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Training Guide

Evenium Facility

1. Login and the « Multi-event » screen 5. The Back Office – The guests

1.1  Your Evenium account 5.1 Management of the database

1.2  Multi-event screen 5.2 Action buttons
1.3 Creating an event 5.3 The guests’ details

2. Website 6. Advanced options

2.1 Website personalisation 6.1 Multilingual management

2.2 table formatting 6.2 Accommodation management
6.3 Transportation management
6.4 Activity management
6.5 Email alerts
3. Registration form
6.6 Differentiated display
3.1 Registration form
3.2 Conditional display 7. Deleting an event
3.3 Questions only visible in the Back Office
3.4 Replacement management

4. Emails

4.1  Email configuration

4.2 Putting the assistant’s email in copy
4.3 Email personalisation
1. Login and the « Multi-event » screen

1.1 Your Evenium account

How to connect to your platform

1.2 « Multi-event » screen

How to manage all your events

1.3 Creating an event

How to create your event
1.1 Access to your Evenium account
Connect yourself through the link given by Evenium:
The link will have the following format :

If you forget your password, select your name in the

« Users », and then click on “I forgot my password...”
A new password will be sent to you automatically

This function « Remember me » will allow you to be

automatically connected to your account

The drop down menu « Language » will allow you to

choose your access language
1.2 « Multi-event » screen – all events

« Multi-event » screen :
→The « Events » tab lists all the event that have been created on your Evenium account

→The « Contacts » tab lists all your contacts from all your events

→ The « Users » tab allows you to create new user accounts for your colleagues

→The « My account » tab allows you to change your account details as an administrator and order online
1.2 « Multi-event » screen

Status of the event Status of your

Click on the name of Status of the Date of the
(Open, In Construction, participants for the
the event in order to event (Public or event
Archived, Closed or event
access it. private)
1.2 « Multi-event screen » - events/contacts
In Events :

→ Create a « New event »

→ « Export » the list of all your events via an Excel file

→ Use the drop down menu to switch between viewing « All events,
« Only current events » or « Past Events »

→ Search for an event

In Contacts :

→ Add contacts to your database

→ Allows you to invite one or several guests to the chosen event

→ Export your contacts via an Excel file

→ Import your contacts via an Excel file

1.2 Adding a new user
Creating a new administrator account :

When you connect yourself to the platform, you arrive on a screen containing all your events.

To add a new user, click on the « Users » tab

Click on « Add a new user »:

A pop-up window will open containing a form with all the main information to complete in order to add your new user:

You will need to fill in all the information asked to create your new user (the fields marked
with an asterisks are mandatory)
Access to all events: this type of access will give administrator rights to all the events of
your platform.
Access to certain events: allows you to select which event from all your events list this
new user will have access to

Remarks: an email will be sent out automatically to your new user, letting him define his
password in order to connect himself to the platform and activate his account.
1.2 Adding a new user
Once your user has been added, he will appear under the « Users » tab:

By clicking on this icon , you can choose which events are accessible for this user and what are his access rights.

Click on the drop down list under the « Access » column

in order to select the type of access for a specific event.

- « Administrator » access: has complete access to the platform of the events including the configuration of the website, the registration
form and the database of the contacts.
- « Inviter » access: has access to the contact database with the possibility to modify and send out emails.
- « Read Only » access: has a consulting access of the participant list. No modifications are possible.
1.2 « Multi-event » screen – My account
In the « My Account » tab:

You can:

→ My account: access to all your personal information

→ My credits: displays all of your remaining credits on all your events and
allows you to order credits online

→ My orders: generates a proposal for some additional options

1.3 Creating an event
On the « Events » tab you can click on « New event »:

You can also duplicate an existing event by clicking on:

You will have to fill in different elements, you will then be able to modify these under the « Configuration » →
« General Info » tab

For example:
Where ?
The address is automatically searched by Google Maps
A map will appear on your « Practical Info » menu on your
event’s website

Who ?
Organised by: The organiser’s contact details which will be
used as the expeditor of the emails
Email : This is the address where all the answers of your
participants and/or automatic replies (out of the office, spam…)
will be redirected to
2. The event’s website

