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Submitted By:
Abhishek Saxena (0931910001)

Anand Kumar (0931910004)

Pankaj Kumar (0931910015)

Rakesh Kumar (0931910019)

Submitted to the department of Engineering

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

for the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science & Engineering

Rakshpal Bahdur College Of Engineering & Technology


Uttar Pradesh Technical University

April, 2013


Submitted By:
Abhishek Saxena (0931910001)

Anand Kumar (0931910004)

Pankaj Kumar (0931910015)

Rakesh Kumar (0931910019)

Submitted to the department of Engineering

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

for the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science & Engineering

Rakshpal Bahdur College Of Engineering & Technology


Uttar Pradesh Technical University

April, 2013





CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………..8

1.1 Abstract …………………………………………….9


1.1.2 Jobseeker ……………………………………...9

1.1.3 Company ……………………………………...9

CHAPTER 2: SYSTEM ANALYSIS……………………………...10

2.1 Definition …………………………………………..10

2.2 Description Of Present System…………………….10

2.3 Proposed System …………………………………..10

2.4 Advantages …………………………………….…..11

CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN…………………………………13

3.1 Definition…………………………………………...13

3.2 Output Design………………………………………13

3.3 Input Design………………………………………..13

3.4 Logical Design………………………………………14


4.1 DFD Symbol………………………………………..15

4.2 Zero Level DFD…………………………………….16

4.3 Data Flow Diagram…………………………………17

4.3.1 Admin…………………………………………..18

4.3.2 Company Management………………………...19

4.3.3 User Management………………………………20

4.3.4 Company……………………………………….21

4.3.5 Candidate……………………………………….22


5.1 Java………………………………………………….26

5.2 Java 2 Enterprises Edition………………………….31

5.3 Netbeans IDE………………………………………..37

5.4 SQL(Structured Query Language)……………….....42



CHAPTER 8: CODING………………………………………………46

CHAPTER 9: SNAPSHOT…………………………………………..55

CHAPTER 10: CONCLUSION………………………………………75

CHAPTER 11: BIBLIOGRAPHY..…………………………………..76


I hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to
the best of our knowledge and belief. It contain no material previously
published or Written by another person nor material which to a substantial
extent has been accepted for the aware of any other degree or diploma of the
university or institution of higher learning except where the acknowledgement
has been made in the text.


Name: Abhishek Saxena

Roll no: 0931910001



Name: Anand Kumar

Roll no: 0931910004



Name: Pankaj Kumar

Roll no: 0931910015



Name: Rakesh Kumar

Roll no: 0931910019



This is to certify that Project Report entitled Online Recruitment

System which is submitted by Abhishek Saxena, Anand Kumar, Pankaj
Kumar, and Rakesh Kumar in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of degree B-Tech In Department of Computer Science & Engg. Of
U.P.T.U, is a record of candidate own work carried out by him/her under
my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and not
been submitted for the award of any other degree.

Date: Supervisor:

Mr. Ravi Singh


The success and accomplishment of this report stems from efforts

and dedication offered by faculty members whose support was either direct or
indirect during our project work. I thank all of them for their devotion and

Special thanks also go to our Project Guide during internship

period, Mr. Ravi Singh (lecturer, R.B.C.E.T, BAREILLY). for being so
friendly and supportive during our project.

Above all, I owe much tribute to the Almighty God who gave me
a life worth living and I thank Him for giving me the strength to accomplish
this work.

Team Members

Abhishek Saxena
Anand Kumar
Pankaj Kumar
Rakesh Kumar


This project Online Recruitment System is an online website in which

jobseekers can register themselves online and apply for job and attend the exam. Online
Recruitment System provides online help to the users all over the world. Using web
recruitment systems like recruitment websites or jobsites also play a role in simplifying the
recruitment process. Such websites have facilities where prospective candidates can upload
their CV’s and apply for jobs suited to them. Such sites also make it possible for recruiters
and companies to post their staffing requirements and view profiles of interested
candidates. Earlier recruitment was done manually and it was all at a time consuming work.
Now it is all possible in a fraction of second. It is all done online without much time
consuming. Today’s recruitment applications are designed to do a whole lot more than just
reduce paperwork. They can make a significant contribution to a company’s marketing and
sales activity. Recruitment websites and software make possible for managers to access
information that is crucial to managing their staff, which they can use for promotion
decisions, payroll considerations and succession planning.

