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Running head: REFLECTION PAPER 1

Reflection Paper

Lindsey Thorpe


April 5, 2019

I have dreamt about being a teacher since I was in the 9th grade, for many years I have

thought of ways that I could impact student’s life’s the way teachers did and still continue to do

for me. It is my second year at Paris Junior College and I got the opportunity once again to go

and observe at Paris High School as I had done before. This semester I observed Mrs. McClure

she teaches SPED grades ninth through twelfth.

Observing this class for the second time was an exciting because, even though I was just

observing I had a special bond with these kids. This semester was different than last because it is

towards the end of the year and things were beginning to wind down before they get out for the

summer. The thing that liked the most about coming back was the kids getting exited when they

seen me again, I was scared that even after a semester they would forget my name or who I was,

however we picked up right where we left off like I had been coming to the school every day

since the I started last semester.

There are many different teaching styles in a SPED classroom because of the different

disabilities that you encounter while being a special education teacher. The main teaching style

that is used in Mrs. McClure’s classroom is just a simple rule system, by setting basic rules and

practicing and enforcing them you can keep the peace and if rules are broken there are

consequences. This teaching style also helps the students that in life when they become

independent that they cant just do whatever they want they have to follow rules. Being able to

teach these students simple rules can significantly help them in the long run, even teaching them

simple life skills helps them be able to be more independent and when they get older if they

choose to go to a group home, they will be better off from what they were taught.

Going to Paris High for the second time was something that I did not dread at all, even with my

hours over and my last semester coming up I would still go back and do it all over again. Being

there was not a good but a great experience and I cannot wait to be a teacher and able to have

wonderful students off my own to lead in the right direction.

The interaction between the students and the teacher was incredible, they enjoy being in

that classroom and they love Mrs. McClure she is someone they look up to and listen too very

well. The one thing that I seen that was negative is when a student is having just a bad day and

they start to disrupt other students and that can cause other students to become upset or even

violent and then it disrupts everyone.

From my experience, I would definitely take the rule system teaching style, also I would

like to just be all around caring and involved like Mrs. McClure is with her students. I strive to

be the type of teacher that my students look up to and that they can learn not only school

implemented things but, things that can help them in the long run as well.

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