2.1 Website personalisation

How to personalise your event’s website which is available to your participants

2.2 Table formatting

How to have an optimal viewing of the content of your website
2.1 Website configuration - Languages
Under the « Configuration » → « Edit Website » tab

→ Select the different languages of your website

The participant can change

the language of your site by
clicking on the different flags

Be careful :

The platform does not automatically translate the content of your website. Once you have added a new language to
your website, be careful not to forget to add your content for all the additional languages.
2.1 Website configuration – Changing the design
To modify the design of your website you can click on:

Under the « General » tab:

You have the choice between 3 types of design : Classic / Custom / Modern

Click on « Classic » to select the type of design

2.1 Website configuration – Changing your design
A) Modern design:

You can use our new « Modern » design

It’s a personalised and responsive website

Add your banner by clicking on « Add picture »

Remark: The dimension to be respected are indicated below.
By clicking on “more info...” you can download the full dimensions to be
Also use the Logo and Title/Date of the event
areas to implement your information.
2.1 Website configuration – Changing your design
A) Modern design:

Mass personalisation of the font of your

content and selection of a background

Personalise the font of the titles of the menu

Personalise the font of the section titles (on your

registration form)
2.1 Website configuration – Changing your design
B) Custom design :

By clicking on « Other themes », you will be able to

select the « Custom » design
To do so, click on « Choose this design »

Personalise the graphics by clicking on « Background »:

Remark : You can click on « information on
dimensions » in order to view the
dimensions to be respected

Mass personalisation of the font of your Personalise the font of your menu titles
2.1 Website configuration – Changing your design
C) Classic design:

You can also select the « Classic » design on which you can either modify the background color of your
website (5 colors available)

Or add a background image by clicking on « Background »

Mass personalisation of the font of your Personalise the font of your menu titles
website content
2.1 Website configuration – Menus
→ Welcome page of your event’s website
4 menus are created by default:
→ Registration form page
To modify the menu, put your computer mouse over the menus.
A red box with this icon will appear , click it in order to configure it. → Page with the Google Map

→ Page resuming the list of all the guests

Labels: Modify the title and the format of

your menus
Menu position: Adjust the placement of the
tabs in the menu

Display conditions: You can choose to show

the menu depending on the category of your

Sub-menus: In order to create sub-

menus, either click at the top « Add a
sub-menu » on an existing menu or
create a new menu which will become a
sub-menu of.

Page visibility: Menu disabled : not visible on either the Front or Back Office.
Menu under construction : not visible on the Front Office but is on the Back Office.
Menu visible : visible on the Front Office, by the guests.
Be careful : Always click on « Submit » and then on « Save » for every single modifications of your menus/sub-menus
2.1 Website configuration – Editing the content

- To modify the text in a cell, put your computer mouse

over the top of the content. A red box will appear and
then click

- In the text cell editor, avoid copying and pasting

- Don’t forget to « Submit » after you have done your

Be careful: If your website is formatted in different languages, don’t forget

to do all your modifications of every single language by clicking on the
corresponding flags.
2.1 Website edition – Inserting content

Inserting an image: click on the icon Inserting a link / a document : First highlight the text or image that
will become your link. click on the or the icon
- Click on « Choose a file » and choose an image on your Click on to create a link towards:
computer. - A page of your event website: « Go to the page » then select
the page and it’s language.
- Leaving the borders at 0 will delete the blue contours around the - An external website: Choose « URL » and then insert your URL
image on certain internet browsers. link.
- An email: « Email » and then enter the corresponding email
- In order to keep an optimum quality, we recommend that you crop
your image to the wanted size with an image retouching software - Click on to create a link towards a document (PDF,
(Photo-shop, Paint...) Word…) then click on « Search » and select your document.
Please note that participants will be able to visualise and download
this document.
2.2 Table formatting
In order to have an optimal alignment of your text and images on your website, we recommend to add

1) Text/image alignment

To format an agenda for example:

Click on this window will pop-up: :

(1) (2)

(1) & (2) Number of columns and lines wanted (4)

(3) Width: we recommend a maximum width of 700px

(4) Border: size of the border: if the border has to be invisible

the border is 0.

