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Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396

New developments in FCC catalyst technology

R.H. Harding a,∗ , A.W. Peters b , J.R.D. Nee a
aGrace GmbH and Co. KG, In der Hollerhecke 1, 67547 Worms, Germany
b Grace Davison, Washington Research Center, 7500 Grace Drive, Columbia, MD 21044, USA

Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is a central technology in refining. The present paper will focus on recent progress in FCC
catalyst and process technology and will analyze the driving forces for such improvements. Thereby, the direct response
to environmental regulations will become obvious. Another target of new developments has been to process heavier crude
sources with higher levels of contaminants. Short contact time (SCT) cracking will also be discussed, reflecting significant
developments in the reactor hardware. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fluid catalytic cracking; Zeolite; Catalyst

1. Introduction hind them. Although the FCC process has been used
for more than half a century, new and important devel-
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is a central technol- opments continue to be made in several areas. Some
ogy in modern refining [1,2]. The FCC unit is used of these new developments are a direct response to
to upgrade heavy gas oils and resid fuels to gasoline, environmental regulation. Another important driving
diesel fuel, and light gases. An extension of the Houdry force is the goal to process heavier crude sources with
process, the unit was first implemented in the early higher levels of contaminants. Changes in hardware,
1940s. A brief history of the important events in the such as the increasing use of advanced riser termina-
development of FCC catalysts is shown in Table 1. In tion technology to further reduce catalyst/oil contact
the 1960s, the introduction of zeolite Y revolutionized time have also resulted in significant changes in FCC
the process by increasing gasoline selectivity, adding catalyst technology. With the increasing integration
almost US$ 2 of value per barrel of feed processed [3]. of petroleum refining and chemicals production, the
In the 1980s, the introduction of zeolite ZSM-5 dra- value of specific molecules in the product spectrum
matically improved the ability of refiners to increase are driving FCC catalysts towards specific selectivi-
both gasoline octane number and the yields of light ties. Each of these trends has long term implications
olefins. In the early 1990s, the introduction of new for the development of future catalysts and hardware
alumina technologies further increased the flexibility for the FCC unit.
of the FCC unit to process heavier crude sources with
a higher tolerance to the contaminant metals Ni and V.
In this paper, we focus on recent improvements in
2. Environmental
FCC catalyst technology and the driving forces be-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-6241-403-685;
One of the most influential drivers for new FCC
fax: 49-6241-403-630. catalysts has been the changing objective function
E-mail address: (R.H. Harding). that refiners must meet in order to satisfy even more

0926-860X/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 6 - 8 6 0 X ( 0 1 ) 0 0 8 1 4 - 6
390 R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396

Table 1
Important dates in FCC catalyst development [4]
Development Date

Aluminum chloride catalyst 1915

Activated clay catalysts (Houdry) 1928
Silica/alumina catalyst (Houdry) 1940
First commercial production of FCC catalyst (Davison) 1942
Commercial production of microspheroidal catalysts (Davison) 1948
Last run of powdered catalyst 1956
Commercial production of zeolite Y (Union Carbide) 1959
Introduction of zeolitic FCC catalyst (Mobil) 1962
Introduction of USY and REUSY (Davison) 1964
Introduction of combustion promotion (Mobil) 1974
Feed-added Ni passivation technology (Phillips) 1975
Introduction of ZSM-5 (Mobil) 1986
Introduction of Ni-tolerant matrix technologies (Davison) 1990
Introduction of SOx reduction technology (Amoco) 1992
Introduction of additives for gasoline sulfur reduction (Davison) 1995
Introduction of CSSN zeolite (Davison) 1996

stringent environmental regulations. The regulations 2.1. Particulates

that influence refinery operation include air and water
quality emission standards and clean fuels initiatives During normal operation, an average FCC unit may
[5]. Air quality emission standards require lower par- replace approximately 1% of its catalyst inventory to
ticulate emissions and lower emission of pollutants make up for particle attrition. The physical properties
such as CO, NOx and SOx . Clean fuels initiatives are of FCC catalysts are designed for optimum fluidiza-
reducing the amount of sulfur, olefins, and aromatics in tion and low attrition. A trade-off exists between the
transportation fuels. In Europe, the regulations phases mechanical strength of the catalyst and the desire to
over time are with the following schedule of Table 2. limit erosion of FCC hardware [7–9].
Some of these regulations are local (California Catalyst manufacturers have recently developed
Air Resources Board), some are national (EU gaso- methods of limiting the losses due to attrition. There
line quality standards), and some reflect international are also trade-offs between the hardness of the par-
agreements (e.g., the Kyoto Protocol to the United ticle (which is related to the amount of binder in
Nations Framework Convention on Climate). The the formulation) and the catalyst selectivity. Too
wide variation in environmental standards, implemen- much binder, which increases attrition resistance, can
tation measures and enforcement translates to very
different results for each refinery. The current EU
Table 3
standards for air quality are listed in Table 3. Emissions standards for EU countries [6]

