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Lurasidone Hydrochloride
Consumer Medicine Information

What is in this leaflet LATUDA is not recommended for • nefazodone or herbal medicines
use in children, as safety and derived from St. John's wort, used
This leaflet answers some common effectiveness have not been to treat depression
questions about LATUDA. established in this age group. Do not take LATUDA after the
It does not contain all the available expiry date printed on the pack.
information. Do not take LATUDA if the
packaging is torn or shows signs of
It does not take the place of talking to Before you take tampering.
your doctor or pharmacist. LATUDA
All medicines have risks and If it has expired or is damaged, return
benefits. Your doctor has weighed it to your pharmacist for disposal.
When you must not take it
the risks of you taking LATUDA If you are not sure whether you
against the benefits they expect it Do not take LATUDA if you have should start taking LATUDA, talk to
will have for you. an allergy to: your doctor or pharmacist.
If you have any concerns about • Lurasidone hydrochloride (the
taking this medicine, ask your active ingredient in LATUDA) Before you start to take it
doctor or pharmacist. • any of the ingredients listed at Tell your doctor if you have
Keep this leaflet with the medicine. the end of this leaflet. allergies to:
You may need to read it again. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to • any other medicines
LATUDA may include:
• any other substances, such as
• shortness of breath, wheezing or foods, preservatives or dyes
difficulty breathing
Tell your doctor if you are
What LATUDA is used • swelling of the face, lips, tongue pregnant or intend to become
for or other parts of the body pregnant.
• skin rash, itching or hives on the Like most atypical antipsychotic
LATUDA is used to treat adults with
skin medicines, LATUDA is not
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a
Do not take LATUDA if you are recommended for use during
mental illness with disturbances in
taking medicines that are mainly pregnancy. However, if you need to
thinking, feelings and behaviour:
eliminated by or affect a take LATUDA during your
Your doctor may have prescribed pregnancy, your doctor will discuss
metabolising protein called CYP3A4
LATUDA for another reason. Ask with you the benefits and risks of
such as:
your doctor if you have any questions taking it.
about why LATUDA has been • ketoconazole or voriconazole,
used to treat certain fungal Tell your doctor if you are breast-
prescribed for you.
infections feeding or plan to breast-feed.
LATUDA belongs to a group of
medicines called atypical • ritonavir, used to treat HIV It is recommended that you do not
antipsychotics. It helps to correct infection breast-feed while taking LATUDA,
as it may pass into breast milk and
chemical imbalances in the brain, • carbamazepine, used to treat
therefore there is a possibility that the
which may cause mental illness. convulsions (fits)
breast-fed baby may be affected.
There is no evidence that LATUDA • rifampicin or clarithromycin,
Be sure you have discussed with
is addictive or habit forming. used to treat bacterial infections
your doctor the risks and benefits
This medicine is available only with of using this medicine while breast-
a doctor's prescription. feeding.