To modify the format of a line click on:

To insert an image, click on the cell where you want to add your image and click on
To insert lines on top of/above of a cell click on
To inset a column on the left/right of a a cell click on
To delete a line/column click on
To merge/un-merge cells click on
3. The registration form

A. General configuration of the form

3.1 The registration form (general view)

How to put in place your registration form

B. Advance configuration of the registration form

3.2 Conditional display

How to display questions depending on the previous answers of your participant

3.3 Question displayed only on the Back Office

How to hide some questions from the participants

3.4 Managing replacements

How to integrate replacements
3.1 Registration form – Setting up the questions

- Select and maintain the selection (drag and drop) of the chosen field and move it to the desired placement.
- Insert onto the registration form the questions that the participants will have to answer.

- On the registration form, when going over a field, you can delete it , move it , or modify it .
3.1 Registration form – Setting up the questions

3 types of questions :
- « Pre-defined questions » : most commonly used fields, already configured by the platform.
- « Personalised questions » : several types of questions are available. When adding a personalised question you are
requested to add information : question, possible answers, whether the question is mandatory or not.…
- « Text and layout » : separator ( to space out two questions), Free text zone, section title.
3.1 Registration form – Personalised questions
1 1. Yes/No' question: type 'your question' . The answer to this question needs to
be 'Yes' or 'No'.

2. 'Free Text' Field: Ask a question with no pre-established answer. The reply is
2 expected to be rather short.

3. Select List Question: Ask a question with a drop down list format. The
3 participant needs to select ONE answer among all possible answers. You must
insert all possible answers, ONE BY ONE, below ''Select.... ''. Example :
answers 1 and 2.

4. Multiple choice question (Only one answer is allowed): ask 'your question'
4 and insert the 'Possible answers', one on each line. To add lines, click on 'Add'.

5. Multiple choice question (Multiple answers are allowed): similar process to

setting up the multiple choices. Here you can give your participant the option to
select several answers.
6. « Date » question: this will allow you to enter a date on your registration form,
you will find it’s format below:

3.1 Registration form – Text and layout
Text & layout
1. « Free Text » Field: allows you to add text, tables, links and images to your registration form.

2. « Section title » Field: allows you to organise your registration form with titles.

3. «  Separator » Field: allows you to add spaces between your different fields on the registration form.

1 2

3.1 Registration form – Question configuration
Question configuration :
1. « Required field »: makes your question mandatory.

2. « Layout »: allows you to modify the layout of your questions/answers on your registration form.

3. « Make this field read only »: once the box is checked, your participant won’t be able to modify the pre-filled answers that the
organiser imported.

4. « Do not display the label of the question »: only the answers are visible on the registration form.

5. « Do not allow the guest to modify this if his/her status for the global event is: »: once this box is checked, your participant
won't be able to modify his/her answers if his/her status is « Will not attend », « To validate » or « Confirmed ».

3.1 Registration form – Question configuration

Registration form specifics :

- To change the registration closing date and the text displayed when registrations are closed, click on Registration Open until...

- To add languages to your form : click on and select the languages by checking the boxes.

- You are able to create guest categories and show questions for only specific ones. Create your categories by clicking on
Give each category a name and color so they can be easily identified.

IMPORTANT : In the excel file you use to import your guests, please indicate the category of each guest (using categories identical
to those on your registration form).
3.2 Display conditions
The dynamic display allows you to ask a question on the registration form depending on the guest’s answers to another

Under « Configuration » → « Update the registration form », create your questions with the pre-defined questions or with
the personalised questions

Edit the question you wish to be dynamic by clicking on:

This window pops-up – at the bottom of this one you can click on « Display conditions »:

Then click on « Dynamic display depending on the guest’s answers ».

3.2 Display conditions
To create a new condition: a drop-down menu appears where you will find all the fields on your registration form:

Choose the field and the value of this one conditioning the display of your question:

This phrase needs to be logical

and needs to correspond to
what you want to put in place.

Question’s label Value

Your question is now dynamic.

