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no longer a killer but a humiliating disease

there is a new tiger April 30, 2018 Rs 60 in the jungle

The Kathua rape, and then murder, of a child have
shaken the nation’s conscience. Every articulate citizen
is asking why we have so much hatred that the body
RNI N O. 7 0 4 4 /1961 of an 8-year-old should become a battleground of the
dark forces within us.

8 904150 800010 17

Volume LVIII, No. 17 Comment

Till Messiah Come, Again

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rajesh Ramachandran
DEpuTY maNagINg EDITOR Sunil menon
CHIEF OF BuREau pranay Sharma
aSST ExECuTIVE EDITOR Satish padmanabhan

pOLITICaL EDITOR Bhavna Vij-aurora
WRITERS arindam mukherjee, Lola Nayar,
Qaiser mohammad ali (Senior associate
eople always fall sick. Some recover, but most die. Call it Darwinian cull-
Editors), g.C. Shekhar (associate Editor), ing or God’s ways, but that is life, as we know it. The family, the neighbour-
hood, the society, and even the government are expected to pick up the sick
Dola mitra (Sr asst Editor), pragya Singh,
prachi pinglay-plumber (asst Editors), ajay
Sukumaran, Naseer ganai (Senior Special
Correspondents), arushi Bedi, Siddhartha
and help them back to life. Civilisationally, we are conditioned to give care.
mishra (Correspondents) But what do we do when the entire neighbourhood falls sick? There are
COpY DESk giridhar Jha (Senior Editor),
Sreevalsan Thiyyadi, Saikat Niyogi, Satyadeep
stories and novels on whole villages across rural India falling prey to small
(Sr asst Editors), martand Badoni, Rohan manoj pox, about brave care-givers and braver grave-diggers or pyre-makers. But an
entire city falling sick? Jose Saramago’s stunning work of fiction, Blindness, has an
(Sub Editors)
pHOTOgRapHERS S. Rakshit (Chief photo
Coordinator), Jitender gupta (Deputy photo inexplicable sickness singeing a city. The white sickness or loss of sight for a city’s
populace leads to the collapse of the social order, the takeover of a carnal hierar-
Editor), Tribhuvan Tiwari, Vijay pandey (Chief
photographers), Sandipan Chatterjee,
apoorva Salkade (Sr photographers),
J.S. adhikari (Sr photo Researcher),
chy of cruelty, a complete loss of everything that makes life what it is or the
u. Suresh kumar (Digital Library) destruction of the entire moral universe. An epidemic always threatens a society.
DESIgN Deepak Sharma (Chief art Director),
Saji C.S. (Chief Designer), Sajith kumar (Chief
This is the story of an epidemic reducing a
Illustrator), Leela (Senior Designer), group of people to a bunch of rabid animals.
Hatred is a form of sickness or rather a
Devi prasad, padam gupta (Sr DTp Operators)
DIgITaL anoop george philip (Executive Editor),
aniruddha Dhar (Senior Copy Editor), Thufail p.T. symptom of a grave disease. It primarily con-
sumes the patient, but it can often lead to a
(Senior Correspondent), Rama Dwivedi (Senior
Sub Editor), Yamini kalra (Sub Editor),
Suraj Wadhwa (Chief graphic Designer),
Rupesh malviya (Video Editor)
lot of collateral damage. For instance, a man
EDITORIaL maNagER & CHIEF LIBRaRIaN full of hatred can easily destroy his family, his
alka gupta
colleagues and his workplace, particularly if
BUSINESS OFFICE he is in control. The underlying cause for this
puBLISHER Sandip kumar ghosh
kind of hatred is often a deep-rooted sense of
VICE pRESIDENTS abraham uthup, inadequacy and lack of self-esteem and the
Bindu Dhawan, meenakshi akash,
Sam Ben Samuel, Shrutika Dewan patient’s victims are mostly the nicer ones
SR gENERaL maNagERS kabir khattar (Corp), within his closed group.
But what if this assumes the proportions of
V. Sridhar (South)
gENERaL maNagERS Debabani Tagore,
Sasidharan kollery, Shashank Dixit,
Siddhartha Chatterjee, Shailender Vohra,
an epidemic? Visualise a village, a neighbourhood, or a city falling sick with ha-
Sharmistha ghosh tred. Sure, there will be a few care-givers and grave-diggers, but are they enough.
Diwan Singh Bisht
When as a society we lost our mind the last time in 1947, at least a lakh of people
CHIEF maNagER Shekhar kumar pandey were killed and a minimum of 10 lakh people lost their homes. The greatest
maNagERS Shekhar Suvarana, Sudha Sharma
care-giver, the Mahatma, sacrificed himself to keep the nation sane. His sacrifice
mitra, anindya Banerjee, g. Ramesh (South), stopped the madness temporarily, but the cure is still eluding us. It erupts every
Vinod kumar (North), arun kumar Jha (East)
DIgITaL amit mishra
now and then, in some part of the country, when Dalits are flogged, pehlu Khan is
murdered, Akhlaq is lynched. But what happened at Kathua leaves us speechless.
aB-10, S.J. Enclave, New Delhi - 110 029
An eight-year-old child bore the brunt of a whole society going rabid. partition
Tel: 011-33505500; Fax: 26191420 riots, rapes and the grief of the refugees are memories that have to be exorcised
Customer care helpline: 011-33505533,
33505500 for the benefit of a society that is getting consumed in hatred. The victims of 1947
For editorial queries:
and their children and grandchildren are creating newer victims. This memory of
For subscription helpline: hatred, violence and victimhood has to be removed for this nation to survive.
There is a strange contradiction in our society now. The city now seems to be
mumBaI Tel: 022-33545000; Fax: 33545100
saner and more caring than the hateful village. Are all the inadequacies of rural
CaLCuTTa Tel: 033 46004506; Fax: 033 46004506 deprivation being channelled into hatred? Sure, our villages were always back-
CHENNaI Tel: 42615224, 42615225; Fax: 42615095 ward, regressive, superstitious and terribly hierarchical, but were they this hate-
ful? or are the agents of hatred fanning the fire of communal strife especially in
BaNgaLORE Tel: 080-43715021
printed and published by Indranil Roy on
behalf of Outlook publishing (India) pvt. Ltd. the fertile soil of our villages and small towns? If so, that fire will extinguish all of
Editor: Rajesh Ramachandran. printed at
International print-O-pac Ltd, C 4-C 11, us. A raging fire knows no communal divide.
phase-II, Noida and published from aB-10,
S.J. Enclave, New Delhi-110 029
A messiah had come and been packed off, and we keep killing each other waiting
published for the week of april 24-30, 2018
for the next. let us try and heal ourselves. At the very least, let a child be just that,
Released on april 21, 2018
a child, and not a context for competitive communal conquests.
Total no. of pages 76, Including Covers Rajesh Ramachandran

30 April 2018 OutlOOk 3


‘Moral superpower’ Sweden
shouldn’t forget Nehru,
Gandhis in its eagerness
to sign deals

“Hang rapists”: The easy way
LEGAL SHUTDOWN Jammu lawyers protest the arrest of the Kathua case accused out for a society and
politicians who don’t
want change
14 Uncle Bam At It Again by AAKAR PATEL
The US drops missiles on Syria citing an old excuse—chemical weapons. The move is
bound to shape the biggest geopolitical conflict in definitive ways.

16 Strained River of Opportunity

Politics finds opportunity in conflict, more so when history has an example in the
adversary having won the plot. The Cauvery issue is DMK’s weapon this time around.

32 The Horror Normative Indian monsoon is recovering

Everyday, we live with bits of violence—rapes, rioting and lynchings reported regularly. Then after decades of decline
something like Kathua happens, shattering the normal, revealing the amount of hatred around.

56 Viral Perception
India has reported a considerable drop in HIV cases, but the stigma around it is still strong

66 Bollywood’s New Action Hero

The latest action flick Baaghi 2 sees phenomenal success at the box office and possibly
ushers in an era of a new dance-action star—the lithe and agile Tiger Shroff FEATURE
When a top cop built a
magic-real bridge from

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4 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


A New Gaze At Patriarchy

ON E-MAIL Padmini Raghavendra: allegations are genuine or not—still,
This is with reference to your cover the law seems to suffer from a kind of
story titled The Rising And The asymmetry. There cannot be one law
Anxious Male (April 16). A sexist for victims of sexual harassment and
attitude is something that has been an another for the victims of other crimes,
inherent part of the Indian problem as is the case right now. The case of the
when it comes to dealing with sexual poet-anthologist illustrates the cause
harassment. In so many liberal colleges for ambivalence: the complainant
across India, stories of sexual abuse was herself not sure whether her case
and harassment have done the rounds would stand legal scrutiny and resorted
as hushed whispers between colleagues to talk about her alleged harassment
and students. That people are abused through a Facebook post. Though
is routine. That nothing much is disclosure was followed by no legal
done about it is also routine. Only action, the damage was done—without
a part of the whole picture has now the poet getting a chance to defend
been revealed by students and others himself on the issue, many of his
concerned. My question is: why, as a colleagues pronounced him guilty. That
society, are we still making excuses is why a number of poets pulled out of
for sexual predators and why are uni- an anthology he was editing.
versities and college campuses, places
which spearhead change, independent April 16, 2018 Train In
of thought and action, festering in this ON E-MAIL Vasudha Saralaya: The
exploitative environment? Singapore Diary by Giridhar Jha (April
words and expressions in this platform 9) made for good reading. But justice
MUSCAT Ramachandran Nair: to strike back even in sincere-sounding cannot be done to Singapore without
Sexuality is not something that can discussions. It seems that violence onl- a mention of their MRT system—the
simply be hidden from the rest of the ine has a way of possessing all sorts of cheapest and best mode of transport
world, especially in our contemporary people. Virtual harassment has become within the city state. You can never get
environment. We need to confront it, a commonplace thing. Unfortunately, lost within the maze, what with lucid
and deal with it. In the present-day no one is going to win this fight. signboards, crisp announcements and
context, the extensive use of electronic the ever-helpful people of the country.
and social media has ensured that the LUCKNOW M.C. Joshi: Sexual abuse
dirt that was hiding behind veneers is a reality in not only Indian institu- Walk Back
of public conduct has become known tions and workplaces but in Indian soc- ON E-MAIL Vijai Pant: This
to everyone. Women have been iety as a whole. It’s hardly a rare thing is with reference to the story on
mistreated for various reasons for to learn of incidents of sexual abuse in cricket’s periodic encounters with its
years, decades and centuries. The times families and households. Yet, the law non-gentlemanly side, in the light of the
are changing. Women today are having against harassment is paradoxical in recent ball-tampering fiasco (Blongers
none of it and are using tools at their the sense that the one of the very basic Must Walk, Apr 9). Truth is, all crick-
disposal, like social media, to expose principles of jurisprudence—“innocent eting nations now play the hard way.
the misogynists. And the opposite till proven guilty”—is upturned to Moreover, crass commercialisation of
gender cannot tolerate their growth in “guilty till proven innocent”, and this the game has further made it extremely
perception, leading to a huge gender provides enough room for ‘using’ the tempting for the unscrupulous. There is
conflict. But using social media as a law against males. For, the sole proof often more to the unexpected outcome
weapon of change has its perils. The of the alleged offence accepted by the of a match than meets the eye. Even
language used there is often extremely court is the version of the accusing before the recent incident smeared
nasty. It’s quite surprising that edu- women. Agreed, there is a legal process their image, Australians have been at
cated people can be seen using filthy too, which will determine if the the forefront of those who tarnished the

HYDERABAD Shishir Prabhu

History is a graveyard of several failed due processes, that is why the present is so turbulent.
6 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

game, introducing the world to terms Conveniently Imagined

like ‘sledging’. This ‘win at any cost’ ON E-MAIL Dr Sylvia Karpagam: The article
attitude has now brought them to a pass by sociologist Shiv Visvanathan, The Chilly justice
where even its political establishment of the Gulag, in Outlook’s issue on the ‘gender war’
was left red-faced. Let us hope that the is a revealing indictment of all that is wrong with
guilt-ridden, moist eyes of its erstwhile the Indian academia. Throughout the article, the
captain and vice-captain while facing writer skilfully weaves the narrative of a nobler
the press will prove to be a point of era, where issues were challenged “by weaving
catharsis which Australian cricket so the personal and political into a tapestry of radi-
badly needs. Only time will tell whether calism”. He romanticises some fantasy past filled
cricketers will turn a new leaf or with joy, freedom and an enlightened ability to talk and live with difference.
continue tampering with the game. The current generation, however, is described with words like “essentialist”,
seeking “instant resolution”, and “wanting justice as instant gratification”
Fire & Ashes while offering “little proof because they think proof is unnecessary”. It is as
ON E-MAIL J.S. Acharya: This is though niceness and rationale froze to a halt with the author’s generation,
about the article on the communal and subsequently became filled with feminist landmines that ‘old-school’
clashes in Bengal’s Ranigunj and men have to now tiptoe through. For a start, relationships in universities and
Asansol areas around the Ram Navami academic spaces are not cosy little “man-woman relationship” spaces. They
celebrations and the politics the BJP are spaces of extreme imbalance in power—of gender, of religion and caste
and the Trinamool are playing over and culture, to name a few.
them (At The Fire Ceremonies, April 16). At no point does the writer stand in solidarity with any woman on the
The political kerfuffle in West Bengal list, as though it is a given that they are untruthful. It is also curious that he
over the BJP’s observance of Ram takes great care to mention that the academics mentioned in the list were
Navami and the TMC’s equally spirited ‘outstanding’—it somehow implies that being outstanding carries with it
celebration of Annapurna Puja would some intrinsic impunity against ordinary laws and rules.
not have taken this ugly form had both The institution can be a sacred space to many, a key to escape from gener-
parties proceeded with circumspection. ations of poverty and oppression. To reduce those to spaces of man-woman
Religious fervour was reduced to a relationships and upholding that as its primary value is trivialising the
malodorous thing. As an astute leader, aspirations of thousands of women.
(PS: This comes from a doctor and researcher who neither identifies as older
or younger generation and who, incidentally, also put a name on the Raya
Sarkar list following total failure of ‘due process’ over a twenty-year period.)

Mamata Banerjee would surely have precipitated by the Nirav Modi scam,
noted last year’s tensions around Ram the issue of corporate governance
Navami and didn’t want to miss out on has hit the country’s private banks,
this year’s. No wonder, the RSS is happy which once used to be the darlings of
with what has transpired in Bengal. investors (Grease Is Best Kept Private,
April 16). As for the ICICI issue over
From Bad to Worse Videocon-NuPower, that bank’s board
NOIDA Bal Govind: Amidst the has defended its head Chanda Kochhar,
LIFE CRIES The aftermath in Ranigunj NPA problems in the banking sector, but its investors are naturally becoming



Aadhaar FIR, an attack on press freedom

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 7


restless as days pass. Axis Bank, under unfounded. Therefore, the protests Tactful Acts
Shikha Sharma, too has been hit by are justifiable, but not the violence. ON E-MAIL M.S. Khokhar:
some bad news or the other in the last Violence only breeds hatred and makes This refers to The Old Sport Of
few months. From money-laundering the situation go from bad to worse. Goodwill Hunting, your story analysing
charges during demonetisation in With all that said, it is baffling that the the recent meeting between the
November 2016 to under-reporting opposition is targeting the Centre, premières of India and Nepal (April
bad loans and insider trading charges, knowing full well that the observation 16). It will be in India’s interest to build
things have worsened during her that the Act needs to be amended good relations with Nepal. Even though
tenure. The gross NPAs of Axis Bank was made by the court to prevent its India views Nepal PM Oli as pro-China,
have increased from Rs 915 crore to misuse. As usual, politicians are fishing his visit is an opportunity for India to
Rs 25,000 crore from 2009 to 2017. If in troubled waters to consolidate Dalit mend relations which have gone awry
that is not a strong enough reason for a votes by creating a Dalit–upper caste in the last half-decade. India should
change at the top, I don’t know what is. divide, rather than ensuring that Dalits also keep in mind that China is eyeing
get social justice. Only time will tell Nepal as a potential investment zone
MUMBAI K.P. Rajan: whether the observations made by the and it is inevitable that the Chinese will
From the deplorable events unfolding apex court are correct or an overreach. start some projects there, the dragon
before the nation—the colossal frauds is, after all, Nepal’s other big neighbour.
being committed by the so-called ON E-MAIL K.S. Jayatheertha: The So if China builds a hydropower project
“efficient” private sector banks like nationwide protest by Dalits signals a in Nepal,India should be offering to
ICICI, Axis and Yes Bank—one can very degree of collective assertion by one buy the power the project generates
well come to the conclusion that audit/ of the most oppressed groups in the instead of sulking with envy. If there
vigilance departments in banks, inc- country. But why have they mobilised are lessons from India’s engagement
luding those in the RBI, the regulator with Nepal over the last four years, it is
of banks and financial institutions in not to make crude demands on loyalty
the country, have been in hibernation based on the size of the neighbour, but
for a very long time. The RBI should to acknowledge the agency of the other
be held wholly responsible for the and offer a fair friendship deal.
ever-increasing NPAs, running into
thousands of crores in private as well Fake Nukes
as public sector banks since it failed to PUNE Anil S.: Fake news laws in
check the mounting loans. Customer our post-truth world, a convenient
confidence in banks is at a nadir in the oxymoron indeed (Fake News Busters,
country right now. As a retired senior April 16). But you have to give credit
citizen, I don’t think I see a ray of hope to the I&B minister for bringing in
for the future of banking. the short-lived rule as it would have
BHIM TEAM Dalits protest in Jodhpur been the ultimate weapon to seek and
Blue Streak destroy the remaining journalists and
ON E-MAIL K.R. Srinivasan: With on this scale only for the SC/ ST Act? media organisations in the country not
reference to A Very Blue Tangle (April Why not also for incidents such as influenced or ‘inspired’ by the current
16), the Supreme Court’s observation when ‘gau rakshaks’ thrashed several government. Alas, this is technically
that no automatic arrests should be Dalit men for allegedly skinning a dead a democracy, so the prudent prime
made under the SC and ST (Prevention cow, and even filmed the atrocity? In minister got the order retracted swiftly.
of Atrocities) Act before a mandatory October 2017, Gujarat saw the ‘mous- Someone should tell minister Irani that
probe is carried out is appropriate and tache protest’ after two Dalit men were you don’t use a nuke until you are abso-
only serves the interests of justice. But beaten up for sporting moustaches, the lutely losing the war. But I do wonder
what is shocking is the aftermath: the symbol of ‘upper-caste’ masculinity, if an even hand were to back this rule,
protests and the crackdown on them, and shortly after the incidents, a even if it would have lasted for a week,
which has resulted in the death of nine Dalit man was lynched for watching a the number of journos—‘well-con-
people as well as large-scale violence garba event. There has been no action nected’ editors, maverick TV anchors,
and destruction of property across so far against the leaders accused of new media moguls—to lose their
the country, with north Indian states inciting violence when Hindutva forces accreditation would be stupendous.
bearing the brunt. In this context, decided to attack Dalits gathering in
Dalit anger is justifiable because, even Maharashtra to mark the anniversary SECUNDERABAD Raj Mohan:
with the strict provisions in the SC/ST of the Battle of Koregaon. The Maratha The attempt of the I&B minister was to
Act already in force, the community protests organised across the state, fetter the press and harass journalists
is vulnerable to frequent attacks by which saw the government agreeing by means of the fake news order (Fake
caste Hindus. Further, the fear that to look into their grievances, also had News Busters, April 16). The objective
any dilution of the provisions of the a strong anti-Dalit undercurrent, with of this government is to make the
Act will only result in more attacks one of their main demands being the media of a country its caged bird. As it
and suppression of their rights is not scrapping of the Atrocities Act. is, parrots abound in its landscape.

