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Phenomenology of Love  An encounter between two persons or more who are

Phe·nom·e·nol·o·gy free to be themselves and choose to share themselves

an approach that concentrates on the study of (I-THOU communication)
consciousness and the objects of direct experience.  REQUIRES: an appeal – himself/herself (A CALL
Sol·i·tude- the state or situation of being alone. TO PARTICIPATE IN HIS SUBJECTIVITY)
Loving encounter- meeting of two persons.  If the appeal of the other is himself/herself, it follows
Love- an intense feeling of deep affection. the appropriate response from me is MYSELF =
Misconception of Love  CRUCIAL: Response and Acceptance
1. Love conquers all.  WILLINGNESS: 1) personal knowledge 2)
2. Love is blind. GROWTH “in love, I must learn to wait”
3. Love automatically imply pain. “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are
4. You are obligated by someone else’s love for you. made of, his and mine are the same.”
5. Love is a 50/50 partnership. Emily Bronte
6. Love is synonymous with sex. Reciprocity of Love
 Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and your  Sacrifice = Fulfill and Complete SELF
voice caught within your chest?  If my love is to be authentic, the gift of myself must
- It isn’t love, it’s LIKE be something valuable to me.
 You can’t keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I  DESIRE is essential but it should not be the motive
right? of loving.
- It isn’t love, it’s LUST  the YOU in love is discovered by the lover himself.
 Are you proud and eager to show them off?  LOVE = GIVE & TAKE
- It isn’t love, it’s LUCK Relationship between love of the other and love of myself
 Do you want them because you know there are?  love and trust
- It isn’t love, it’s LONELINESS  opening of myself to the other= defenselessness
 Are you there because it’s what everyone wants?  there is an element of sacrifice in loving the other.
- It isn’t love, it’s LOYALTY  EGOISM
 Does your heart ache and break when they’re sad?  In loving the other, I need to love myself.
- Then it’s LOVE  There exist in loving the other the desire to be loved
 Do you cry for their pain even they’re strong? in return.
-Then it’s LOVE Importance of Self-love in relationships
 Do you accept their faults because they are a part of 1. People treat you the way they see you treat yourself.
who they are? 2. You can't depend on other people o make you feel loved.
- Then it’s LOVE 3. A relationship should be a partnership, not a co-dependent
 Are you attracted to others, but stay with them situation.
faithfully without regret? 4. No one can make you happy the way you can make yourself
- Then it’s LOVE happy.
 Would you give them your heart, your life, your
death? Unreciprocated Love
- Then it’s LOVE  Being in love to someone who does not and will
Loneliness and Love never love you back
 Before love, there is loneliness.  “One-sided love”
 Loneliness = Grief  Rejection of the beloved could be a test of authentic
 1 antidote to loneliness: Befriend it. love
 Being alone = happiness and love  Opportunity for self-reparation
Equality in Love  Enriching experience
 Uniformity  “There is no shop in the world that sells love”
 50/50 Bad News
 Expecting the same treatment from your partner. Lack of reciprocity = PAIN (Someone who we believe is
 Relationship falls and flows as people's needs, extremely good and suitable for us does not think that we are
interests, and desires changes over time. good enough) OUCH!
Response to the appeal of the other  Unrequited love - is a humiliating blow to
THE LOVING ENCOUNTER “meeting of persons” our self-esteem, as it reflects a significant
negative evaluation of our worth.
 Paradox of love: 1) “just” love 2) double- that emotional closeness is much more important than
standard when not wanting to love, or not passion, with intimacy and romance.
wanting to have to love.  One example of the changes experienced in
Good News relationships in the early 21st century was explored
 No doubt, reciprocity is crucial in romantic by Giddens regarding homosexual relationships.
love. However, the lack of it, and hence the end of a
romantic relationship, is not the end of the world.
Creativity in Love Freedom in Love
 When were in love we actually think differently.  "Freedom is the means by which exercising both our
 Being in love or thinking about being in love, is reason and our will, we act on the natural longing for
useful when you want to imagine and create things truth, for goodness and for happiness that is built in
that are out of your normal range of thinking. us human beings." - St. Thomas Aquinas
Union of Love  If love is essentially between persons, then it follows
 The we that is created in love is the union of persons that love can only thrive and grow in freedom.
and their worlds.  Love gives you freedom, makes you free, liberates
 Union of love is not the joining of two-halves that you.
make a whole, but rather two-whole beings coming  Anything that destroys freedom is not love.
together to create a third entity. Love is Total, Eternal and Scared
The Gift of Self  The “you” in love is indivisible. It is offered from the
As describe by Manuel Dy in his Phenomenology of totality of my being to the totality of the other's
love, "A gift is causing another to possess something which being.
hitherto you possess yourself but which the other has no strict  “If you love a person, you accept the total
right to own." person. With all the defects. Because those defects
The Phenomenology of love according to Manuel Dy are a part of the person. Never try to change a person
suggests that "Authentic love is the gift of self that does not you love, because the very effort to change says that
expect something in return." you love half, and the other half of the person is not
In loving one another we cannot avoid making accepted. When you love, you simply love.”-Osho
sacrifice because it is primarily the essence of true love. LOVE IS ETERNAL
“I give not in order to get something in return.”  The gift of myself for the other is not for a limited
Why did I choose you and not some particular other? period of time only.
Because you are lovable. You are lovable because “Time is very slow for those who wait.
you are you. I see certain value in you and I want to enhance Very fast for those who are scared. Very long for those who
and be part of that value. are lament. Very short for those who celebrate. But for those
Building lasting relationships takes work. If we focus who love, time is eternal.” -William Shakespeare
on love, we can enhance it. LOVE IS SACRED
 Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist,  The persons involved in love are unique,
and expert on Mindfulness, Managing Anxiety, and irreplaceable beings and as such are valuable in
Depression, Succeeding at Work,, and Mind-Body themselves.
Health. “We enter into sacred relationship, and
Love is Historical that means intimacy. Intimacy is the ability to keep your heart
 Before the 18th century, many marriages were not open over time. Sacred relationship is a commitment to
arranged, but rather developed out of more or less intimacy over time.”-Dr. Gabriel Cousens
spontaneous relationships.
 According to Giddens, the rise of romantic love more
or less coincided with the emergence of the novel. It “Phenomenology of love starting from encounter with
was then that romantic love, associated with freedom solitude into a loving encounter”
and therefore the ideals of romantic love, created the
ties between freedom and self-realization.
 David R. Shumway states that "the discourse of
intimacy" emerged in the last third of the 20th
century, intended to explain how marriage and other
relationships worked, and making the specific case

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