Table 2 New plants (authorized or built after 1 July 1987)a

European gasoline specifications SO2 (mg/N m3 ) 800
NOx (mg/N m3 ) 350
1997a 2000 2005 Particulates (mg/N m3 ) 100
Sulfur (mg/kg) 300 150 50 Old plants (authorized or built before 1 July 1987)
Olefins (%v/v) 18 18 10–14b SO2 Reduce by 40–70% from
Benzene (%v/v) 2.3 1 –b 1980 levels by 2003
Aromatics (%v/v) 45 42 35 Nox Reduce by 24–40% from
Oxygen 0.6 2.7 –b 1980 levels by 1998
a Particulates N/A (to be issued later)
Typical values.
b To be determined. a FCC emission limits.
R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396 391

increase the ratio of matrix to zeolite activity, leading refiners meet increasingly stringent specifications for
to higher coke and gas production. SOx emissions.
Particulate emissions are expected to be further re-
duced as catalyst research focuses on this area. 2.3. CO and NOx

2.2. SOx Regulations limiting the release of nitrogen oxides

from stationary sources affect the FCC regenerator and
Sulfur oxides (SOx ) are a major atmospheric pol- are expected to phase in within the next decade. As
lutant and precursors for acid rain. The majority of NOx reduction becomes more important, the relation-
SOx produced from the FCC unit comes from the ship between NO and CO production in the regen-
sulfur in coke that is burned off during hydrother- erator is becoming better understood [12,13]. Carbon
mal regeneration of the catalyst in the FCC regener- monoxide can be readily converted to carbon dioxide
ator. In the 1990s additive technology was developed with the introduction of a combustion promoter based
in order to adsorb the SOx in the regenerator and on platinum or other noble metals. When the level of
carry it over to the riser side of the FCC unit where CO in the regenerator is reduced through the use of
it can be released as H2 S [10]. H2 S is conveniently combustion promoter, nitrogen oxides have been ob-
treated with the Claus process to convert it to elemental served to increase. The simplest explanation for this
sulfur. observation is that the direct reaction of NO and CO
A successful SOx transfer additive must have three to form N2 and CO2 . As CO is eliminated from the
primary components. The first step in the mechanism system by the combustion promoter, there is less CO
of SOx transfer additives is the oxidation of SO2 . Un- to reduce NO to N2 .
der FCC regenerator conditions, SO2 is favored over Recent experiments have shown that this reac-
SO3 . Thus, SOx transfer additives contain catalytic in- tion, while it exists, is not the dominant one under
gredients that promote the oxidation of SO2 . A metal FCC regenerator conditions. A reaction mechanism
oxide component, such as magnesium alumina spinel adapted from Yaluris et al. is shown in Fig. 1 [14].
is also included to strongly chemisorb the SO3 in the Nitrogen-containing species in coke are one of the
regenerator. A metal with multiple valence states such last species burned off the catalyst due to the strong
as vanadium should be included to catalyze the release acid-base interaction between nitrogen and the acidic
of sulfur as H2 S in the riser [11]. catalyst. A significant proportion of the nitrogen is
Use of SOx additive technology will be an impor- burned to nitrogen gas, some is burned to NOx and
tant tool, in addition to scrubbing hardware, to help some is burned to hydrocarbon species such as HCN.

Fig. 1. Expanded reaction mechanism of NOx formation in FCC.