8 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

deep throat

golden oldies a freebie hunt the useful miner

Bengal CPI(M) leaders are It hasn’t been easy for the Election Bellary mining magnate G.
annoyed with reports that the Commission to keep tabs on free- Janardhana Reddy has been
party is full of oldies. Since bies to woo voters in poll-bound making the odd public appear­
Karnataka. And it isn’t just about
clashes began with the ruling ance over the past year—first,
the tangibles on offer—the parties
TMC, almost all top CPI(M) at a music album launch, then a
are also sponsoring lavish meals,
leaders have taken to the wedding receptions and temple
hospital visit to meet the young
streets. Pointing to recent pho­ festivals. Loads of mutton and man bashed up by a Congress
tos of the police dragging away chicken are flying off the shelves, MLA’s son in Bangalore. Now,
a young party worker during but the EC’s teams are finding it the BJP is fielding his brother
the nomination process for difficult to link the rising sales to Somashekar as a candidate in
panchayat polls, a veteran obs­ parties luring voters. Demand for Bellary city. Janardhana, who
erved, “We are a party full of gold and silver ornaments has also has been barred from entering
young blood, but even the older gone up, but that’s being attrib- Bellary, is reportedly moving to
members are not afraid to go uted to the Akshaya Tritiya festi- neighbouring Chitradurga to
val. Joint teams of the EC,
out and protest. Perhaps you help with close friend B.
Karnataka Police and the Income
see our older ones more as they Tax department have so far seized
Sreeramulu’s campaign there.
are more spirited than those in over Rs 25 crore in cash, gold and The BJP typically glosses over
other parties.” The veteran was silver valued at Rs 10 crore, 35,000 its Reddy connection, given the
referring to the way both the litres of liquor worth Rs 2 crore mining scam. But, hey, it’s an
big national parties have side­ and 160 laptops, besides saris and election and the party can use
lined their senior leaders. pressure cookers. all the help it can get.

OVERHEARD Rattled by Smriti Irani’s frequent trips to Amethi, Rahul Gandhi recently spent
three days there, accompanied by his mother Sonia Gandhi, who held a janata durbar in Rae Bareli.

30 April 2018 OutlOOk 9


ASSES CURE on boards) has led to a

ASTHMA massacre of the animals

T HE ass is a panacea. It’s

been believed that its
milk is useful for dealing
in Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana. Doctors have
reportedly dismissed these
with snake bites, liver prob- ideas as “baseless rumours”
lems and even bronchitis. with no support from any
Its skin is used in Chinese scientific study, but it seems
medicine as a “blood tonic” that many are yet to get the
for certain conditions, such message. Donkey meat is
as anaemia. And now, Indians have “discovered” that currently being sold openly for Rs 400–500 per kg—
consuming its meat will cure asthma and snoring. violating the norms of the Food Safety and Standards
This misinformation (which butchers display openly Authority of India, which does not classify it as edible.


I T’S good to plan ahead for the THE WAQFNAMA

summer. Accompanied by their
families, corporators of the Mira-
Bhayander (Maharashtra) Munic-
I N response to the Uttar Pradesh
Sunni Waqf Board’s claim that it
owns the Taj Mahal due to a charita-
ipal Corporation recently enjoyed ble donation (waqf) by Shah Jahan,
a six-day sojourn in Nainital. The the Supreme Court has asked the
ostensible purpose of the Rs 10-lakh board to produce the relevant waqf-
mission: visit the local municipality SOMA FOR nama (deed declaring the donation)
(the remaining time was for sightsee- THE POLL GODS signed by the 17th-century Mughal
ing). Another set will fly to Coorg in emperor. A bench headed by Chief
May for a four-day visit costing about
Rs 45 lakh. Yet another group will
K INGSHIP often came with
obligations to conduct
rituals and sacrifices. Now this
Justice Dipak Misra asked, “Who in
India will believe that it [Taj] belongs
head to Darjeeling and Sikkim’s cap- has devolved upon our chief to the Waqf Board,” and enjoined
ital Gangtok—the dates aren’t fixed, ministers. Leaders of the the board’s counsel to “show us the
but Rs 10 lakh has been set aside. Telangana Rashtra Samithi are signature.” The hearing took place as
Meanwhile, the citizens these corpo- pressuring CM K. Chandrase- part of an appeal filed by the Archae-
rators represent are struggling with khar Rao to perform a yaaga ological Survey of India in 2010, in
increased property and water taxes, for victory in the 2019 response to the Waqf Board declar-
while outdoor fumigation has been assembly elections. It certainly ing the site its property in 2005.
seemed to work last time,
halted due to a lack of funds. The The counsel asked for more time
when he conducted a five-day
corporation’s Congress members are to produce the documents—presu-
Ayutha Chandi Mahaa Yaaga in
boycotting the tours, the killjoys! 2015 before the Hyderabad
mably, 352 years weren’t enough.
municipal elections; the party
went from zero seats to 99,
and thanked the yaaga’s
“favourable stars”. The CM has
been performing yaagas since
the Telangana statehood
agitation. But has anyone been
keeping count? If he completes
100, he won’t just be king—
tradition has it that he will be
equal to Indra shatakratu, the
lord of 100 sacrifices. Perhaps
the opposition should pray for
a Vamana to stop him.

Illustrations by SAJITH KUMAR

12 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


T ELANGANA is giving
farmers cheques that
for Rs 100. The process
of printing the cheques
aren’t worth the paper
they’re written on—litera-
turned out to be expen-
sive, working out to
No Sullan Retirement

lly. The state government’s Rs 140 per leaf, because ORMER military dictator Pervez Musharraf, the most
Rythu Bandhu scheme each one includes many of powerful man in Pakistan barely a decade ago, is now
pledges to give financial the beneficiary’s details as one of the most controversial individuals in the country.
assistance of Rs 4,000 per well as the government’s The list of charges levelled against Musharraf in his
acre of land to logo etc. About 60 own country never seems to end. They have ranged from
every farmer. A lakh farmers are to treason for sacking senior judges to other misdemeanours
farmer with one receive the cheques, while in power. Now he is being accused of handing over
gunta of land (1/40 with distribution in Pakistanis to foreigners in exchange for currency.
of an acre) will thus phases from April 19 Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal, chairman of the National
receive a cheque to May 31. Accountability Bureau (NAB) and president of the National
Commission for Enforced Disappearances, said on Monday
that, during Musharraf’s regime, over 4,000 Pakistanis
were handed over to foreigners for US dollars.
The News International reported that, while briefing
the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Human
WICKET-KEEPER’S THIRD SLIP Rights over the issue of missing persons, Iqbal said that

70 per cent of the missing
FGHANISTAN wicket-keeper Moham- individuals were involved in ‘mil- Under
med Shahzad can’t keep out of trouble, it itancy’, and that recovered indi-
seems. Shortly after he completed a one-year viduals were often unwilling to
over 4,000
share details because they “were
doping ban and rejoined his country’s side too scared to open up about their Pakistanis
during a tour of Zimbabwe, he earned a two- experiences.” Iqbal deplored the were allegedly
match suspension for slamming his bat on the cause of this fear, arguing that handed over to
ground when he was dismissed. And now he “a terrorist’s family should not foreigners for
be labelled terrorists.” US dollars.
has been caught playing for a Pakistani club Musharraf created history a
Musharraf has
in a tournament in Peshawar without the few years ago when he became
the first senior general in the
required ‘no objection certificate’ from the country to be put on trial for admitted it.
Afghanistan Cricket Board. Ordered to pay a treason. Interestingly, he was
fine of 3,00,000 Afghanis (about Rs 2,80,130), charged not for the military coup he staged to oust Nawaz
Sharif in 1999, but for dismissing a number of sitting
Shahzad will have to return to Afghanistan. judges by declaring a state of emergency.
Ultimately, the army and the judiciary reached a
compromise that allowed them to avoid embarrassment by
letting Musharraf go to the UAE to see his ‘ailing mother’.
SPOTTED: PILLION WITH PAWS When he returned home a few years later, he was quietly

encouraged to retire into a quiet life.
leopard took a ing too long would prove
The current charges are no less serious.
motorcycle ride to fatal for the animal. Thus,
Iqbal said that, during Musharraf’s tenure, the then inte-
hospital in UP’s Maharaj- two of the staff lifted it rior minister Aftab Sherpao handed over 4,000 Pakistanis
ganj district recently. Two onto a motorcycle and to foreigners. He added that Musharraf had himself admit-
forest department emp- transported it, heedless ted to having done so and that Parliament did not raise its
loyees found the animal of personal risk. The DFO voice against the former president and interior minister.
lying unconscious and was reported as saying “He should have been questioned according to [sic] which
informed a ranger, who that the big cat responded law he handed people to foreign elements,” Iqbal added.
quickly arrived on the well to treatment, and The NAB chairman linked these “foreign elements” to
scene with his assistants. that they were trying to foreign NGOs working in Pakistan, adding, “These NGOs
The ranger called for a find out why leopards are working for foreign elements...If I had the authority, I
cage to take the leopard to were getting sick—ano- would have placed a ban on the organisations.”
a veterinary hospital, but ther one was found dead
there was a risk that wait- in the area last month.

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 13


Photographs: AP

by Pranay Sharma of their bogus claims of WMDs in the US and its Western allies on Kashmir,”
possession of Saddam Husain’s regime says former Indian diplomat Talmiz

F it was meant to rally world opin- to justify their 2003 invasion of Iraq. Ahmad. “There is no reason to feel com-
ion behind the prompt punishment Several hundred sea- and air-launched placent that it may never happen again
meted out by three leading West- missiles were shot at Syria, apparently in future,” he adds.
ern democracies to Syrian Presi- targeting the government’s chemical The Organisation for the Prevention of
dent Bashar al-Assad’s murderous weapons facilities. But none were aimed Chemical Weapons—the international
regime and for his predilection for at either Russian or Iranian assets in body in The Hague to deal with cases of
using chemical weapons on his own Syria, even though the two countries are use of chemical weapons—has formed a
people, the script seems to have gone regularly pilloried for being the main fact-finding team to investigate devel-
quite awry. backers of Assad. Syria says only three opments in Syria. Indian ambassador
Instead of cheering the US and its two people were injured in the attacks. Venu Rajamony says, “The alleged use of
NATO allies—the UK and France—for Amidst claims and counter-claims by chemical weapons, if true, is deplorable.
their April 14 missile attacks on Syria, the major actors in Syria, analysts and We call for an impartial and objective
the motives for their action are being reporters are trying to cut through the investigation by the OPCW.”
questioned around the world. Were they thicket of ‘fake news’ and orchestrated But neither the US nor the UK or
aimed more at saving their own proxies propaganda to get to the raw, unvar- France was in a mood to wait for the
in the Syrian conflict? Was it also a nished truth, which is elusive as ever. OPCW’s final report. They felt they had
response born out of their respective “The information war has been eleva- enough ‘evidence’ to act unilaterally.
domestic compulsions? Or was it the ted beyond the status of an adjunct to Interestingly, all three, as well as most
plight of hapless civilians in this strife- the conflict on the ground to the point Western opinion-makers, appear to
torn nation that forced their hand? where it is now a key and crucial front rely on information provided by Syrian
Even though Donald Trump pro- in itself,” says an independent observer. rebels and opposition outfits of Assad’s
claimed ‘Mission Accomplished’ after For many countries, including India, use of chemical weapons on civilians.
the missile strikes—shadowing another the developments in Syria have import- According to the BBC, “Activists from
such dubious declaration 13 years ant lessons. One, ‘fake’ news on WMD the Violations Documentation Centre
ago—serious doubts remain on whether attacks on civilians can lead to a larger (VDC), which records alleged violations
chemical weapons were indeed used on military conflict in the region. Two, any of international law in Syria, reported two
civilians on April 7 in Douma and, if so, if country that resists the line of the US and separate incidents of bombs believed to
it was actors other than the Syrian army its allies may come under huge pressure contain toxic substances being dropped
who were behind these dastardly acts. and unwelcome scrutiny. India may not by the Syrian air force” in the town of
The US-UK combine is perhaps not be a pushover, but the unquestionable Douma in East Ghouta, the rebel-held
the best entity to convince people about faith some of its policy planners seem to area to the southwest of Damascus.
the veracity of a chemical weapons have in the US needs a reality check. But the VDC, a Switzerland-registered
attack, since the world, and especially “In the not too distant past, we have human rights body operating in rebel-
West Asia, still has fresh memories faced such malicious propaganda by the controlled Syria, had been citing reports

14 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

For That
Whiff Of
The US-led missile assault on
Syria was based on dubious
information. India should be wary
of such pious, dangerous outbursts. Left, A US missile streaks the Damascus night sky on April 14;
top, the destroyed Syrian Scientific Research Centre in Barzeh

from the Syria Civil Defence—whose a ‘chemical attack’ would necessitate) shock waves among US allies, especially
workers, known as ‘White Helmets’, while ferrying victims to hospitals. Saudi Arabia, which naturally feared an
have a dubious track record. The White “Either the chemical weapons attack in outcome in favour of its rival Iran.
Helmets emerged at a time when opp- Douma is nonsense or Bashar al-Assad is Conveniently for many, reports of
osition fighters were under pressure the stupidest man on the planet,” writes the chemical weapons attack came at a
from government forces, say observers. John Wright in Sputnik International. juncture when the Syrian army is in the
Furthermore, these volunteers have only He argues, “Simply, because the poten- ascendant. For regional US allies, it was
worked in rebel-held areas and are seen tial consequences attached to Syrian important to ensure America does not
to be closely linked with the Al Qaeda- military forces carrying out such an take its eyes off Syria. Observers also
affiliate in Syria, Jabhat Nusra. They attack...would be catastrophic.” pointed out domestic compulsions in
supplied most of the information about As the argument goes, the Syrian army, the three nations that prompted these
the two-day use of chemical weapons and generously backed by Russia, was already leaders to take action.
its effect on hapless civilians, especially heading towards ‘complete success’ in “Trump has his hands full with the
women and children. East Ghouta and did not need chemical various allegations about his many
According to the VDC, more than 500 weapons. Douma remained under the transgressions; including his having
patients were brought to hospitals in the control of Saudi-backed Jaish al-Islam been in collusion with Putin et al,” says
rebel-held areas. “The patients showed and other Salafi groups, particularly C. Uday Bhaskar, director of Society for
signs of ‘respiratory distress, central Jabhat Nusra. Russia recently brokered Policy Studies.
cyanosis (blue skin or lips), excessive oral a deal for these fighters to move out with Likewise, British PM Theresa May is
foaming, corneal burns, and the emission their families to other safer areas. battling the Brexit fiasco and a revolt
of chlorine-like odour’, One woman But there was a split within the Jaish within her own party, and French pre-
who died had convulsions and pinpoint al-Islam, between those who wanted sident Emmanuel Macron is facing
pupils,” it said. While the initial figure of peace and move out and those who unrest over his economic policy—both
deaths from these attacks was put at 150, wanted to stay and fight. This also coi- have enough reason to use such safe,
later it was brought down to 70; finally, ncided with Trump’s announcement in diversionary tactics.
the agreed figure seems to be 43 deaths. late March that the US would withdraw For Trump, who had been talking of a
However, all the graphic description of its troops from Syria soon, sending detente with Russia, the challenge—to
suffering meets with scepticism. Russian come out tough against Syria and Russia
officials and other independent sources while under pressure from hardline US
who visited Douma claimed hospitals The proof of the attacks establishment—is stiffer. But significa-
and doctors there did not report any VDC offered to the West ntly, despite the anti-Moscow rhetoric,
case of treating victims of chemical came from the White US and Western missiles carefully avo-
weapons attacks. Instead, they pointed ided Russian assets in Syria. If punitive
out that video clips posted by the Syrian
Helmets, who’re closely tactics have real bite, they may not have
rebels showed White Helmet volunteers allied to Al Qaeda such a tame ending. They evidently heed
without any protective gear (which affiliate Jabhat Nusra. Russia’s rising note of displeasure. O

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 15


The Beneficial
Photographs: PTI

SET CMB M.K. Stalin at a rally in

Chennai, demanding a Cauvery board

the DMK could claim credit for bringing
together the Opposition and farmers’
outfits in organising the bandh. But the
DMK scion needed to keep the Cauvery
pot boiling as long as it was possible. “One
main reason is guilt,” reasons political
Cauvery may have been the stated cause but DMK commentator Raveenthran Duraisamy.
has a more mundane agenda: increase its Delta votes “Because Cauvery became a dispute in
1974 when the DMK was ruling and
Karunanidhi was the chief minister. His-
by G.C. Shekhar in Chennai ruling AIADMK. “Stalin needed to send tory shows that Tamil Nadu’s claim got
out his own political message to prove compromised at this stage. So Stalin had

.K. Stalin was a tired man that he has come out of his father’s to atone for his father’s mistake. He clev-
after trudging through the shadow and also enthuse DMK cadres erly used the present crisis to emerge as
Cauvery delta for almost a with a road show that had an emotive the saviour of Cauvery and farmers.”
week for what he said was a appeal,” explains DMK spokesperson K.S. Stalin also had an electoral reason to hit
bid to retrieve the river. The Radhakrishnan. “The Centre played into the road: to improve the DMK’s electoral
65-year-old DMK leader, who his hands by delaying the Cauvery prospects in the delta that used to be its
is considered to be among the fitter of Management Board—and Stalin lunged stronghold before AIADMK supremo J.
the regional leaders of Tamil Nadu, at it and proved his political mettle.” The Jayalalitha made inroads into this fertile
kept ducking into the air-conditioned Cauvery outreach eventually proved to be belt in east-central Tamil Nadu. To illus-
tempo traveller after walking a few a bigger success than anticipated, with trate, in the 2016 assembly elections the
hundred meters under an unkind sun. farmers lining up en route to greet Stalin. DMK won only 19 assembly seats com-
The self-inflicted ordeal was part of a The DMK working president could have pared to the AIADMK’s 29 in the eight
crafty political calculation DMK patria- remained satisfied with the April 5 bandh districts of the delta. That time, the DMK
rch M. Karunanidhi’s son had come up in demanding the immediate formation of a could not play the Cauvery card in the
the face of a criticism: that he’s not suffi- Cauvery Management Board. That pro- delta districts, as people saw Jayalalitha
ciently savvy to exploit the troubles of the test had seen the state grind to a halt—and as the protagonist in getting the tribunal’s

16 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


MODI GO BACK Tamil outfits protest

against the PM’s April 12 Chennai visit

final award notified in the central gazette

after a prolonged legal battle. So the
present context was an ideal opportunity
to shore up the DMK’s popular base here.
Stalin also realised that Cauvery was a
great leveller—especially when the delta
is thirsty—and parties would find it diffi-
cult to resist its political appeal. So, along
with the Congress, he grafted the CPI and
CPI(M)—besides a few smaller parties—
into his journey, hoping that this would
crystalise into a firm political front for the
coming elections. The CPI has anyway
lost its following among the farmhands in
the delta, while the CPI(M)’s clout has
thinned to the industrial labour around
Tiruchi. So both Communist parties prove their nuisance value by demon- with cadre-based political parties. Most
readily jumped onto Stalin’s bandwagon, strating their capacity to disrupt the of them have no second-line leadership to
hoping to revive their traditional roots. tournament. The IPL’s decision to move sustain the fight if the leader gets jailed.”
out all future matches from Chennai While the fringe might celebrate the