Remark: please make sure to test, as a participant, on the website before sending your invitation emails to your guests.
3.3 Questions only available on the Back-Office
Questions available only on the Back-Office, allows the organisers to add information for each participants – that they don’t
want their participants to see on the registration form.

Create your question with the pre-defined questions or the personalised questions.
Edit the question the selected question:
This window will pop-up – at the bottom of this one you can click on « Display confitions »:

Then click on « Display only for the main administrators »

3.4 Replacement management – Set Up
The replacement management authorises participants to enter the information of the participant replacing them:

Edit the general participation of the event and then click on « Allow replacements »:

On the participant’s registration form the question will appears as below:

3.4 Replacement management- Registration form
If the participant selects that he will be replaced, he will then have this question appear:

By clicking on « Proceed with replacement of ... », the initial guest:

- Will arrive on a blank registration form where he will be able to enter the information of his substitute
- Will recieve a declinded automatic email

The substitute will receive the automatic confirmation email.

If the initial guest goes back to the registration form, he will be able to see the name of his substitute:

The initial guest can only be replaced once.

4. Emails
A. General Email Configuration

4.1 Email configuration (general view)

How to personalise your emails?

B. Advanced Email Configuration

4.2 Assitant’s e-mail in copy

How to add an email in copy?

4.3 Email personalisation – data from the registration form

How to insert the answers of your participants from the registration form on the emails?
4.1 Email configuration
I. Different types of e-mails

Under « Configuration » → « Edit Emails»

You will have access to the email personalisation

a) Standard emails: b) New messages:

3 emails are created by the platform by default: You can create new emails by clicking on:
Invitation, Confirmed auto. and Declined auto.

Those standard emails can be personalised. This screen will appear:

The Confirmed auto and Declined auto are emails sent Create your new email by using the standard template
out automatically if the participant validates or not «Invitation » or by creating a completely new message.
his/her participation to the event. You can configure
them by selecting one email and clicking on Modify at In order to create a new email using another email already
the bottom of the page: created on the platform (for example invitation reminder using
the invitation email) you can click on:

and rename your email.

Your email will be duplicated and will be available in the drop-

down menu.
4.1 Email configuration
II. Languages

Click on Language, and then define the chosen languages:

You can choose your language while you edit your text of your email, via the drop-down menu in text cell

Be careful while you edit your message, it is important to implement the sender and subject of the message in
all the chosen languages.
By clicking on the element this window opens:
4.1 Email configuration
III. Sending parameters

1 Modify the sender of your messages (put the name of the sender and not the
email address).

2 Put in copy the email address you want or the email assistant filled in on the participants form.

For more information please

look into the « 4.2 Assistant’s
email in copy »

3 Modify the subject of your emails.

4 You can attach one or more files to your emails. Be careful the maximum size is 5Mo.
4.1 Email configuration
IV. Email content configuration

- To edit a text cell put your computer mouse on top of it and click on

- You can delete it and move it (click and drag)

- To add a cell put your computer mouse between two cells and click on

To modify the format of your emails

Attach a calendar file in order for the recipients to easily add your event to their

Rename your email with the drop-down menu

Put in place the automatic sending rules

Delete your email

Be careful : Don’t forget to click on « Save » in order to save all your modifications
4.1 Email configuration
If you put your computer mouse between two text cells, this icon should appear . If you click on it, this window appears:
1 Insert a free text
2 Insert a link that will redirect your participant towards a tab of your event’s website:
Don’t forget
to select the 2
wanted menu
3 Participants personalised gender (Gender/Last name/First name). 6
4 It has to be a maximum width of 600px and a maximum high 7
of 200px
5 Corresponds to the signature of your emails. It can be the same one for all your emails.
6 Insert all the data form the registration form
7 Insert one or more data from the registration form
8&9&10 Insert data regarding the pre-defined question Transport/Accommodation/Activities

Remark: By clicking on , you can create different displays just like on the registration form (see « 6.6
Differentiated display »)
4.2 Assistant’s email in copy – Registration form/Emails
Insert the question « Assistant’s email » on the registration form:

Then under « Configuration » → « Edit emails » tab:

On your email you can click on the « cc/cci... » field:

Select the field value and then choose in the list of values
« Assistant's email »

Be careful : Don’t forget to click on « Save » in order to save all your modifications
4.3 Personalisation – Form Data
Form data allows you to choose which fields from the registration form you want in your email.