Tell your doctor if you have or Taking other medicines Unless your doctor gives you other
have had any medical conditions, directions, you should take
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
especially the following: LATUDA only once a day.
you are taking any other
• dementia-related psychosis medicines, including any that you
(particularly in the elderly) If you forget to take it
buy without a prescription from
• neuroleptic malignant syndrome, your pharmacy, supermarket or If it is almost time for your next
a reaction to some medicines with health food shop. dose, skip the dose you missed and
a sudden increase in body Some medicines and LATUDA may take your next dose when you are
temperature, extremely high meant to.
interfere with each other. These
blood pressure and severe include: Otherwise, take it as soon as you
convulsions remember, and then go back to
• ketoconazole, a medicine used to
• tardive dyskinesia, a reaction to treat fungal infections
taking your medicine as you would
some medicines with worm-like normally.
• rifampicin, an antibiotic medicine
movements of the tongue, or Do not take a double dose to make
other uncontrolled movements of • diltiazem, a medicine used to up for the dose that you missed.
the mouth, tongue, cheeks or jaws treat high blood pressure
This may increase the chance of you
which may progress to the arms (hypertension) or to control
angina (chest pain) getting an unwanted side effect.
and legs
If you are not sure what to do, ask
• disease of the blood with a These medicines may be affected by
LATUDA, or may affect how well it your doctor or pharmacist.
reduced number of white blood
cells (e.g. leukopenia or works. You may need different If you have trouble remembering
neutropenia) amounts of your medicine, or you to take your medicine, ask your
may need to take different medicines. pharmacist for some hints.
• diabetes
Your doctor will advise you.
• seizures How long to take it
• suicidal thoughts or behaviour Continue taking the tablets for as
• cardiovascular disease (e.g. heart long as your doctor tells you.
failure, history of heart attack, How to take LATUDA
LATUDA helps control your
ischemia, conduction condition, but does not cure it.
abnormalities, or a history of Follow all directions given to you
by your doctor or pharmacist Therefore you must take LATUDA
heart beat problems (arrhythmias) every day.
or have a condition known as QT carefully.
prolongation) They may differ from the Do not stop taking it unless your
doctor tells you to - even if you feel
• venous thromboembolism (e.g. information contained in this leaflet.
blockage of a blood vessel by a If you do not understand the
blood clot formed elsewhere in instructions on the box, ask your If you take too much
the body) doctor or pharmacist for help. (overdose)
• cerebrovascular disease (e.g.
How much to take Immediately telephone your doctor
stroke, dehydration, low blood
or the Poisons Information Centre
pressure) Your doctor or pharmacist will tell
(telephone 13 11 26 in Australia),
• liver or kidney problems you how many tablets you will need
or go to Accident and Emergency
to take each day. This depends on
• breast cancer at your nearest hospital, if you
your condition and whether or not
• pituitary tumours (e.g. tumours at think that you or anyone else may
you are taking any other medicines.
have taken too much LATUDA.
the base of the brain)
Do this even if there are no signs of
• a history of drug dependence, How to take it discomfort or poisoning.
including alcohol dependence Swallow LATUDA whole with a You may need urgent medical
If you have not told your doctor or glass of water. Do not chew the attention. If you take too much, you
pharmacist about any of the above, tablets. may experience:
tell them before you start taking
• fast, slow or irregular heart beat
LATUDA. When to take it
• low blood pressure (i.e. dizziness,
Take LATUDA during or
immediately after a meal.


• reduced alertness gradually reduce the amount of Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
• seizures (i.e. fits) LATUDA you take each day before you notice any of the following and
stopping completely. they worry you:
• uncontrolled muscle spasms
affecting the head and neck Do not take any medicines that • nausea and/or vomiting
cause drowsiness while you are • indigestion
taking LATUDA, unless
• increased saliva
recommended by your doctor.
• difficulty in swallowing
While you are taking
Things to be careful of • back pain
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice • sleepiness
should be avoided while taking
Things you must do • restlessness, agitation, anxiety,
excitement or difficulty
Tell any other doctors, dentists,
Grapefruit juice contains one or more concentrating
and pharmacists who are treating
components that alter the metabolism
you that you are taking LATUDA. • Parkinsonism (e.g. trembling,
of some medicines, including rigid posture, slow movements
If you are about to be started on LATUDA. This may lead to higher
any new medicines, tell your and a shuffling, unbalanced walk)
and unpredictable levels of
doctor, dentist or pharmacist that LATUDA in the blood. • dizziness
you are taking LATUDA.
Do not drive or operate machinery • difficulty sleeping
If you plan to have surgery that until you know how LATUDA • dizziness on standing up,
needs a general anaesthetic, tell affects you. Speak with your doctor especially when getting up from a
your doctor or dentist that you are about when you can resume these sitting or lying position
taking LATUDA. activities. (orthostatic hypotension) or
If you become pregnant while As with other antipsychotic fainting
taking LATUDA, tell your doctor medicines, LATUDA has the • weight gain
immediately. potential to impair judgement, • dystonias e.g. involuntary muscle
If you need to have any medical thinking or motor skills in some contraction or spasm
tests while you are taking people. Make sure you know how
• blurred vision
LATUDA, tell your doctor. you react to LATUDA before you
drive a car, operate machinery, or do • hyperglycaemia (which may
LATUDA may affect the results of
anything else that could be dangerous present as increased thirst,
some tests.
if you are affected by LATUDA. increased urination, increased
Be sure to keep all of your doctor's hunger, or weakness)
appointments so that your progress
• high blood prolactin levels
can be checked.
(which may present as breast
Side effects swelling, unusual secretion of
Things you must not do
breast milk, missed or irregular
Do not give LATUDA to anyone Tell your doctor or pharmacist as menstrual periods, breast
else, even if their symptoms seem soon as possible if you do not feel enlargement in men or
similar or they have the same well while you are taking impotence).
condition as you. LATUDA.
These side effects are usually mild
Do not take LATUDA to treat any All medicines can have side effects. and short-lived.
other complaints unless your Sometimes they are serious, most of
If any of the following happen, tell
doctor tells you to. the time they are not. You may need
your doctor or pharmacist
medical treatment if you get some of
Do not stop taking LATUDA, or immediately or go to Accident and
the side effects.
lower the dosage, even if you are Emergency at your nearest
feeling better, without checking Ask your doctor or pharmacist to hospital:
with your doctor. answer any questions you may
• severe spasms in the muscles of
If you stop taking LATUDA have.
the shoulders, neck and upper
suddenly, your condition may worsen Do not be alarmed by this list of body
or your chance of getting an possible side effects.
• temporary paralysis, weakness of
unwanted side effect may increase. You may not experience any of them. muscles or muscle pain
To prevent this, your doctor may


