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The Use of Animation Videos in Learning English to Improve Students’

Speaking Skill

(An Experimental Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 16 Banda Aceh)

Written by: Rajibbul Purnama

Student number: 1606102020039

Faculty of teacher and training education

University of Syiah Kuala
The Use of Animation Videos in Learning English to Improve Students’
Speaking Skill

(An Experimental Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 16 Banda Aceh)

Analysis of Situation

One of the language skills that must be mastered by students in learning English is
speaking skills. Grauberg (1997: 201) states that for many students the main goal of learning a
foreign language is to be able to speak the language. Speaking skills should be taught and
practiced in a language class to enable students to speak or communicate in the target language.
Harmer (2001: 269) states that the ability to speak fluently requires not only knowledge of
language features but also the ability to process information and 'on-site' language. Speaking is
necessary to convey messages, information, opinions, and even emotions in everyday life. Based
on my experience during Internship III at SMPN 16 Banda Aceh, when I taught in grade 3, many
students still had difficulty speaking in English. Therefore, I intend to use animation videos in
teaching speaking to the students. Students are asked to follow the text in an animated video that
is displayed, and afterwards the students are asked to practice the conversation with their
classmates. By using animation videos, I want to find out whether or not it can improve students'
speaking skills.

Description of Research Problem

Based on the problems above related to speaking problem, the students still experience
difficulty in speaking skill. Besides, there are some problems experienced by the students in
learning English, that is, some students do not pay attention in class, are lazy, bored, lack
enthusiasm during the teaching and learning process of speaking and also lack interests in
learning English. Thus, it is necessary to design various teaching techniques to solve the
problems and for the purpose of learning to be achieved. From the observation of these
conditions, the researcher proposes the use of media to support the process of teaching and
learning of speaking. The media to be used is animated videos. Animated videos can present
speaking materials to students. In addition, animated videos can be an interesting material for
students because they need an interesting model in learning to talk. Harmer (2001: 282) adds that
teachers often enliven their classes with materials or tapes that are not produced for language
learning. Animated video tends to be an interesting and effective learning medium to support
students’ learning processes that can draw their attention to learning. Animated videos are
expected to keep students focused on and interested in speaking materials taught. In addition, this
will encourage students to improve their speaking skill when combined with other classroom

Research Focus

Based on the above explanation, the authors want to see whether the use of video
animation media will improve students' speaking skill.

Research Solution

One solution proposed to deal with the students’ problem in speaking English is by using
animation videos as a medium of learning. According to Furoidah (2009), media animation
learning is a media that contains a collection of images that are processed in such a way that
produces movement and equipped with audio and makes it impressive and saves the learning
message. Learning animation media can be used as a teaching tool that is ready whenever used to
deliver the subject matter. By using animation videos, students will find it easier to understand
the material and also to learn English. This method can also improve students’ interaction with
one another as well as with teachers in learning.


HA : If a teacher using animation videos as a media in teaching and learning process, students’
speaking ability will be improved significantly.

H0 : If a teacher using animation videos as a media in teaching and learning process, students’
speaking ability will not be improved significantly.

Research question

1. Does the using of animation videos will make the student easier to learn English ?
2. Does the using of animation videos significantly improve students’ speaking abiity ?

Research Objective

1. To find out if the using of animation videos will make the student easier to learn English.
2. To find out if the using of animation videos significantly improve students’ speaking

Research Population and Sample

The population of this study is the students of the 9th grade of SMPN 16 Banda Aceh, its about
20 students and all of them will be taken for sample.
Research Instrument

the writer will give an animation video as a media in learning process, and see the improvement
of the students by a designed test that will be used as the instrument to collect the data. And the
test will prove if the result is positive or negative.


Grauberg, (1997 : 201) the mportance of speaking skill. Retrieved October 2001, from

Harmer (2001: 269) the ability to process the information.ASCD

Furoidah (2009). Media aniation learning.PGRI

Approved by Banda Aceh,

Academic Adviser Proposed by,

Burhansyah, S.Pd., M.A Rajibbul purnama

NIP. 19760514 200604 1 002 NIM. 1606102020039

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