392 R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396

Pt-based combustion promoters have been found to removal of gasoline sulfur. These catalysts; GSR-1,
catalyze the reaction of HCN to NO. Non-platinum SuRCA (with GSR-4 technology) and GFS-2000 have
combustion (such as X-NOx ® ) catalyze the reaction provided commercial gasoline sulfur reductions in the
of HCN-type species to nitrogen. Thus, a non-Pt-based 15–35% range.
combustion promoter is desired for the combined ob- While we expect these catalytic technologies to im-
jective of reducing CO and NO from the regenerator prove significantly over time, it is not likely that they
flue gas.The importance of nitrogen oxide removal will provide the very high reductions required by leg-
technology is expected to increase as environmental islation. However, we expect that catalysts designed to
regulations become more stringent. reduce sulfur in gasoline and diesel fuel will work in
concert with the hardware solutions to provide more
2.4. Gasoline sulfur control cost effective clean fuels. The sulfur reduction cata-
lysts introduce another degree of freedom for the re-
The class of environmental regulations with the finer, and allow less severe operation of the hardware
most far-reaching implications is the reduction of sul- solutions or less capital investment. For example, low-
fur in transportation fuels. The reduction is motivated ering the level of sulfur in the gasoline stream input to
by studies, such as the Auto Oil II study, which have hydrotreaters would result in lowering the hydrotreat-
shown that sulfur in gasoline reversibly deactivates ing severity, which would reduce both hydrogen con-
automobile catalytic converters, and thus has a large sumption and octane loss.
impact on a broad range of environmental pollutants.
The most recent European Union legislation on gaso- 2.5. Gasoline olefins
line requires a reduction in gasoline sulfur to 50 ppm.
A number of European Union countries are currently An upper limit of 18% olefins in the gasoline has
producing gasoline with <50 ppm sulfur to bene- been set for the European Union, and levels as low
fit from tax concessions. Germany, for example, is as 10–14% have been proposed. In the U.S., gasoline
planning to produce 30 ppm gasoline from 2001 and olefin level is one of the variables used in the complex
10 ppm from 2003 to make full use of tax incentives. model to predict emissions of volatile organic com-
The U.S. EPA has recently recommended a reduction pounds (VOCs), NOx and toxic air pollutants (TAPs).
to 30 ppm S to be phased in between 2004-2008. RFG regulations mandating minimum levels of
Additionally, California’s CARB Phase 3 gasoline VOC/NOx /TAP reduction have pushed refiners to pro-
(2003) will have 15 ppm S. duce gasoline with very low levels of olefins. Federal
In order to achieve these low levels, refiners have U.S. RFG typically contains about 7% olefins while
a number of choices including gas oil hydrotreating, California CARB gasoline contains about 5% olefins.
FCC feed hydrotreating, gasoline sulfur adsorption Catalyst manufacturers are meeting this challenge
processes, and gasoline hydrofinishing. Each of these by extending current technology to limit the formation
techniques has debits associated with it. Some, like of gasoline olefins and increase their destruction rate.
gasoline hydrofinishing, lead to a reduction in gasoline One effective approach to the reduction of gasoline
olefins and thereby reduce gasoline octane. Some, like olefins is the use of extremely high hydrogen transfer
feed hydrotreating, have a high demand for molec- catalysts combined with matrix technology that limits
ular hydrogen, which is often in short supply in the the production of gasoline olefins and has strong met-
refinery. als trapping functionality. New technologies are also
Several strategies have been shown to reduce the being developed.
level of sulfur in gasoline. While several basic FCC A particular challenge in this area is reducing these
catalyst properties such as zeolite unit cell size, matrix gasoline range olefins while maintaining the yield of
activity and alumina content can be adjusted to pro- light (C3 and C4) olefins and gasoline octane. Grace
vide sulfur reduction of about 10%, these adjustments Davison RFG Catalyst technology has provided com-
also produce yield selectivity changes which may or mercial gasoline olefins reduction of 15% (absolute)
may not be desirable. As a more targeted approach, while maintaining the yield of light olefins and gaso-
catalysts have also been designed specifically for the line octane.
R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396 393