Online Recruitment System enables the users to have the typical examination
facilities and features at their disposal. It resolves typical issues of manual examination
processes and activities into a controlled and closely monitored work flow in the
architecture of the application. This multi platform solution brings in by default, the basic
intelligence and immense possibilities for further extension of the application as required
by the user. The system makes it friendly to distribute, share and manage the examination
entities with higher efficiency and easiness. The objective of these websites is to serve as a
common meeting ground for jobseekers and employers, both locally and globally, where
the candidates find their dream jobs and recruiters find the right candidate to fulfill their
needs. These sites are specifically designed for those who seek the most demanding and
challenging positions in their chosen field, with the most dynamic employers. Thousands of
websites compete for your attention-each has its own unique interface, URL and

A quick look at the overall trends in Online recruiting shows the rise in the importance of
marketing the web site, online training, dawn of video interviews and emergence of
professional Internet Recruiters. Online recruiting and online recruiting systems, with its
emphasis on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining ground as a popular
outsourced function.


This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment Process

system for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating
vacancies, storing application data, and Interview process initiation, Scheduling interviews,
storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may
be required to be generated for the use of the HR group.

This project ‘Online Recruitment System’ is an online website in which

jobseekers can register themselves and then attend the exam. Based on the outcome of the
exam the jobseekers will be short listed. For fresher, the exam will be conducted at some
venue after short listing of the preliminary Aptitude Test. The details of the examination,
venue & Date of the examination will be made available to them through the website.

Module in this project:

1. Administrator

2. Jobseekers

3. Company

Brief description on the modules:

1. Administrator: Administrator has the full authority over the website. He can
view all the registered users and have the power to delete them. He can edit the web pages
and update them. He can view all the company details also.

2. Jobseeker: A jobseeker can register himself. After registration, he will be

directed to his homepage. Here he can update his profile, change password and see the
examination details and all.

3. Company: A company can register itself, conduct online examination, approve

or disapprove candidates attending examination and provides results about the selected


System Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the
system and their relationships within and outside the system. Analysis is the process of
breaking something into its parts so that the whole may be understood. System analysis is
concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying the relevant and most
decisional variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining an
optional or at least a satisfactory solution. During this a problem is identified, alternate
system solutions are studied and recommendations are made about committing the
resources used to the system.


Presently recruitment is done manually. That is if a company or organization needs
employees they make an announcement through newspaper. People who are eligible send
application to the organization or company. From these applications they are called for
interviews or tests. After tests company has to do short listing manually. From these
shortlisted candidates, they are called for interviews. After interview short listed candidates
are employed. So it’s all a time consuming procedure.


Recruitment is done manually. These tasks are time consuming. It may take one
month or long. People around the world cannot apply. Online Recruitment system very
convenient because in the manual system there are lot of difficulties in conducting and
managing a recruitment exam, short listing, maintaining staff etc.


Online Recruitment is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment
Process system for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be
creating vacancies, storing application data, and Interview process initiation, Scheduling
Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally hiring of the applicant.
This project Online Recruitment System is an online website in which jobseekers can

register themselves and then attend the exam. Based on the outcome of the exam the
jobseekers will be shortlisted. The details of the examination & Date of the examination
will be made available to them through the website. People all around the world can apply
and register. It has made all the process easy.

Online Recruitment System enables the users to have the typical examination
facilities and features at their disposal. It resolves typical issues of manual examination
processes and activities into a controlled and closely monitored work flow in the
architecture of the application. This multi platform solution brings in by default, the basic
intelligence and immense possibilities for further extension of the application as required
by the user. The system makes it friendly to distribute, share and manage the examination
entities with higher efficiency and easiness. It is a comprehensive resource for finding a job


A feasibility analysis usually involves a through assessment of the operational

(need), financial and technical aspects of a proposal. Feasibility study is the test of the
system proposal made to identify whether the user needs may be satisfied using the current
software and hardware technologies, whether the system will be cost effective from a
business point of view and whether it can be developed with the given budgetary
constraints. A feasibility study should be relatively cheap and done at the earliest possible
time. Depending on the study, the decision is made whether to go head with a more detailed

When a new project is proposed, it normally goes through feasibility assessment.

Feasibility study is carried out to determine whether the proposed system is possible to
develop with available resources and what should be the cost consideration. Facts
considered in the feasibility analysis were

 Technical Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility
 Behavioral Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility includes whether the technology is available in the market for
development and its availability. The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on
an outline design of system requirements in terms of input, output, files, programs and
procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of
updating, cycles of activity etc, in order to give an introduction of technical system.

