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Eco Activ Website Requirements

1. Need to decrease header and navigation size

2. Need to improve header section like add phone number, email or social icon etc
3. Add more buttons in navigation like
a. What we do
b. What we take
c. Services
d. About US
e. Call to Action button
f. Add blog and more
4. Need to add 500 to 600 words content for optimizing the keywords on target pages
5. Create separate portion for blog or news feed
6. Need to add services on home page for internal linking
7. Add testimonials or client feedback for catch the user’s attention
8. Add the automate chat response for instant query
9. Need improvement in website loading speed
10. Need a well defined call to action button on landing pages
11. Need to work on footer. Add more services, phone number, address, email social icons
& more

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