In the column « Available data » are all the fields of the registration form.
Select the one that needs to appear – and then click on « Insert ».

On the email, the data will appear as:

Exactly the same title as on the registration form (in gray) – in black the answer of the guest
4.3 Form Data – Display conditions
It is also possible to create display conditions depending on the guest's answer on the emails:

On every email cells, you will find the mention « Display conditions ». When you click on it the following screen

1) Depending on the category: 2) Depending on the guest answers on the registration form:


You select the category that is concerned When you click on « Create new condition »: all the fields of the
by this cell registration form (back-office also) will appear with the value
conditioning the cell’s display or not.
4.3 Form Data – Display conditions
Ex :

Allows you to add a

value to the initial

List of the fields available on the Display’s conditions List of available values
registration form
Example :

To add an additional condition for this same cell, click on:

5. The Back Office – The guests

5.1 Database Management

How to manage your participants’ answers

5.2 Action buttons

How to use all the different functionality on the Back-Office

5.3 Participant’s data

How to find the information relative to your participants
5.1 Database Management
The «Guests » tab allows you to manage your database:

- You will see the list of participants, their status (confirmed, will not attend, waiting list…), and their answers to the
registration form.

- Modify a participant’s file by clicking on his last name.

- Visualise the email sending status (sent, error, answered).

If your guest answers, his message will appear in « Last Msg. » (Rsp.) → click on it to see the message 
5.1 Database Management – Sort/filter
You can sort or filter your participants depending on the titles of the columns under the « Guests » tab.

→ Sort: click on the name of the column.

Example : by clicking on Last name, your list of participants will be sorted by alphabetical order.
When this sort is activated this icon show up next to the name of the column concerned.

→ Filter: click on next to the column on which you want to filter.

All the values corresponding to the answers of your participants will appear, and you will be able to select the wanted
values :

When a filter is activated this icon appears next to the column. You will also be able to see the number of
participants corresponding to the filtered fields.

Remark: To delete the sorts and filters, refresh your screen or click on the « Guests » tab.
5.2 Action buttons
Under the « Guests » tab, you will find 7 action buttons allowing you to manage your database.

Here are their functionality:

Add a guest

Send emails to the selected guests

Modification of the status of the selected guests on the event (or

sub-events), modification of the category, deleting a guest

Search for a guest by last name or company

Export your database

Import your database

Export the pictures of your guests

5.2 Action buttons - Add
By clicking on the « Add » button, you will be able to add manually a guest to your database.

By clicking on « Submit » you will need to select:

Either a existing guest Or create a new guest

Then this window pops-up:

It will allow you to have access to the new guest’s registration form. The mandatory fileds
when you add a guest are Last name, First name and Email.
5.2 Action buttons – Import
By clicking on the « import » button you will be able to import your participants in bulk.

Step 1 : For that you will need an Excel file with at least the following columns : « Last Name », « First
name » and « Email ». If you want to add other columns such as « Company », you will have to add the
corresponding fields on the registration form first.

Then you can copy & paste your Excel document (including the title of your columns) in the following blank
5.2 Action buttons - Import
Find below the main steps to follow to bulk import your participants:

→Step 2 : verify that your data matches with the platform’s field and then click on « Submit »

→Step 3 : «Submit» : the platform will indicate you if you have errors in your import.
A report appears at the end of your import: we recommend you to paste this on your Excel file.
5.2 Action buttons - Email
By clicking on the action button « email » you will be able to send out emails:

1) Sending in bulk 2) Individual

If you want to send out emails to all your database, make If you want to send out emails only to a certain number of
sure that your are displaying all the lines: guests from your database, select them using the check box
next to their names:

Then click on:

By clicking on the « Email » action button:

Select the email you want

to send out

Verify the language

Preview the email

Once you have checked everything, you can click on

« Send ».
5.2 Action buttons - Modify
By clicking on the « Modify » action button, you have the possibility to make some modifications on a guest:

1) Bulk modification 2) Individual modification

If you want to do a bulk modification, make sure to display If you want to modify only a certain number of guests, select
all the lines: the wanted guests by checking the box next to their name:

Click then on:

By clicking on the action button « Modify »:

Modify the status of your

participation OR delete a
participant by choosing
the « Deleted » status

Modify the category of

your participants
5.2 Action buttons - Export
By clicking on the « Export » action button you have the possibility to generate an Excel file with all the
participants’ information.

