SEO Action Plan

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Chrish Johan

First of all thanks for taking time to see my SEO Action Plan for your project. I have reviewed all
your requirements you have provided and accordingly I have genereated my SEO Action Plan for
your website. I ensure you that my SEO strategies works and are long term for getting and keeping
a top search engine ranking in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask.

I am an expert in Search Engine Optimizing working on free lancing projects only. I understand all
major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask) and how they work and have different SEO
strategies for all major search engines.

According to me SEO is not all about only ranking high in the Search Engines. But SEO is all about
identify right audience for your website, optmizing your website for keywords your audience will
use and tracking the progress to make necessary adjustment for your website. I see your website as
a vabluable asset of you and adding more values to it with my all ethical SEO strategies.

Below are the details of my SEO proecess & strategies:

SEO Process Flow

A) Setting up Goals:

Before begining SEO work, I set up the goals for website with client. We go through different
process of setting up the goals of the website and certain page like below.

1. What is Your Website's Purpose: Knowing the answer to this helps understand how to
approach the setup
and optimization of website. Having a singular focus for website can help us focus my
search engine marketing efforts.

2. Who is Your Target Audience: Understanding what your audience knows and wants is
very important process. With my strategies we can target your “ideal client” and work as
hard as possible to dominate that niche

3. What does Your Site Do: In this process, we can identify different things like how your
website solves the problem of your target audience, what information does it provide to its
users, what steps are defined for taking action of your audience. This process keeps your
website focus on your primary goal and helps building a profitable business.

B) Keyword Research:

I am starting SEO with keyword research for the website. Keyword research determines what
language or terminology your target audience will
use in searchers. I use a number of process to

 Research on the keywords you've suggested and choose the right keywords
Chrish Johan
 Create a master list of possible search terms that your audience can and will use
 Carry out a deep analysis of your products and offerings and then sort out the most
appropriate key phrases
 Identify and finalized a set of target key phrases for your site’s search engine optimization

C) Keywords vs. Targeted pages:

Next step is to select the proper page of the site that should be targeted for each shortlisted
keywords, after your approval of the suggested keywords. I analyze and find out most important
pages of website that should target your primary and secondary goal for the website for each

D) Site Analytics Setup:

The site analysis and reporting of user activity on your website helps to make informed dicision of
the necessary steps. Tracking SE traffic can help to uncover the real view of search marketing
success. Before making any changes in the website, I setup the google analytics to measure the
results after completion of SEO work.

E) Competitive Analysis:

Here I analyze the top competitors of your site to make sure doing better than what they are doing.
In this process, I find out,

1. Who your main competition is: I make a list of all the competitors and analyze them one
by one and then make top 5 competitor website list to compare it with your website.

2. What they are doing to rank at the top of the SE's: In this process i check various
espects of the competitors website like their keywords, on page optimization, backlinks, age

3. How to beat them: After having a full details of the competitiors I check out all the
strong and weak points of the websites and doing all SEO work to beat the competitors

F) On Page Optimization:

Before beginning SEO work, we measure how your site is currently performing. This phase helps
us to understand strength and weakness of your site.

1. Web Page Analysis: Here I check all-important parameters of important pages of your
website like site architecture & layout, Title tags, images, code to text ration etc… This
gives me the current standing of your site. I check all these figures during & on completion
of SEO and keeps close watch on it.
Chrish Johan
2. Meta Tags & Header Tags Optimization: After in-depth analysis of shortlisted
keywords, results of comparative analysis & Web pages analysis I prepare the optimized title
tag, description tag, keywords tag & header tags ( H1, H2 and H3) for all important pages of
the site. I will send report to you for confirmation.

3. Content Creation (If Require): “Content is the king” . Search engine likes good and
unique content in the website. My copywriting team will analyze all important pages of your
website to check if any page needs correction/addition/deletion in the text. If require i send
you the report containing suggested changes.

4. SEO implementation on all targeted webpage: After your approval of my above

reports, I start implementing it on your website. It includes content optimization, title tag
optimization, meta tags optimization, image optimization etc. If your website is static, I first
implement it in dummy pages, report you, and after your approval I make the page live. If
your site is dynamic, I make changes on the live site. It includes but not limited to:

a. Implementing Architectural changes if require

b. Correcting the findings of comparative analysis.
c. Optimization of title tags, header tags and other meta tags of important pages
d. Optimizing internal linking structure
e. Image optimization
f. Content optimization according to finding of analysis
g. Analysis & optimization of h1, h2, bold, a, table, alt etc.. tags as per meta tags
optimization report
h. Optimizing JavaScript and CSS codes
i. Adjusting Code to Text Ratio as per the finding of analysis
j. W3c Validation
k. Robots.txt addition
l. Sitemap Generation

G) Off-Page Optimization:

Off-page optimization is the key factor of the SEO work done on your website. This process builds
trust and authority of your website in your relevant niche for major search engines like (Google,
Yahoo, Bing and Ask). Off-page optimization or link building is the reason for getting maximum
performance in the search engines for specified relevant targeted keywords related to the page
content. We perform various tasks to get a one way back link for your website like