Considering our project it is technical feasible. Online Recruiting and Online Recruitment
Systems, with its emphasis on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining
ground as a popular outsourced function.

Economic Feasibility

This feasibility study present tangible and intangible benefits from the project by
comparing the development and operational cost. The technique of cost benefit analysis is
often used as a basis for assessing economic feasibility. This system needs some more
initial investment than the existing system, but it can be justifiable that it will improve
quality of service.

Thus feasibility study should center along the following points:

 Improvement resulting over the existing method in terms of accuracy, timeliness.

 Cost comparison
 Estimate on the life expectancy of the hardware.
 Overall objective.

Our project is economically feasible. It does not require much cost to be involved in
the overall process. The overall objective is in easing out the recruitment processes.

Behavioral / Operational Feasibility

This analysis involves how it will work when it is installed and the assessment of
political and managerial environment in which it is implemented. People are inherently
resistant to change and computers have been known to facilitate change. The new proposed
system is very much useful to the users and therefore it will accept broad audience from
around the world.

The most creative and challenging face of the system development is System
Design. It provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for the logical and
physical stages of development. In designing a new system, the system analyst must have a
clear understanding of the objectives, which the design is aiming to fulfill. The first step is
to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format. Second, input data and
master files have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The
operational phases are handled through program construction and testing.

Design of the system can be defined as a process of applying various techniques and
principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail to
permit its physical realization. Thus system design is a solution to “how to” approach to the
creation of a new system. This important phase provides the understanding and the
procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility
study. The design step provides a data design, architectural design, and a procedural design.


In the output design, the emphasis is on producing a hard copy of the information
requested or displaying the output on the CRT screen in a predetermined format. Two of
the most output media today are printers and the screen. Most users now access their
reports from either a hard copy or screen display. Computer’s output is the most important
and direct source of information to the user, efficient, logical, output design should improve
the systems relations with the user and help in decision-making.

As the outputs are the most important source of information to the user, better
design should improve the systems relations and also should help in decision-making. The
output device’s capability, print quality, response time requirements etc should also be
considered, form design elaborates the way the output is presented and layout available for
capturing information. It’s very helpful to produce the clear, accurate and speedy
information for end users.


In the input design, user-originated inputs are converted into a computer-based
system format. It also includes determining the record media, method of input, speed of

capture and entry on to the screen. Online data entry accepts commands and data through a
keyboard. The major approach to input design is the menu and the prompt design. In each
alternative, the user’s options are predefined. The data flow diagram indicates logical data
flow, data stores, source and destination. Input data are collected and organized into a group
of similar data once identified input media are selected for processing.

In this software, importance is given to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI),

which is an important factor in developing efficient and user friendly software. For
inputting user data, attractive forms are designed. User can also select the desired options
from the menu, which provides all possible facilities. Also the important input format is
designed in such a way that accidental errors are avoided. The user has to input only just
the minimum data required, which also helps in avoiding the errors that the users may
make. Accurate designing of the input format is very important in developing efficient
software. The goal of input design is to make entry as easy, logical and free from errors.


Logical data design is about the logically implied data. Each and every data in the
form can be designed in such a manner to understand the meaning. Logical data designing
should give a clear understanding & idea about the related data used to construct a form.

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagram that describes the flow of data and the
processes that change or transform data throughout a system. It’s a structured analysis and
design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of, or in association with, information
oriented and process oriented system flowcharts. When analysts prepare the Data Flow
Diagram, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually determines the
information flow into and out of the system and the required data resources. This network is
constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a physical implementation. The
Data Flow Diagram reviews the current physical system, prepares input and output
specification, specifies the implementation plan etc.

Four basic symbols are used to construct data flow diagrams. They are symbols that
represent data source, data flows, and data transformations and data storage. The points at
which data are transformed are represented by enclosed figures, usually circles, which are
called nodes.

Data Flow Diagram Symbols:-

_ Source or Destination of data

_ Data Flow

_ Process

_ Storage

Steps to Construct Data Flow Diagrams

Four steps are commonly used to construct a DFD

 Process should be named and numbered for easy reference. Each name should be
representative of the process.
 The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right.

 When a process is exploded into lower level details they are numbered.
 The names of data stores, sources and destinations are written in capital letters.

Rules for constructing a Data Flow Diagram

 Arrows should not cross each other.
 Squares,Circles and files must bear names.
 Decomposed data flow squares and circles can have same names.
 Choose meaningful names for dataflow.
 Draw all data flows around the outside of the diagram.

