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EDU 250
Activity Plan #2

1) Objective: (what you want children to learn):
a) Students will learn about their place in the map.

2) Materials:
a) Globe
b) Map of USA
c) Map of Nevada
d) Map of Las Vegas
e) Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney
f) Children’s information
g) Geography Printable Flipbook with lines
h) Crayons/marks/pencils

3) Scaffolding: (child's prior knowledge this activity is building on) 5 points
a) Whole Group
i) Gifted
(a) Helps point out on the map where we live
ii) Intellectual Disability
(a) Lot’s of repeating.
(b) Easier tasks
(c) Coping prewritten answers if need be
iii) Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
(a) Holding a map
(b) Ball chair
iv) Hearing impairment
(a) Closet to teacher
(b) Clear written directions
v) Visual impartment
(a) Map on desk
vi) Physical disability
(a) Special chair
(b) Big book
vii) Speech delay
(a) Really pronounce words
(b) Written directions
b) Computer Center
i) Students will use Google maps to find their house, their school, their state,
their country, their hemisphere and their planet.
ii) Gifted
(a) Written directions
(i) Starting with logging on to computer, to what to look for, to what
to print, write etc.
Katherine Kirk
EDU 250
(b) Helping lower students
iii) Intellectual Disability
(a) Repeating
(b) One step direction/one problem at a time
(c) Picture directions
iv) Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
(a) Bouncy Chair
(b) Stress ball
v) Hearing impairment
(a) Clear directions
(b) Visually showing
vi) Visual impartment
(a) Clear Directions
vii) Physical disability
(a) Special chair
(b) IPad if can’t sit at computer
viii) Speech delay
(a) Clear directions
c) Art Center
i) Students will draw their house, state, and planet.
ii) Gifted
(a) Blank paper to create by themselves
iii) Intellectual Disability
(a) Paper with visually aid
(i) Connect the dot’s
(ii) Just color in.
iv) Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
(a) Squeeze ball
(b) Blank paper to create by themselves
(c) Extra blank paper to draw something else,
(d) After 5 minutes go get a drink and come back
v) Hearing impairment
(a) Clear directions
vi) Visual impartment
(a) Written directions
vii) Physical disability
(a) Special chair
(b) Guiding helping where needed.
(c) Connect the dot’s
(d) Able to print out picture
viii) Speech delay
(a) Blank paper to create by themselves
d) With Teacher
Katherine Kirk
EDU 250
i) Students will further discuss, where they belong on a map and write down/
fill in where they belong on a map
ii) Gifted
(a) Give directions, guide when needed.
iii) Intellectual Disability
(a) Paper with visually aid
(i) Connect the dot’s
(ii) Copy
iv) Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
(a) Squeeze ball
(b) Teaching them a song to remember
(c) After 5 minutes go get a drink and come back
v) Hearing impairment
(a) Clear directions
(b) Visual aids
vi) Visual impartment
(a) Written directions
(b) Clear step by step instructions
vii) Physical disability
(a) Special chair
(b) Guiding helping where needed.
viii) Speech delay
(a) Paper with visually aid
(i) Connect the dot’s
(ii) Copy
(iii) Journal for them to write down thoughts

4) Procedure: (in detail - how to carry out the activity) 5 points
a) Have globe sitting on front desk, have map on projector or on board.
b) Ask students questions about them/discuss what they already know.
i) What is this
ii) What is it used for
iii) Do you know how to read it
iv) What sort of things does it tell you?
c) Read book
d) Ask questions about the book
i) What City do you live in?
ii) What State?
iii) What country?
iv) What Hemisphere?
v) What planet?
e) Talk about final project. Show them a completed project
f) Talk about what need to be completed in each center.
g) Centers
Katherine Kirk
EDU 250
h) Closing discussion
i) Ask students how many finished. In case more time is need.
ii) Talk about globes, maps.
(1) What is it
(2) What is it used for
(3) Do you know how to read it
(4) What sort of things does it tell you?
iii) During the book it talked about?
iv) What City do you live in?
v) What State?
vi) What country?
vii) What Hemisphere?
viii) What planet?

5) DAP support: (page and short quote) 5 points
a) Page 1237
i) “To broaden children’s knowledge and vocabulary, teachers use a variety of
strategies such as reading stories and informational books rich in new
concepts, information and vocabulary… ”

6) Open ended questions for children: (questions to make a child think) 5 points
(1) What is it
(2) What is it used for
(3) Do you know how to read it
(4) What sort of things does it tell you?
(5) During the book it talked about?
(6) What City do you live in?
(7) What State do you live in?
(8) What country do you live in?
(9) What Hemisphere do you live in?
(10) What planet do you live on?

Katherine Kirk
EDU 250
7) Do self evaluation after group critique
a) What would I change and why? 5 points

b) What would I keep and why? 5 points

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