TALIN, while terming the Centre proved that their blackmail had worked. IPL shifting base, what it has failed to
and the BJP as the villain in the But Velmurugan argues that the IPL notice is the bad name such protests have
Cauvery denouement, conveniently matches were wrongly timed. “When the brought to Tamil Nadu, particularly its
hid from public view that it’s not the Telangana agitation was in full flow, the capital. “Chennai would not be viewed as
saffron party that administers the only IPL matches were moved out of Andhra a preferred choice for international
two states opposing the formation of the Pradesh (in 2010). Moreover, IPL is mere tournaments after the IPL fiasco,” says
CMB. Karnataka has a Congress regime, gambling with official sanction,” he adds. Congress leader Karate Thiagarajan,
while a Left alliance rules Kerala. “This Such hit-and-run tactics of the fringe who also heads the Karate Association of
crucial fact has been drowned in all the parties, though, cannot be equated with India. “After all the preparations that go
din the DMK has managed to whip up,” that of political parties, argue mainstream into a tournament, a fringe leader’s whim
notes BJP spokesperson K.T. Raghavan. politicians. “The fringe groups need one disrupts a match at the last minute! This
By staking his political future on the protest after another to keep their cadres is hardly the right advertisement for a
week-long tour, Stalin had hoped to dic- engaged and hog the headlines. They beh- vibrant and economically active city.”
tate the political discourse on Cauvery. ave like guerrilla groups indulging in The April 10 protests were followed by
Unfortunately for him, a bunch of fringe urban warfare,” says former DMK minis- black-flag demonstrations against Prime
parties spoilt his trip by targeting an IPL ter Thangam Thennarasu. “But a political Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Che-
match at Chennai on April 10 and con- party like ours, with a long history, cannot nnai two days later, when he came for
verting it into a prestige battle. Led by the behave similarly. That is the reason our the Defence Expo. That once again dis-
call given by T. Velmurugan who heads a leader distanced himself from the pro- rupted life across the metropolis. But the
fringe party called TVK, other groups tests against the IPL since the focus on BJP countered it by saying that while a
latched on, questioning the logic in Cauvery should not be diluted.” few hundred cadres turned up for the
Chennai hosting cricket matches when a The fringe also stood exposed as Seeman protests, tens of thousand people lined
fight for the CMB was being waged across had to disown some of his own cadres up to visit the expo and toured the war-
the state. So the city witnessed cadres of after they were shown assaulting uni- ships anchored. “These are the real
VCK, actor-director Seeman’s Naam formed cops. It led actor Rajnikanth to Tamils and Indians,” gushes BJP spokes-
Thamizhar Katchi and call for stricter laws to man Thirupathi Narayanan. “Obviously,
even filmmakers battling punish those attacking they outnumbered those shouting slo-
police cordons to lay siege men in khaki. “Once the gans. It only proves that a silent majority
to the Chepauk stadium,
The fringe may police arrested more than will always have the last say against the
notwithstanding the fact celebrate the two dozen of his followers, vocal minority.”
that over 20,000 fans had IPL shifting Seeman quickly backed There remains the larger question: will
turned up at the match base, but such down,” points out political the Cauvery dispute get resolved with
between CSK and KKR. protests have observer S.J. Idhaya. “It the mere formation of the CMB? If and
While Stalin wanted to proved that fringe groups when the board is formed, there could be
make a political statement only brought a survive more on publicity a second round to the battle. Then things
on Cauvery, these fringe bad name to and cannot survive a police might shift to Karnataka, where its opp-
groups merely sought to Tamil Nadu. crackdown, unlike the case onents are lying in wait. O

18 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


‘Impeachment of CJI
is nonsensical. Don’t
encourage the idea’.
Three months have gone by since the There is a move to impeach the CJI. There are no grounds to move an imp­
four senior-most judges of the Supreme Some Rajya Sabha MPs have already eachment motion at all. The move is
Court—next only to Chief Justice of signed the petition to bring the mot- absolutely ill­conceived. Even a mere
India Dipak Misra—made public their ion. Do you think there are grounds for proposal is enough to damage the pub­
grievances regarding the way he func- the CJI’s impeachment? lic perception of independence of Ind­
tioned. It was on January 12 that Justi- JITENDER GUPTA
ces Jasti Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi,
Madan Lokur and Kurian Joseph spoke
about the CJI assigning cases to selec-
tive preferred benches in his capacity as
the “master of the roster”. They par-
ticularly expressed displeasure about
the way in which the cases of Justice
B.H. Loya’s death and that of the Luc-
know-based Medical College admissions
scam, in which the CJI’s role itself has
come under a cloud, were allotted.
The crisis in judiciary has not abated
since. If anything, it has only escalated
with the Opposition MPs in the Rajya
Sabha collecting signatures to initiate
impeachment proceedings against the
CJI. The CJI, who is to retire on October
2 this year, is hearing some of the most
crucial cases before the apex court. These
include cases pertaining to Justice Loya’s
death, validity of Aadhaar and Ram Jan-
mabhoomi. Two of the judges, Justices
Chelameswar and Joseph, are unrelent-
ing in their public criticism of the judicial
system under the CJI. Interference of the
Executive in the appointment of judges to
the Supreme Court is another issue that is
rankling the puisne judges.
Bhavna Vij-Aurora spoke to former
Attorney General of India Soli Sorabjee
to put the entire imbroglio into perspec-
tive. The eminent jurist says that he is
“distressed” about the developments of
the past few weeks and hopes that all
differences will be settled in an amicable
manner for the sake of the credibility of
the country’s judicial system that its peo-
ple look up to.

20 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


ian judiciary. You may not like judges? Justice Joseph has
some verdict of a judge or of written to the CJI, asking
the Chief Justice. Some order him to act against govern-
or judgements may have been mental interference as it is
unconventional but that is no affecting the independence
ground for impeachment. of judiciary.
In any case, there won’t be The Executive cannot inter­
requisite numbers for the imp­ fere in the appointment and
eachment process to begin. elevation of judges. The Exec­
Therefore, the proposal is an utive can give its input or inf­
exercise in futility, but with a ormation about the impend­
great potential to damage the ing appointment but once the
institution. (The impeachm­ collegium decides on the ele­
ent motion against the CJI vation, it has to concede. The
can either be initiated by 100 government cannot sit on the
MPs in the Lok Sabha or 50 recommendations of the col­
MPs in the Rajya Sabha.) Imp­ legium like is the case now.

eachment is a serious matter. It can be (The government has not cleared the
moved on grounds of “proved misbehav­ names of Uttarakhand High Court chief
iour” that would mean corruption, brib­ justice K.M. Joseph and senior lawyer
ery, unbecoming conduct or gross mis­ By going public, the Indu Malhotra for elevation as SC judges
carriage of justice. I am very distressed despite the collegium’s recommenda­
about this entire talk of impeachment.
judges open the issue tion three months ago.)
It is nonsensical and should not be given to politicians to jump Your views on the collegium system?
encouragement. into the fray. They don’t The collegium system of appointments
The four senior-most judges came out of judges, like all human institutions,
and addressed a press meet, pointing
realise that it shakes the may not be perfect. But it is much better
fingers at the CJI. Was that the trigger people’s confidence in than any other system like the proposed
for the entire controversy? the judicial system. National Judicial Appointments Com­
That press conference should never have mittee. The Executive appointing judges
happened. The judges should have tried will politicise the system; that will shake
to resolve the matter internally. people’s faith in the institution. The only
The judges had claimed they were for- The collegium system thing is that the members of the colle­
ced to come out publicly, as their griev- may not be perfect. But it gium must act in the spirit of solidarity
ances weren’t addressed internally… is better than any others, and display leadership, and not the men­
That is no excuse. By going public, they tality of petty politicians. They have a
open the issue to politicians to jump into
including the NJAC. duty to resolve differences in an amica­
the fray. They don’t realise that it shakes The Executive appointing ble manner and not display bitterness if
the faith of the people in the judicial sys­ judges will only politicise somebody’s viewpoint is not accepted.
tem. The judges should have kept at it. How do you think the current crisis
They should have consulted former chief
the whole legal set-up. be resolved?
justices. They could have sought the help The Chief Justice needs to play a big role
of the Attorney General, other jurists. For in defusing the crisis. He should hold
the people, judiciary is the last resort for Justice Chelameswar refused to hear consultations with the disgruntled jud­
justice and their faith must remain int­ Shanti Bhushan’s appeal questioning ges and win over his colleagues. He must
act. The faith of people in the institution unbridled powers to the CJI as the display statesmanship and leadership.
should not be diminished. master of roster… Whatever apprehensions are there, the
What do you think about CJI Misra It would be wise for Justice Chelameswar CJI should try to assuage them. While he
presiding over the case to decide the to desist from public outbursts and is the master of roster, he must take care
powers of the Chief Justice, declaring making statements. He is a learned and to allocate matters as per the familiarity
he has full powers to decide on alloca- knowledgeable judge. He should retire of the judges regarding the issue at hand.
tion of cases and setting up benches? in good grace. There is no need to resort That’s what used to happen earlier. Tax
Though he is right to claim that the CJI to petulance. (Justice Chelameswar is matters were allocated to judges who
is the first among equals and also to rei­ due to retire on June 22, but that will understood such things. Criminal mat­
terate that he is the master of the roster, be the middle of Supreme Court vaca­ ters were given to judges who had some
he should not have heard the matter tion; so May 19 will effectively be his expertise in the area. Broad parameters
himself. The CJI should have recused last working day.) should be defined for allocating cases.
himself from hearing the matter. He What about the questions being raised The office of the CJI must not be weak­
should have let Justice Chelameswar to about the Executive’s interference in ened. The institution of the judiciary
hear the matter. the appointment of Supreme Court must not be weakened. O

22 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

by Ajay Sukumaran in Hubli

N a corner of the bustling street
leading to the Moorusavira Matha
in Hubli, the familiar rhythm of
rotis being pounded into shape
wafts up from a tiny shop next to a
Lingayat khanavali. It is not far
from where BJP president Amit Shah’s
election road show is passing by, with
saffron flags, drums and slogans. Here,
you get both the brittle and soft rotis
that are the vital underpinnings of the
meal served with sabzi, curd and she­
nga (groundnut) chutney in these
khanavalis or canteens across the wide
swathe of northern Karnataka where
the Lingayat community is spread out.
In sharp contrast to this common
menu, there’s an unfamiliar ingredi­
ent that’s been tossed into the election
spread in these parts.
Manjunath brings his dilemma into
perspective, while managing the store-
front with a toddler in tow while two
women in an inner room beat out the
rotis. From his customers, he hears both
sides of the debate. Some insist that if the
Lingayat faith gets recognised as a min-
ority religion, it would help with their
children’s education. Others argue that it
is wrong to break up the community into
Lingayats and Veerashaivas.
In the build-up to Basava Jayanthi this

Vachana Versus
week, the political waters have only got
muddier. Karnataka goes to polls on May
12, but there’s no clear indication how the
Lingayat voter will respond. It isn’t
merely tearing open the rift between
religious seers that is making it difficult.
Some are publicly endorsing the ruling
Theology and politics? Questions of self-definition roil Lin
Congress that had recommended the
minority religion status, and stepping up did not know the difference and I’m a year, his writings arguing against creat-
pressure on the BJP government at the Lingayat. My children don’t know what ing a wedge between Veerashaivas and
Centre. Earlier this month, BJP national the issue is about.” It’s a fair enough obs- Lingayats were published by the Ram-
president Amit Shah’s comment that the ervation you will commonly hear at bhapuri Matha, one of the five pancha
Centre would not act on the Karnataka many places. But it’s also true that the peethas (religious centres) which are
proposal brought nearly 40 Lingayat Veerashaiva-Lingayat debate has been a now pitted against a large number
seers together in Bangalore for a press vocal one, getting prime time on televis- of Lingayat mathas.
meet to make their stand clear. The min- ion debates and, further, by way of books The terms Veerashaiva and Lingayat,
ority religion demand will be taken to its and pamphlets often disseminated by the the Rambhapuri seer wrote in his preface
logical conclusion, they said. In the mid- influential mathas. to the book, were as synonymous as
dle of a poll, that’s a bit of a wild card. Then, you hear about activist groups in Bharat and India. “Actually, this has for
“This (discussion) is only at an intellec- Belgaum, Bijapur and Bidar rallying to long been debated at a limited high level,
tual level. For the common man, it’s a create public opinion. “It’s good that it among scholars,” says Dr Saundattimath.
non-issue,” insists BJP legislator Arvind has come out now. People will know what “Now, because of the elections, some
Bellad whose seat covers much of Dhar- the facts are,” says Sangamesh Saunda- people think they are breaking our dha-
wad, Karnataka’s cultural capital upstate ttimath, 75, a professor of vachana litera- rma and that we should teach them a
that is home to writers and, equally, ture who taught at the Karnataka lesson. So, there might be a bit of an
Hindustani music. “Till five years ago, I University in Dharwad. Over the past impact (in the polls),” he tells Outlook.

24 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

SEERS’ MEET Jayamrithunjaya, feel there will be good impact, some say
Siddhalinga, Shivamurthy Murugha there will be no impact. But if there was
anger or wrath, we would have already
So even when seers gather, some point experienced it by now.”
out, the pancha peetha swamijis are In any Karnataka election, the Lingayat
seated in an elevated position compared factor matters. It’s something the
to others. This and some of their rituals Congress learnt at great cost in the early
highlight the social rigidity that Basava- 1990s when it alienated itself from the
nna rebelled against, claim the Lingayat community by the offhand sacking of
seers. “They were rajgurus, so they were Veerendra Patil as CM. The Congress has
given a throne and crown. The kings went never been able to reclaim its support
but the tradition continued. That’s all,” which went to the Janata Dal. When the
counters Dr Saundattimath. Now, as a Dal split, the votes got eventually trans-
fallout of this conflict, several religious ferred to the BJP. Since 2008, when the
gurus have supported a new association, Lingayats firmly backed B.S. Yediyurappa,
Jagathika Lingayat Mahasabha, which again over a perceived unfair treatment
rivals the All India Veerashaiva Maha- to him, the community’s vote has been
sabha that used to be the main represent- fairly predictable.
ative body of the community and is The Lingayats are generally believed to
mostly led by political leaders. constitute 17 per cent of Karnataka’s elec-
Tontadarya matha seer Siddalinga torate. Ever since the minority religion
Swami says they have no problem controversy began, experts have further
whoever comes to power. dissected that chunk to
“But if we abandon this peg the Veerashaiva pop-
movement now, we may ulation at around three
not get such an opportu- “If we abandon per cent of the community.
nity again in our lifetimes,” this movement “Now, if you assume that the
he told a recent press now, we may Congress has no vote base
conference in Bangalore. not get such in the entire community,
The Tontadarya matha is whatever votes come their
located in Gadag, an hour’s an opportunity way will be a gain,” says one
drive from Dharwad, again,” says observer. Many BJP lead-
where both groups held a matha seer. ers too, he says, were wary
huge rallies over the past of this issue cropping up

few months. “Why the before elections because it
Lingayat movement is a big headache knew it was a potential spoiler. “There
for Amit Shah is because we are saying will definitely be an impact in north
that Lingayats are not Hindus,” he says, Karnataka and ‘Hyderabad-Karnataka’,”
as the activists in the audience periodi- he says. Apart from Dalits and Muslims,
cally broke into slogans such as Bharata this region also comprises a significant
gayat country ahead of polls. desha, Jai Basavesha. Indeed, many of population of Kurubas, the community
those who protest any attempt to break to which Siddaramaiah belongs.
It’s a complicated issue for many rea- the community into Veerashaivas and A decade ago, the sympathy wave for
sons. At one level, it appears as an asser- Lingayats will still concede that the Yediyurappa, combined with the might of
tion by a large section of Lingayat mathas Lingayat faith propagated by Basavanna the Reddy brothers, mining magnates
that run hundreds of schools and colleges is an independent religion. from Bellary, helped the BJP sweep
across Karnataka which would benefit While the BJP is treading carefully on elections across the Lingayat heartland.
from the minority religion recognition. this issue, Shah has been visiting several Then, in 2013, the party’s voteshare
It’s also a protest against the pancha important mathas across the state. It’s a splintered with a split in the party. This
peethas that have traditionally claimed common poll-time practice for politicians time, the party is back in one piece but
an upper hand in the community though because of the regard local people have then comes along the Lingayat issue.
they are fewer in number. The main for the seers, but it has become especially Of course, there are other dynamics
grouse against them is that they do not relevant given the current mood. “What that come into play. The Veerashaiva-
recognise Basavanna as the founder of the BJP did, when we saw Siddaramaiah’s Lingayats have innumerable sub-castes;
the Lingayat religion but instead claim move to cut into Lingayat-Veerashaiva so competing candidates are often from
that Veerashaivas existed before the was to just wait for people to realise what the same caste. Besides, the mood also
12th-century social reformer. Alongside was going on,” says Bellad. “So, in the appears to differ. Says a Lingayat farmer
this, differences crop up between the two process (chief minister) Siddaramaiah from Yelburga in Koppal district: “This is
groups of religious gurus—both in terms and his way of doing politics got exposed.” an issue only for you folks in Bangalore
of worship and protocol. Counters a senior Congress leader: “Some and on television, possibly. I’m not both-

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 25


Mystic Accountant
ered about all this. Elections or not,
we’ve got to toil anyway.”
There’s an afternoon drizzle in
Sirigere village and along the main
road leading to the serene environs of Academic and author Sunil Khilnani’s
the Taralabalu matha from where a bestselling 2016 book Incarnations: India
breeze carries the chorus of school- in 50 Lives, had short, fascinating profiles
children reciting vachanas. The matha, of people who made India. One of the
off the highway connecting Davana- chapters, A Voice In The Air, was on the
gere and Chitradurga in central Kar- poet and philosopher Basava. An excerpt.
nataka, is the seat of Shivamurthy
Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, one of the BASAVA’S early life, as told in legend, is a
few Lingayat pontiffs who has kept characteristically Indian story of a
away from public pronouncements on spiritual search. Like the Buddha or
the issue. He’s a Sanskrit scholar who Mahavira, the hero renounces his high
also wrote a computer programme to birth, leaves home and wanders, before
analyse Sanskrit grammar. finding enlightenment. He was born in
the early 1100s, in today’s Karnataka.

