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Speech and seminar

Name : Rahmat
SID/Class : 21113033/VII A

“The use of thesaurus to enrich students vocabulary in word choices in writing

recount text at the first semester students of Muhammadiyah University of


Writing is used for communicating one’s idea in written form to the readers. writing is
a skill in which we express the ideas, feelings, and thoughts arranged in words, sentences and
paragraphs using eyes, brain, and hand. Thus, writing is basically the process of expressing ideas and
thoughts of the writer using knowledge of structure and vocabulary to combine the writer’s ideas as a
means of communication.


Vocabulary is the basic component to support the four major skills. Besides that, there
are also two components in language they. Are grammar and pronunciation. Those
components play an important role in supporting the skill of language. Vocabulary thus gives
contribution to the learners perform that skill be better. It means that by mastering the
vocabulary learners will be able to produce many sentences easily in spoken or written and
the other skills because it is impossible for the learners to perform their English well if than
vocabulary pond.

Teaching writing at Muhammadyah University of Kendari

There are four semester students of Muhammadiyah university of Kendari study about
writing skills, those are writing I until writing IV, and the students can not move to next level
if they do not pass from the level class before. There are some problem in teaching writing in
Muhammadiyah university of kendari such as mastery in vocabulary. The weaknesses of
students is lack of vocabulary especially word choices. Some students has not many list of
vocabulary, often do repetitious words when they speak and writing, don’t know using other
words to describe the same thing which has similar meaning.

Media is a tool which are used to send message to the students and stimulate them to
learn. There are two function of media, these are aids to instruction and aids to learning. The
first function is that media serve to help teachers and instructors manage instruction more
efficiently. Media assist teachers to communicate more effectively and take over the
operating role of instruction form teacher and instructors. The second function is that media
serve to help students learn more efficiently. Media promote understanding, assist in the
transfer of training, and assist in assessment. Media can be used in assessing mastery
performance. There are two kinds of media, these are technical media and non technical
media. Thesaurus is one kind of technical media which using computer and microsoft word
software as output data.

Word choices in writing

Writing is communication between a reader and a writer which it has communicative

purpose appropriate with the writer purpose to write a text these are to entertain, present
information, give instructions, describing anything, etc. But there is a problems that faced by
the students in writing, that is choice of words, using the same words all over to describe
somethings again and again. This problem make the reader is quickly feel bored, because
repetitious words in writing is the enemy of all readers interest.

Thesaurus microsoft word

A thesaurus is a reference work that lists words grouped together according to

similarity of meaning (containing synonyms andsometimes antonyms). A thesaurus can be a
writer’s best friend. After writing a text, use thesaurus to find synonyms that are more
dynamic than the the words chosen. However, before using a synonyms, make sure we are
absolutely certain we know the actual definition of the substitute words. Using unfamiliar
synonyms can actually weaken our writing.

Procedure of using thesaurus in writing

Thesaurus can be used if the student’s laptop/notebook has programmed microsoft

word office with thesaurus application. Thesaurus can enrich students vocabulary especially
in word choices in writing a text, these are teaching procedure of using thesaurus in writing:

a. Introduction, teacher explain the use of thesaurus to change the repetitious words
b. Writing practice, the teacher make a close test, and the students fill the blanks
with possible words.
c. Correction, the teacher expain students mistakes in using synonym which has
different meaning with substitute words

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