make the arms of the
"V?" Why or why not?

5. Show the Directions to Hen Rock QuickTime Video .

6. Discuss a) their interpretations of the riddle, and whether their interpretations

prove correct, and b) why we use a V shape and c) why the length of the arms of the
V are not important in recording an angle.

7. Distribute Handout 1: "Naming and Defining Angles" .

8. Ask students to work through Handout 1, and learn to name and recognize
general forms of angles.

9. Now that the students have learned about naming and defining angles, explain
how angles can be measured. The unit for measuring angles is degrees.

10. Tell the students that they will watch a video clip in which Harry tries to
snowboard and to learn how to measure the many common angles. In this video, a
circle is divided into parts, starting at the zero mark. For example: starting at zero
and making a quarter turn puts you at 90 degrees, starting at zero and making a half-
turn is 180 degrees and starting at zero and making a full-turn is 360 degrees. The
circle demonstration, as shown on the video, provides a great visual for the students.

11. Show the What's a 360? QuickTime Video .

12. Distribute Handout 2: "Measuring and Categorizing Angles" .

13. Ask students to complete Handout 2. Please note: students may need to be
guided through question 2, parts a, b and c.

Part II: Assessment

Assessment: Level A (proficiency): Students are asked the number of degrees in a

circle and different angles, and to draw acute and obtuse angles.

Assessment: Level B (above proficiency): Students are asked to give directions

between two points on a map, using angle measures and unit lengths.

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