NSIDE the matha, the junior seer We’re told that his parents, high-caste
Panditaradhya Shivacharya Swami Brahmins, died young. He was raised by
spells out their view. “Let the gov- his extended family and trained in the
ernment give minority status or not. Sanskrit tradition, but something pushed
It doesn’t affect us. We believe the him to question their orthodox beliefs. He AJAY SUKUMARAN

Lingayat faith is an independent one,” left home around the age of sixteen with TALL ICON A statue of Basaveshwara
he says. The monastery, he says, runs an emphatic gesture. According to at least at Gadag city in north Karnataka
260 institutions with 40,000 students one version of the story, he didn’t just cut
across the state but isn’t attracted by ties with his family; he literally cut the rial, where people come to pray and make
the benefits that the minority status sacred thread Brahmins wear to repre- offerings to Basava. Today, the memory of
will bring. “If they come, it’s welcome. sent their ‘twice-born’ status. Basava and his teachings is maintained by
But we will not ask anyone to recog- At Kudalasangama, one of the great riv- a substantial religious community called
nise our faith as a minority religion ers of the south, the Krishna, receives a the Lingayats. To what might have been
just for that,” he tells Outlook. The smaller tributary, the Malaprabha.... Basava’s consternation, they function as a
issue, he says, isn’t likely to affect the Basava spent several years here in caste group, with their own internal hier-
polls in these parts. spiritual retreat. ‘Lord of the meeting archy.... The name Lingayat comes from
The Davanagere region has a rivers’: the phrase became a regular ref- the lingam—in this case, a small polished
significant Veerashaiva population rain in his verses because it was stone or phallic object symboliz-
unlike the districts to the north of the at this river juncture, or sangam, ing Shiva—which members of
Tungabhadra where the Lingayats that he discovered his personal the community wear in a pouch
dominate. And, as the locals point out, god. But Basava’s spiritualism around their necks. Though a
it’s about the only place where there had a worldly edge. He eventu- religious minority, they are a
haven’t been rallies over the issue. ally moved to the city of Kalyana force in Karnataka’s electoral
But, at the same time, the Murugha and became, of all things, an politics. Near the end of Basava’s
matha pontiff from neighbouring accountant. Marrying life, his radicalism proved his
Chitradurga put things plainly strategically, he rose to the rank personal undoing. In challeng-
enough at the seers’ press conference of chief treasurer to the local ing the social and political order,
last week. “Sahakarakke sahakara king. But as with Wallace Stevens, insur- he took a step too far and sanctioned an
(mutual cooperation)” was the phrase ance executive, or T. S. Eliot, bank clerk, inter-caste marriage. The marriage was to
he used even while he told reporters or Philip Larkin, librarian, the day job join two children from his community of
that “there must be distance between belied the fullness of the life. followers: a boy, born an outcaste, and a
religion and politics”. The agitation, girl, born a Brahmin. The orders from his
he warned, will continue until the * * * offended king were brutal. Members of
community gets minority status. THE flow of the Krishna river has now the wedding party had their eyes gouged
The election heat is only just start- been altered by the Almatti dam, com- out. Their bodies were trampled by ele-
ing to pick up in Karnataka, now that pleted in 2005, which submerged many of phants in the streets. Rioting ensued, as
all the parties have finalised candi- the fields around Kudalasangama. But the Basava’s outraged followers ignored their
dates. Will the Lingayat issue reso- engineers managed to save Basava’s guru’s pleas not to turn violent. Before
nate loudly enough to swing the polls? samadhi, his last resting place—and even long, the king was murdered, the Vira-
And, if it does, which way will it swing? give it an added mystery. At the bottom of shaiva community was scattered, and a
Ask most politicians and you’ll get a a deep spiral stairwell, about forty metres broken Basava fled the city. His death
stock reply: answers on May 15. O below the sangam, is a canopied memo- came shortly after. O

26 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


Default Sinkholes
The regulatory tool seeking to minimise damage from the menace of mounting
NPAs was given new teeth, but it will be a long and hard road to recovery
By Lola Nayar issues. The IBC rules mandate that a bad The recent claim of the ruling BJP, that

loan resolution plan must be agreed they have already recovered Rs 4 lakh
HE Insolvency and Bankruptcy upon within 270 days, failing which liq­ crore from defaulting companies with
Code, or IBC, is in the news uidation of the company’s assets is the implementation of the IBC, sounds
again. This time, some are won- mandated. The remaining 25 companies premature. The RBI data shows that
dering whether the code is referred by the RBI to the NCLT are part public sector banks recovered only
being diluted to soften the blow of the second tranche (referred to as the Rs 15,786 crore in 2016­17 fiscal and in
of NPA (non-performing assets) NCLT­II list), with a total bad debt of 2017­18 till December 31, through all
resolutions on defaulting companies. around Rs. 1.3 lakh crore. recovery channels, including the IBC,
Over 4,700 cases have been referred
to the National Company Law Tribu-
nal (NCLT): these include cases under
BIFR (Board of Industrial and Finan-
cial Reconstruction) and in various
high courts. The prime tool in this
marathon exercise—to get back lakhs
of crores of bank funds stuck in debt-
laden companies through asset sale—
is the IBC 2016, which was amended
last year to debar promoters of the
defaulting companies from re-acquir-
ing the distressed assets. As with all
efforts to get corporates to repay their
bad debts, IBC implementation too is
not without its share of pulls and
pressures. It raises the question of
whether the industry is out to stall the
process of auction or liquidation of
bankrupt companies.
“I don’t see it (as stalling the process)
that way,” says Rakesh Bharti Mittal,
president, Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII). “With any major reform
or policy initiative brought in by the
government, there are going to be imp­
lementation issues. There would be
factors that may not have been envis­
aged when the policy was put in place, be
it in the case of GST or the IBC. What we
need to see is if it is good for the country.
And the answer is a resounding yes as
otherwise, we are looking at job losses
and money going down the drain.”
Among the cases referred to the NCLT
are 37 selected by the Reserve Bank of
India. These include 12 cases in which
the defaulters owe banks around Rs 2.78
lakh crore, with deadlines for liquida­
tion falling within a month. But it seems
unlikely that this deadline will be met
given the innumerable unresolved

28 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

out of over Rs 8.4 lakh crore estimated under the IBC will help banks have a size, range of businesses and tasks. The
NPAs. On the other hand, in 21 months, resolution with regards to their SMEs are quite different from these very
till December end last year, loan long­pending debts. “Whenever a new large companies, as they would have
amounting to Rs 1,65,955 crore had been law is enacted, it usually gets litigated simpler, ‘vanilla’ borrowings. The larger
written off, according to RBI data. till its equilibrium is achieved,” says companies will have international oper­
It may take some time to smoothen the Krishnamurthy Subramanian, associate ations, may have foreign currency bor­
wrinkles in the IBC. “It’s utopian to exp­ professor of finance, Indian School of rowing or have a derivative contract.
ect that all loopholes will instantly dis­ Business. “The biggest problem in India “The IBC covers the entire gamut of
appear as a result of the suggested is that big unscrupulous promoters pay scenarios. Earlier, under the BIFR, it
improvements,” says Raj Khosla, MD of their way through the whole process. was restricted only to the manufactur­
financial services marketpkace Mymon­ This is precisely the case with wilful ing sector, which was easier to under­
eymantra. “IBC implementation will defaulters. It’s very hard to legislate stand and predict. But when you come to
continue to evolve for the next few against unscrupulousness. Enacting a the services sector, like real estate, with
months. But the process will, no doubt, law is then like trying to fix four holes the Supreme Court saying that the
expedite recoveries.” and seeing the unscrupulous promoters homebuyers interest must be protected,
Legal experts say that the resolution opening a fifth hole. Consequently, we add to which the fact that contracting
plans submitted in some of the compa­ are moving from one case to another and companies have other complications,
nies identified by the RBI for proceeding every case brings up a new feature.” it’s a gamut of problems that couldn’t
The process of bad loan resolution, have been expected from day one. To get
particularly in the case of steel and to the highway you have to pass through
cement companies referred to the other sections of the road, but surely,
NCLT, bears out that the task ahead is you are getting there,” says Bahuguna..
not going to be easy. The stakeholders in Notwithstanding the hiccups along the
the defaulting companies, the lenders way, Bahuguna is confident that each
and the bidders will face improvement will be
many challenges in the better in terms of clar­
race to acquire distressed “The IBC ity. Subramanian agrees
assets. In some cases, a amendment that IBC is a step in the
lack of bidders is putting process could right direction but he
a question mark on how
much the banks will
have been more points out that it is obvi­
ously not a panacea as it
forego in the process of consultative, cannot substitute for
resolution. keeping the banks not carrying out
Many experts feel the door open for their businesses prop­
banking crisis could have other views.” erly. “That said, it is
been avoided to some better to have an IBC
extent if a bankruptcy that evolves than no
legislation had been in place prior to mechanism at all,” he adds. “Compared
2016. The IBC is expected to bring in a to the no IBC scenario, the borrowers
sense of urgency to fix the problems now definitely have a reason to be scared
within a finite period. about the fate of their business. Earlier,
But why is it being tweaking only now? they could default with impunity. Now,
Some say the IBC is still a work in pro­ even an operational creditor can take
gress and it will take some years before them to bankruptcy, which creates a
it fully evolves. “The tweaking was to be threat for sure. Going forward, some of
expected as the law makers couldn’t the current legacy loans will see a lot of
have possibly foreseen all the problems. jostling as the bankrupt companies try
Public opinion made the government to push the boundaries of the legal sys­
realise that defaulting promoters should tem to extract as much as possible.
not be allowed to participate in the bid­ However, further into the future, the
ding process (for auction of distressed IBC will be very useful.”
assets),” says Vinayak Bahuguna, MD, The developments so far have thrown
CEO, Asset Reconstruction Company. up several crucial issues and some sur­
He is of the view that the “process could prises, like offers to pay full dues as in the
have been more consultative, keeping case of Uttam Galva Steels. So, there is
the door open for views of opinion­mak­ scope for improvement. Further tweak­
ers and public debates before deciding ing of the IBC is surely on the cards. Its
on the best course of action.” main test will be how much of the dis­
Bahuguna says the IBC covers compa­ tressed assets are banks able to recover,
nies that are too complex in terms of and more importantly, how soon. O

Illustration by SAJITH KUMAR 30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 29

GALLERY OF SHAME Prime accused Sanji Ram (right) and the
other accused in the Kathua rape and murder case


An eight-year-old girl’s gory end took J&K’s ruling coalition to the brink and back

by Naseer Ganai in Srinagar

EEPIKA Singh Rajawat, a 38-year-old Jammu-based lawyer,
says she has been threatened with sexual assault for taking
up the case of the brutal rape and murder of eight-year-old
Asifa from the nomadic Bakarwal community in Jammu and
Kashmir’s Kathua district. “I am being hated. I have been
isolated. I don’t know whether I will survive this,” says Raja-
wat, who had filed a writ petition in the J&K High Court in Febru-
ary, seeking a court-monitored investigation on behalf of Asifa’s
father. She says it was only after the court began monitoring the
case that investigation showed results.
“This hatred has to do with the politico-religious nexus—the use of
religion to mobilise partisan support, which has been a feature of poli-
tics in South Asia for almost a hundred years now,” says Siddiq Wahid,
former vice-chancellor of Islamic University of Science and Technology
in Pulwama district. “And this also has to do with the blurring of lines

between democratic empowerment and parti-

san emboldening in politics. Democratic emp-
owerment makes good argumentation the
central feature of the process. Partisan embold-
ening allows for partisans to claim preferential
treatment as a right for reasons of identity. The
BJP-RSS family has concentrated on embold-
ening India’s majority to become majoritarian
aggressively and without apology. That’s
Hindutva. Hate is just a step away.”
The Asifa case brought the BJP-PDP ruling
alliance to the brink, and it took the forced
resignation of forest minister Choudhary Lal
Singh and industries minister Chander Prakash
Ganga, both from the BJP, to save the day for the
coalition government. This did not, however,
quell the increasingly shrill demand among
sections of the Hindu population in Jammu for
the probe in Asifa’s case to be handed over to the
CBI, highlighting their lack of trust in institu-
tions functioning under the state government. AP
The two ministers who resigned had attended NEXT IN LINE? Rohingya refugees at a camp on the outskirts of Jammu
the Hindu Ekta Manch rally on March 1 to pro-
test against the arrests in the Asifa case. On April 14, soon after community to flee the area. Community leaders apprehend
the BJP’s general secretary in charge of J&K, Ram Madhav, that right-wing elements could next use the tribal policy of the
announced the ministers had stepped down, CM Mehbooba government to evict the Bakarwals as “encroachers” on forest
Mufti sent out a message through the party’s spokesman land. In February, the CM had chaired a meeting of the state
Naeem Akhtar, affirming the alliance is safe and that, if the tribal affairs ministry and said no member of the Bakarwal
BJP continues to support victims even in cases other than community should be evicted until a formal tribal policy is in
Asifa’s, the alliance is here to stay. Akhtar also said the place—and that if eviction is “absolutely necessary”, then it
“pro-rapist bandh” of the Jammu High Court Bar Association must be done only with the ministry’s prior approval. The
(JHCBA) on April 11 had a Congress imprint—the Bar presi- Jammu Bar opposed this directive of the CM, triggering appre-
dent B.S. Salathia was the chief electoral agent of Congress hension among the Bakarwals.
leader Ghulam Nabi Azad in the 2014 general elections. As the Crime Branch probe reveals, Asifa was held captive,
drugged, beaten up and repeatedly raped from January 10 to 15,

senior PDP leader says his party had conveyed to the BJP inside a Hindu place of worship. The sheer brutality triggered
top brass that it would be difficult to save the coalition if rage against Lal Singh and Ganga for addressing the March 1
Lal Singh and Ganga remained ministers. Another PDP rally. Ganga had told the gathering that the Crime Branch had
leader says state intelligence agencies had also conveyed created a “jungle raj” in the area, while Lal Singh had said, “One
to the Centre that if no action was taken against the accused in girl has been killed here now, but they don’t realise many women
Asifa’s case and those who rallied in their defence, “the inse- have gone missing,” indirectly referring to the 1947 riots.
cure Gujjars, facing eviction from the forests, would get closer Earlier, on May 18, 2016, Lal Singh had threatened the
to Kashmiri separatists”. (Gujjar tribals in J&K are a large, Bakarwal delegation when they petitioned him to allow graz-
varied set, differentiated by whether they are fully or semi-set- ing rights on the forest land. “Have you forgotten 1947?” the
tled or pastoral nomadic, like the Bakarwals; the terms are then minister is alleged to have said, alluding to the massacre
often used interchangeably or together.) In fact, former army of Muslims in Jammu during Partition. After his resignation,
chief and MoS (External Affairs) V.K. Singh became the first Lal Singh says he supports three demands of the JHCBA:
prominent BJP leader to come out against the rapists when he transfer the rape and murder case to the CBI, rescind the
tweeted, “We have failed Asifa as humans.” As the army sees minutes of the February meeting of the tribal affairs ministry,
the Bakarwals as a second line of defence from militancy, the and remove the Rohingya refugees from Jammu.
Centre grasped the larger fallout of defending the BJP minis- The JHCBA has been seen as a force to reckon with in
ters, and also its potential impact in the rest of the country after Jammu since the 1980s. In 1984, when the then CM Dr Farooq
the chargesheet was presented in court despite obstruction by Abdullah wanted to do away with the practice of the ‘darbar
the Kathua lawyers. After resigning, however, both Lal Singh move’ (shifting the secretariat to Jammu for six months from
and Ganga laid the blame at the BJP’s door, saying it was their November to April every year), the Bar opposed it. “The Bar
state party president, Sat Sharma, who had sent them to attend called off the strike only after the then Union home minister
the March 1 rally. Both raised questions over the inquiry by the Buta Singh negotiated with them and Farooq was compelled
J&K Police’s Crime Branch and called for a CBI probe instead. to give up on his plan.” Again, in 2008, the Bar was part of the
According to the Crime Branch chargesheet, the Bakarwal Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti agitation during which an
girl’s rape was plotted for months to send out a message to her economic blockade was imposed on the Valley. Bar leaders

34 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

ries are now between a highway and a railway
track, they have become more valuable and
hence the community is being projected as one
of encroachers, say Bakarwal leaders. On
February 22, 2016, another Gujjar basti was
razed to the ground allegedly by RSS men and
the police. “The SHO involved in the crime, I
have heard, has got a medal,” claims Talib, who
believes the sustained attempts to force them
to leave the region began with the formation of
the BJP-PDP alliance.
More than two lakh lakh tribals use the foothills
from Kathua to Jammu as winter pastures. The
government has started a mega project of fencing
all pastures in the name of forest protection, but
the tribal leaders think the objective is to drive
out their communities. With PM Narendra Modi
condemning the rape of Asifa and the PDP and
BJP agreeing on the need to ensure justice in this
case, there is fear of more conflict in Jammu over
Rising Kashmir tribal rights now. “A panel of ministers under
PREJUDICED PRIDE Hindu Ekta Manch rally in defence of rape accused deputy CM Nirmal Singh is looking into tribal
policy,” says tribal affairs minister Choudhary
take pride in recalling that they didn’t allow Farooq and Zulfikar. “It will decide whether the government will approve
Mehbooba Mufti to step out of Jammu airport for three hours. the welfare policy in vogue across the country for the whole state
The Bar has been supporting the demands of the Hindu Ekta or not. It is not a matter of some Jammu districts alone.”
Manch since its formation this February, with RSS activist and Srinagar-based columnist and writer Riyaz Wani says, “The
BJP worker Vijay Sharma at the helm, immediately after the rise of communalism in Jammu goes back to the Partition
arrest of one of the main accused in the Asifa case, Special Police riots of 1947. Moreover, from being the ruling class, the
Officer Deepak Khajuria. On February 14, the Manch took out a Jammu Dogras had to come to terms with their minority sta-
rally with protesters waving the tricolour. tus in the state. Jammu has also been host to a number of
The CM has been in the Bar’s crosshairs since the beginning. refugees since 1947—those from Muzaffarabad (in PoK), the
On March 8, the Bar accused her of “facilitating a biased probe” West Pakistan refugees and the Kashmiri Pandit migrants in
to “humiliate, torture and demoralise” the Hindus of Jammu. the 1990s. All these have consequences.”
Now the attention is being shifted to the Rohingya refugees. As According to Wani, the Congress has always played the
early as February, the Manch had alleged that the entire Jammu communal card in Jammu opportunistically, but since 2014
region, including Kathua and Hiranagar, is witnessing a “demo- the BJP is doing it openly, leading to the situation where the
graphic invasion that would help the cause of jehad”. However, Hindu Ekta Manch could be formed to protest against the
Jammu-based political analyst Zafar Choudhary says almost arrest of the rape accused. The insurgency in Kashmir has also
half of the 5,000 Rohingyas in Jammu have been moved out. had an impact on the Muslim regions of Jammu—the Chenab
Bakarwal leader Talib Hussain, who was arrested in January Valley and Pir Panjal—and the migration of Muslims and
for protesting Asifa’s rape and then released under public pres- Hindus from these regions to Jammu and Kathua districts
sure, says a sense of demographic insecurity has been created in brought along different narratives in its wake.
the majority community by right-wing elements. According to Jammu-based political analyst Tarun Upadhyay says there
the chargesheet, main accused Sanji Ram planned to dislodge is a feeling in Jammu that the demand for a CBI probe was
the Bakarwals from Rasana village and hatched a conspiracy unfortunately being seen as being pro-rapist and communal.
resulting in the “gruesome rape and murder of an “Jammu is the meeting point of several cul-
innocent, budding flower”. He had been mobilis- tures and religions. We have been host to all
ing members of his community to refuse grazing faiths and cultures since 1947. You cannot
land or any other assistance to the Bakarwals. State agencies had accuse us of being communal,” he says.
Talib tells Outlook that Lal Singh and Ganga
were at the root of the problem. Ganga allegedly
told the Centre that A senior government official, however, says
“this is the lull before a storm...I fear anything
pasted posters in his constituency during the Bakarwals are likely to can happen in Jammu”. CM Mehbooba Mufti
2014 polls, calling for the removal of Bakarwals realises it. Perhaps, that is why she went out of
from Samba district. “A Gujjar basti at Vijaypur get closer to Kashmiri the way to praise Jammu for “showing unwa-
was attacked during his victory rally,” says Talib. vering support for a little girl”. “It has strengt-
During a cabinet meeting in 2015, Ganga opposed
separatists if no action hened my belief that Jammu serves as a model
the posting of a Muslim superintendent of police
in Samba, saying, “I don’t need a Muslim SP.”
is taken in the Asifa of inclusiveness, and that the people of Jammu
and the people of Kashmir together inspire
As the lands used by the Bakarwals for centu- case, says a PDP leader. secular unity and righteousness,” she says. O

