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Proceedings of the American Control Conference

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 1998

Harmonic Analysis of Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems

A. Rantzer A. Megretski
Dept. of Automatic Control 35-418 EECS MIT
Box 118 Cambridge MA 02139
S-22100 Lund USA
SWEDEN e m d : amegQmit .edu
e m d :

Abstract Notation
The theory of integral quadratic constraints is used The notation Lge is used for the linear space of all
for performance analysis of nonlinear and uncertain functions f : ( 0 , ~+ ) Rn which are square inte-
systems. Periodic oscillations induced by sinusodal grable on any finite interval. The subspace consist-
excitation are studied in particular. ing of square integrable functions is denoted L i and
the corresponding norm is denoted Ilfll.
1. Introduction The set of proper rational transfer matrices G =
Stability criteria based on Lyapunov functions, dissi- G ( s ) of size k by m is denoted by RLk,"". This is
pativity and absolute stability have been developed a subspace of CL?", the set of all matrix functions
over several decades. However, a new perspective on that are bounded and continuous on the imaginary
the theory has recently emerged with the develop- axis. The subset of stable functions G E RLkX" is
ment of new numerical methods. For linear time- denoted by RHk,"". Each element G E RL,"" tY is
invariant systems with uncertainty, efficient com- associated with a corresponding causal LTI operator
putational tools have been developed based on the G : LE + LE, defined by
notion structured singular value, [l, 31. For non-
linear and time-varying systems, the search for a ( G f ) ( t )= D f ( t ) + f 0
C e Z A B f (-
t z)dz
quadratic Lyapunov function can be written as a con-
vex optimization problem with linear matrix inequal- where G ( s ) = C ( s l - A ) - l B + D.An element G E
ity (LMI) constraints. Such problems can be solved RLk,"" is called strictly proper if D = 0.
with great efficiency using interior point methods.
The word "operator" will be used to denote an in-
A large variety of results of this kind were recently put/output system. Mathematically, it simply means
unified and generalized using the notion integral any function (possibly multi-valued) from one signal
quadratic constraint (IQC) [Z].In particular, the space LEe into another: an operator A : Lie -+ L2",
general computational problem to find multipliers is defined by a subset C La, x LE such that for
that prove stability was stated as a linear matrix every U E L& there exists w E L g with ( u , ~ E) SA.
inequality. The notation
This paper is devoted t o analysis of robust per-
formance in the presence of inputs described by w = A(u) (1)
quadratic constraints. In particular, we consider si- means that ( U , w ) E SA.
nusodal excitation of a system involving saturation.
The analysis is performed in three steps. Firstly, it is An operator A is said t o be causal if the set of
proved for a range of frequencies of excitation, that past projections PTW of possible outputs w = A(u)
the output of the system converges to a peridic sig- corresponding t o a particular input U does not depend
nal, with a period length related t o the period of on the future U -PTUof the input, i.e. PTA = PTAPT
excitation. Secondly, uniqueness of the limiting or- for all T 2 0. The operator A is bounded if there
bit is proved. Finally, the magnitudes of the output exists C such that
harmonics are estimated. In all three steps, there
are different restrictions on what integral quadratic l l P ~ W l l5 CllP~ull b'T > O,W = A(u), U E La,
constraints that can be used. The gain 11A11 of A is then defined as the infimium of
all C for which the inequality holds.
$10.000 1998 AACC
0-7803-4530-4198 3654
2. Stability via Integral Quadratic Assume that a feedblack system has been proved to
Constraints be stable and that a number of integral quadratic
constraints are available:
The object for stability analysis is interconnections
of the form
U = G ( w )+ f
Some of these constraints may describe nonlinear or
w = A(u) + e uncertain components, while others represent prop-
erties of external signals. Using this information, we
We say that the interconnection of the two operators would like to make a conclusion about the system
G : L g + Lie and A : Lie -+ LE is well posed if the performance, represented by another quadratic in-
set of all solutions to (2) defines a causal operator equality.
(G,A] : ( f , e ) H ( u , w ) . The interconnection is called
stable if in addition [G,A] is bounded.
For ll E CL2mX'+mdefine an to be the quadratic
form This is the standard setup for the so called S-
procedure, observing that ( 5 ) follows fiom (4) if there
exists numbers TI,.. . ,z n 2 0 such that

ao(h) + ~ k a k ( h5
) 0 v h E L:e[O, (6)
The operator A : Lie + LE is said to satisfy the
integral quadratic constraint (IQC) defined by ll if This simple idea will. be used several times below.

