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Student: Nina Spitler

Subject/Concept: Pre-K Social Studies Grade Level: Pre-K

1. Standards:

G6.Pk.2 – Begin to recognize characteristics that make them unique.

o Observable objective: SWBAT apply prior knowledge to tell what is the same and

what is different. SWBAT listen to a story about differences. SWBAT see the

physical differences between two different but after cracking them open, SWBAT

realize that eggs are the same on the inside just like people. SWBAT draw a Venn

diagram and show how the two eggs are the same and different. SWBAT tell me if 2

pictures are the same or different when I hold them up.

• Multicultural goal: Develop an educational environment that promotes respect for


o Observable objective: SWBAT explain the differences and similarities between

themselves and their classmates.

• Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic learning styles:

o Auditory: Students will listen to the book being read to them at circle time.

o Visual: Students will see the differences of the characters in the book and will see the

physical differences of the eggs.

o Kinesthetic: Students will feel the similarities between the eggs and their shells.

• Gardner's Intelligence: This will address linguistic intelligence by listening to the book

and discussing what we are learning. This will also use kinesthetic intelligence by
touching the eggs and feeling their similarities.

2. Materials:

o “It’s Okay to be Different” by Todd Parr

o 2 different colored eggs

o 2 bowls

o Pencils

o Venn diagrams

3. Instruction- learning Process:

• Do First (15 mins/1st day): Introduce lesson by asking students how they can tell when

two things are the same or different. We will go over different examples and I will ask

students if the two examples are the same or different.

• Mini-lesson (20 mins/1st day): After discussing the examples, I will read the book aloud

to the class and ask questions regarding the story to ensure they are engaged.

o The story “It’s Okay to be Different” highlights differences between other people

but explains that it is okay to be yourself.

o Throughout the story I will ask the students questions such as “what makes this

character different?”

• Guided Practice (10 mins/2nd day): The next day, after refreshing our memories about

the story, I will pass around 2 eggs and have the students touch the shells and tell me

what is physically different between the 2 eggs. Once we have discussed the physical

differences, we will crack the eggs open into two bowls and I will ask them what is
different on the inside.

• Independent Practice (10 mins/2nd day): After the egg activity, I will pass out an

already made Venn diagram to each student and have them draw one brown egg on one

side, one white egg on the other, and the inside of the egg in the middle. We will then

discuss if the whole class agrees.

• Exit Slip (10 mins/2nd day): After discussion, we will regroup in circle and to end the

lesson, I will hold up 2 pictures and have them tell me if they are the same or different. I

will go around the circle to ask every student.

4. Resources:

Christensen, C. (n.d.). Howard Gardner Eight Intelligences. In Canvas. Retrieved May 8,

2019, from

Christensen, C. (n.d.). Bloom's Taxonomy. In Canvas. Retrieved May 8, 2019, from

Pre-K Standards (n.d.). In Nevada Department of Education. Retrieved May 8, 2019, from


Manning, M., Baruth, L., & Lee, L. G. (2017). Multicultural Education of Children and

Adolescents (6thth ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Retrieved May 8, 2019.
5. Reflection:

1. What specific subject concepts, skills, applications etc. does the student achieve for the

identified grade level?

o The students will achieve Pre-K social studies concepts by going over same and

different. Students will be able to identify what is the same and what is different from

characters in the book and the different eggs.

2. What specific multicultural knowledge, skills, etc. Has the student achieved?

o Students will be able to understand the multicultural concept of creating an

educational environment with respect to differences. Students will be able to

understand that although things look different on the outside, they are still the same


3. Assess the level of student engagement and active learning for the lesson strategies

selected for the “Instruction-learning process?

o The students should be fully engaged during the diversity lesson. I will start during

circle time and read a book to them. We will then do a hands on activity that will

require for them to be engaged while examining the eggs. We will close out the

lesson by meeting in circle again and I will ask each student individually a question to

see their level of understanding.

4. Lastly, list the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan.

o The weaknesses of this lesson were the material and finding tools that will keep

preschool students engaged for an adequate amount of time.

o The strengths of this lesson is being able to show the students how the eggs are the

same on the inside just like people. It puts it into perspective while still engaging the
students in the lesson.

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