Zero Level DFD



Company Recruitment Candidate



Level 1: Admin

Login Category
TblLogin If authenticated

System 1.1.1
User authentication

User Data store

Management Candidate database

Cutoff of candidate

Short listing

Level 2: Company Management


Update user
TblLogin Company Status




Level 3: User Management

Validate Update


View Resume of
Admin Resume
Registered users

User details

View Details Experience details


Education details


Level 4: Company


Change Update
Company Passwor TblResult

TblCompany Result

Company details

Job details

TblJobDetails Job


TblQuestions Questions


Level 5: Candidate


Edit Update TblCandidate

User details

Change TblLogin

View Job
Job details TblJobDetails

User details

Attend TblQuestion




Table Name: Login

Fieldname Data Type Key

Username Text Primary key
Password Text -
Status Text -

Table Name: Details

Fieldname Data Type Key

Username Text Primary key
Name Text -
Gender Text -
DateOfBirth Text -
CollegeName Text -
CollegePhone Text -
CollegeEmail Text -
Branch Text -
Mark Text -
Degree Text -
Email_id Text -
Telephone Text -
Address Text --
State Text -
Pincode Text -
Category Text -

Table Name: Experienced

Fieldname Data Type Key

Username Text Primary key
ExpYears Text -
Company Text -
Designation Text -
Salary Text -
ComAddress Text -

Table Name: JobDetails

Fieldname Data Type Key

JobId Text -
Post Text -
Criteria Text -
NoOfVacancies Text -
Salary Text -
LastDate Text -

Table Name: Exam

Fieldname Data Type Key

JobID Text -
Post Text -
ExamID Text -
ExamName Text -
Cutoff Text -

Table Name: Question

Fieldname Data Type Key

JobID Text Primary key
ExamID Text -
QuestionNo Text -
Question Text -
Option1 Text -
Option2 Text -
Option3 Text -
Option4 Text -
Answer Text -

Table Name: Com

Fieldname Data Type Key

CName Text Primary key
CAddress Text -
CPost Text -
CCriteria Text -
CUsername Text -
CEmail Text -
CContact Text -
CCutoff Text -

Table Name: Result

Fieldname Data Type Key

StudentID Text -
examID Text -
JobID Text -
Mark Text -

Table Name: Temp_Data

Fieldname Data Type Key

StudentID Text -
QstNo Text -
Qst Text -
Ch1 Text -
Ch2 Text -
Ch3 Text -
Ch4 Text -
Ans Text -


5.1 JAVA
Java is a small, simple, safe, object oriented, interpreted or dynamically

optimized, byte coded, architectural, garbage collected, multithreaded programming

language with a strongly typed exception-handling for writing distributed and dynamically

extensible programs.

Java is an object oriented programming language. Java is a high-level, third

generation language like C, FORTRAN, Small talk, Pearl and many others. You can use

java to write computer applications that crunch numbers, process words, play games, store

data or do any of the thousands of other things computer software can do.Special programs

called applets that can be downloaded from the internet and played safely within a web

browser. Java a supports this application and the follow features make it one of the best

programming language.

 It is simple and object oriented

 It helps to create user friendly interfaces.
 It is very dynamic.
 It supports multithreading.
 It is platform independent
 It is highly secure and robust.
 It supports internet programming

Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems

and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun's Java platform. The language derives
much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level

facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to byte code which can run on any Java
virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.

The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class
libraries were developed by Sun from 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the
specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun made available most of their Java
technologies as free software under the GNU General Public License. Others have also
developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU
Compiler for Java and GNU Classpath.

The Java language was created by James Gosling in June 1991 for use in a
set top box project. The language was initially called Oak, after an oak tree that stood
outside Gosling's office - and also went by the name Green - and ended up later being
renamed to Java, from a list of random words. Gosling's goals were to implement a virtual
machine and a language that had a familiar C/C++ style of notation.

Primary goals

There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language:

1. It should use the object-oriented programming methodology.

2. It should allow the same program to be executed on multiple operating systems.
3. It should contain built-in support for using computer networks.
4. It should be designed to execute code from remote sources securely.
5. It should be easy to use by selecting what were considered the good parts of other object-
oriented languages.

