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Script Moderator

The Honorable person my lecturer madam (Nama dosen) and all of my

beloved friend.

First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing
we are able to come here, to join in this English meeting.

Secondly, shalawat and salam also deliver to our prophet Muhammad SAW,
who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.

My beloved friends, May I have your attention. The Presentation is about to

begin. Let me introduce myself. I’m… (sebutkan nama) As you probably know, I’m
here in my function as moderator.

Our topic is… (Pulva hygine)

Allow me to introduce the speaker presenter. This is …., next to him is …
(sebutkan nama pembicara disampingnya) dst…
Now, moving along to our session, please welcome …… (panggil nama yang mau
presentasi pertama)
All right, ….. (panggil nama yang persentasi pertama) The floor is yours.
(waktu persentasi oleh pembicara pertama)
Ok. Now, we move to the second speaker. I please to … (sebutkan nama
pembicara kedua) Dst sampai pembicara selesai.

(Lalu waktunya mempersilahkan teman-teman anda bertanya)

Now, we come to Question and Answer Session. Don’t forget to mention your
name. Any questions?

Ladies and gentlemen! Finally, We come to the end part of our presentation.
We would like to say thanks again to audience for active participation. Hopefully the
presentation will be beneficial for you all. Thank you for your attention.



Vulva hygiene is cleaning vulva and the surrounding area in female patients who are
parturient or unable to do it alone. Patients who must rest in bed (for example,
because hypertension, giving information, section caesarea) must be bathed every day
by washing the area perineum which is done two times a day and at the time after
finishing defecating.

The purpose of vulva hygiene

1. For prevention and alleviating infections.
2. To clean the vagina and the area around the perineal.
3. Perineal secretion expenditure ( lochea, vaginal discharge.
4. Provide comfort for the patient.

Indication of vulva hygiene

1. Patient post partum
2. Post partum patient with episiotomy
3. Done at least 2x/day after defecation

Prepare the material

1. Basin
2. Moistened cotton balls
3. Kidney bowl
4. Sterile gloves
5. Under layer
6. Bowl with 0,5 chlorine
7. Curtain and towels

Procedure vulva hygiene

1. Do the inform consent
2. Prepare the materials
 Basin
 Moistened cotton balls
 Kidney bowl
 Sterile gloves
 Under layer
 Bowl with 0,5 chlorine
 Curtain and towels
3. Put on the curtain
4. Ask the patient to lay down
5. Put layer under the patient
6. Wash hand steps by steps and dry it
 Wet your hands, using running water
 Wash both hands and fingers
 Wash the back of the hand
 Wash between the fingers
 Wash the knuckle
 Wash the fingernails
 Wash the thumb
 Wash the fingertips
 Dry with a clean towel
7. Arrange the patient into the dorsal position
8. Take the kidney bowl near the vaginal area
9. Put on sterile glovevs
10. Take 5 cotton balls put it vlose to you , then it between the fingers or using
11. Do the vulva hygiene
a. Put your left index finger on pubic area
b. Open labia major using your thumbs and index fingers
c. Wipe the right side of labia minor in the direction from top to bottom, discard
the dirty cotton balls to the kidney bowl
d. Wipe the left side labia minor too to bottom. Discard the dirty cotton bals to
the kidney bowl
e. Wipe the right the side of labia major from top to bottom. Discard the dirty
cotton balls to the kidney bowl
f. Wipe the left side of labia major
g. Wipe center of labia minor

12. Tidy up all the materials

13. Remove the gloves and put it in 0,5% chlorine
14. Ask the patient to get back into normal position
15. Tell the patient that the procedure is done
16. bring the materials to provious place
17. wash hands in 7 steps and dry it
18. Write the note about the procedure and patient’s identity

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