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We all have a straight path, which can be taken away when doing the wrong thing.

For the Life

Long Learner SLE I am presenting the Pride Program. For this program I learned about drugs, alcohol,

addictions, and social media, and throughout learning about those things we had many activities and

examples with it. This was important because it empowers my knowledge to make better decisions, which

will contribute to a safe, healthy, and peaceful life keeping me closer to my faith and further from bad


What I learned during this program is the pressures and responsibilities that will come when

getting older. This was learned by various assignments and presentations, which showed a lot of growth

because of the variety of things that were spoken about. Like drugs and alcohol which is a serious matter

that causes death and addiction throughout the whole world. This program needed to be handled with

maturity and taken serious because it was a very important subject, which is something that is needed to

know for the future

If I could go back on this program and every assignment we had on it I wouldn't change a thing.

The whole time I was always putting my fullest attention and had several amount of notes, learning a lot

from these assignments.

I choose the Pride Program to represent the Life Long Learner SLE because throughout life

there's without a doubt going to be several occasions were you have to deal with peer pressure,

especially when it comes to drugs or alcohol. During this assignment we were taught about many ways to

avoid situations like those, and the facts on what will happen if taking any sorts of those substances. In all

they all lead to bad outcomes and throughout life I know that's something I am definitely going to stay

away from. Reassuring my state thanks to this assignment.

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