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GALLUP’ BP10™ This Report REPORT: NOLAN GRAY Builder Profile 10” ‘Your Top Talents After years of research, Gallup identified 10 innate talents that successful business builders share, ‘This report presents your 10 builder talents in rank order. Gallup recommends that you focus on your top four talents because they provide the best opportunity for business success, Use this customized report to learn how you can apply your talents most effectively in a business-building endeavor. Read your full report for a greater understanding of ‘your builder talent and role. DISRUPTOR DELEGATOR RISK DETERMINATION Your Role EXPERT Being the best in your field is crucial for you. GALLUP’ REPORT: NOLAN GRAY B P1 0” Builder Profile 10” Understanding and using your top four builder talents can help you successfully start and grow a business. To increase the likellhood of your success, read these descriptions and consider how to apply your talents when building a business. Talent Order People with high levels of this talent: Action tems + fink teow wayte mor tne everd Expert reshape nce DISRUPTOR '* imagine possible futures 1 Launch to early adopters and iterate. eae Taf eabrescleere er te poo DELEGATOR eer Cl estnaecoresi ni rome D1 Gather as much information as possible when you * are comfortable with ambiguity Seagate + fareavaonal apoach i decslon-mating Ey Page wnt sna. RISK * embrace challenges enthusiastically C1 Choose a course of action with a trusted adviser. + iit ramendoue werk one Push ova wen ensuring costes 1 woe 1 contrat your suznses an bt on hom DETERMINATION Manan a ponte outst, eepeday a * have te ability to recover from setbacks acne GALLUP’ BP10™ Talent Order REPORT: NOLAN GRAY Builder Profile 10” Action tems 1 Push yourself to learn about all aspects of constant search for new rermaton about yor arcs eons Colaba wth ches toed beter ways of KNOWLEDGE cheese abou te acivy O era Bin eee vai vomaton a an asset 1 Encourage employees to am new sil and knowledge relevat o your business, can single-handedly operate an organization Antipte the day-to-day needs of your actives. 1 Find team members with the right skills and talent. autonomously set goal and take acon INDEPENDENCE coe Des D1 Make the most of your network to help manage yout John dary rprtaton oe rere o hve high seca sararoas sin enna RELATIONSHIP Daaealenees [1 Alow clove partners to connect you wih alters attract and maintain partnerships 1 Offer to help others to build lasting relationships. have sharp busines istets 1D Focus on your frances PROFITABILITY seca goals Cot unnecessary oon ian rev alles 1 Consider parinaing wit franca expr Pes ariesenten ae ercetr D1 Got to know your prospects on an individual basis. ene eee SELLING are persuasive re Yo ore Ceete] CO Partner with a business development person. 1 Seok feedback rom tsted parnrs when focod know temseves well Sepk fondo hhave strong seltbeliet 1 Create detailed plans to achieve your objectives. CONFIDENCE a eer bse ellos eer he postive resus probably of success.

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