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 35


SHIV In the brutalities that the Bakarwal child suffered till she died,

HE psychologist, Bruno Bettleheim, who tionship, where the great philosopher develops the
was a concentration camp survivor, once contrast between the reverence, the aesthetics of
wrote of a psychologist who went to inter­ the I­Thou relationship and the indifference of the
view Adolf Eichmann. The scholar found I­It relationship. Hate is that no man’s land and
his own questions inadequate, unable to every man’s land between the borders of reverence
meet and match the mundanity of the man and the boundaries of indifference. Even Buber,
in front of him and the enormity of his crime. for all his eloquence, was not able to comprehend
The psychologist claimed he felt less normal than the distance between Jew and Arab, caught in the
Eichmann after interviewing him. Innocuous, ethnocentricity of valorising a settler’s mentality
trite, replete with cliches, Eichmann demanded over a nomadic community.
a different level of analysis. He behaved as if his Hatred is one emotion where the self cannot do
hate had been sanitised into a management mac­ without the other. It is almost as if an exaggerated
hine and violence transformed into a question of ontology, a being of the other, is needed to con­
productivity and technique. Eichmann’s hate and struct the self, no matter how impoverished. One
violence represents the rationalisation of violence has to deconstruct it like a detective novel, con­
that has become impersonalised and techno­ necting attitudes, motivation and the acts of vio­
cratic. The violence we are discussing today is less lence, where Kathua is text, pretext and context
sanitised, individualised, still brutal, embodying a for an analysis of hate.
pin cushion of frightening emotions. The chron­ Kathua shows that hate always needs a penum­
icle of Kathua demands a different narrative to bra of other emotions—of contempt, suspicion,
comprehend the folklore of hate underlying it. misunderstanding and hyperbolic insecurity—to
One senses Bettleheim’s consternation and per­ thrive. In that sense, for all its single­minded focus,
plexity in the writings of journalists covering hate is a many­layered emotion, needing a thesau­
events such as riots, lynch mobs or gang­rapes in rus of feelings to articulate it. It has an alchemy of
India. There is indignation, shock and profession­ its own, an attitude embodying violence embodied
alism in the detailing of events and excesses, yet in stereotypes (ethnic), ideologies (class enemies)
despite some stark reporting of brutality, the story and institutional rituals like lynching or jehad. It is
of hatred is inconclusive and incomplete. an attitude to a stranger, the unwelcome other—a
Hatred, as a social scientist told me, demands to response to a real or imagined threat that can be a
be a thrice­told narrative. Firstly, one needs an mere construct. For example, in Rwanda, the dif­
ethnography of detail, which has to go beyond the ference between Hutu and Tutsi was marginal, but
mimicry of a self­styled Guinness Book of Excess. minor differences were exaggerated by a hyper­
Secondly, one needs a theory providing insights bolic memory, which triggered genocidal violence,
and even requiring a sense of new possibilities. Yet eliminating almost a million people. It confirmed
theory cannot restrict itself to the bureaucratic the Shakespearean dictum in Macbeth—“the
and the political. One has to return to the moral To describe nearer in blood, the nearer bloody.”
foundations of the society and confront hatred hate, one Hate is both belief and ritual, a framework of
with the nomos, the axiomatic requirements of a categories for distancing and stigmatising the
good society. The task is difficult because hatred
also needs other, and “rituals” that channelise violence,
has a mundanity and an epic character to it, an to be a stoking hatred like a perpetual fire. Yet for all its
anecdotal feel and yet an enormity of intensity and botanist of exaggerated power, there is a banalisation of cate­
scale, which makes it incomprehensible. How does emotions, gories needed to sustain the everydayness of vio­
one describe hate? One needs to be both a philos­ reading hate lence—the everyday emotions of suspicion,
opher and botanist of emotions, reading hate like distrust, envy, without which hate is powerless.
a special species of inhumanity.
like a special The language at a social level is mundane, regard­
Recently, I was reading Martin Buber’s great species of less of the personal intensity of individual emo­
classic about the wonders of a face­to­face rela­ inhumanity. tions. Secondly, the emotions can be ersatz. For

36 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

we need to see the battle of hate against the moral emptiness of democracy

example, studies of Partition chronicle a strange

difference between the feelings of original vic­
tims and the attitudes of the second generation.
First­generation victims are more complex.
They feel injustice, regret and loss, and a lost love
for a home. When a visitor came from Karachi,
the original survivor would rush to enquire about
his home or his favourite sweet shop. It is the
second generation, which consumes Partition
without experiencing it, that feels hate in an
abstract, ideological and genocidal sense. In fact,
it is this category that supplies the willing perpe­
trators of the RSS, the BJP and the VHP—the real
practitioners of sustained hate.

N the case of Kathua, one sees an articulation
of border fears, an exaggerated fear spread by
BJP propaganda about the fertile Muslim des­
troying the demographic balance today. It is
the Hindu fear of Malthusianism directed against
the Muslim, who is also nomadic, pastoral and
not quite fitting the civics of development, creat­
ing a double alienation, where the other is both
alien and unfit to be a neighbour. What looks like
a powerful labyrinth of stereotypes becomes a
magnet for the vilest emotions, like lust, rape,
torture—a distance from the other that feels no
guilt, that eliminates all responsibility and, in
fact, becomes an example of a machismo of vio­
lence that seeks to displace or eliminate the
other, in this case, Bakarwal pastoralists who are
also non­sedentary and Muslims.
In a double sense, hate both depersonalises and
demonises. Yet it is the economy of hate that is
critical. Hate always needs redundancy and exc­
ess. It is a need that is perpetually unsatiated,
where a notion of limit is an unacceptable taboo.
It is both surprising in the new brutality it inv­
ents, and yet a sense of stereotype and herd int­
ensity makes the perpetrators appear more like
Pavlovian dogs, salivating predictably and glee­
fully at every signal. By stigmatising the other as
victim, the perpetrator has already exonerated
himself from guilt and doubt, combining a sense
of being both agency and vehicle, visualising
indiscriminate violence as a pedagogic act, where
the other has to be brought in line with the
Photographs: ALAMY

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 37


imagined self. A woman has to be disciplined for

her dress, a Dalit warned about imitating dominant
castes, and an ethnic group taught to recognise
itself as a lesser order of being. The pomposity and
righteousness that follow acts of hate violence
almost assure the perpetrator that society sees
him as a hero, a warrior for a cause. Lawyers tried
to block the filing of charges. The mob in Jaipur
raised hosannas to Afrazul’s murderers, which
made them sound as if they were honouring a hero.
When society, politics and bureaucracy connive
in such an act, we induce a death of conscience
sandwiched between alienation and anomie
(normlessness). These murders won’t produce GETTY IMAGES

Shakespearean soliloquies of doubt or the need for HOLOCAUST Adolf lary was symptomatic of schizophrenia. Kathua
redemption, but just messages of self­congratula­ Eichmann (above); captures this schizophrenia of hatred. Hate, for all
tion. Every official governmental response prom­ Jews being rounded its demonic power, lacks convincing poetics. All it
ises a return to law and order, but rarely a moral up by the Nazi SS in can contain is the corrosive power of violence and
order. Governments, whether Modi or Mufti, Warsaw, Poland, 1943 stereotype. In fact, as one replays the conversa­
appear like a Rip van Winkle uttering clichés bef­ tions of the perpetrators or even the language of
ore returning to a clerical passivity. When Modi lawyers hysterical about defending them, all one
speaks, there seems to be no difference between sees is a mediocrity, a overblown pettiness, where
the language of moral order and a promise of vice as a habit is ordained as virtue. One wishes
higher productivity. The rhetoric of development media reports were more fine­tuned to the medi­
and the violence of the current state become more ocrity of language in hate, without confusing it
a paradigm for sanitising or ideologising hate than with the intensity of animosity and hatred.
a search for the moral order of a good society. Yet when we think of an alternative, we must
realise that tolerance and secularism as antidotes

HERE are moments of distraction or diver­ will not do. Tolerance is too passive and secular­
sion in the narrative that we must be wary of. ism almost empty today. One needs a pluralism
The brutalisation of Asifa occurred in a that is dialogic and a language that can challenge
temple and often before engaging in the the stereotypes of the procrustean frames of
sheer redundancy of rape, the perpetrators modern state, racism, ideology and nationalism,
would engage in rituals placating some god. It many of them 19th­century consolidations that
was as if a modicum of prayer added to the legit­ need 21st­century exorcism.
imacy of rape. Not all these acts should be con­ The analyst needs to heal his own professional­
fused with occult rituals because occult was an ism before he steps in. In fact, one has to add that
attempt to challenge the secular consciousness politics and bureaucracy add little in terms of
with a rereading of the relation between magic, moral responsibility, though they might add to a
science and religion. Such superstition as in regulatory frame. One needs to create a Dur­
Kathua is almost promoted to a tantric legiti­ kheimian frame, where hate is read as a social
macy. Yet the very idea of such possibilities opens fact permeating the individual, as a symbolic
one out to the relation between hate and evil, order of reality that imprisons the other in per­
because occult as a pre­Freudian consciousness petual otherness. One needs a holism that goes
captured this canvas of evil, as hate gets ritual­ beyond itemisation or a symptomology. One
ised. Language thus becomes a critical form of needs the moral risks of a dialogue that dissolves
understanding hatred, but language too can be One needs borders and distances to capture the truth of
deceptive. Hate can be a flat land of distances or the moral difference, separating genuine doubts and fears
a valley of specific differences. One has to learn from an epidemic of virulence.
risks of a
to decode it. I am reminded of a story that I read Democracy is still a long way from inventing
in an essay by the psychologist Carl Jung. dialogue that these experiments. Maybe it’s not social science or
Jung recounts a visit by the great Irish writer, dissolves clinical psychology that we need, but a rethinking
the wonderfully inventive James Joyce. The aut­ borders and of moral and ethical foundations. What we are
hor of Ulysses brought his son along and talked distances confronting is the battle of hate against democra­
excitedly about latter’s command of language. cy’s moral emptiness. One has to find wisdom not
to capture in social science, but in folklore, the cosmology of
Jung listened patiently and then told Joyce that
while his writing revealed the power of language the truth of people, and search for a thorough­minded resolu­
and its perpetual inventiveness, his son’s vocabu­ difference. tion, which has to be reworked repeatedly. O

38 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


‘Not sick, we’re

visited Muslim neighbours in support;
actors, professionals, spoke out. I don’t
see us collectively expressing this kind of

intoxicated, it
sustained outrage and opposition.
Could the outrage of a few have pre-
vented the crime in Kathua?
Hate is not a problem only of the victim.

is like a heroin
We are all affected, more so those who
watch but don’t act. Take Afrazul’s killing
in Rajsamand. The Karwan went to the
killer’s (Shambhulal Regar’s) house to

high of hatred’
understand what motivated him. He
turned out to be a young man who had
a small business which collapsed after
demonetisation. Thereafter, he sat at
home and watched hate videos, getting
primed (for the crime). He wanted to
Harsh Mander, social activist and frightening reason is that people share kill some people only because they were
former bureaucrat, started the Karwan- these sentiments of hate, so they have Muslim. Even this little girl in Kathua—
e-Mohabbat last September to reach out actually outsourced to the mob the work her only crime was that she was Muslim.
to victims of hate crimes. In an interview of acting out their hate. I was struck by how in Rajsamand nob­
with Pragya Singh, he says if India doesn’t The degree of hatred is unprecedented. ody responded to Afrazul’s killing. The
have leaders like Mahatma Gandhi we Why is this so? Karwan called a public meeting with the
will have to find courage to foster love and I had never thought a day would come Hindu community, asked people if they at
fraternity ourselves. Edited excerpts. when I would compare us unfavourably least worried about a boy of 14 (a Hindu)
with, say, the American people. Yet, who calmly filmed a man being hacked
Why does the Karwan-e-Mohabbat Trump came to power and within a week and set on fire. So the hatred is enormous.
exist? What does it aim to do? passed an order against people from seven And how did people answer that
The Karwan was a call to solidarity and Muslim countries. Within hours, people pointed question?
atonement against the mounting sense gathered in airports, put up posters There was a slight stirring, but overall
of fear among minorities and our lack of saying everybody is welcome, that ‘we I have found in our journeys—we have
response to it. Muslims in particular are are all Muslim’ and so on. Young lawyers been to ten states now—a kind of abs­
experiencing a high degree of fear and set up legal aid centres, ordinary people ence of any conscience or compassion
marginalisation. Muslim mothers are in the majority community. The kind of
telling sons not to say ‘salam aleikum’, outrage I would expect of humans has
grow a beard or get into a fight, such is dried up. Earlier, people would reach
their insecurity. Hate speech is being out after riots. Today, the poison that
normalised, as is prejudice against has been injected into the veins of our
Dalits and there are attacks in tribal society is toxic, heady and addictive.
areas against Christians. I felt that we Hum log ek tarah ke nashe mein hain—we
have to reach out to our brothers and are intoxicated with hate. It is a crisis
sisters to tell them that they are not of huge proportions that we are not
alone, that we care and seek forgiveness, acknowledging.
for we are collectively responsible but Have we become a society that is in
unable to prevent this. some ways sick?
In Kathua, a young Muslim girl has Yes. More than sick, the metaphor is
been raped and murdered and crimi- ‘intoxicated’. We are on a heroin high
nal proceedings are mired in the lan- of hate. Illness or intoxication, both
guage of hatred. What explains this? can be resolved if we recognise them.
I hope the Kathua case is a turning To find our capacities to love again is

point. It’s distressing that it required our biggest battle.
something like this horror before we Right now, who is afraid of whom—
outraged. Overall, the silence of the Hindus of Muslims or Muslims of
majority needs to be questioned. “The majority is silent Hindus?
What explains the silence? also because many share I am convinced that this is not a battle
First, people are frightened to speak; sentiments of hate, and of Hindus and Muslims. The battle is
and there never has been this kind of between the minority—those who use
fear of speaking out in dissent. Secondly, have outsourced to the religion for divisive hatred—and the
people don’t care: ‘I am not Muslim or mob the work of acting majority, who respect all faiths. But as
Dalit so how does it affect me?’ The most out their hatred.” time passes I keep worrying if we are

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 39


still the majority or becoming a minor­ We have not. Hatred has been allowed
ity. We have to remain the majority or to fester. The so­called secular political
we lose everything. parties are culpable too. The Congress is
And one manifestation of hate is the selectively silent on this mounting hate.
kind of violence perpetrated on the Parties which claim to be sympathetic
girl in Kathua? to Muslims, the Samajwadi Party, the
In lynching after lynching, the hatred Trinamool Congress, believe that app­
is extreme. Even in Asansol, the imam’s easing clerics and giving Hajj support to
16­year­old boy was not just killed but imams is supporting the community. It
his body was returned with nails pulled is not. Media is extremely culpable too.
out, eyes gouged, with multiple stab They are part of this collective silence
wounds and partly burned. In Nagaon, and the legitimising of hatred without
people said that two young boys were resistance. Our education system, which
cow thieves and the mob lynched them. is preparing us for the market but not
Again, the bodies were returned with worrying about us as human beings, is
ears cut off, mutilated. In Bengal, three also responsible.
lynched boys’ genitals had been crushed. What role are the administrators of
Kathua is an illustration of what kind justice playing?
of hate this is. We are outraged by the The police, prosecution and judiciary
ministers and lawyers, but it is not the at lower levels are acting in unison to
first instance. In Akhlaque’s case, a cen­ withhold justice. It is a very effective, sys­
tral minister draped one of the alleged tematic process. The Karwan has visited
killers in the national flag. over 100 families and we find victims
Who is responsible for spreading being criminalised in almost every cow
hate? Are we re-enacting pre-existing vigilante case. Pehlu Khan’s sons are
animosities or is this something new? running around seeking anticipatory
We are seeing a hate fostered, generated bail, while the Alwar SP said they are cow Muslims what is being communicated
and legitimised from the highest levels. smugglers. These are very loose words. is that you are here under sufferance
India Spend, in a survey of cow­related The law requires you to get a permit when and are second­class citizens so cannot
violence after 2010, found that 97 per transporting an animal for slaughter. It make claims for justice. Hence, ‘sabar
cent of attacks had happened after Mr is undisputed that Pehlu was carrying karna zaroori hai’.
(Narendra) Modi came to power and 86 milk­giving cows, with calves, which you Recently, in Jharkhand, a lynching
per cent of them are against Muslims, would be crazy to slaughter—not that case was brought to speedy trial but
eight per cent against Dalits. With lead­ any cow smuggler deserves to be lynched. when the accused came to court hun-
ers like Trump, Modi and others, their The police act like lynch mobs in many dreds of supporters shouted slogans
politics and personalities represent encounter cases. in his favour. Is justice worthwhile if
hugely divided societies but they also Once a victim is cut off from justice, it polarises people?
reflect, legitimise and amplify prejudice what happens then? This is the dilemma for victims; this idea
and hatred in their politics, public utt­ After lynchings, Muslims are not even that we give up our claims for justice so
erances and in their selective silences. reaching out to the police now. They say that we can live together in peace is a false
These leaders didn’t create that hatred sabar kar lenge—we will endure. This is dichotomy. Domestic violence victims are
but they have legitimised it and given the one big difference between attacks often told this too, but we are not looking
us the freedom to act it out. It means on Muslims and on Dalits. The Dalit is just for peace but for a just, authentic
that deep in our souls we were carrying fighting back and that gives us so much peace. Peace without justice is surrender.
this hatred and these leaders have dug hope. There is anger, assertion, you Yet, how do you look upon cases where
a deep tube­well that allows it to spout hear ‘Jai Bhim’, see mass conversion to polarisation grows after victims seek
out. Communal organisations like the Buddhism; they fight their cases. They justice?
RSS and its associates have created this still believe this is their country and In Jharkhand, the victim’s family, des­
hatred over generations and we have not they have the right to fight back. To pite fear, was not intimidated and we
fought back as a society. had the enormous fortune of a fair­

Why is it important to fight this? minded judge and got the first convic­
If we go on like this, future generations tion in a lynching case. Despite a really
will ask what happened to us as a people, gruesome crime, Mariam, the victim’s
why we remained silent. My German “Along with police, widow, said she wanted justice, not
friend told me that her 12­year­old there is pressure on capital punishment. You also hear the
has a school project to find Jews killed victims from within the imam in Asansol and Ankit Saxena’s
in his area and do a report. We have father—these are people who represent
also been through Partition, in which community. Muslims say an India which is still humane.
a million people died. Have we dealt fight for justice will bring Why do Muslims fear seeking justice?
with what hatred did up to that time? more persecution.” Along with what the police are doing,

40 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

Mostly, Hindus contribute. It has tou­
ched many people but it has meant a huge
amount to Muslims. Writers, photogra­
phers, film­makers, through telling and
retelling their stories, have broken at least
some of the collective silences. At first
people used to say that these are a few
stray incidents which vested interests are
blowing up. Now, they recognise that this
is a pattern across India, that hundreds
of cases go unreported. The Kathua girl
is being mourned by thousands as if she
was our own daughter. This is the kind
of fraternity we have to foster. I will con­
tinue to do this as long as I don’t feel that
as a society we are not fighting back.
What are the solutions for hatred?
Love has become probably the most revo­
lutionary idea of our times. This idea that
we can foster love in the climate of hate
has become the most important battle.
Will eventually something like South
Africa’s truth and reconciliation be
necessary in India?
Through truth and reconciliation, South
Photographs: JITENDER GUPTA Africa’s society tried to come to terms
there is pressure on victims from within cal moment in our history. with its histories of violence, something
their community. One victim told us After the Ankit Saxena case, there is we have not done. We should have had a
that the Muslim sarpanch of her village an accusation against activists that truth and reconciliation after Partition,
asked her to get her sons to rescind their you are soft on violence perpetrated after 1984 and a range of other episodes—
testimonies for the sake of bhaichara, by the Muslims. Gujarat, Kandhamal, the collective atro­
brotherhood. She said, ‘I don’t want People ask me this all the time and this cities against Dalits. We haven’t dealt as a
bhaichara, I want insaaf—justice.’ Mus­ is part of the reason why parties like the society with the injustices we have perpe­
lims tell us that if they fight for justice Congress are silent. Who else are you trated. We have to recognise that it is not
they will only be persecuted more. We going to stand with if not the victims, something happening out there, that we
are seeing this in the Kathua case—the and why be defensive about it? Gandhiji are culpable with our silent endorse­
family pursues justice and there is was told he is ‘Muslim­parast’ and he ments, our lack of resistance. We have to
intimidation by lawyers, the local com­ responded, yes I am, and when I go to enter into our souls and discover how
munity. I believe that as a society we can Pakstan I will be Hindu­parast. In Ankit much hatred there is in each of us. We
only live with justice and and rebuilding Saxena’s case, when the BJP chief tried encounter levels of prejudice we never
relationships on the basis of equality. to drive a communal rift, Yashpal Saxena, dreamed existed among family, friends,
Mahatma Gandhi had said that if a cat the father, resisted. The imam in Asansol colleagues and cannot afford to push it
attacks a mouse and at that moment showed exactly the same instinct, saying back under the carpet.
the mouse says ‘I forgive you’, that is not it would be a greater tragedy if a single Who will have this dialogue?
forgiveness, the mouse had no choice. Hindu is attacked. Yashpal likens the In 1948, a million people had died in
In Mariam’s case, I think she has found imam to his brother. In all the despair Hindu­Muslim riots, a country had
spaces for forgiveness after justice and these people help us believe there is hope. been carved out on the basis of reli­
that is where we can begin. Is the Karwan effective in your view? gion, amidst bloodshed, lakhs of angry
Are you more hopeful or despairing The Karwan is entirely crowd­funded. refugees had landed in Delhi. They had
seven months after starting the occupied the Connaught Place mosque,

