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Ist session

1. State of up vs. raj narain

2. Devdasi system, girls are dedicated to renuka devi . budhist nun are regarded as

3. Mujra are famous

4. Customury practice in india

5. Family makes an auction of girl child

6. Constitutional provision, art. 23, 39. IYPA Act, 1956

7. National plan for action for children 2005

8. Swadhar homes, child homes

9. Anti trafficking unit

10. Operation muskan 2016

11. NGO like prajwala established in 1956 in hyderabad

12. Multi dimentional approach

13. Media has to play a vital role in a sensitive and effective manner

Akash Das

Justice has no meaning if the means become redulant

A bilateral process, mutual effects in coordination
Not a one Way effect
Without NGO’s the judiciary cannot take effect
It’s a socio economic offence
Punitive effects
Ultimate effect is prevention
Demand and supply effect theory
Vishal jeet and gaurav jain case
Judiciary should interpret trafficking in a wider way, not in a literal interpretation
Poverty and unemployment is the main cause
From international scenario, international economic opportunities must be created

LINGARAJ college

Green trafficking, means trafficking needs some green law

Biggest industry, apart from drug and arms industry
Environmental disrupt, it compels to do some things that are not expected
Nominal trafficking transition is concerned, shortage of rainfall
Due to shortage of work and unemployment, they are forced to such bearings, such as
prostitution, bonded labour
Act which is done, the purpose and the means how it is done
Inter governmental and climate change
Waste paper is usable to combat trafficking
Rule of UNODC, some migrants from Bangladesh and Nepal are migrating to India
They are sent to their country after a long process
Ready to have a good business on trafficking
Fuel hood harvesting


The global intregation, ILO, UNGA, UNHRC, UNODC, UNWomen, UNDP Programme, Int.
org for refuggees

For rendering International status quo

ICJ, logical enquiry

Civil society organisation, for the realisation of millennium development goals

Reformative direction for mitigating victims

Nature of international , implementation of holistic approach

Human rights principle

CSO, NGO’s, Govt adhoc bodies should be accredited

Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh

International instrument guiding trafficking

Global Alternate dispute resolution

Anti trafficking zone ( traffick free zone )

Victim centred zones/units


Indian constitution under article 23 , ITPA Act 1956

Implementation of ITPA Act

Rehabilitation, and rescue process

Role of trafficker should be taken into account

Aishwarya , biswamita

Tourism is travel for pleasure, may be international

Slavery , physical pleasure

Use of force, commercial sex act, everytime millions of women are trafficked

Drug trafficking

Any person under 18, either inside or outside the country

Child trafficking, child sexual abuse who travel from their home

Child sex tourism, involve accommodation, other tourist destinations

Exchange of cash, small kids, red light districts

Occur over a long period of time

Obtains his/her trust

Purchases their sex, from a third party

Children below age of 10

Around 76 percent of women are trafficked

Tourism industry is involved

Unintentional role, the tourism department can play a greater role in minimising

Solutions include, setting policies, accepting zero tolerance


The judiciary has failed in preventing the crime, trafficking

Vishal jeet vs. union of india, many parents are unable to maintain their child
To engage in household activities

Inhuman activities of the people


Criminal division, has been set up to eradicate the problem

Rescue the victims, moreover Non-Government organisation is playing a greater role

Sudharshan behera

Human race and trafficking, a sensitive issue in modern era

Change in social scenario

Trying to sensitise all human beings from the cage of trafficking

Prerna tiwary

Jusicial response to trafficking

No more safe

Article 23(1) , trafficking is prohibited in india

Child labour act, 1986

Anti trafficking centres, set up by ministry of home affairs

Right to control your body is not somehow to infringe someone’s else body

Saurav mohapatra

Prevention of trafficking in women and india

For immoral purpose

Exploitation of trafficking and human issue has become a broader issue

Section 370, 371 of IPC, Article 23 of constitution of india

Judiciary play an important role

People union of democratic rights case

PN Bhagwati cited that if aperson provides less income, then he commits a crime
Gaurav jain vs. union of india, M C Mehta vs. State of Tamil Nadu


Trafficking in person results in forced labour, bonded labour

China, brazil, Pakistan, are forced into sex slave

In India 90% trafficking occurs in border

30% cases are recorded.

Government should frame strict laws

Economic status leads to trafficking


Society has to change first, then law can change accordingly

A legislation can lead the change

Human behaviour is changed accordingly how the society is deterrent

Children as young as 8 years work

Social backlash

Engaging social morality

Rather than talking about legal morals


Ignored area of trafficking access to justice

Vulnerable chunks of victims

1/3rd are children

Inability to knock the doors of justice

Women and children don’t have reports (police reports)

Inability of police officers to deal with such situations

Eradication of trafficking in an isolated manner

Shouldn’t confuse with access to courts with that access to justice


To unify laws, the entire legal framework needs to be changed

Comprehensive legislation is the need of the hour


Migration and trafficking are interlinked


Article 23 of constitution of India,

Additional delegated staffs for harmonising victims


Use of testimony for victim privacy

Adopt a national plan for combating trafficking

Local government and NGO should set up a combine for strengthening information sharing

Provide a forum for advocacy


Don’t have a comprehensive definition and it could not be related to ground reality

Failure of International machinery to curb trafficking

She was a victim ( American citizen – shetonian brown)


To examine the causes of trafficking

Economic and social policies


In brazil, the sex minister is there

The Govt of India should eradicate, (preventive measures)


Engaging awareness

The hospitality and tourism industry is working in preventive measures


Technical corporation can also take form of local and international mechanism to combat


FRANCE AND GERMANY have a very good migrant policy and India should adopt the


Compensatory measures

Legal instrument must be reviewed

Swift and effective actions is urgently needed

Introspecting the evil

NGO’s , Civil society and Govt. Department have to play a greater role


Monitoring the records and tracing the offenders

Awareness by NGO to general public


Speak for the voiceless person and should give them the basic rights

Abinash vs. state of kerala

The POCSO Act should be examined in a child’s favour


Why do children and women migrate?

The vast majority who migrate because of poverty

Creating awareness in rural areas

Law defines the land, so if the law is changed then land would be changed


Underground phenomenon

Is an organised crime

Global malady

Plaerom protocol, Italy

Focus on survivor centric approach

Europe group, the response against slavery

Anti-trafficking units

Developing dimensions

Sea change in the attitude and approach towards human trafficking

Triangle of trafficking

Monitoring the psychological and physiological change

Active involvement for international organisation and pressure groups


Legal framework and strict interpretation

Cutting of demand and supply chain

Active participation of Govt. and NGO


Human rights activist group

The term called force, which was defined by Justice P. N Bhagwati , something which
amounts to abduction( Sunil patra case)

Preamble of the constitution, We the people of India.


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