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The concept of Shari'ah (understanding and characteristics)

Etymologically the word syari'ah comes from Syara Arabic which means the way. In terms of
terminology, Shari'ah is a norm system that regulates human relations vertically (with God) and
horizontally (human beings with others and their natural surroundings).

Shari'ah is an aspect of the norm or law in Islamic teachings whose existence is inseparable from
Islamic aqeedah which contains legal rules which are the implementation of alkur'an and hadith. Shari'a
rules that have been conditioned are called fiqh. codification of Islamic Shari'a originating from the
Qur'an and hadith.

Islamic Shari'a regulates all human actions in a legal connection consisting of: obligatory, sunnat,
mubah, makruh, and haram.

2. shari'ah functions and roles

Islamic Shari'a is revealed by Allah to mankind as a guideline that provides guidance and direction to
humans so that they can carry out their life duties in the world correctly in accordance with the truth of
Allah. Therefore sharia functions as follows:

A. Showing and directing the attainment of human goals as servants of God.

B. Showing and directing humans to attain human goals as caliphs of Allah.

C. Bringing people to ultimate happiness in the world and the hereafter.

Shari'a directs people to the path they must take or avoid.

The files of shari'ah :
1. Maintaining the Benefit of Religion (hifzh al-din)
Islam must be defended from the threat of irresponsible people who want to destroy the faith, worship
and morality of the people.
2. Nurturing the Soul (hifzh al-nafsi)
Islam highly values one's soul. Therefore, the law of Qishash is applied, which is a form of legal
3. Maintaining Intellect (hifzh al-‘aqli)
The position of human reason in the view of Islam is very important.
4. Maintaining Heredity and Honor (hifzh al-nashli)
Islam clearly regulates marriage, and forbids adultery.
5. Maintaining Property (hifzh al-mal)
With the existence of Islamic Shari'a, the property owners will feel safer, because Islam knows the Had
punishment, which is the cutting of hands and / or feet.
6. Protect someone's honor
This includes protecting one's good name and so on, so that everyone has the right to be protected by
someone else's honor from the efforts of other parties to throw slander, for example. Unless they
themselves commit crimes.
7. Protect one's security
In community life, one must be safe from hunger and fear.
8. Protect the life of the community and the state
Islam establishes a harsh punishment for those who try to do a "coup" against the legitimate
government chosen by the Islamic ummah "in an Islamic way".

3. Shari'ah principles

A. Not Difficult (‘Adam al-Haraj)

In establishing Islamic sharia, the Koran always takes into account human ability to do it. It was realized
by giving ease and leniency (tasamuh wa rukhsah) to humans, to accept legal provisions with their

B. Reducing Expenses (Taqlil al-Taklif)

This second principle is a prenventive step towards mukallaf from the reduction or addition of religious
obligations. The Qur'an does not give the law to the believer so that he can add or reduce it, even
though it may be considered reasonable according to social views. This is to lighten and maintain the
values of human benefit in general, in order to create an implementation of law without the underlying
feeling that leads to difficulties. Mankind is not told to look for something that will aggravate

C. Periodic Determination of Law

The Qur'an is a holy book in the process of tasri 'very concerned about various aspects, both natural,
spiritual, cultural, and social. In establishing the law, the Koran always considers whether the spiritual
mentality of man is ready to accept the conditions that will be imposed on him? This is closely related to
the second principle, which is not burdening the people. For this reason, sharia law in the Koran is not
immediately passed down in the final format, but gradually, with the intention that the people do not
feel surprised by the sudden sharia. Therefore, the revelation of the Koran always goes down in
accordance with the conditions and reality that occurred at that time.

D. In line with Universal Benefit

Islam is not only a mere doctrine that is synonymous with imposition, but also teachings that aim to
improve human welfare. Therefore, everything in this mayapada is a facility that is useful for humans in
meeting their needs.

E. Equality and Justice (al-Musawah wa al-Is)

The equality of upfront rights is one of the main principles of Islamic sharia, both relating to worship or
muamalah. This equality of rights does not only apply to Muslims, but also to all religions. They are given
the right to decide the law in accordance with their respective teachings, unless they voluntarily request
legal decisions in accordance with Islamic law.

4. Syari'ah Classification.
Sharia can be classified as follows:
A. Obligatory (Ijab), which is a provision which according to its implementation, if done gets a reward,
and if it is left gets sin.
B. Haram, which is a provision if left to get a reward and if done gets sin. For example: adultery, stealing,
killing, drinking, lawlessness for parents, etc.
C. Sunnah (Mustahab), that is, a provision if done gets a reward and if it is left innocent.
D. Makruh (Karahah), which is a provision that recommends the abandonment of an act; if left to get a
reward and if done without sin. Examples: smoking, eating odors, and others.
5. Worship As Part Of Shariah
Sharia regulates human life as a servant of God who must obey, submit, and obey Allah. Obedience,
submission, and obedience to God are evidenced in the form of worship which is governed in such a way
by Islamic Sharia. The essence of worship is total servitude to God in recognition of human weaknesses
and limitations in the presence of God's omnipotence. Thus one part of sharia is worship.
In general, worship means covering all behavior in all aspects of life in accordance with the provisions of
Allah SWT. Worship in this sense is what is meant by the task of human life. As in the Word of God in Al-
Qur'an Surat Adz-Dzariyah verse 56 which reads:

Meaning: "And the battery does not create jinn and humans but that they worship Me" (Adz-Dzariyat:
In particular, Worship means human behavior carried out at the behest of Allah SWT and which has been
exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, such as prayer, dhikr, fasting, and others.
The basic foundation of sharia implementation is aqidah (faith). With strong aqeedah, sharia can be
implemented properly in accordance with the provisions of Allah SWT.

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