Karwan-e-Mohabbat? converted dargahs into temples and
The degree of horror and violence, the were throwing Muslims out of their
absence of remorse, the celebration of homes. In the middle of this Mahatma
hate, the videotaping of attacks remind “The difference between Gandhi said that this country belongs
me of lynchings of Black Americans. attacks on Muslims and equally to all. His last battle was to res­
Those, too, had become sites of public Dalits is that the Dalit is tore mosques and dargahs to Muslims.
entertainment. The victims’ famlies do It is that courage we will have to find and
not understand why this is happening. fighting back, giving us if we are not going to have leaders like
Somehow, Kathua has woken up people, hope. They believe in the him, then we have to do it ourselves. We
but we are passing through a very criti­ right to fight back.” have nowhere else to look. O

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 41


RAJIVLOCHAN Post 1857, the British insisted on identifying Indians as two: Hindus,

Illustration by LEELA
HINGS believed to be real can have real
consequences. Nothing demonstrates this
better than communal conflict in India.
Once one is done accusing one or the other
community of being communal, one begins
to notice the sickening regularity with which
politicians and their groupies eagerly push this line
or that in order to further their short-term political
objectives. Nurturing and milking social fissures is
quite beneficial to some.
This is precisely what the British colonial rulers
did when they crafted for Indians a new social real-
ity by the turn of the 19th-20th century. Like
hoodlums who run large-scale protection rackets,
they positioned themselves as the only bulwark to
protect one community from launching into a
murderous assault on the other.
The British had insisted on identifying Indians as
Hindus and Muslims ever since 1857, when the sep- human societies for ever since we have recorded
oys of the Bengal army tried to overthrow British history. True, once in a while people have behaved
rule from India after the European officers insisted particularly badly with each other using religious
on demeaning their religious beliefs. All other iden- differences as an excuse. But that’s just how life is.
tifiers among Indians, like caste, region, culture, Religious distinctions have always existed between
language and class—the kind of identifiers that were people. To take a random example, poet Vidyapati,
so common when talking of the people of Europe— writing a poetical work in the 15th century set in the
were ignored in preference to religion. Even the Uttar Pradesh region, could say that “the Hindus and
tremendous diversity within the broad categories Turks lived together, each ridiculing the other’s reli-
Hindus and Muslims were ignored. gion. The chant from the Vedas mingled with the call
The fuzziness of religious beliefs and boundaries, of the muezzin. Meat shops sold two varieties of
the tremendous overlap in beliefs and religious animal flesh slaughtered differently according to
practices of Indians were underplayed. So much so Hindu and Muslim customs. There were different
that for the census enumeration of 1911, the census wards in the town for Hindus and Muslims…”. But
commissioner specifically instructed the staff to religious beliefs rarely affected secular decisions. In
ignore such indistinctness and put all Indians only the same poem, Vidyapati also tells us that Kirti-
in specific religious categories like Hindus and Musl- By the 20th simha, the raja of Mithila, saw no problem in app-
ims. Let there be no doubt, the British were carving century, the roaching Sultan Ibrahim Shah, the ruler of Jaunpur,
out a new social reality for Indians: one in which for help in recovering his lost kingdom. Nor did the
Hindus and Muslims were considered to be mortal
British had Sultan see an issue in extending that help.
enemies, one for which the people of Bengal and got Indians To take another example, Aurangzeb was behaving
Punjab would pay an inordinately high price in the to see each particularly badly towards Hindus in order to please
riots that accompanied independence in 1947. other as the the kathmullas of his court. In 1669, the Qazi of Surat
The British insisted, with no evidence, that Hindus enemy, and forced a Hindu merchant to convert, in order to
and Muslims could not get along with each other. please the Mughal emperor. “Look here,” the Qazi
This was neither here nor there since making fun of crafted a reminded this Hindu merchant, “some years ago you
each other’s belief systems, and insisting that one’s new social shared a watermelon with me, hence now you are a
own belief was superior, has been part of complex reality. Muslim.” All the merchants of Surat shut shop and

42 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

Muslims. Those imagined communities have become part of our mental fabric.

departed the city at the Qazi’s perfidy. minded Muslim, on his side wrote a longish essay
The Mughal governor of the city, representing the warning Muslims to keep away from the Congress
authority of the state of which Aurangzeb was the lest they be overwhelmed by the Hindus.
emperor, was extremely displeased with the Qazi.

For him, as a representative of the state, raising taxes N 1905, as the people of India got together to pro-
was far more important than converting people. And test against the partition of Bengal, the Nawab of
here was Surat town bereft of its wealth creators. Dhaka brought together a handful of graduates
After tempers had cooled a little, the governor duly from the Mahomedan Anglo Oriental College at
sent embassies assuring the Hindu merchants that Shimla to announce the formation of the Muslim
such conversions would not happen, begging them League. That was to safeguard the interests of Indian
to come back. The merchants on their part showed Muslims as also to demand that the government
some grace and agreed to return, but only on assur- create a university specifically for Muslims. The time
ance that the meddlesome Qazi would be asked to was opportune since John Morley, the then Secretary
remain within his limits. The British who had already of State for India, a well-known liberal, had fre-
set up a factory in Surat at this time watched the quently opined about the dangers of the majority in
entire drama with some wonderment. India and the need for providing separate electorates
What was new now in colonial times was that the to Muslims in order to safeguard Muslim interests.
British insisted that Hindus and Muslims were int- A university based on religion, however, was as yet
rinsically incompatible people who could never anathema to the liberal and modernising British.
exist together peacefully but for the mediation They rejected this idea on the ground that they ran a
provided by the colonial government. secular government which did not allow the creation
Over the years, each religious group was also given of denominational universities.
social attributes much in line with the racist attrib- A decade later, the demand for Swaraj began to get
utes with which the British were familiar in Europe mass support through popular participation in the
and America. Thus meat-eating Muslims were Non-Cooperation movement that Gandhi had
declared to be brave and warlike, as were Sikhs. started. Hindus and Muslims joined the movement
Hindus got classified as vegetarian, weak, pusillan- without bothering about their religion. Even the
imous, money-grubbing people. Such attributes students and faculty of the Mahomedan Anglo-
became so deeply accepted by Indian society that Oriental College went on a strike in support of
we even have the teenager Mohandas Karamchand Non-Cooperation, and started a nationalist col-
Gandhi eating meat surreptitiously with a Muslim lege—the Jamia Millia. To this, the government, at
friend in the hope of becoming fearless and strong. its own initiative, decided to create the Aligarh
Even while leading India-wide political movements Muslim University out of the Mahomedan Anglo-
many years later, Gandhi would continue to talk of Oriental College even though there was no demand
the weak and perpetually scared Hindu in contrast Essential for it at the moment. The Muslim League, already
to the manly and brave Muslim. traits were hostile to the Non-Cooperation movement and
British hegemony over the Indian mind was such Gandhi, chose to stand out in support of the govern-
that many an English-educated Indian accepted
ascribed to ment and against the idea of Swaraj.
Hindu-Muslim animosity as the basic truth of life in religious In modern India, imagined communities are part
the country. The Indian National Congress, in its groups. To of our mental fabric. Today, if the Indian state
very first session at Bombay in December 1885, be Muslim chooses to take sides in cases like Kathua, it will be
announced that it would work towards greater amity was to be asserting that beliefs matter far more than reality or
between Hindus and Muslims though the country justice. Colonisation of the mind is far more difficult
had no history of communal conflict, barring stray ‘warlike’, to fight than any physical dominion. O
minor incidents. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the English- and Hindus (The writer is professor of history,
speaking representative of the modern scientifically were ‘weak’. Panjab University.)

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 43

COVER STORY LEBANON The civil war in Lebanon began
in 1975 and continued till 1990, resulting

in the death of close to 1,20,000 people.
The French controlled the West Asian
country between 1920 and 1943, favouring

the Christians in a Muslim-majority
country. Many pan-Arabic and left-leaning
forces who allied with the Palestinians
were against the succeeding government,

which they thought was pro-Western.

Tagore’s foreboding about the
aftermath of empire proved all
PALESTINE A Jewish state
too prophetic, not just for India, became a realistic
but for post-colonial states at proposition after the British
large. The magic formula ‘divide betrayed their promise to
the Arabs (who they were
et impera’ left communities in inciting to rebel against the
many of these countries bitterly Ottomans) via the infamous
Balfour Declaration of 1917.
polarised, often with some Europe virtually exported its
sections resenting others— ‘Jewish problem’ to the
Middle East with Israel’s
generally minorities—for having creation in 1948; this was
been patronised by the colonial followed by a Palestinian
exodus and a crisis that is
state. Differences and historical
still ongoing, with no
divisions, coaxed out by imperial resolution in sight.
midwifery, came to the fore in
the narratives being constructed.
Arbitrary borders left some
communities split between
states, and forced others to live
with hated neighbours.
All this would erupt in the wake
of independence in the 20th
century, leading to civil war,
RWANDA The African country was
ethnic cleansing and some of controlled by the Germans before
history’s most terrible genocides. Belgium took control in 1916 during
WWI. The Belgians favoured the
Many of the resulting communal minority Tutsis against the majority
conflicts have continued in hot Hutus, giving them more power in
administration. The Belgians left the
and cold phases and show no
country due to anti-colonial sentiment
signs of abating, as seen in the in 1962. In 1994, the country witnessed
ongoing Syrian Civil War and the one of history’s worst genocides when
the Hutus slaughtered Tutsis, followed
Israel-Palestine impasse. by a counter-genocide. A recent report
says over 2 million died in the violence.

44 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

SYRIA After WWI, Syria became a de-facto IRAQ In 1921, eleven years before they
colony of France, and while the French were left the country, the British installed King
supposed to prepare it for independence, they Faisal as the ruler of Iraq. Faisal was seen
created geographical divisions and also as part of the Sunni elite, who formed the AFGHANISTAN The country was a pawn in
divided Syrian society. They tried to impose minority compared to the majority Shias. the ‘Great Game’ between Britian and
French and Catholicism later, and appealed to Under Saddam Hussein’s rule, Shias were Russia over control, and the former
minority groups to rule over the majority, persecuted, and following the Iraq war in sketched out the Durand Line as the
later resorting to bombing Damascus. Shaken 2004 and Saddam’s death, the country border separating Afghanistan from India
by the Arab Spring, the country has been in a has witnessed a spate of revenge killings in 1893. An Anglo-Russian convention
state of civil war since 2011. by the two communities. agreed on the idea in 1907, leading to the
Pashtun community being cut in half. The
Pashtuns are deeply mired in the country’s
internecine conflicts today.

MYANMAR Formerly Burma, the country

was administered along with India until
1937, and gained independence from British
rule in 1948. Colonial powers had
encouraged migrant labour for rice
cultivation, and the population of Muslims
tripled during 1871 and 1911. After they
sided with the British during the war, an
autocratic government declared the
Rohingya Muslims illegal in 1977,
leading to one of the worst immigration
crises of modern times.

INDIA The British had apparently been

perplexed at the Hindus and Muslims
fighting alongside each other during the
1857 rebellion. Subsequently, they
imposed divide-and-rule, polarising the
communities, and asked for people’s
religion during the census. The
insecurities fomented led to Muslims
demanding a separate state of Pakistan
(following the creation of the Muslim
League in 1907), to riots which killed
thousands across borders during the
PAKISTAN Pakistan was Partition and the issue of Kashmir, which
cleaved out of India following continues to be a bone of contention.
a demand from a section of
the Muslim community after
the British stoked tensions
between communities. 14
million were displaced in the
one of the largest mass
migrations in history, plagued
with instances of rioting.

INDONESIA Indonesia,
which had formed part of
the erstwhile Dutch East
Indies, experienced the
Maluku sectarian conflict
MAURITIUS The island nation was between 1999 and 2002.
under French and Dutch control until Experts say that Dutch
1810, when the British took control. policies in the archipelago
Communal riots between the had set the stage for the
SRI LANKA The seeds of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict
Muslims, who formed the third- conflict between the
were sown long ago, following British occupation in 1815.
largest community, and the Creoles, Christians and the
A legislative council with equal representation for both
the second-largest, erupted in 1968 Muslim community,
communities was established in 1833, leading to
when the country attained its which was described as
polarising rhetoric. Post-independence, majority
independence from British rule. In all-out warfare against
Sinhalese governments, retaliating against the perceived
1999, the Creole community clashed the civilian population by
favouring of the Tamil community during colonial rule,
with the majority Hindus after a militants of both faiths.
implemented discriminatory policies, leading to
Reggae star was killed in custody.
escalation, the LTTE and civil war in the 20th century.

Compiled by SIDDHARTHA MISHRA; Graphic by SAJI C.S.


BALASHANKAR Kathua was a barbaric crime. Don’t drag politics into it.

HE rape and murder of eight-year-old Asifa in Kathua is and Unnao will get justice at any cost,” declared the PM in res-
one of the most macabre, gruesome crimes in a long list of ponse to a nationwide outcry. With the general election only a
atrocities against women in India. Such incidents have year away, political parties will naturally try to get as much
become a daily nightmare, and some reactions make us mileage as possible out of this. But the sabka saath sabka vikas
wonder if we are descending into an archaic tribalism. promise of the Modi government is to deliver justice for all.
It is shocking that some found a chance to play politics and Is there any aspect of the Kathua crime that needs reappraisal?
inject religion into this crime that stirred the nation’s psyche. It is as clear as day that the perpetrators deserve no mercy. It
The PM was right when he said the incident had shamed the would be unimaginable even in the Stone Age for somebody to
whole country. After Modi proclaimed that none would be get away with such a beastly act. In 21st-century India, such
spared, two BJP ministers in the J&K government (both recent criminals should be ostracised and socially shamed. They should
Congress defectors), who’d defended the accused, lost their jobs. not be allowed to walk free by donning the façade of religion.
The rape of a young girl in Unnao, UP, allegedly by a BJP MLA, This should also not be allowed to strain relations between the
and the murder of the girl’s father in police custody, hit the BJP and the PDP. A crime against humanity cannot be an issue
headlines simultaneously. It seemed that only criminals could on which parties stand separate.
make it big in life, and that such success was merely licence to There is a context to this. The BJP was voted into power in 2014
further their profession. The BJP again took tough measures: when atrocities against women, lawlessness and corruption had
the accused was expelled from the party and is now in CBI cus- become a way of life under the UPA. Narendra Modi had made
tody. The PM spoke out at the earliest opportunity, so that there beti bachao, beti padhao a major plank of his campaign. Since
would be no scope for politics in such a then, the Modi government has initiated
heinous crime; it has now become routine more schemes and done more than any
to draw Modi’s name even into incidents The two ministers were other government in the past to empower
which are simply local in nature. Congress defectors. women. The Opposition’s approach is to
There are conflicting reports about the paint the Modi government as being no
Kathua crime. Initially, it was attributed Nobody knows how they different from previous ones. This was
to the girl’s relatives. Then, it was reported suddenly became articulated by Rahul Gandhi when he led
that she had been held captive by a priest Hindutva votaries. a midnight march to the India Gate on
at a religious site, and that local policemen April 13. The concern was less about the
were involved. The post-mortem report plight of the victims of Unnao and Kathua
did not reveal rape. Many plots and theories have been spun into than it was about scoring brownie points.
the crime since it occurred in January. Religious outfits sprang It will take time for the whole truth to come out. Social media
into action to protect the accused. There were suggestions that is full of stories pointing at the Congress having had a hand in
the combative politics of the ruling coalition, social distress and creating the mayhem surrounding the Kathua crime. There are
the communal divide also came into play. It was alleged that people who vouch that the priest, temple and Hindu angle are
Muslim officers from Kashmir tried to frame Hindus for the later interpolations to a straightforward crime episode. The girl
crime. Kathua locals and a section of the J&K Bar Association was orphaned and living with her aunt, and the simmering
also jumped into the fray, provoking a warning from the SC. feeling in the region against the Rohingyas, who were settled
It is unacceptable and unjustified to condone the heartless, there by Ghulam Nabi Azad when he was CM, also had its role to
satanic act with a veil of religious anarchism. The most appalling play. The two controversial leaders, Lal Singh and Chandar
audacity is to give it the colour of Hinduism. This is the most Prakash Ganga, were in the Congress before they joined the BJP.
cultured, peace-loving and tolerant of religions, and it places the They are said to be loyal to Azad, and nobody knows how they
dignity of women on the highest pedestal. Like the misguided suddenly became Hindutva votaries. Is Azad planning to
cow vigilantes, those who rape and murder a child in the name re-enter the arena in Jammu? The crime apart, the politics being
of religion should be dealt with harshly. The Congress in Jammu, played out in its name needs to be keenly watched. But it will be
with an eye on the votebank, also took a wishy-washy stance. As too late when the full inquiry reveals the real culprits. O
far as ensuring justice for Asifa is concerned, no religious con- (The writer was editor of Organiser, and is a member of the
siderations should stand in the way. “The daughters of Kathua BJP’s national committees on publications.)