To modify the export’s columns, you can click on:

To choose your export’s column

select this check box

Select the wanted columns under

the « Columns available»

Click on « Add »

Modify the order of your columns

by clicking on the arrows
5.2 Action buttons - Album
By clicking on the « Album » action button, you will be able to also find the pictures uploaded by your guests
on the registration form.

By clicking on « Export » all the picture will be exported via a Zip file.

By clicking on « Print », you will be able to print all the pictures of your guests.
5.3 Participant’s information
All the information implemented by your participants are available under the « Guests » tab.
To have access to the participant’s information, you need to click on the participant’s « Last name » (written in blue
and underlined).

Once you have clicked on the participant’s last name, a window pops-up
containing all the information added through the import or implemented
by the participant.

You will then be able to modify the participant’s information.

5.3 Participant’s information
On the guest’s file there are 5 other tabs allowing you to visualise your guests’ information:

The « Registration » tab contains the information implemented by your guest during his/her registration of the
information imported by the organiser.

The « Site » tab allows you to be automatically redirected on your event’s website just like your participant
would see it.

The « Messages » tab allows you to have the list of all the messages sent out to the participants and theirs

The « History » tab allows you to follow all the data concerning the participant, and also see the modifications
made and by whom.

The « Duplicates » tab allows you to merge to identical contacts in your database.
Be careful: This action is irreversible , please contact the client support if you have a doubt concerning the
process to follow.
6. Advanced options

6.1 Multilingual management

How to manage the creation of an event with multiple languages

6.2 Accommodation management

How to use the accommodation module on the registration form and under the « Logistics » tab

6.3 Transport management

How to use the transport module on the registration form and under the « Logistics » tab

6.4 Activity management

How to use the activity module on the registration form and under the « Logistics » tab

6.5 Email alerts

How to create email alerts for every new registration

6.6 Differentiated display

How to show different fields depending on the categories of your participants
6.1 Multilingual management – Website
A. Implementation on the website

Under Configuration – Edit Website

You can define the language on the website by clicking on:

There are 18 available languages: Select your language, by checking the corresponding boxes:

Once your languages have been chosen, the equivalent flags should appear on
your website:
Allowing your participants to choose his/hers language on your event website.

B. Implementation of the menus of your website

Now, you will need to insert your content in the different

languages on your website’s menus.

By clicking on your menu, then on the name of the menu

you want to edit, this window appears:
6.1 Multilingual management – Website
C. Implementation of content on the website

Once your pages have been created, you will need to update your website's content.
The translation of the content in different languages needs to be done by yourself.

To edit a cell click on:

The cell editor will open, you will find the available languages in the top left corner.

To edit the content in all the different chosen languages make sure to click on the correct flag corresponding to the
wanted language.

Make sure to click on « Submit » and then « Save » once all your modifications have been done.
6.1 Multilingual management – Registration form
To configure the different languages on your registration form, you can click on

By default, it will be the exact languages defined on your website.

There are 3 different types of questions on the registration form:

A. Pre-defined questions

→ « Transport », « Accommodation » and « Activities » modules (except for the activities’ title) are
translated by default in the 18 languages.

→ If you want to translate that question differently you may edit the question by clicking on:

The title of your questions can be modified in every language:

6.1 Multilingual management - Registration form
B. Personalised questions and Text & Layout

Those fields can be translated by the organiser.

In order to translate a personalised question, you need to edit the question via

A window will pop-up : Be careful:

→ The titles:
Make sure that you update the titles of your
questions in every selected language

→ The answers:
In a « Yes/No » question the answers will be
automatically translated.

