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The millennial generation that is popularly called 'the age of now' is described
as a group of people born in the late 80s and early 90s, and they are an ideal market
share for digital marketing. Millennials have special characteristics such as being
fond of trends, being aware of technology, tend to be broader and more open-minded,
thirst for information, dislike bureaucratic rigidity, and tend to value something of
authentic value. If you are interested in promoting business to the millennial
generation as a major market share, you must understand the characteristics of this
generation, and adjust the type of marketing.
Millennials are now a growing number of generations, so they have a big influence on
marketing trends and can even create new trends. Today's entrepreneurs must be
aware of this influence when designing modern marketing strategies.
Digital Marketing: The Key to Marketing for the Millennial Generation
Millennials tend to be inseparable from technologies such as smart phones, tablets,
laptops and computers, so this form of marketing must take this into account. Digital
marketing is a form of marketing that is suitable for dealing with the market share of
the millennial generation. Everyone who is studying marketing to target the
millennial market must understand the three key marketing strategies as follows:

• Center the strategy on recommendations through social networks.

Social networks are now not only a means of interacting with others, but also as a
source of information, news, and a place to explore or even create the latest trends.
Many young people are now looking for the latest products or services through
recommendations on social networks. After Facebook and Twitter, now the range of
social networks is very wide and includes Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, Path, Snapchat,
YouTube, and so on. Millennials have increasingly rarely watched TV or read
newspapers, because they have chosen to do everything on the internet, through
social networks.
Millennials also tend to pay more attention to those who are considered social
influences; people who have many followers on social networks like Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram and are popular in online communities, ranging from writers,
actors, founders to an organization, to young comedians. Modern marketing targeting
the millennial generation must be good at utilizing these social trends to market
• Create ads that influence, not force, to buy.
Millennials are usually reluctant to respond to conventional language advertisements,
which tend to tell or even "force" to buy. Ads that can attract the interest of the
millennial generation tend to be creative, contain original elements, or attract interest
with a creative look. Digital marketing must rely on original advertising to attract the
millennial generation and generate organic traffic, especially if it relies on the internet
as a marketing strategy. That is why business owners often work with "Twitter
celebrities" to promote brands, because it is easier to influence the millennial
• Create attractive reward offers.
Millennials love to look for opportunities to get attractive rewards. This is why
business owners usually use social networks to distribute rewards; they give awards
to loyal customers who are part of social networking. If the buyer wants to get a
reward, they must join the social network of the business owner, and then get rewards
such as vouchers, special discount information, or free items.
• Aim for social groups, not age ranges.
Marketing techniques used to focus on a particular age range target, but as trends,
technology and various members of the millennial population grow, marketers must
start thinking about targeting certain social groups for their strategies. For example,
marketing a product specifically for those who like traveling, love animals, care about
social or environmental issues, like reading, movie fans, and so on. Targeting groups
will give the marketing focus more centralized and easily developed.
No matter whether you are a new or old player in an online business, you must make
an important strategy to attract the millennial generation to want to look at your
product or service.
Digital Marketing Benefits to the Millennial Generation
Marketing products in the millennial generation means that they must be prepared to
keep up with technological developments and popular trends, and be able to adapt to
every popular technological innovation, especially information technology. However,
learning internet business by focusing on the millennial generation as a market share
has its own advantages. The marketing strategy for the millennial generation offers
various advantages, such as:
• Fast becoming a trend. Millennials are ideal spreaders of trends.
If your product or business is successful enough to get interested, the information will
spread easily.
• The information spreads in a relatively short time. Unlike traditional marketing,
marketing through social networks (which is favored by the millennial generation) is
a more sophisticated version of word of mouth marketing. This makes product
information spread in a relatively short time, even in just minutes.
• Offer promotional innovation opportunities. With the growing number of groups of
today's millennial generation, business people and marketers are required to be more
creative. This can be a driver for the development of creative marketing trends that
can even be unconventional.
Digital marketing is one of the best forms of marketing to target the millennial
generation, and businesses can take advantage of existing technological developments
to develop their strategies.

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