46 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

changing gears
get a handle on a rouge dealer network
that makes the aftersales experience
a nightmare for its customers.
Kia and MG are investing thousands
of crores in the country – 7,000 and
2,000 respectively (with the promise
of another 3,000 crores from MG if all
goes according to plan) – so they’ll
undoubtedly be keen to see returns
sooner rather than later. But they first
need to work on getting all the pieces
of the puzzle right – quality, styling,
positioning, dealer network, aftersales
experience, etc. It would behove
them to take a long-term view of their
investment rather than expect quick
returns. After all, there are no second
chances in the Indian market. And,
seeing that this market’s importance
will only continue to grow in future,
getting the fundamentals right is
crucial for any new entrant.
MG has the benefit of a great deal
of India-market experience in its top
management, not to mention the deep
pockets of its Chinese parent, SAIC,
New entrants must recognise that the aspirations while Kia can learn much from the
success of its parent brand, Hyundai,
of the Indian customer are sky high. As an in India.
automaker, you discount that at your own risk… The most important thing that both
new entrants can do is recognise that
The Indian car market continues to grow – the erstwhile largest automaker in the aspirations of the Indian customer
and attract new automakers – with Kia the world, until the Renault-Nissan are sky high. As an automaker, you
and MG being the latest entrants – but Alliance added Mitsubishi to its fold discount that at your own risk…
it remains largely dominated by a single recently – has just a measly 1.5%
player. Despite an attempted onslaught share of the market.
by pretty much every global carmaker The question is, then, what can the
on the planet, Maruti-Suzuki still rules likes of Kia and MG really hope to
half the market – which is staggering achieve? Well, if they come in looking
when you consider that India is now the to compete on cost at the expense
fourth largest car market in the world. of quality – in the hope for volumes
Hyundai is the only other – they’re likely to befall a familiar
manufacturer to have a market share fate. But it’s not just cost cutting, or
of any significance – which is to say compromising on quality, because Dhruv Behl, Editor
in double digits. Mahindra (7.5%), VW has the highest product quality @dhruv_behl |
Tata (6%), Honda (5.5%), Toyota in many of the segments in which it
(4%) and Renault (3.5%) make up competes. It, on the other hand, has Connect with us:
small portions of the pie, while VW been handicapped by an inability to @autoX @autoXmag autoXmag autoXTV
industry news

Mg Motors lays down india plans

G Motor India has announced MD, as well as P Balendran, Executive introduce one new product to the
its aggressive business Director, MG Motor India, are former Indian market every year.
plans for the Indian market. GM executives. Adhering to the current demand for
The SAIC-owned company has The upgradation of the Halol plant SUVs and crossovers, MG has
committed to investing `2,000 crores includes the construction of a new decided to launch an SUV as its
in its first phase of development, and press shop and the modification of debut model in India. We reckon that
has envisioned investing as much as assembly lines and other facilities. the company would likely introduce
`5,000 crores total in the country over MG Motor India has also initiated the ZS (pictured above), a small SUV
a span of the next six years if all goes talks with various suppliers to set up that debuted in 2017. The ZS is a
according to plan. SAIC (Shanghai a vendor park around Halol to aid its Hyundai Creta sized car, which is the
Automotive Industry Corporation), effort of achieving high levels of first model in MG’s global line up to
meanwhile, manufactured 7 million localisation. Chaba announced that incorporate the company’s new
vehicles last year, with a total turnover they plan to have 80% localisation design philosophy. In the UK, this car
over $110 billion. right from the get go. starts at £12,495 (~`11.40 lakh).
In July 2017, MG Motor announced MG Motor India claims to have For the uninitiated, MG (Morris
that it would be entering the Indian already recruited more than 150 Garages) is a British automotive
automobile market by 2019. Then, in people in the last five months, and marque that was originally established
September, the company inaugurated further aims to expand its workforce in 1924. The name MG was once
its manufacturing facility in Halol, to around 1,000 by the end of 2018. synonymous with roadsters, and was
Gujarat. The Halol plant is GM India’s Furthermore, MG also plans to set up a big part of popular culture right from
former plant, which ceased operations as many as 300 customer touch- World War II up to the 70s. However,
after GM decided to abruptly pull the points over the next few years. after an aftermath of prolonged
plug on sales in India. GM still MG Motor has also announced that losses, the company went bankrupt in
operates its Talegaon plant in its first vehicle in India will be 2005 and was re-established as MG
Maharashtra, from where it exports launched ahead of schedule within Motor in 2006 by China-based SAIC
vehicles to other markets. Interestingly, the first three months of 2019. Going – which has global aspirations for the
both Rajeev Chaba, President and forward, the company plans to brand once again.
& hoW do They compaRe?
Kia made a big splash at the recently concluded Auto Expo
and truly whet our appetite for the shape of things to come.
But what’s coming when, and how does it compare?
Here’s a closer look at what to expect.
words: Dhruv Behl // photography: Kapil vashist & ishan raghava

efore we begin this 16 global models at the recently greenfield manufacturing facility that will
feature, and attempt to concluded auto expo – which got a lot have the capacity to produce 300,000
describe what it is, first, of people very excited about the brand’s vehicles. a subsequent announcement
what it isn’t – this isn’t a entry into India (albeit a bit late in the has pledged an additional 100,000 units
comparison between two day)! in future, along with a promised total
Kias and a handful of machines The star of their showcase at the investment of $2 billion by 2021. at
already on the market. expo – along with the beautiful and present, construction is proceeding at a
To begin with, these two Kias – the svelte Stinger sports sedan – was, of frenzied pace and the plant is running
Rio hatchback and the Sportage SUV course, the global debut of the Sp one month ahead of schedule. Kia
– haven’t even been launched in the concept SUV. certainly took its time to get here, but it
market. In fact, as yet, we don’t even appears that they’re preparing
know if these two models will eventually here’s what we know already themselves to well and truly take the
be launched. We’ll get into the details in Kia signed an moU with the andhra fight to the market.
the following pages, suffice to say that pradesh government in april 2017 to The beautiful, and futuristic, Sp
Kia made a big splash by showcasing invest $1.1 billion in a 536-acre Concept SUV will be the first machine
to roll off the assembly line in September
next year if all goes according to plan.

so, who is Kia?

Kia is part of the hyundai motor Group
– now the fifth largest manufacturer in
the world. hyundai, of course, is a
company that we know very well in
this neck of the woods – as it’s grown
to become the largest passenger car
exporter and second largest
manufacturer in India. Kia, however,
is much less known – many even
think it’s an australian brand since it’s
been the lead sponsor for the
australian open tennis Grand Slam
since 2002.
Kia was founded in 1944 as a
manufacturer of bicycle parts in Korea.
It then went on to make motorcycles
and three-wheeled vehicles. In 1974, it
The reason we chose to feature the Sportage and the
Rio is because they’re Kia’s two best selling models
worldwide. In fact, the Sportage just celebrated a bit
of a milestone – five million cumulative sales since it
was first introduced in 1993.

launched South Korea’s first production more premium and refined, whereas the character of the two brands, here’s
car. In 1986, in partnership with Ford, Kia is more youthful and vibrant. The what Schreyer had to say, “hyundai is
Kia launched its first mass-market positioning for India, however, still more like the charismatic leader,
overseas model. By the late ‘90’s, isn’t clear. because it’s the mother company, and
however, the Asian financial crisis had Kia is more the youthful challenger. So,
taken a toll on the company, and, in how do i recognise a Kia? Kia is a bit more vibrant and hyundai is
1998, hyundai acquired a majority Well, through their distinctive “tiger- a bit more classic. hyundai has a more
stake in Kia. nose” grille of course! Kias are known sensuous form language. hyundai is
Today, hyundai owns a little over for their sharp and aggressive designs. more like a drop of water – so, if you
30% – making it the largest shareholder In fact, they’ve won over 50 major think of how nature forms a river stone.
in Kia. The two companies share R&d design awards over the past many In our design manifesto, Kia is a little
facilities, such as the 12,000-people years thanks to the leadership of peter more tech driven. Kia is more like a
strong Namyang centre a couple hours Schreyer. snow crystal, which is more of an
out of Seoul. peter Schreyer is one of the most architectural object. So,
respected car designers of our time – for Kia, we always stress on the
how closely related are hyundai best known for his design of the original simplicity of the straight line – something
and Kia cars? audi TT. he’s been the chief design that is very clean, clear and
To benefit from economies of scale, Officer at Kia since 2006, and has since architectural, whereas hyundai
hyundai and Kia share up to seven gone on to become president and chief is a bit more sensuous.”
platforms. however, they go to great Design Officer of the Hyundai Motor
lengths to ensure that not only do the Group as a whole. his move to Kia in What about Kia’s quality?
eventual models look different but 2006, after 25 years at the VW Group, a decade ago, Kia’s quality was well
also that they each have their own was considered quite a coup for the below the industry standard. Recently,
individual character. Internationally, Korean manufacturer. however, Kia ranked number one
hyundai is positioning itself as being When asked about the difference in (ahead of porsche in second place) in
When it comes matter. Keep in mind, though, that very much translated to the road. The
these Kia models are in their global steering has a slightly weightier feel and
to quality and spec and are likely to change when is certainly a lot sharper than the
features, Hyundai the cars are manufactured in India. equivalent Hyundai – so too are the
has upped the On the whole, though, quality levels brakes and the overall feel of both
are very high indeed – certainly higher machines. In the Rio, though, this
game in many of than the Baleno in the case of the Rio, comes at a heavy price. Its 205/45 R17
the segments in and even the Compass when Continental Conti Sport Contact tyres
which it operates compared with the Sportage. And if and firm suspension give it amazing
these quality levels are maintained, handling and road holding of course, but
– and we expect the expectation certainly is that Kia the resulting ride is a tad too firm for our
Kia to push will come command a slight premium. roads. Of course, the ride height and
the boundaries suspension will be tweaked dramatically
What about style? for the India-spec models – which, in
even further As Peter Schreyer says, Kia is more some ways, is a shame since it means
youthful and exuberant – and it shows. that the India-spec Kias will likely lose
the JD Power Initial Quality Survey – The “tiger-nose” grille is aggressive, this sharp edge to an extent. At present,
which was the first time in almost 30 while the other lines are taut and clean. the suspension set up feels very
years that a mainstream brand topped There are some additional niceties too, European – which is to say very driver-
the charts. Kia is also known for such as the four LED ‘ice cube’ fog lights centric. In fact, it has the same character
standing behind its machines with a on the Sportage. On the inside too, the that we came to love from the first
seven-year warranty – which, if retained Kias feel edgier than the two Hyundais. generation BMWs in India – before they
in India, would be a first and would be Both the i20 and the Tucson have two- became floaty and soft like they are
a great competitive advantage for the tone beige interiors (which the Indian now. In this instance, the Rio feels more
brand when it officially launches its cars market seems to love) that feel distinctly like the Baleno than the i20 – as the
next year. grown up and refined. Both Kias, Maruti is that little bit sharper and more
When it comes to quality and however, have all-black cabins that feel direct than the Hyundai, which is more
features, Hyundai has upped the much sportier than their brethren – and tuned towards comfort.
game in many of the segments in actually feel closer in character to the The Sportage too has a slightly
which it operates – and we expect Kia Maruti and Jeep. I especially like the heavier and more precise steering than
to push the boundaries even further. seats in the Sportage, as well as the flat- the Tucson, but, on the whole, it feels
The overall refinement and quality bottom steering wheel in this GT-Line very similar in character, especially
levels are very similar in both sets of trim. Where this duo of Kias aren’t quite since both cars share the same
machines – the Tucson and i20 from at the same level as the Hyundais with drivetrain – a punchy 2.0-litre turbo-
Hyundai and the Rio and Sportage which they share their underpinnings is diesel mated to a six-speed automatic
from Kia. Presumably, you’ve figured in their infotainment system. Both Kias transmission. Here, as well, though the
out by now that the Rio and i20, and have fairly basic systems, while the top- Sportage – fitted with 19-inch rims,
the Tucson and Sportage, share the of-the-line Hyundais have all moved to versus 18s on the Hyundai – feels that
same platforms. There are some large and slick touchscreens. little bit firmer and more rewarding to
added niceties in the Rio however. drive, while the Tucson feels just as
For instance, it has soft-touch door What about on the road? capable but more grown up and tuned
pads as opposed to the hard plastic Here’s where things start to get really towards comfort.
door trim pieces in the i20 – and all interesting – because that youthful and The Jeep, on the other hand, will be
the other cars in this segment for that exuberant, sporty even, character is far more capable than both off-road,
but isn’t quite as refined on the road
– especially when you consider the
diesel clatter that pervades the cabin
of the Compass versus the more
muted hum of the Korean machines.
Here again, though, the Tucson is
pricier than the fully-loaded Jeep –
and the expectation is that Kia will
position their cars at a slight premium
to the equivalent Hyundai models.
The Sportage has a
slightly heavier and
more precise steering
than the Tucson, but,
on the whole, it feels
very similar in
character – especially
since both cars share
the same drivetrain.
The Jeep, on the other
hand, will be far more
capable than both off-
road, but isn’t quite as
refined on the road.

Where this duo of Kias aren’t

quite at the same level as the
Hyundais with which they
share their underpinnings is in
their infotainment system. Both
Kias have fairly basic systems,
while the top-of-the-line
Hyundais have all moved to
large and slick touchscreens.
The Rio feels more like the Baleno than the i20 – as the
Maruti is that little bit sharper and more direct than the
Hyundai, which is more tuned towards comfort

Kia’s first model in India, come September

2019, will be a production car based on the
SP Concept SUV that made its global
debut at the Auto Expo. It’s based on the
Creta chassis and will likely get the same
drivetrains, which will put it right in the
heart of the still emerging SUV market.

Whereas, globally, Hyundai – as the be an option as well. The Sportage, cutting edge. While this new SUV is a
parent brand – is positioned at a meanwhile, seems the likelier choice, as global product, it’s been developed very
premium to Kia, this positioning may not SUVs are the flavour of the month and much with the Indian market in mind.
necessarily work in India – especially not as price sensitive as the hatchback The SP Concept should roll off the
initially, as Kia builds up the local content segment. Moreover, the Sportage got a assembly line in Andhra Pradesh in
of their cars. Take Mexico, for instance, very positive response at the expo. That September next year. One more model,
where the brand was launched in 2015 said, the Tucson hasn’t necessarily been at the very least, will also be launched
– in Mexico, Kia is perceived to be a met with as much of a favourable at the same time. A year later, following
relatively premium brand. reception as Hyundai would have liked. the launch of Hyundai’s sub-four-metre
In India too, this could sit well with But that could be because Hyundai is SUV, a Kia model built on the same
their slightly edgy and more youthful known as a small car manufacturer in platform will follow. At a minimum, two
brand image – not to mention excellent India, while Kia’s starting with a clean new models will be launched every year
quality levels – as they seek to build slate from an image standpoint. as Kia builds its dealership network to
volumes and grow the local content in That apart, we know for sure that Kia cover 120 cities by 2020.
their cars. will be launching another SUV – the SP Spending a few days with these
Concept, based on the Creta chassis machines in our conditions taught us a
So, when can I buy one? and with the same drivetrains, which will couple of things – it reinforced our belief
As we said before, at this stage, we don’t be right in the heart of the still emerging that Kias are stylish, fun and well built.
know if Kia will launch either the Rio or SUV market. Needless to say, it has genuinely whet
the Sportage in India. The Rio is now The SP Concept, we expect, will not our appetite as we wait for the rollout of
also available in sedan form, so that may only be stylish but also feature-rich and India-spec models next year.







Jignesh Bafna, Research Manager
Drshti Strategic Research Services Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, 205 Gokul Arcade ‘B’, Subhash Road, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai-400 057
Phone: +91(022) 4610 3500; +91 75066 55754
Emailed to: and


by Arushi Bedi

O an observer’s eye, the long lines
at the Ram Manohar Lohia Hos-
pital in Delhi every Friday seem
much of a piece with the usual
crowds to be found outside any
government medical institution.
But this is different. Friday is the day
most HIV-positive people registered
with the hospital come to collect their
antiretroviral therapy (ART) drugs for
the month. They blend into the crowd
with no distinction, waiting in line for
their turn like everybody else. The dis-
ease that distinguishes them from oth-
ers is often not mentioned, or is spoken
of in low whispers between patients

familiar with each other’s history. Most
don’t want it to be known that they are
HIV-positive or, worse, have one of the
most incurable and most stigmatised
diseases in the world, AIDS.

The way HIV/AIDS is viewed medica­
lly has changed miraculously in the last
three decades. Steady developments in
medicine, and timely introduction of such

medicines, mean that the disease is now
considered fairly manageable and not
much different from, say, diabetes. The
National AIDS Control Organisation’s
(NACO) programme, started in 1992, has
made strides in managing the disease by
providing treatment, testing facilities and
counselling. More than 60 per cent of all
India trims the annual increase of
HIV­positive individuals seek treatment HIV/AIDS cases by 57 per cent since
from government centres, bringing them
into a well­defined system that provides
2000. But social stigma lives on.
antiretroviral therapy (ART) to those aff­
ected. Although there are still about 21.17
lakh people living with the disease in
India, the number of new infections ann­ he would never find a wife. Neither par­
ually has gone down by 57 per cent since ent was brought in to be counselled about
2000. Yet, the associated social stigma has “Most campaigns the disease. Most people still attach a
shown no signs of abating—patients con­ carnal nature to HIV, believing that only
tinue to be ostracised even after all the said that having homosexuals and those who frequent sex
awareness campaigns. It’s telling that not workers get it. That’s the reason there is
a single person we spoke to for this story sex with people you so much secrecy surrounding the con­
wanted to be named or photographed. dition—most of those living with it don’t
Prayag, a 27­year­old HIV­positive man, were not married to even inform their family or friends.
lives alone in Delhi’s Sarai Kale Khan
area. He says he contracted HIV after caused AIDS. Most The main cause of this, according to
Lakshmi, an HIV/AIDS activist, is that
donating blood at a local hospital. While
Prayag did get the counselling required people aren’t even people don’t understand the spread of the
disease well. “Most anti­AIDS campaigns,
to initiate him into the HIV programme,
he did not dare tell his parents or relatives aware of what it even by the government during the initial
phase, said that having sex with people
that he had the disease. When he finally
summoned up the courage to do so last does to your body.” whom you were not married to caused
AIDS. A majority of people aren’t aware
year, his father stopped speaking to him, of other ways one can contract the dis­
and his mother was worried about how ease, or even of what it does to your body,”

56 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

Manish Yadav, 44
and Madhu, 40,
residents of a village in
Noida, have been living with
HIV since 2017. In January
2017, Madhu started feeling
unwell and lost over ten kilo­
grams in two months. After
going from hospital to hos­
pital, she was finally asked
to take the HIV test, which
came out positive. This led to
Manish being tested too, and
he also got a positive result.
Though neither of them
knows how they got the dis­
ease, they were referred to a
psychologist, who gave them
counselling and arranged for
them to get their medicines
at an ART centre. Manish
says that he picked up the
courage to tell his family only
about seven months ago.
To their relief, the relatives
took the news in good spirit.
Madhu says this is because of
the growing understanding of
the disease in their village.

Illustrations by SAJITH KUMAR

she says. Those who learn that they are time. “Had the counsellor not explained reduce instances of the disease in a more
HIV­positive usually assume they have things to me, I would probably have killed wholesale manner. These are groups
been handed a death warrant, despite the myself,” she tells Outlook. of people who are more likely to con­
disease being easily manageable today. Counsellors and support helpers have tract the disease, and primarily include
Sita, a 35­year­old living in Bombay, one of the toughest jobs in the HIV/AIDS sex workers, truckers, drug users and
felt exactly this way. She had been expe­ circuit. Vinod Mehra, a support helper pregnant women who display high­risk
riencing weakness and weight loss for a working with the Delhi Network for Pos­ behaviour. According to Dr R.S. Gupta,
few months before her mother pushed itive People (DNP+), an NGO, ensures deputy director­general, NACO, this
her to get herself checked. They discov­ that people get their ART on time from form of targeted intervention is useful
ered that Sita, whose husband had left government dispensaries, often accom­ for disseminating knowledge as well as
her a few months ago and eloped with panies them to the hospital, and provides for tracking the progress of those regis­
another woman, was HIV­positive. The counselling to the patients and families. tered as HIV­positive. “This helps us not
stories Sita had heard about people with “It is a tough job, but I know that I’m only provide proper medical care to the
AIDS from her village were all so dire probably the only person these patients patients, but also to ensure that they are
that she was certain she was going to die trust,” he says, adding that he is often one taking the precautions necessary to avoid
soon. She was then taken to a counselling of the few people who know that a patient the further spread of the disease,” he says.
centre, and it took days for the counsel­ is living with the condition. Such targeted intervention has shown
lor to explain to her that the disease was NACO’s whole programme is designed results. Take sex workers, for instance.
manageable if only she took her drugs on so as to look at entire target groups to Many find that red­light areas are no

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 57


Rajini and
a couple living in Delhi,
found out they had HIV in
2010, after Kuljeet fell ill with
tuberculosis and had to be
given about 14 kg of oxygen
at the government hospital
close to their house. Both say
they knew little about HIV,
but the more they learnt, the
more scared they grew to
confront family and friends.
They have two children aged
14 and 16, both unaware that
their parents are HIV­pos­
itive. The only person who
knows is their counsellor.
They have no intention of
telling their family or friends
as they fear being ostracised.
Every time they have to go
to the hospital because of
a complication, they must
make excuses. Rajini, who
runs a parlour from home,
says business isn’t going well,
as she often doesn’t have the
energy to work.