In the case of a « Multiple answers » question

make sure that you have updated all the answers
in the selected languages:

It is the same process to translate « Text & Layout » fields.

Make sure to save your registration form once you have done all your modifications.
6.1 Multilingual management – Emails
In order to edit emails in multiple languages please check « 4.1 Editing emails – II languages »

To send out emails in multiple languages

a) Language is unknown for the participants
You can define in which language your email is going to be sent out, if you have not informed the language of your
participants in your excel import.

Example : If you choose that your email will be sent out in « English + French »:
Your email will be sent out in the English version (including the banner), then in the French version: with the links
redirecting your participants in the chosen language.

Your email settings will appear under the « Configuration » → « Edit emails » tab as shown below with the drop down

Remark: Once your participant chooses a language on the registration form, he will receive the confirmation or
declined email in that chosen language.
Example : If your guest validates his registration form in English, he will receive the confirmation automatic email in
English only.
6.1 Multilingual management – Emails
b) The language is known for the participants

The first step is to import the information during the initial import of your participants by adding the column
« Language » on your Excel file.

The values that have to be imported are the language ISO codes:

Exemple : French: fr German: de

English: en Spanish: es

We recommend that you have this column « Languages » in your back-office, in order to make sure that your
languages’ values are well imported.

c) Send out emails

Select the guests that are to receive the emails and then click on the « Email » button and choose which message
you want to send out:

The languages of your participants will be recognised: the emails will then be sent out automatically in the language of
your participant:
6.2 Accommodation management
I. Registration form setup

Under Configuration – modify registration form :

Add the Accommodation module from the pre-defined questions.

As soon as you add the module, this window will pop up: which allows you to configure it.
6.2 Accommodation management
II. Create hotels

When your registration form is finished, it is important to create one or more

hotels where your participants can stay.

Under « Logistics » → « Hotels » you will be able to create your hotels.

This screen will appear:

Step 1 : Creating the hotel

Click on « New Accommodation », this window will pop-up:

Fill in the hotel’s information.

If you have more than one hotel available, we recommend

you to give them a different background color and a
different font in order for you to have a better view when
you will create your Rooming-List.

Remark: It is important to create as many hotels as you have different room categories.
6.2 Accommodation management
Step 2 : Allocating quotas
Once your hotels has been created, you will need to affect quotas to it.

2 cases are possible:

a) You have the same quota for the same hotel for all the nights:
Click on next to the name of the hotel.

b) You have different quotas depending on the night for one hotel:
Click on ' - ' under the hotels’ nights:
Imput your available

This step is mandatory – if no hotel is created, or quotas for each nights, your guests will automatically go under the
waiting list for each chosen night.
6.2 Accommodation management
III. Managing the Rooming list

Your invitations have been sent out: you are receiving the first requests for accommodation
from your participants.

Under “Logistics” → “Rooming list”, you will find all your “Confirmed” participants and you
will be able to update your Rooming list:

2 possible cases:

a) If you have only one hotel:

The participants will be automatically confirmed to that hotel.
You will not have to affect hotels to your participants.
6.2 Accommodation management
b) If you have more than one hotel:
Your participants will be automatically be on the waiting list. You will have to affect manually the hotels to your guests.

There are 2 ways to proceed in order to affect hotels to your participants:

1/ Manually: in the drop down menu under the «Hotel » column you will be able to select the
wanted hotel and then submit:

2/ In bulk: thanks to the « Lodging » button:

Select your guests having the nights and hotel and then click on « Lodging »

Choose the hotel among all the ones


Choose the available nights

6.3 Transport management
I. Implementation on the registration form

Under the « Configuration » → « Update the registration form » tab:

Add the “Transport” question found within the « Pre-defined questions ».

When you add this question, this window will pop-up : which will allow you to configure your « Transport » question.

1) Possible means of transportation

→ If you select « Airplane »: you will need to enter the event

city. Thanks to the automatic research all the city’s airports
will appear.

→ If you choose « Train »: you will need to input all the

possible train stations in the city of your event.