2.6. Interaction with hydrotreated feeds 3.1. Contaminant metals

As refiners invest in new hardware to meet the low In the 1990s, a wide range of technologies were
gasoline sulfur requirements, a greater percentage of developed to improve the tolerance of FCC catalysts
FCC units will be treating hydrotreated feedstocks to contaminant metals in the feed, primarily vana-
with lower sulfur content, lower metals levels, and dium and nickel [17]. The dearomatization function
lower nitrogen content. One significant technical chal- of nickel is responsible for an increase in coke yield
lenge is the ability to maintain the heat balance of the as the Ni level increases on the equilibrium catalyst.
FCC reactor/regenerator as hydrotreated feeds are in- Moreover, the dehydrogenation activity of the Ni
cluded in the blend. With the intrinsically low coke leads to the formation of molecular hydrogen. Since
make of these feedstocks, catalysts with higher delta hydrogen is the most difficult gas to compress, an
coke may be required. increase in the FCC unit can quickly limit the wet gas
We believe these high delta coke catalysts will prob- compressor. In order to increase the tolerance of FCC
ably only be required in the transition period between catalysts to Ni contamination, a set of aluminas based
the installation of feed hydrotreating and the installa- on special selective active matrix aluminas were devel-
tion of additional hardware flexibility to take full ad- oped. Oxygen TPD measurements provide evidence
vantage of the low coke production. for the solid state diffusion of Ni into the alumina
away from the surface and therefore the reactants.
2.7. CO2 emission Vanadium forms vanadic acid in the regenerator,
which destroys the zeolitic component of the catalyst
One of the most difficult environmental challenges [18]. Vanadium mobility varies from unit to unit, de-
for the refinery in the next century is the reduction pending on, among other things, the level of excess
of CO2 emissions required by the Kyoto Protocol oxygen in the regenerator [19]. Catalyst manufactur-
to the United Nations Framework Convention on ers have developed more stable zeolites (for example:
Climate [15]. The solution to this problem is not CSSN and CSX) and a series of vanadium traps to in-
likely to be found in the FCC catalyst, but rather crease the ability of the zeolite to handle vanadium.
from elimination of energy inefficiencies in the in- These traps are based on Ba, Ti, Rare Earth, and other
tegrated refinery system. The primary reason is the elements. Some are more effective than others, but the
heat balance of reactor/regenerator combination. The basic idea is the same, i.e. to keep the vanadium away
endothermic FCC process requires a predictable from the zeolite by binding to the surface of an inac-
amount of heat to convert a gas oil to gasoline and tive particle.
other products. The amount of coke required per Catalyst manufacturers are continuously striving to
unit of feedstock to supply this reaction energy is improve the stability of their catalysts to metals poi-
constant. soning as resid processing becomes more important in
the future.

3. Residual oil processing 3.2. Catalyst connectivity and transport limitations

In addition to environmental regulations, several Another change in FCC catalysts in the 1990s was
other driving forces are emerging to determine the di- the introduction of materials that have good bottoms
rection of new technologies for FCC catalysts. Feed cracking performance. At constant conversion of
sources are expected to evolve towards heavy resids, feed, these materials convert a greater percentage of
which contain higher metals levels, and higher levels >370 ◦ C boiling range material to products. The abil-
of polynuclear aromatics and heteroatom species [16]. ity of the feed molecules to reach the active sites of the
In the 1990s, several new catalytic technologies were catalyst is important and for heavy resid molecules,
introduced in response to these trends. We’ll focus on mass transport limitations play an important role [20].
the influential effects of metals tolerance and bottom In order to handle the challenges associated with
of the barrel processing. cracking of resid molecules, catalyst manufacturers
394 R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396

have increased the use of high surface area alumina in Contact time over the length of the riser is ca. 5–8 s.
the catalyst. These aluminas have a small crystal size At the end of the riser, the catalyst and products are
and significant pore volume in the 50–600 Å range. separated in the disengager. It is here that product
Very small pores 50–100 Å increase bottoms cracking, vapor can undergo non-selective (essentially thermal)
but do so at the expense of coke formation. Catalysts cracking as hydrocarbon vapors come into contact
with the intermediate pores 100–300 Å have a lower with hot, coked catalyst.
matrix surface area for the same pore volume, but tend In the early 1990s, a closed cyclone system was in-
to convert resid molecules into more useful products. troduced that featured cyclones directly coupled to the
There is increasing evidence that the external sur- end of the riser [21]. This allowed rapid separation of
face area of the zeolite is responsible for a portion of the catalyst and products, reducing post riser cracking
the bottoms cracking activity of the catalyst. There- in the disengager. Today, all major process licensors
fore, it is important to construct the catalyst in such a offer advanced riser termination technologies of one
way as to ease mass transport limitations to the sur- sort or another with one objective in common - reduc-
face of the zeolite. tion of non-selective post-riser cracking.
New technologies are emerging in the area of bot- New processes are emerging where the catalyst/feed
toms cracking designed to reduce the mass transport contact time is reduced to less than 2 s. The so-called
limitations of larger molecules. We expect this area to millisecond catalytic cracking (MSCC) process was
grow significantly over time introduced in the early 1990s in the U.S. [22]. The first
MSCC unit in Europe is expected to be on-stream in
4. Short contact time (SCT) cracking
5. FCC catalysts for SCT operations
In order to minimize non-selective post riser crack-
ing many refiners are revamping their units to operate
Catalysts for SCT operations must be designed tak-
in the so-called “short contact time” mode. In the
ing into account the following considerations [23]:
FCC operation, catalyst and feed are contacted at the
bottom of the riser with cracking reactions proceed- • catalyst/oil contact time is shorter—leading to lower
ing along the length of the riser as depicted in Fig. 2. intrinsic conversion and bottoms cracking;