on(h)2 0 V h = ( u , A ( u ) )E LFm Pulse input

The following proposition was proved in [2]. Let us first estimate Lp-gain when the input is a
pulse of the form
Let G E RHgm and let A be a bounded causal 1 t E [O,T]
u(t)= (7)
operator. Assume that 0 otherwise
(i) for every z E [0,1],
the interconnection of G and where T 1.TO.Such signals have norm
z A is well-posed.
(ii) for every z E [0,1],
the IQC defined by ll is
satisfied by z A.
(iii) there exists E > 0 such that while the energy in the low frequency interval IwI <
W O is estimated by

[ ] * n(jw) [ ] 5 -EI VW E R
5 J' T2dw = 2T2wo I:2TTow0
Then the interconnection of G and A is stable. 0

An alternative to the condition on(0,w ) +~]lwll'1.0 The result can be restated as follows.
is to assume existence of some GO E RH,""' such
that the inequlaity condition on G is satisfied by GO PROPOSITION
and the interconnection of GO and A is stable. The Signals of the form (7) with T 1.TOsatisfy the IQC:
conditions above are recovered with GO= 0.

3. Performance Analysis
In the stability analysis, no properties of the distur- 0
bance variables other than their La-norm were used.
The objective of this section is t o show how such in- This gives, via the S-procedure, a bound on the Lp-
formation can be used to improve the bounds on the gain of a transfer function G ( s ) applied to pulses of
system variables. the form (7).
Suppose G E RHEm,while A : Lk, --+ LE and [G,A]
are causal, bounded and have fading memory. As-
sume f ( t )= Re[foezoot]and ~ ( t=)R e [ C T = o ~ k e z o k t ]
with z k IWk12 < cm and all > O different. If the
inequalities involving G and A in Theorem 1 hold,
P o l + JILo12 + MolKol
lwol L
K OI If01 for 1 = m = 1

Figure 1 Feedback loop with sinusodal excitation

lWkl2 5

COROLLARY 1 Moreover, if the inequalities hold with, l7 replaced

Suppose that G E RH, and U satisfies (7). Then, by Hj for j = 1,... ,n, let Ki,Li,ML be defined
for every WO > 0 accordingly. Then, the bound l w k l < ylfol holds for
every y that together with some 21 > 0,. .. ,Zm > 0
satisfies inequality
< Too0 m m +
Il~1l2 - n I4<wo

Proof: Let if K = 0 and

Oo(U) = llG4I2 - r”ll.llZ 0 0 K{ Li 0

z= rz -ma&)>, /GI2 -
-,<,,” /GI2- rz
TO@OlZ 1 - ToWo/Z
Then 0 2 OO(U) + ?o~(u)
and the result follows by
the S-procedure. 13 if k 2 1. 0

Proof: We prove the last statement first. From

Sinusodal input condition an,( U , A ( u ) ) 2 0 and the fading memory
To begin with, a steady state situation is considered Of A fol~owsthat
and it is assumed that all signals are periodic. Note
however, that this does not follow from boundedness
o s x [ : ] * n ~ ( i m k )
of the corresponding closed-loop operator. k=O
In a periodic steady-state situation, the following
result can be applied. Consider the system for all w = A ( u ) of the form ~ ( t=) Re[C;P,o~kezo’t]
and w ( t ) = R e [ x r = o ~ k e z o hwith
t] 1Uk12 < 00, xk
Gii Giz C k I W k I 2 < 00. Using the corresponding condition
on G and the equations IJO = G(ioo)wo fo, Uk = +
G(iWk)Wk O n e gets
w = A(u)

See Figure 1.For notational simplicity, assume that 0

Gzl is invertible and introduce for k 2 0

= [ [ ~ ] (?)/
0 :I [El
Hence, after multiplying (10) and (11) from right
and left by (y0,fo) and (yo,fo,yk) respectively, all
terms with j 4 (0,K) are non-negative and can
be removed because of the assumption on G. What
remains are the desired inequalities lwkl < ylfol.
Finally, (8) and (9) are obtained by eliminating the
parameters z1 and y analytically. 0
4 , 4,

Let G(iw) = C(iw1 -A)-'B and let @ : R -+ R with
0 5 @(.)U 5 cu2 for all U. Suppose that A is Hurwitz,
ReG(iw) > l / c for all w and the system
i = h - B [ @ ( C x ) +aosinwot] y = Cx
has a solution of the from y ( t ) = cr=o
b k sin(wkt + Figure 2 Sinusodid excitation of system with satura-
O h ) . Then tion.