2) Configure the possible arrival dates and departure


3) Transfer 

This will add an automatic question: « I will need a transfer

upon arrival ».
6.3 Transport management
You question will appear on your registration form as it is shown below (depending on the defined means of

Example on the registration form if your guest chooses « Airplane »:

He will have to select the date, the country

and the city of departure. 

He can either:

- Do an automatic flight research via the


- Fill in manually his flight information

It is possible to deactivate the automatic research when you configure your « Transport » question, by clicking on:

Remarks: The automatic research is only available for the flights that are not low cost.
6.3 Transport management
II. Transportation management in the Back Office

When your registration form is ready and your participants have answered, you have access to their

Under « Logistics » → « Transports on arrival » tab, you have access to the arrival information.
Under « Logistics » → « Transports on departure », you have access to the departure information.

This screen appears:

Transport affectation in bulk:

By selecting your participants and then clicking on the « Transport » button:

You will by able to affect a transport in bulk for those participants.

This window will appear:

You can input the information concerning the type of transport, the
date, the departure location and the number of that transport.
6.4 Activities management
I. Implementation on the registration form
Under the « Configuration » → « Update the registration form »
add the « Activities » module from the « Pre-defined questions ».

When you add this question, this window pops-up: it will allow you to configure your question « Activities »

Step 1 : Choose the type of your question

6.4 Activities management
Step 2 : Question configuration
1) If it is a Yes or No question:
(This type of question is recommended for the participation to a dinner, cocktail, lunch...)

Select the name of your activity, it's start date and time, and it's end
date and time and also it's quota if necessary
Once this quota is reached your participants won’t be able to register to
the activity or will go on a waiting list

The « Advanced » mode will allow you to:

- Select an already existing activity

- To forbid the modification of your participant’s answer depending on
his/hers status:
6.4 Activities Management
Step 2 : Question configuration
1) If your question is a list of activities:
(This choice of question is advised for the participation to several workshops, activities...)

Define the title of your question (its header message), then create a new activity or select one from the existing list:


Remark: It is not possible to have the same activity on the registration form twice
6.4 Activities Management
Your activities are now created, you must configure the question:

Title of the question

List of Activities

Implementation of a blocking
Possibility to display the
number of remaining places
Number of possible activities
that can be selected
6.4 Activities Management
II. Managing the activities in the Back-Office

1) Under the « Guests » tab:

Add activity reporting columns by clicking on the icon on the right side:
Your columns display as well as the status of your participants to the activity :

- You can filter under the Guest tab :

The Status, the presence and the number of corresponding places.

2) Under the « Logistics » –> «  Sub-Events » tab :

You will find the participant's registrations to the activities under this tab.

By clicking here, you have

access to the list of participants
that registered to this activity
6.5 Email Alerts – Setting up your alerts
The email alerts allows you to receive an email when certain actions are taken.

Click on the « Configuration » → « Email alerts » tab

This screen will appear :

Four options are available, they can combined

In order to activate them, you just need to tick the


Do not forget to save your modifications

6.6 Conditional display – Creation of categories
The objective of this module is to create differentiated display and questions based on participant's categories.

Under Configuration – Update registration form, you will find the “Categories”


Click here to create new categories

6.7 Conditional display – Selecting questions
On the registration form when you create or modify a question – on the
bottom left side of the window there is a link « Conditional display »:  

Click here

Make sure this box is selected

Select the category(ies) of participants for

whom this question will appear

On the registration form you will see «  » next to the

question with the colors of the categories for whom this
question appears
6.7 Conditional display – On the Website
You also have the possibility to show menus on the website depending on the
participant's category.

Click here to edit

the menu

This window will open:

Click on the name of the menu you want to show depending on the
Participant's category.

Then click on:

Make your selection

For each menu where there is a conditional display you will see this icon on the back-office.
By putting your computer mouse on top of it, you will see the name(s) of the selected category(ies).
7. Deleting an Event
If you wish to delete an event, this can be done under the Configuration – General info tab :

In the bottom left hand corner, you will find the

clickable Delete button :

BE UNDONE ! Therefore,
you need to be sure to
want to delete your event.
For any questions, the client care team is at your disposal from 9h30 to 18h30 (Paris time) on :

Tel: +33 1 47 70 90 35 83

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