Fig. 2. Basic profiles of kinetic trajectories along the FCC riser. Schematic adapted from [2].
R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396 395

• reactor temperature is generally higher—leading to isobutane) and moderate matrix activity (to increase
increased conversion and light olefins yields (in- the C4-olefinicity of the product) [26].
cluding increased gasoline olefinicity); The addition of ZSM-5 is the single most important
• catalyst circulation rate is generally increased— method to increase the yields of light olefins at the ex-
leading to an overall increase in selective conver- pense of gasoline. Catalyst producers have developed
sion; methods to increase the concentration of the ZSM-5 in
• regenerator/regenerated catalyst temperatures are their additives in order to avoid dilution effects at high
generally lower—leading to cooler catalyst/oil mix levels of additive. The breakthrough technologies in
zone temperature, hence the need for improved this area involve the stabilization of the ZSM-5 to hy-
feed nozzles to ensure efficient feed vaporisation. drothermal deactivation at higher concentrations in the
additive. Current commercial technologies range from
To compensate for the reduced catalyst/feed con-
10–25% ZSM-5, although techniques are expected to
tact time and consequently loss in conversion, high
allow much higher levels in an additive particle. Sev-
activity catalysts are needed. The zeolite component
eral recent efforts have also been made to change the
within the catalyst has the greatest effect on activity
selectivity of ZSM-5 by increasing the Si/Al ratio to in-
and therefore, proper zeolite selection is very impor-
crease the ratio of butene to propene. However, this ap-
tant. In addition, it is very important to choose a matrix
proach reduces the overall activity quite significantly.
with the right level of activity for a particular appli-
In addition to C3 and C4 olefins, FCC catalysts can
cation to address the reduction in bottoms upgrading
also be designed to increase ethylene yield. World-
that occurs with shorter contact time. Excess matrix
wide demand for ethylene is expected to increase by
activity is undesirable because it leads to poorer coke
50% between 1998 and 2010 [27]. With the correct
and gas selectivities. In addition to providing bottoms
application of current catalyst technologies, increases
cracking activity, the matrix should be selected to pro-
of 6 wt.% ethylene can be observed.
vide low coke and gas selectivities, particularly in the
presence of contaminant metals.
6.2. Production of chemical precursors

In addition to light olefins, the FCC catalyst can be

6. Product and selectivity control
designed to enhance the production of several other
chemical precursors. The yields of xylenes and BTX,
Petroleum refiners that have close connection to for example, can be selectively increased in the FCC
chemical plants have a strong economic incentive to gasoline range [28]. Effective use of these technolo-
produce chemical feed stocks. This area has a par- gies depends on efficient separation technologies.
ticular application in the production of light olefins
(propylene and butylene) which have driven the recent
growth of ZSM-5 usage in FCC units worldwide. 7. Conclusions

6.1. Light olefin production Over the last decade, the field of fluid catalytic
cracking has advanced considerably in the areas of alu-
The market for propenes and butenes is cyclical, and mina technology (for improved binding and improved
depends on the local demand for plastics precursors cracking of heavy resid molecules), zeolite stability
and alkylate feed [24]. In 1998, 45% of U.S. propylene (for improved activity and surface area retentions), and
was produced by the FCC unit [25]. The production of tolerance to catalytic poisons (for improved process-
MTBE has declined due to environmental concerns, ing of heavy feeds containing high levels of Ni, Fe,
but is still a strong driver for isobutylene. There are and V). Current developments are improving the cat-
several key determinants of light olefin selectivity. In alyst technology in response to environmental regula-
addition to increasing reactor temperature and using tions on emissions (particulates, NOx , SOx , and CO)
ZSM-5, catalysts can be designed with lower hydrogen and the composition of transportation fuels (e.g., sul-
transfer (to reduce the conversion of isobutylene to fur in diesel fuel, gasoline sulfur, benzene and olefins
396 R.H. Harding et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 221 (2001) 389–396

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