• worm-like movements of the After using LATUDA • colourings: indigo carmine and
tongue, or other uncontrolled iron oxide yellow (80 mg tablet
movements of the tongue, mouth, only).
cheeks, or jaw which may
LATUDA does not contain lactose,
progress to the arms and legs Keep your tablets in the pack until sucrose, gluten, tartrazine or any
• signs of frequent infections such it is time to take them. other azo dyes.
as fever, chills, sore throat or Keep your tablets in a cool dry
mouth ulcers place where the temperature stays Sponsor
• suicidal thoughts or behaviour below 25°C. LATUDA is supplied in Australia
• hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar Do not leave it in the car on hot by:
level) days or on window sills.
• seizure Heat and dampness can destroy some
Servier Laboratories (Aust.) Pty Ltd
• sudden increase in body 8 Cato Street
temperature, sweating, fast heart Keep it where children cannot
reach it Hawthorn Victoria 3122
beat, muscle stiffness, high blood
pressure and convulsions (these A locked cupboard at least one-and- Australian Registration
symptoms may be associated with a-half metres above the ground is a
a condition called 'neuroleptic good place to store medicines.
malignant syndrome') AUST R 206650: 40 mg tablets
• sudden severe headache, loss of Disposal AUST R 206651: 80 mg tablets
vision, loss of coordination, If your doctor tells you to stop
slurred speech, shortness of taking LATUDA or the tablets
This leaflet was prepared in
breath, chest pain, numbness, heat have passed their expiry date, ask September 2015.
or swelling in the arms and legs your pharmacist what to do with
(these symptoms may be any that are left over.
associated with a blockage in a
blood vessels).
These may be serious side effects.
You may need urgent medical Product description
attention. Serious side effects are
rare. What it looks like
If any of the following happen, do
LATUDA 40 mg tablets are round,
not take your next dose of
white to off-white and debossed on
LATUDA before telling your
one side with "L40".
doctor or going to Accident and
Emergency at your nearest LATUDA 80 mg tablets are oval-
hospital: shaped, pale green and debossed on
one side with "L80".
• sudden signs of allergy such as
skin rash, itching or hives,
swelling of the face, lips, tongue
or other parts of the body, Active ingredient:
shortness of breath, wheezing or • lurasidone hydrochloride
difficulty breathing
Other ingredients
These are very serious side effects.
• carnauba wax
You may need urgent medical
attention or hospitalisation. • croscarmellose sodium
All of these side effects are very rare. • hypromellose
Other side effects not listed above • magnesium stearate
may occur in some patients. Tell • mannitol
your doctor or pharmacist if you
• Opadry complete film coating
notice anything that is making you
system 03F48969 white
feel unwell.
• pregelatinised starch


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