1. One-way PR3+ Webwite backlinks

2. Article marketing
3. Social Bookmaking
4. Ethical Forum Posting
5. Ethical Blog Commenting
6. Submission in Relevant Directories
Chrish Johan
7. Using Various Web 2.0 Techniques
Chrish Johan

Suggested Service Details

No. of targeted keywords: Max 2 primary keywords and 1 secondary keywords (per page)

On Page SEO Analysis & Consultation Outline

Items Included in On-Page Assessement and Criteria

 Alt Tag Analysis and Consultation

 Includes keyword ranking report and recommendations
 Includes competitor analysis and strategy
 Includes detailed keyword research, analysis and recommendations
 Meta Description Analysis & Consultation
 File Name Analysis and Consultation
 Title Tag Consultation, Creation and Optimization based on keyword prominence,
proximity and phrase order
 Keyword density consultation
 Strategic implementation of H1, H2, H3 header tags
 Strategic implementation of bulleted list, bold and italicized keywords
 Strategic internal linking structure consultation
 Intelligent tree linking strategy using keyword rich anchor text
 Advanced page formatting consultation used to alter source code and combat Google’s 1st
link priority rule
 Use of no-follow tags to control page rank bleed
 SEO friendly URL consultation
 Application of advanced page theming techniques
 Duplicate content identification & elimination strategies including canonicalization
 Robots.txt analysis and consultation to facilitate the deepest and most accurate indexing
 Facilitate speedy google page crawl and indexing
 Identifying and eliminating spider traps
 Text to code ratio analysis, consultation and recommended improvements
 HTML & XML sitemap analysis and consultation
 .htaccess file tweaking
 Anchor text strategy and consultation
 Off page strategy, consultation and recommendations

Off-Page SEO Process

Chrish Johan
Items Included in Off-Page Optimization

 Unique Articles – 8 Nos.

 Submission to Social Bookmarking – 250 Nos.
 Blog Comments (No Comments)– 70 Nos.
 Forum Posting – 40 Nos.
 New Web 2.0 pages – 8 Nos.
 Submission to RSS Directories
 One way Backlink from PR3+ sites – 180-250 Nos.
 Relevant Directory submission – 150 Nos.

Off Page SEO Criteria (Link Building)

Chrish Johan
Items Included in Off-Page Criteria

 One-way, non-reciprocal links from related websites that are indexed in Google
 Links must have their own unique domain and each link should be from a different class C
IP address.
 We stagger the deployment of all links to avoid penalties
 We utilize a proprietary formula that helps us determine the right balance of the # of links
obtained, the types of links obtained, the # of deep links obtained and the speed in which
the blend of each are obtained to avoid red flags.
 General directories will be utilized sparingly unless relevant high ranking pages are
 Industry specific niche directories will be prime targets for links
 Links will contain the target keyword/keyphrase as a text hyperlink
 Links will not be from framed pages, banned pages, flash sites, from javascript based links,
from a redirect script, FFA or from bad neighborhoods (porn, gambling, offensive or
questionable content oriented sites etc.
 Links will not include a rel=nofollow tag
 All pages where links are obtained must be indexed and cached
 Links cannot be on a links page excluded by a robots.txt file or meta tag
 All links will be obtained from pages with no more than 50 links on the link page to
increase the flow of page rank
 All links will be text based keyword rich anchor text, not graphics
 We utilize deep linking strategies to assist in a more natural link building campaign,
eliminating the google sandbox effect on newer sites and assisting established sites obtain
faster and longer term results.
 All links are manually submitted and we never use automated software (e.g., Zeus, Arelis
or others)
 No links using any automated techniques, link farms or black-grey hat techniques comment
spam, referrer spam or ANY other shady tactic.
 No links that participate in any in any commercial link exchanges programs or web rings
such as,,, etc.
 Other methods used to obtain authoritative incoming links (Social Media, Social
Bookmarking, Video SEO, Forums, No-Follow Blog Comments, Trackbacks, Article
Submissions/Exchanges. LinkBait and more..

Reports & Schedule

Report Name Reporting Day
1. Keyword Research 2nd Day
2. Comparative Analysis 6th Day
3. Web Page Analysis 6th Day
4. Optimized Title Tags, Meta Tags & Header Tags 7th Day
Chrish Johan
5. Content Optimization (If Required) 10th Day
6. On-Page Implementation 15th Day
7. Link Building Report 20th Day (Weekly)
8. Web-page Ranking Report Bio-weekly (From 2nd Month)
9. Website Statistic Report Bio-weekly (From 2nd Month)
Time Frame 3 Months
Pricing $749/Month
Payment Terms 50% upfront 50% after

 Payment Terms for Setup: 50% downpayment required to commence work, 50% upon completion of full site
analysis and documented enhancements.

 Payment Terms for Monthly Link Building Campaign = pre-payment

 Payment Terms for Initial Setup = 50% to commence work & balance due upon completion

 Estimated Turnaround Time for Setup Completion: 5-7 days

 Quote valid for 30 days (Quote#2194)

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