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Mathematics 58 Tong Exam 3 ‘Write all nezessry solutions using only ¢ Bue or@ Hack pen. No electromte devices ae allowed. Any Jorm of chaatng or geademie dihonesty is eubject 1 duciplinary aeion 1, Waite TRUE ifthe stetement is always true otherwiee, write FALSE. 1 poins each) (Q) Rolle's Theorem is applicable to /(2) = cass onthe interval [-F,$ (©) ee tine y= 1 isa horizontal asymptote ofthe graph off, ther 1 i not inthe range off. (8) If is diferectable on 0,1], then f has an absolute maximum on 01 (©) the graph off has a point of infection at 2= 0, then Os no: eiioal number of f (5) Ie the graph of a function ie concave downward on (=1,0) an concave upward on (0,1), than the grap has « point of infection at 2 pte) = 2412) sag pg = SP +) He tee fle) = Py wth Pe) = ESD ana pte) = ES (1) Find the domain of f and the interogpts ofthe graph off. (1 point) (2) Use limits to find the incr aeyinptotes ofthe grap off (3 points) (3) Find the exitcal umbers and possible points of indection off (2 points) (4) Construct a table of sign for f' and f". Identify the Interas where the graph of {is increasing, decreasing, concave up, and concave down, anc identify the relative ‘extremum poins and points of infection of the grap of f (7 pois) (6) Sistch the graph of f. Label the intercept, ralative extremam points, pants of Inflection, and asympiotes, (points) TL. (1) State the Mean Value Theorem, (2 points) (@) Find the aumber/s satisfying the conclusion ofthe Mean Value Theorem fr f(a) = 22 +22? 3044 on the interval [2,1 (2 points) TV. A eylindseal container that i open atthe top isto be made from two Kinds of material "The material forthe ide costs 20 peos per cm® while the material fr the base costs § pesos per cm? Ifthe container is to havea volume of fr em, what mst be its dmensioos £0 thatthe cot of construction i ax smal as psale? (Spins) ', The graph shown below has equi Cory 2 tan! G20 Fad al points (s,y) onthe graph such that the product sy is maximum, (6 points) os > ‘END OF EXAM? 35 pints Leg Sam 3 Fr ay 1. (2) Te (2) Fase (9) Tous (6) Flee (5) False (1 point enc) (0) dom f= {2,2}; zinterept: == 0; pinterept: y= 0 (2 pons) (2) vertical asympotes: == ea? oli 1) = 08 Gaara) AO > A aoe tg. f= Bin teaser ( Ha) = 2+ Sfp oblique asymptote: 9 be) ~ (Call = tn, ae horizontal asymptote: noe (9 pint) (9) critical number: 0, £2V5; possible pois of infection: (0,0) (points) @ Cr peints) TELA PS meat manip POT] Tanah T- [= [ee % Ma | av8 | 0 | + | remin pt: (-2¥8,308) | up + | + [ine ” dae | ane | ane + |= | ine down olofo FOL (0,0) + | + |ine ep oe | dae | ane So |e | cown 2 navi] 0 | = | relma pe: (2v5,-3¥8) | down Lovato) = LS lee : own \ ° (9 pains) IIL (1) 1 J is continuows on [2,8] (wth a <#) and difrentiable on (a8), hen there exits 26 (a,8) such that (6) a (2 points) (2) F is continvous on [-1,1] and difeentiable on (—1,1), By the MT, there exists 6 (-1)1) such that Since —1 ¢ (1,1), only satisfies the conclusion of the MVT whet applied to f on the Satara [-1, 1) (2 points) IV, Lat rem be the base radius of the container. Then its height is #5 ‘construction cot, i pasos, is given by em, end its Cte) =) (er) + ae) (S) =e? + BOE with domo= (0.00) [Note that fie continvous on damC. We have or = 9 son (2522) at ote eros ME et) “he oly ctl umber of Car = YE = 2% Since O"29) > 0, bg arava Tico Ger = 29% Aed ace C has only coe relive semi on dom aod Time eieremam is relative minima, C hn en suse minioom wer = 29 ‘Thrlre, the cs of cetucion a al pone the a ef the cote 20a em tad ts bight fp = cm ‘eromt) \. A point on the graph asthe oem (2,3VO=7) Hence, we consider Peja 2VITB= F/O wt don Note hat ie continuous on dom PW ave Pay=f (i virs+e ‘The only critical aumbers of P on (3,8) are 2 = Jy. Bvaluating ? at these erties! ‘numbers and atthe endpoints ~B and 3, we have s)=-4 P( p-a=0, P(-%)= “Thus, Phas an absolut maximum at = = Jy. These, the pod of oot maximum atthe point (5, 8) (5 points) , and PQ) =O.

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