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This deed of partnership is being written on 01/05/2013 between:-

1. Sh. Anand Angira S/o Sh. Sukhdev Raj Khurana R/o H.No. 1009, Sector-21 (M)
Panchkula, 136135 Aged – 35 years.
(Hereinafter called the party of the First part)

2. Sh. Vikram Pradeep Sharma S/o Sh. Shriram Sharma R/o H.No. 86/9, Laxnam
Colony (M) Kurukshetra, 136118 - Aged 29 years.
(Hereinafter called the party of the Second part)

Whereas both partners have decided to carry on the IT Profession in partnership under the name
& style of M/s V6BW,

Now both partners have decided to reduce the terms and conditions governing to this deed of
partnership in writing:-

Now this deed witness as under:-

1. That the name and style of the firm shall be M/s V6BW.
2. That the principal place of business of the firm for works at Regd. Office may be shifted to
any other place if mutually agreed among parties.
3. That the nature of the business of the firm shall be Web Designing, Web Development, Web
Hosting, Internet Marketing, Software Development, Technical Education & other IT related

4. That the Profit and Loss of the firm shall be divided among the partners as under:-

Name of the Partners Profit/Loss

1. Sh. Anand Angira 50%

2. Sh. Vikram Pradeep Sharma 50%

5. Capital :- That the parties shall make available capital required for the business of the firm
6. Interest on Capital:-That partners will be entitled to interest on capital at the rate of 12 %
p.a or as may be prescribed u/s 40 ( b ) ( iv ) of Income Tax Act , 1961 . The rate of interest
may be changed if partners decided to do so vide separate agreement between partners of
the firm from time to time if any but in no case exceed 12% PA.
7. Branches: - That with mutual consent of the parties any number of branches at any other
place or places may be started.
8. Accounting books: - That usual and customary book of accounts shall be kept for the
business of the firm in the language and script acceptable to all the partners. The account
books shall not be removed from the business premises without the consent of all the
partners or except for business requirement.
9. Accounting Period: - That accounts of the firm shall be closed on 31st March of every year.
10. Duration :- That the firm is for undetermined period and shall not come to close due to
death or retirement or civil disability of the partner(s) , in case of any such eventually take
place ,the legal representative ( Non Minor ) of such partner(s) shall become partner(s) . If
legal representative is minor, the capital of deceased partner shall be repaid or with the
consent of legal representative can be used in business as unsecured loan. It is also agreed
that during the currency of bank Loan, the firm will not be dissolved.

11. Duration of Partnership:-That the duration of Partnership shall be at will.

12. Bank Accounts: - That with the consent of partners the firm can open account with such
banks/or financial institution as they think fit. The partners shall be entitled to operate the
bank accounts draws, endorse, sign cheque, hundies or other negotiable instruments ointly.
13. That the partner may add, delete, amend or vary any of the aforesaid clauses by mutual
consent vide a separate agreement which shall be deemed to be the part of the deed.
14. Goodwill: - That the Goodwill of the firm shall belong to all the partners in proportion to
their shares fixed in this deed.
15. Arbitration: - That in case of any dispute with regard to the interpretation of this deed or
other relating to the affairs of the firm shall be referred to arbitrator mutually agreed to by
all the concerned partners in accordance with the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act.
16. General: - That for all other purposes the provisions of Indian Partnership Act 1932 shall
govern the relations of the partners.
17. If any partner wants to leave the company then he/she will have no rights on projects
developed under the company.
18. All daily expansive of company pay by both equally.

In witness where of the said partners set their hands on this deed
of partnership on this day of 1st May 2013 at Panchkula in presence of witnesses signed

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