The Java platform is the name for a bundle of related programs, or platform, from Sun which allow
for developing and running programs written in the Java programming language. The platform is
not specific to any one processor or operating system, but rather an execution engine (called a
virtual machine) and a compiler with a set of standard libraries which are implemented for various
hardware and operating systems so that Java programs can run identically on all of them.

Different "editions" of the platform are available, including:

 Java ME (Micro Edition): Specifies several different sets of libraries (known as profiles) for
devices which are sufficiently limited that supplying the full set of Java libraries would take
up unacceptably large amounts of storage.
 Java SE (Standard Edition): For general purpose use on desktop PCs, servers and similar
 Java EE (Enterprise Edition): Java SE plus various APIs useful for multi-tier client-server
enterprise applications.

The Java Platform consists of several programs, each of which provides a distinct
portion of its overall capabilities. For example, the Java compiler, which converts Java source code
into Java bytecode (an intermediate language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)), is provided as
part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). The sophisticated Java Runtime Environment (JRE),
complementing the JVM with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, converts intermediate bytecode into
native machine code on the fly. Also supplied are extensive libraries (pre-compiled into Java
bytecode) containing reusable code, as well as numerous ways for Java applications to be deployed,
including being embedded in a web page as an applet. There are several other components, some
available only in certain editions.

The essential components in the platform are the Java language compiler, the
libraries, and the runtime environment in which Java intermediate bytecode "executes" according to
the rules laid out in the virtual machine specification.

Java Virtual Machine

The heart of the Java Platform is the concept of a "virtual machine" that executes
Java bytecode programs. This bytecode is the same no matter what hardware or operating
system the program is running under. There is a JIT compiler within the Java Virtual
Machine, or JVM. The JIT compiler translates the Java bytecode into native processor
instructions at run-time and caches the native code in memory during execution.

The use of bytecode as an intermediate language permits Java

programs to run on any platform that has a virtual machine available. The use of a JIT
compiler means that Java applications, after a short delay during loading and once they
have "warmed up" by being all or mostly JIT-compiled, tend to run about as fast as native
programs. Since JRE version 1.2, Sun's JVM implementation has included a just-in-time
compiler instead of an interpreter.

Although Java programs are Platform Independent, the code of the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) that execute these programs are not. Every Operating System has its own

Platform independence

One characteristic, platform independence, means that programs written in the Java
language must run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-system platform. One should be
able to write a program once, compile it once, and run it anywhere.

This is achieved by most Java compilers by compiling the Java language code
halfway (to Java bytecode) – simplified machine instructions specific to the Java platform. The code
is then run on a virtual machine (VM), a program written in native code on the host hardware that
interprets and executes generic Java bytecode. (In some JVM versions, bytecode can also be
compiled to native code, either before or during program execution, resulting in faster execution.)
Further, standardized libraries are provided to allow access to features of the host machines (such as
graphics, threading and networking) in unified ways. Note that, although there is an explicit
compiling stage, at some point, the Java bytecode is interpreted or converted to native machine code
by the JIT compiler.

The first implementations of the language used an interpreted virtual machine to

achieve portability. These implementations produced programs that ran more slowly than programs
compiled to native executables, for instance written in C or C++, so the language suffered a
reputation for poor performance. More recent JVM implementations produce programs that run
significantly faster than before, using multiple techniques.

One technique, known as just-in-time compilation (JIT), translates the Java bytecode
into native code at the time that the program is run, which results in a program that executes faster
than interpreted code but also incurs compilation overhead during execution. More sophisticated
VMs use dynamic recompilation, in which the VM can analyze the behavior of the running program
and selectively recompile and optimize critical parts of the program. Dynamic recompilation can
achieve optimizations superior to static compilation because the dynamic compiler can base
optimizations on knowledge about the runtime environment and the set of loaded classes, and can
identify the hot spots (parts of the program, often inner loops, that take up the most execution time).
JIT compilation and dynamic recompilation allow Java programs to take advantage of the speed of
native code without losing portability.

Another technique, commonly known as static compilation, is to compile directly into
native code like a more traditional compiler. Static Java compilers, such as GCJ, translate the Java
language code to native object code, removing the intermediate bytecode stage. This achieves good
performance compared to interpretation, but at the expense of portability; the output of these
compilers can only be run on a single architecture. Some see avoiding the VM in this manner as
defeating the point of developing in Java; however it can be useful to provide both a generic
bytecode version, as well as an optimised native code version of an application.


Java's performance has improved substantially since the early versions, and
performance of JIT compilers relative to native compilers has in some tests been shown to be quite
similar. The performance of the compilers does not necessarily indicate the performance of the
compiled code; only careful testing can reveal the true performance issues in any system.

