Philosophy of Education

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My name is Ariana Camarena.

I want to be a teacher because I want to help children learn

and grow in a fun and enjoyable way. I have always liked helping people, so I think being a

teacher is a good career path for me. My entire family has pursued teaching careers, which

inspired me to do the same. I believe it would be very rewarding to witness the growth and

progress of students over time. The world needs more teachers that are dedicated and passionate

about helping children learn. Children are the future and they need to recieve the proper

education and learn the right skills to be succesful in any path they desire to take in life.

I understand that being a teacher is about more than just the academics. I want to help my

students exceed in all aspects; socially, emotionally, and cognitively. I am a firm believer in

progressivism, which focuses on individuality, change, and progress. I want to follow a

curriculum that fits the needs and interests of my students.

As a young, Latina woman, one of my goals is to welcome and incorporate my students

cultural values and norms in my classroom. I believe a childs background is important and

should be acknowledged so that it may help engage them during school activities. I plan to

celebrate every child and encourage my students to be proud of where they come from so that

they can have a positive social and emotional learning environment. Diversity must be honored

so that we can accept that we are all products of our own culture and beliefs.

A good teacher must have qualities like patience, effective discipline skills, classroom

management skills, and good communication habits. I am still learning and developing these

qualities but I am passionate about helping children learn and I believe I will be a great teacher

someday. I am currently working as a substitute support staff, but when I recieve the required

college credits, I plan on applying for my substitute teacher license while I continue to go to

school and work on my bachelors degree to become a licensed special educator. I believe being a
substitute teacher will give me lots of experience in managing a classroom and learning what to

do when I have my own classroom someday.

I am excited to learn more about this profession, and even more excited to someday have

my own class and help others learn. William Arthur Ward once said “The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” I

aspire to inspire children and be the role model they need in their lives.

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