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Code- - l(r

{ime .Aliowed : 3 Hours .h'laximtlm Marlrs : l0A

Note : & A.ll questions are compulsory"

.s The nurnber of marks carried by each
question is indicated at the end of the

e Clearly rnention question nuniber and part

number before attempting.
s The parts of the same question rnust be
answered together and must not be
interposed between answers to other
,..? Limit your answer to the word limits
mentioned for each part. Drvide your time
proportionately lbr each question.

l. (a) Answer the following in abo ",ZOO
words : ' (l)
f)iscuss the events fiom the Muslim
League's observance of Direct Action
Day to tlre partition of Inclia. What was
the attitude of the Congress and Gandhiji
to the demand for partition ? Why i.vas
the partition finally agreed to ?
(b) Answer the following in about lls
' rvords : u\
Discuss the factors that led to the grou,th
of militant nationalism in the beginning
,, of the 20th century. How the ideology
ancl actions of militant nationalists
differed from those of the moderates ?
i.[ow far both succeedecl in achieving their
political objectives ?
(c) Srrite about the following (about 2A
words each) : 1Extl.sF4)
(i) Muhammad Iqbal :

(ii) Bhimbhetkapaintings
(iii) Srinivasan Ayengar Ramanujan i

(iv) Carnatic Musjc

' ., (v) Chandella "femple Architecture

(vii) Subramanyam Chandrashekhar

(viii) Madan l-al Dhingra

2. (a) Answer the follou'ing in about 200

words : Q)

Discuss cause, origirl and distribution of

the Monsoons in India ? How frequent
floods during rainy seasons call be

Prevented ?

(b) Answer the following in about 125

words . (4)

Does sustainable development is key to

environmental protection in the era of
economic integration ? Discuss'
(c) Wiite abottt the following (about 40
words each) : (4x1=4)

(i) What is difference between a

National Park and Wild Life
Sanctuary ?

(ii) What are imPortant eastward

flbwing Indian Penisular rivers ?

(iii) Whar is difference
Estuary and a
betwe" ii
Lagoon ?
(iv) Bnefly di.scu ss
the phenornenon
Cioudburst. ai_

3. (a) Ansrver the follo

rtng in abouf
words , 2${,g

Is Indian constitutioh ,t,

rvith rr,r*rui unitarY ,
,ni+^*.. in
gIlSWer II/L^"
Cu;* -.-svruort; /OUf
whar *- - ;t'"ll,i:rffi::.
o,rry.r. of such a
(b) iwer the fullowi
on,uotu"ta6;es 'rrr.* ?'
rng in about
words : lls
,r#::::.i"':1':i |efonns
z wr,v .l?
ten years u,hat
steps have rrr*n
,ri.." Govenrnrenr
of India in this
{c) Wr.ite
rn" foitrowing (abour
*oro, ;Hl,, 40
(t j'
mranr by rhe .r.r#;;t]
'The Cotincil
Ministers*"f ls
. of people ro rir; ;;u;
responsibxe ro ,h;


(ii) What is the Rigirt to Constitutional

' R'emedies ?

(iii) What is meant by Unifbrm Civil

Code ? What is its need ?
(i.r) What are the Constitutional
pr"ovisions for acquiring lndian
citizenshiP ?

4. (a) Answer the following in about 200

words :

Wnat are the niain ir"ritants in

What steps
betwebn India and China ?
countries in
have been taken by both the
? FIow the
last tr 5 years to retnove thenr
to China will
Pdme Minister's recent visit
helpin strengthening the relationship
between the two countries ?

ft) f,nsr,ver the following in about 125


What is VAT' ? What will be its

in India ?
advantages and disadvantages

- 1;,r. .: ri.::iilra_aa:1*?aB i;l;-:

(c) Why were the follo, ,r/rng
person;. place
programntes, etc.
in news recently ?
about 20 words on
each : (8xo.s=4)
(i) Sania Mirza
(ii) Mahmud Abbas
(iii) lVorah Jones
(iv) J. K. Rowling
(v) Mahabodhi Temple
(vi) Sarkar Apke Dawar programme
(vii) Janaki Suraksha yojana
(viii) Initiatives proposecr
to be taken bv
the Ministry of Railways
reducing rail accidents. o

5. (a) Answ er rhe following

in about Z0A
words :
What do you know
about Diversification
of Agriculture ? What ii:
is the need and
potential of diversification
of Agriculture
in India ? Do you thjnk
rhat IMTO poses
more challenges than
oppor_funities for

(b) Answer the fbllowing in abottt 125

r.vorcis : (a)

r[ihat are the goals and objectives of

Planning in lridia ? How fbr planning is
relevant in tlre free market economy and
eia of econotnic globalization ? What are
tiie salienr torsets of 1Oth fit'e-year
pian ?

(c) V,/rite about the frrllowing (about 40

u'ords each) : (4x1-4)
(i) What is Devi RuPak Yojana ?
(ii) What are the sources of income of
a Gram PanchaYat ?
(iii) What do EPIP stands for ? What is
its purpose ?
(iv) What was the outcotne of the Third
World Water Forum ?

6. (a) A.nswer the following in about 200

rn'ords : (7)

How Information and Communication

Technology can help ir empowerment of
cflrnmon man, develt,;rment of agriculture
a,rd altreviation -, ntrai PovertY in
hrdia ?

c-03/M-26 P.TO.
in abottt o:t' ''

- rhe
\- Answer ---anr

words ' ,n* clrfrerent^c:J:l["]:

which ott * t:",:t",ollaboration
tn u
how they rvork
hdia and 'l
*nt, *rtr other . I (about 40
fo'llowlnb ' 1o*r=n)
,^\ write about the
\L) : Gelle
*orO, each) ,^Ib
(i) What
| '?
TectrnclogY .^ro*are kilters ..

Ltses o'^':^u'u
1ii) BrieflY
o'". ;:#
(iii) What ^.-., ? _. 1_.ro1-,

Nanotechnoto*l -^, ancl Straheerr

(iv) wlr'o' arc

.iJ,:il#'o* i
1. Answl
(a) ^l: "::T,:'_1,
or a conlPfl
;;-ilyof 100
ll'r.;;;; t t.'-*:t:''],iJ;;" 1l::-
Co""'u" -
*1: '
bution tubl' :;;. 325,404'
r.?( zzs.i're, 4r5,
220' 198'
32o' ooo' 4Zl'' rawt " -
'uo' 1'':' (4)
ItO' 5+O' 320'
340. 8 "|t:;t;'

s1 s6

at is , Tlie foliorving table gives secto;wise

distlitrutiori oi' erpenditure (tentative
figures) cluling a'given five year plan'
sector outlaY
(Crores Rs.)
l. and C'ommunication 6,870

2. Irrigaric;tr aud Fiood control 3,880

3. Sociai ancl Contmunity Services 6,830

4. Agriculture atrd relatsd arcas 4"814

5. Fou'ei 7,400

6. Industry and Mineral 9'580

Represent the abov6 information by

suitable diagram. (3)

(c) A railway half ticket costs half the price

of a full fare ticket but the reservation

charges are same for half ticket and full
ticket. A person reserved an AC 3-tier
ticket from citY A to B bY PaYing Rs'
720. On return journey he booked one
full ticket for himsetf and a hatf ticket

for his son by paying Rs. l,0vu ' .at is
the basic AC 3-tier fi_rll fare betu,een the
two cities and what are the i.eserr ation
charges ? (3)

c-03iM-26 l0

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