Java Runtime Environment

The Java Runtime Environment, or JRE, is the software required to run any
application deployed on the Java Platform. End-users commonly use a JRE in software packages
and Web browser plugins. Sun also distributes a superset of the JRE called the Java 2 SDK (more
commonly known as the JDK), which includes development tools such as the Java compiler,
Javadoc, Jar and debugger.


Today more and more developments want to write distributed transactional

applications for the enterprise and leverage the speed, security and reliability of server side
technology. J2EE is a platform independent, java centric environment from sun for developing,
building and deploying web based enterprise application online. The J2EE platform consists of a set
of services, API’s and protocols that provide functionality for developing multitiered web based

At the client side tier, J2EE supports pure HTML as well as java applets or
applications. It relies on JSP and Servlet codes to create HTML or other formatted data for the
client. EJB provide another layer where the platform’s logic is stored. An EJB server provides
functions such as threading, concurrency, security and memory management. To reduce costs and
fast-track enterprise application design and development, the java2 platform, Enterprise edition
(J2EE) technology provides a component-based approach to the design, development, assembly and
distributed application model, the ability to reuse components, integrated Extensible Markup
Language (XML) based data interchange, a unified security model, and flexible transaction control.


The J2EE platform uses a multi tiered distributed application model. Application logic
is divided into components according to function, and the various application components that make
up a J2EE application are installed on different machines depending on the tier in the multi tiered
J2EE environment to which the application component belongs. The figure shown below shows two
multi tiered j2EE applications divided into the tiers described in the following list. The J2EE
application parts shown in Figure

 Client-tier components run on the client machine.

 Web-tier components run on the J2EE server.
 Business-tier components run on the J2EE server. Enterprise information system (EIS)-
tier software runs the EIS server.

J2EE Application1 J2EE Application2

Application Dynamic HTML Client

Client tier
Client Pages

JSP Pages Web Tier J2EE


Business Machine
Enterprise Tier

J2EE applications are made up of components. A J2EE component is a self-contained

functional software unit that is assembled into a J2EE application with its related classes and files
and that following J2EE components: Application clients and applets are components that run on
the client.

 Java Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) technology components are Web components
that run on the server.
 Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) components are business components that run on the
J2EE components are written in the java programming language and are compiled in the same
way as any program in the language. The difference between J2EE components and standard
java classes is that J2EE components are assembled into a J2EE application. Verified to be well
formed and in compliance with managed by the J2EE server.


Normally, thin-client multi tiered applications are hard to write because they
involve many lines of intricate code to handle transaction and state management,
multithreading, resource pooling, and other complex low-level details. The component-based
and platform-independent J2EE architecture makes J2EE applications easy to write because
business logic is organized into reusable components. In addition, the J2EE server provides
underlying services in the form of a container for every component type. Because you do not
have to develop these services yourself, you are free to concentrate on solving the business
problem at hand.

Containers provide the runtime support for J2EE application components.

Containers provide a federated view of the underlying J2EE APIs to the application
components. J2EE application components never interact directly with other J2EE application
components. They use the protocols and methods of the container for interacting with each
other and with platform services. Interposing a container between the application components

and the J2EE services allows the container to transparently inject the services defined by the
components deployment descriptors, such as declarative transaction management, security
checks, resource pooling, and state management. A typical J2EE product will provide a
container for each application component type: application client container, applet container,
web component container, and enterprise bean container.

Figure: J2EE Server and Containers

J2EE Server

Servlet JSP Page

Application Web Container


Application Enterprise Enterprise Database

client container Bean Bean

EJB Container

Client Machine


It is a runtime portion of a J2EE product. A J2EE server provides EJB and Web
containers. The component-based and platform-independent J2EE architecture makes J2EE
applications easy to

write because business logic is organized into reusable components and the J2EE server
provides underlying services in the form of a container for every component type.


Components are installed in their containers during deployment and are the interface
between a component and the low-level platform-specific functionality that supports the
component. Before a web, enterprise bean, or application client component can be executed, it
must be assembled onto a J2EE application and deployed into its container. The assembly
process involves specifying container settings for each component in the J2EE application and
for the J2EE application itself. Container settings customize the underlying support provided by
the J2EE Server, which include services such as security, transaction management, Java
Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) lookups, and remote connectivity. Here are some of the

 The J2EE security model lets you configure a web component or enterprise bean so
system resources are accessed only by authorized users.
 The J2EE transaction model lets you specify relationships among methods that make up
a single transaction so all methods in one transaction are treated as a single unit.
 JNDI lookup services provide a unified interface to multiple naming and directory
services in the enterprise so application components can access naming and directory
 The J2EE remote connectivity model manages low-level communications between
clients and enterprise beans. After an enterprise bean is created, a client invokes
methods on it as if it were in the same virtual machine.


