Philosophy of Education

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Running head: PHILOSOPHY

Philosophy of Education

Harlen Rodriguez

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.200

Dr. Marian Ellis, Instructor

September 27, 2018

Running head: PHILOSOPHY

Philosophy of Education

Growing up without knowing the English language was very hard. I was cut off from

knowing the world around me and from all the knowledge. School was a way that I had access to

learning what surrounded me. I loved grade school, not only because of all the field trips the

teachers wanted to take the students on but because I had the opportunity to see and experience

another culture other than my own. I believe teachers should not limit kids to only what is in the

books but to also teach them what goes on around them.

Essentialism is one of the teacher based philosophies that I have come to agree with. As

hard as we try to deny it as students, every subject that is taught all throughout school is and will

be helpful in life. Such as math, it can be applied to financial needs, and an english class can help

in grammar, writing, and the list can go on and on. I believe that it is important to know the

different subjects that are taught so it can be helpful in life.

As well as progressivism, I can also agree on this philosophy. Students, especially

younger ones, tend to get distracted if things are taught only from a book. As teachers, I believe

students should get a lot of hands on experience. Students tend to remember things that are

shown to them than just read out of a book. They should be involved in different activities that

trigger their brains to work together.

As a teacher, having a curriculum is important. Every students learns in different ways. I

plan as teacher to have many books that the students will be interested in because growing up,

many of the books I read did not make sense or I simply did not enjoy them. Books should be a

way to escape the world for a least a second and enjoy reading about another word. I plan on also
Running head: PHILOSOPHY

trying to take the kids to as many field trips as the school permits me to take them. It is important

to know about the world that surrounds us and how beautiful it is.

As I said before, children should learn about the world around them. In the new

generation, it is especially important to know about all the different cultures that surround us. It

is important to embrace, and respect all the different cultures teachers have in a classroom. It is

also a good way to get to learn about students backgrounds and their beliefs.

When it comes to grading, and evaluating students, my methods will most likely be the

same as they are today. The students should know what to expect, and what they need focus on.

As an example, they should know know what is expected when a teacher asks to do a project, or

even to write a paper. I plan to do a rubric when they need it so they can go off of it, so they can

see what they should focus on in order to get a good grade.

Over all, I plan to be one of the teachers that had helped as well as impacted their life. I

want them to get learn by hands on activities so they can be intrigued with what is being taught .

They should not just be limited to the books that they given. They should be apart of the world

that exist around them.

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