If @ is nondecreasing and odd with 0 5 @(u)u 5 cu2,
U 00

Proofi Theorem 2 can be applied with f = a0 sinwot, 0 5 Re L m ( G - i 3 ~ ) * ( 2 + - y^)dw (13)

A ( u ) = -@(U) and

for all y = U - w/c, w = @(U), = e-ioTG and

n(io) = [ O
-1 -2/c
-l ]

UT = with U ,w, y E Lz.


G G G G - l Proof The integral. quadratic constraint

"=[ 1 0 1 [ 0 11 =[l/'G !l] 00

0 5 [_W^'H(iw)Fdw Vw = @(U) E LO

[ (2)'
-2(Re G-l+ lGl-2/c)
]l: = [ 1 2G-'/c + -2/c
was proved by Zames and Falb [5], assuming that @
The desired bounds are obtained from (8) and (9). U is nondecreasing arid odd and

4. A Case study
To concretize the statements in the previous section,
we will analyze the system
3E. = Ax - B[sat(Cx) + sin2nt/T] x ( 0 ) = xo (12)
where Th DroDosition follows from the observation t k t

102 H ( iw) = 3 - 2eiWT-- e-i2oT is of this kind and a t the

C(s1 -A)-lB = G(s) = same time equal t o (1 - ,-CUT)* (2 + e-iwT) (1- e-ioT).
s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 1
The system is illustrated in Figure 2 together with
plots of a simulation. Analysis is performed in three It is natural to rewrite the system (12) with e(t) =
steps: sin2nt/T and f ( t ) := CeAtxo as
1. Prove convergence t o a periodic orbit.
2. Prove uniquness of the periodic orbit.
w = sat(--u) + e
3. Estimate the shape of the periodic orbit.
Different types of integral quadratic constraints are
used in the different steps of analysis. For the first
step, we use the following proposition.
min,Re[(2 + e-ZWT)(1+ G(iw))]
for sufficiently large z.In addition, the saturation
satisfies the corresponding constraint incrementally:

o 2 l‘[sat(ul) - sat(uz) - (u1- uz>l[sat(ul>- sat(uz)ldt

Hence, the argument behind Theorem 1 shows that

there exists a constant y, independent of x1 and x2
such that

I’ IUl(t) - v2(t)12dtI ylx1-.2} v,r

T In particular, the asymptotic periodic orbits are
identical and unique.
Figure 3 According to the plotted test quantity, periodic Finally, it is interesting to simulate the system
inputs with period time between 0.8 and 4.5 will result and compare the actual output with the bounds of
in system oscillations of the same periad
Corollary 2. With W O = 3, u1 = 3010, the conic
condition sat(u)[u - sat(u)] 2 0, gives the bounds
Proposition 2 with c = 1 gives an IQC for the
operator w - WT = A ( u - U T ) = sat(u) -&(UT). Ibol/laol i 4.66 Ib1l/laol 5 0 . 9 5
Hence, application of Theorem 1 shows that U - U T Simulation with gives
and w - WT are square integrable provided that
Ibol/laol = 1.53 Ibll/laol = 0.18 for a0 = 2
0 < E < Re[(2 + e-ioT)(l + G(io))] U ER Ibol/laol M 3.33 Ibll/laol M 0 for very large a0
It is easy t o check that this condition is fulfilled for 5. Conclusions
0.8 5 T 5 4.5. See Figure 3. For these values of
T, we can therefore conclude that all solutions tend It has been shown that beyond stability analysis,
integral quadratic constraints can be used t o analyse
towards a T-periodic behavior.
the response to particular input signals, such a
However, it is also possible to make a conclusion unit pulse or a sinusoid. We believe that that the
about excitation of higher frequency, i.e. for T < 0.8. approach can be extended to a large number of other
For such values, since 0.8 is less than half of 4.5 cases, particularly in combination with appropriate
there will always exists an integer N such that N T computer tools for numerical optimization.
is in the interval [0.8,4.5].The previous argument
can therefore be applied with T replaced by N T ,
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