The J2EE platform also defines a number of distinct roles that are performed during
the application development and deployment life cycle:

 The product provider designs and offers the J2EE platform, APIs, and other features that are
defined in the J2EE specification for purchase.

 The tool provider offers tools that are used for the development and packaging of
application components as part of the J2EE specifications.
 The application component provider creates Web components, enterprise beans, applets, or
application clients to use in J2EE applications.
 The application assembler takes a set of components that are developed by component
providers and assembles them in the form of an enterprise archive (EAR) file.
 The deployer is responsible for deploying an enterprise application into a specific
operational environment that corresponds to a J2EE platform product.
 The system administrator is responsible for the operational environment in which the
application runs.


The J2EE specification provides customers a standard which can be used to ensure
investment protection when purchasing or developing applications. Comprehensive,
independent Compatibility Test Suites ensure vendor compliance with J2EE standards.

Some benefits of deploying to J2EE architecture include:

 A simplified architecture that is based on standard components, services, and clients. The
architecture maximizes the write-once, run-anywhere Java technology.
 Services providing integration with existing systems, including Java DataBase Connectivity
(JDBC); Java Message Service (JMS); Java Connector Architecture (JCA); Java Interface
Definition Language (Java IDL); the JavaMail API; and Java Transaction API (JTA and
JTS) for reliable business transactions.
 Scalability to meet demand, by distributing containers across multiple systems and using
database connection pooling, for example.
 A better choice of application development tools and components from vendors providing
standard solutions.
 A flexible security model that provides single sign-on support, integration with legacy
security schemes, and a unified approach to securing application components.


Setting up the Project

To create an IDE project:

1. Start NetBeans IDE.

2. In the IDE, choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N), as shown in the figure below.

3. In the New Project wizard, expand the Java category and select Java Application as shown in the figure below.
Then click Next.

4. In the Name and Location page of the wizard, do the following (as shown in the figure below):

o In the Project Name field, type HelloWorldApp.

o Leave the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox unselected. (If you are using NetBeans IDE 6.0,
this option is not available.)

o In the Create Main Class field, type helloworldapp.HelloWorldApp.

o Leave the Set as Main Project checkbox selected.

5. Click Finish.

The project is created and opened in the IDE. You should see the following components:

 The Projects window, which contains a tree view of the components of the project, including source files, libraries that your
code depends on, and so on.

 The Source Editor window with a file called HelloWorldApp open.

 The Navigator window, which you can use to quickly navigate between elements within the selected class.

Adding Code to the Generated Source File

Because you have left the Create Main Class checkbox selected in the New Project wizard, the IDE has created a skeleton class
for you. You can add the "Hello World!" message to the skeleton code by replacing the line:

// TODO code application logic here

with the line:

System.out.println("Hello World!");

Save the change by choosing File > Save.

The file should look something like the following:


* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates

* and open the template in the editor.


package helloworldapp;


* @author Sonya Bannister


public class HelloWorldApp {


* @param args the command line arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello World!");

Compiling the Source File

To compile your source file, choose Build > Build Main Project (F11) from the IDE's main menu.

You can view the output of the build process by choosing Window > Output > Output.

The Output window opens and displays output similar to what you see in the following figure.

If the build output concludes with the statement BUILD SUCCESSFUL, congratulations! You have successfully compiled

your program!

If the build output concludes with the statement BUILD FAILED, you probably have a syntax error in your code. Errors are

reported in the Output window as hyper-linked text. Click such a hyper-link to navigate to the source of an error. You can then
fix the error and once again choose Build > Build Main Project.

When you build the project, the bytecode file HelloWorldApp.class is generated. You can see where the new file is generated

by opening the Files window and expanding the Hello World App/build/classes/helloworldapp node as shown in the

following figure.

Now that you have built the project, you can run your program.

Running the Program

From the IDE's menu bar, choose Run > Run Main Project (F6).

The next figure shows what you should now see.

Congratulations! Your program works!

5.4 SQL


SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond

F. Boyce in the early 1970s. This version, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English
Query Language), was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in IBM's original
quasi-relational database management system, System R, which a group at IBM San Jose
Research Laboratory had developed during the 1970s. The acronym SEQUEL was later

changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark of the UK-based Hawker Siddeley
aircraft company.

In the late 1970s, Relational Software, Inc. (now Oracle Corporation) saw the
potential of the concepts described by Codd, Chamberlin, and Boyce and developed their
own SQL-based RDBMS with aspirations of selling it to the U.S. Navy, Central
Intelligence Agency, and other U.S. government agencies. In June 1979, Relational
Software, Inc. introduced the first commercially available implementation of SQL, Oracle
V2 (Version2) for VAX computers.

After testing SQL at customer test sites to determine the usefulness and practicality of the
system, IBM began developing commercial products based on their System R prototype
including System/38, SQL/DS, and DB2, which were commercially available in 1979,
1981, and 1983, respectively.

Language elements

A chart showing several of the SQL language elements that compose a single

The SQL language is subdivided into several language elements, including:

 Clauses, which are constituent components of statements and queries. (In some
cases, these are optional.)[12]
 Expressions, which can produce either scalar values, or tables consisting of columns
and rows of data.
 Predicates, which specify conditions that can be evaluated to SQL three-valued
logic (3VL) or Boolean (true/false/unknown) truth values and which are used to
limit the effects of statements and queries, or to change program flow.
 Queries, which retrieve the data based on specific criteria. This is the most
important element of SQL.
 Statements, which may have a persistent effect on schemata and data, or which may
control transactions, program flow, connections, sessions, or diagnostics.
o SQL statements also include the semicolon (";") statement terminator.
Though not required on every platform, it is defined as a standard part of the
SQL grammar.
 Insignificant whitespace is generally ignored in SQL statements and queries,
making it easier to format SQL code for readability.


6.1 Hardware Specification










6.2 Software Specification







Online recruiting and online recruitment systems, with its emphasis

on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining ground as a
popular outsourced function. Most Online Recruiting sites deliver easy-to-use
search capabilities, customer service and convenience. The immense power of
web enabling crucial recruitment processes to covert them into online
recruitment systems is a key factor in easing out the recruitment processes.
Recruiting and staffing software makes data collection easier and tasks get
completed quicker. The return on investment is immediate, simply because of
the reduced time and increased ease of recruitment processes. E-Recruiting
technology is skill-based with automated pre-screening features which is the
next step in the evolution of online recruiting.

Corporate expenditures for these Online-recruiting services are

anticipated to increase dramatically in the next few years as corporate end
users upgrade their hiring methodologies, strategies and technologies for
finding talent.

The three macro economics trends that are seen as fuelling the growth
of this industry are:

 Shorter employment tenures

 Shrinking labor pools
 Need for technology workers

In wake of the new and related trends, it is imperative for frequent

upgrades to a company’s software or web applications to make it easier for
clients and employees to address new business needs.

Login Page
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class="style10">Already a member???</p> </td>



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<p><strong>Enter Username </strong><br>

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Admin Home Page

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out.println("<font color=\"red\" >Password changed Successfully</font>");


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Company Home Page
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Cadidate Home Page

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<td width="738" valign="top"><img src="placements[1].jpg" width="473"








Candidate Registration

Company Registration


Company Edit Profile

Company Change Password

Add Job Details

View Job Details

Exam Creation

Exam View

Add Questions

Question selection

View Question

Candidate Home Page

Candidate Edit Profile

Candidate Change Password

Admin Home Page

Admin Company Details

Admin Change Password


Now a days manual process of searching a job of the appropriate

choice and searching the appropriate candidate for a specific job has become a
huge task.And so for realizing the need of easy management of this process
the site has been developed.It’s very easy to update and maintain information
through this site.The main features of this site includes flexibility, easy to
manipulate information’s, easy access searching, storage, reduce manual work
in an efficient manner, a quick, convenient, reliable, timely and effective way
to reach recruiting, search and employment professionals worldwide and most
economical.The project could very well be enhanced further as per the

1. Charles Hampfed(2000)’Instant Java Server Pages’ University of Toranto
2. Herbert Schildt(2000) ‘Java Complete Reference’ Tata McGrow Hill
3. John Zukowski(2000)’Master in Java2’ BPB Publications
4. Jamie Jaworsky ‘J2EE Bible ‘ Techmedia
5. Stefen Denniger ‘Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1’ Authors Press




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