longer high­risk zones for the spread of ker community remain incomplete, and
the disease. “The counselling and inter­ that they remain a target group for gov­
vention for the disease in this area has ernment interventions.
been the highest since the beginning of Counselling and But there has been far less progress
the programme,” says a ground­level when it comes to groups not considered
worker in Delhi. “Sex workers, we have intervention have high­risk, such as housewives or workers
observed, are far more likely to take rep­ in other sectors. “No work is being done
eated tests and the precautions necessary reduced the spread in educating housewives or those who
to not contract the disease because of the have only one sexual partner,” says Anjali
nature of their jobs. This is why we see of HIV among sex Gopalan, founder and executive director
one of the fewest numbers of new cases
of both adults and children born with workers, but of Naz Foundation, an NGO. “This means
that every time a married woman con­
HIV in such areas,” he says. Lakshmi
points to another reason: “Women talk “no work is being tracts the disease, she is left wondering
how she got it, without any knowledge on
very openly and are not afraid of sharing
their stories and problems. They become done in educating how to live with it. Children and women
are completely left out from the discourse
more tight­lipped in situations where rel­
atives are involved, because of the fear of housewives.” on AIDS in the country,” she says.
The distribution and access to antiret­
being judged,” she says. Gupta, however, roviral therapy is also often fraught with
says that outreach efforts in the sex wor­ problems. More than 90 per cent of all

58 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

too, acknowledges this as a grave problem
in providing the required care. “There
have been instances where government
dispensaries have faced stock­outs. This
is because of the lack of coordination bet­
Maya, 40, ween ART centres and stockers at about Kapil, 25,
a housemaid from Cha­ 20 per cent of the centres,” he says. He a motor mechanic, has
ndigarh, found that she had adds that the government is looking to already seen a lot in life. He
the disease eight years ago. address this problem through the instal­ was diagnosed with HIV after
She knew that she had got lation of real­time monitoring systems his newborn child died of
it from her then­husband. in every ART centre, but some problems the disease at the age of two
“I was so angry with him remain. “About 20 per cent of the centres months. This was after his
for putting me through this are still not linked to the live tracking wife had already had two mis­
that I decided to leave him systems. We are trying to put in the infra­ carriages—probably because
and start a life of my own,” structure but it takes time,” he says. of the disease. Both husband
she says. She is now married But what most patients are looking for and wife were tested in the
again, but is scared to have is a permanent fix. When Outlook spoke hospital after their child
children because she doesn’t to some of the people living with HIV, the passed away, and it was found
want them to have to live common query was: “When will there be that both were HIV­positive.
with the same disease. She a cure?” The answer for that is far more Kapil had to tell his parents
has managed to keep her complicated, say scientists and research­ and family about the disease,
condition a secret from her ers. AIDS is still a comparatively new but they have disowned him.
new in­laws, and says that disease and has been around for only 35 He does not know how he
telling her husband about years. “Even for diseases such as polio and contracted the disease and is
the disease was one of her smallpox, it took more than a hundred fighting it all alone.
most traumatic experien­ years to find a cure,” says a researcher.
ces. However, her husband The Delhi­based International AIDS Vac­
is supportive and helps her cine Initiative (IAVI) works specifically
with the medicine. on developing a cure for the disease, along
with finding a way to immunise people
against it. A recent international study
by IAVI titled ‘Protocol G’ found that cer­
tain people in high­risk populations, who
were exposed to HIV, seemed immune to (All names changed)
HIV patients seek treatment in govern­ the virus. The study found that this was
ment facilities, making constant access because they possessed antibodies which that could work on a broader spectrum
to drugs one of the biggest factors. There could resist the virus naturally. “This for people,” says a representative of IAVI,
are currently 530 government ART cen­ means that we can hone such antibodies adding that the research has taken us a
tres and 1,000 link ART centres in the and use them to develop immunisation step closer to developing a vaccine for
country that supply medicine for free HIV in the near future.
to people living with HIV/AIDS. Such A complete cure, though, still seems a
centres provide easy access for patients distant prospect, as the AIDS virus is ext­
to get their medicine, but often suffer remely robust and attacks the body by
from supply chain management issues— ART centres still destroying already present antibodies,
resulting in many patients not receiving while creating antibodies of its own. “In
their drugs on time. Pual Lhungdim, one face supply issues. the pursuit for an HIV vaccine, research­
of the founders of DNP+, and himself an ers have been able to identify broadly
AIDS survivor, is looking to fight this par­ When Delhi centres neutralising antibodies that are effective
ticular issue. “The nature of ART is such against a wide range of HIV strains. This
that, if a patient misses even a few doses, ran out of stock in development has sparked off the search
the risk of developing resistance to the
medicine is very high,” he says. 2013, it took an for similar antibodies in other disease
areas, in addition to ongoing research
According to Lhungdim, there have
been several instances in the recent past 11-day protest for efforts to design antibody­based prod­
ucts that are affordable, effective and
where the government failed to ensure a
constant supply of ART drugs. He rem­ the drugs to be user­friendly,” says Dr Rajat Goyal, the
country director of IAVI. Even if no cure
embers an incident in 2013 when the
Delhi centres ran out of stock. “We had to made available. can be expected soon, prevention is pos­
sible. But above all, awareness is the key.
stage a protest for 11 days till the medicines We just have to stop blaming the patient
were made available,” he recalls. Gupta, for contracting HIV/AIDS. O

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 59


‘World No. 1 no big deal, only performance matters’


Passing Shot At The

by Qaiser Mohammad Ali

OUR years ago, Srikanth Nammal-
war Kidambi was in the ICU of a
Hyderabad hospital when he col-
lapsed in the bathroom after a
strenuous training session. At the
end of that dreaded July in 2014, Srikanth climbs atop the badminton heap. True grit bears fruit.
when he was diagnosed with meningitis,
he was ranked world No. 29. Today he is to Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia (world No. 1 ished a creditable third in the CWG
the world’s No. 1 badminton player. from 2008-12), but not before wresting medal standings with 66 medals—26
Could anything at all have foretold this the first game. Between the two events, gold, 20 silver and 20 bronze, behind
total inversion of fate? Yes, Srikanth’s the Badminton World Federation (BWF) hosts Australia (80 gold) and England
incredible work ethic and willingness announced their latest rankings, charting (45 gold). It was a shade better than the
to push himself to the very limits. If Srikanth’s climb to the summit, replacing 2014 CWG in Glasgow, where it had won
rankings could tell tales, Srikanth’s Denmark’s Viktor Axelsen. It was three 64 medals, including 15 gold.
would speak of unrelieved toil. years since Saina Nehwal had reached the Though India has dominated some
At the just-concluded Commonwealth pinnacle in the women’s category in April team sports like cricket and hockey,
Games (CWG) in Gold Coast, 25-year-old 2015. Currently, P.V. Sindhu is ranked No. there have been only a few instances
Srikanth played a key role in providing 3 and Saina, who was laid low by a knee when Indians have reached the peak,
India a confident platform by helping it injury last year, is 12th. with consistent world-class perfor-
win the mixed team gold. Later, the top Thanks to the six medals, including mances in individual competitions. The
seed reached the singles final too. He lost two golds the shuttlers won, India fin- exceptions are chess wizard Viswana-

60 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

After helping India win the mixed team But he surprised all by his sudden aggres- What is your next big target? Two of the
badminton gold and wining individual silver sion from the second game onwards. Were big events this year are the World
at the Commonwealth Games, world No. 1 you surprised? Championships and the Asian Games, nei-
Kidambi Srikanth has tougher challenges He definitely started to play really well ther of which you have won yet.
ahead this year. He spoke to Qaiser [from the second game]. But if you are play- There’s a lot of time left for the World
Mohammad Ali on a variety of issues in ing against someone with that much experi- Championships [July 30-Aug 5] and the
an exclusive interview. Excerpts: ence, you have to be ready for everything. Asian Games [Aug 18-Sept 2]. I’m playing
Sometimes, things change suddenly. It is many tournaments before those two
Has the feeling of becoming world No. 1 important to learn from your mistakes and events. I’m focused on doing well in the
sunk in? come back stronger. next few tournaments. I definitely want to
I am definitely happy. But world No. 1 is not do well in those two big tournaments, but
a big deal. I’m not really thinking too much But were you ready for what Chong Wei am not directly thinking about them.
about the ranking. For me, it’s more about presented in the second and the third
performance. games? Professional badminton players travel con-
Definitely, yes. You’ve to be ready, but stantly around the world for tournaments.
What does the world No. 1 ranking mean to things do change suddenly. You’ve got to be Are you comfortable with your schedule for
you? ready because that’s the only way to tackle this year?
I really want to go deep into every tourna- it. Everyone will have his own strategies, This year has become tougher, the schedule
ment, reach semi-finals or finals, or maybe and whoever plays better will win. That day, tighter. There is not much time to sit back
win them, consistently play at my best and he played a little better than me and won. and relax. I want to focus on each event and
give my 100 per cent. don’t want to play too many Grand Prix Gold
You’ve not beaten Chong Wei in ranking events. I want to do well in the SuperSeries
What happened in the singles final against tournaments in four meetings. Does the events, and then tournaments like the
Lee Chong Wei? You won the first game 21- head-to-head history come into play when World Championships, the CWG and the
19, but from the second game the match you face a rival? Asian Games. I want to pick and choose to
changed and Chong won 21-14, 21-14. It might be there but once you get on to the keep my body fit for the big events. I really
I made a few simple mistakes and I gave a court it is a new day, a new match—who- don’t want to play too many big tourna-
few easy points, something which I had ever plays well will win. There might be ments before a big event end up with an
avoided against him in the mixed team final. things people talk about. But when you go injury or something.
I should have avoided those. He played with out it’s the 60 or 70 minutes of badminton
a lot of maturity. Of course, he had the that you play that matters. When would you start preparation for the
experience to pull things back. 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games?
So, what is your plan now? I want to think about it after I qualify for
But were you focused in the second game? I don’t have too much time to rest. I am that tournament. It is about two years from
I don’t know. I did not feel the difference. I leaving this Saturday [April 21] for the Asia now, so it is a long time away. O
was focused throughout. Championships [April 24-29, in Wuhan,
China] and then the Thomas Cup Read the full text of the interview
Chong Wei, at 35, is 10 years older to you. [May 20-27].

and Sai Praneeth B. at the 15th position. have gone on to the top level, right from
Last November, Srikanth had become the 1950s. Nandu Natekar and Dinesh
world No. 2, inching further up from the Khanna, and then Prakash Padukone
No. 4 spot. His climb to the No. 1 spot on won the All England in 1981. But in the
April 12 was achieved on the foundation last 10 years, many good players have
of some fine achievements last year, come along. Saina became No. 1, Jwala
when he won four major titles—the Gutta and Ashwani Ponappa, Prannoy
Doggedness will keep him there. most by any player in 2017. In the recent H.S., Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, and
past, only Chong Wei has done better— Chirag Chandrashekhar Shetty—all are
than Anand; ace shuttlers Prakash winning five titles each in 2015 and 2016. playing at the highest level [with dis-
Padukone and Saina; Leander Paes and “This is very special. Indian badminton tinction],” former national champion U.
Mahesh Bhupathi in doubles and Sania has a good history and some players Vimal Kumar tells Outlook.
Mirza (with Martina Hingis) in wom- However, no one beats Srikanth in
en’s doubles tennis; archer Deepika single-minded devotion and hard work.
Kumari; and shooters Jitu Rai, Ronjan The All England, World Slightly built, he is a naturally gifted
Singh Sodhi and Heena Sidhu. player. The right-hander has a rich vari-
Indian women, like Saina, who won
Championships, Asiad ety of strokes, including a powerful
the CWG gold beating the 2016 Olympic and Olympics crowns smash—often delivered from the back of
silver medallist Sindhu, have been per- the court, and containing a dizzying
forming consistently. And there are still elude Srikanth. Plus, variety of guile and craftiness itself—and
now three Indians in the top 15 ranking he has to be motivated deceives his opponents with clever
chart in men’s badminton. Besides manoeuverings. He is one of the most
leader Srikanth, Prannoy H.S. is at 11th and fight monotony. attacking players in the world, and

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 61


prowls the court with lightning speed. Asian Games. He would be desperately [both in 2015]. This year, Srikanth can
His net play, too, is mesmerising. Earlier, keen to add these to his silverware to be look at winning the Asian Games and the
when he used to falter while attacking, regarded as one of the greats. His best at World Championships, which is a good
cracks would appear in his game. Now the Olympics was reaching the quar- possibility. I feel he has a good chance
he plays long rallies and keeps the shut- ter-finals in 2016 in Rio. Srikanth him- there. If he wins those big ones, he can
tle in play when the going is tough. self realises that he has to overcome become one of the all-time greats,” says
That’s a giant leap in tactical range. these last hurdles standing before him Vimal Kumar.
in his remarkable journey. “I am very Arvind Bhat, a two-time national sin-

RIKANTH’S journey to the top of a happy to become world No. 1, but I want gles champion, says Srikanth will have
world sport has its origins in obscu- to be more consistent and perform well to make sacrifices to achieve his dream.
rity, and his path was strewn with in every tournament I play,” Srikanth “He would need perseverance. He’ll have
heavy odds. Born to a farmer father, told Outlook from Gold Coast. to keep his mind and body fresh. He’ll
K.V.S. Krishna and homemaker Radha have to work on his weaknesses to go on
in Ravulapalem, Andhra Pradesh, and win the titles that have eluded him
Srikanth’s elder brother Nanda Gopal so far, like the World Championships.
was a doubles player. Srikanth also began But I see him winning these titles by
as a doubles player, before shifting his 2020,” predicts Bhat optimistically.
focus onto singles. After becoming No. 1, Srikanth has
Soon, Srikanth caught the eye of former raised expectations, besides inspiring
All England champion Pullela Gopichand, youngsters to take to badminton. Along
the great coach who runs his celebrated with that there would be more distrac-
academy in Hyderabad, the nursery of tions—a torrent of adulation, with people
India’s world-class shuttlers. Srikanth vying for a piece of him. So, he will have to
joined up in 2009. Renowned coach be more fiercely focused and work harder
Bhaskar Babu distinctly remembers the than before to remain ahead of his rivals.
time he met Srikanth in 2010-11, when he Arif warns him of the crucial factor of
was conducting a national camp for core monotony. “A good player continuously
group players in Hyderabad. “I used to keeps working and improving on any one
take his services, especially for sparring aspect of his game, physically. On the
with Saina Nehwal, the only player of PTI
technical side, since your opponents
world standard at the time. Srikanth had know your game as all matches are video-
a good attack and used to play a lot of “Strategically, Srikanth is recorded, you must have a weapon to
rallies. All that was very useful for Saina; surprise them. And there comes a time
her sparring with Srikanth particularly very good and so is his when monotony creeps in and that leads
improved her defence,” recalls Babu. net game. The backhand to downfall. He’ll have to guard against
Gopichand’s coach Syed Mohammed that,” says the Hyderabad-based coach.
Arif, too, has followed Srikanth’s career cross-court smash is Srikanth is determined and has rem-
closely. “In the last few years, he has arkable will-power in the face of chal-
beaten almost all top players. Speed is
deadly,” says coach Syed lenges, as he has exhibited. After he was
his biggest asset and he is very agile on Mohammed Arif. laid low by meningitis in 2014, he not
his legs; his movements are brisk. only recovered from the illness in a
Strategically, he’s very good and so is his couple of weeks, but within four
net game. The backhand cross-court The first, big obstacle course before months did the unthinkable. He
smash against his right-handed oppo- Srikanth is the World Championships, to stunned China’s redoubtable Lin
nent is deadly,” points out the be held in July-August in Nanjing, China. Dan—a two-time Olympic champion,
Dronacharya Awardee coach. The All England is almost a year away and five-time world champion, and six-
The way Srikanth beat Chong Wei, the Olympics beckons in the distance: time All England winner—in the final of
currently world No. 7, in the CWG mixed 2020. But he will have a crack at the Asian China Open SuperSeries Premier to
team final—with consummate ease— Games in August-September in Jakarta become the first Indian to clinch the
was an achievement, as he was yet to and Palembang, Indonesia, where he will men’s title. “The illness changed me. I
beat the Malaysian in their four meet- face a tough challenge from the Chinese became more passionate than ever. I
ings in ranking tournaments. His 21-17, and Japanese shuttlers as well. For that, started training a lot harder,” Srikanth
21-14 win over Chong on April 9 will Srikanth will have to remain fit, maintain had said then. More than any time in
hopefully give Srikanth a mental edge form and remain fiercely focused. “When his career, his millions of fans would
over him in future encounters. you have a few of the big events, like All like to see the same kind of results from
Interestingly, Srikanth has become England and World Championships him. Improving his own track record
world No. 1 without winning the World under your belt, you will have a lot more and drawing amply from Gopichand’s
Championships—and the farthest he satisfaction. Even Saina got to world No. unparalleled technical nous, it will be
has reached is the quarter-finals of the 1, and then lost in the final of the All tough to dislodge Srikanth from his
All England, the Olympic Games and the England and World Championships new-found perch. O

62 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

Shri Jayakumar rawal
Parikrama around river Burai to
reSolve water criSiS in maharaShtra

INR 20 crores development funds for Burai river in

shindhkheda taluka says “Minister Shri Jayakumar Rawal”

hri Jayakumar Rawal, Hon’ble followed by a gathering on 15th April at
Tourism Minister of Gandhi Chowk in Shindhkheda. The flow
Maharashtra’s proposal for of the Burai river was affected due to
constructing thirty-three dams moderate rainfall last year which resulted
across river Burai to keep it flowing all- in the construction of the dams.
round the year has been sanctioned at an The inauguration ceremony was
estimated cost of INR 20 crores. Shri Rawal conducted in the presence of renowned
to complete the Parikrama of the river social workers Shri Chitram Powar ,
which commenced on 11th April is a Narendra Girase, Sanjeevani Sisode,
five-day activity and aims to eliminate Chandrakala Sisode, Nitin Gawande from
drinking water shortage. In the entire 54 Shirpur village, Ganesh Missal from Dhulia
kilometre stretch along the river 34 village , Sandeep Bhosle Sakri Tehsildar,
interconnected dams will be constructed Sudam Mahajan Shindhkheda Tehsildar,
in which water will be accumulated Rohidas Varude Apar tehsildar, Agricultural
resulting in constant flow of water Officer Chandra Shekhar Sathe,
throughout the year. Police Superintendent M Ramkumar,
The foundation of the first dam among Dhulia sub divisional police officer Sachin
the 34 dams was held on Wednesday, hire and other villagers along with BJP
11th April in Dusane village, Sakri district. volunteers.
During the Parikrama, Shri Rawal will talk The state government has given
to the inhabitants of villages of Balsane, priority to the development of drought
Satmane, Rewadi, Devi, Shevade, Amrale, prone areas. Minister Rawal said at this
Gangeshwar temple, Chimthane, time that he is now working similarly,
Nishane, Mhalpur, Babhulde, Dakhede,A around 6,000 acres of area which will be
alne,Chirne,kadane, Parsamal, Kumrej, covered under irrigation. This will help in
Shindhkheda, Patan, Sulvade and Varsus improving the livelihood of the farmers.
Keen on leading his party to a fourth consecutive term, the Madhya Pradesh Chief
Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, is relying on his stellar performance.

By Rajesh Sirothia from Bhopal

ver the next almost two
years, Madhya Pradesh will
be immersed in poll fever.
The chief minister Shivraj
Singh Chouhan is bracing
to perform a hat-trick of victory under his
leadership and wants to win the credit for
BJP’s fourth win in a row. The state will go
to assembly elections in November this year
and political activities in both the BJP and
the Congress have started hotting up. The
electoral contest is bound to an interesting
one. The Congress is convinced that in
the absence of a third force, it alone is in
a position to get advantage of the anti-
incumbency against the ruling BJP. Reason:
The state’s politics has been bipolar for the
past at least 25 years. The BJP knows that
things are not easy for it and it has already
prepared a game plan for victory and is
implementing it in right earnest.
The fact is that the November elections
will be the biggest test of Chouhan’s political
career. He will have to battle against a
mountain of odds. Of the 15-year rule of the
BJP in the state, Chouhan has been at the
helm for 13. Clearly, he will have to contend
with the anti-incumbency factor. Moreover,
due to the Modi Government’s economic
policies, the state government will have to
face double anti-incumbency. But if the BJP
is still hopeful of retaining Madhya Pradesh,
it is because the chief minister Chouhan
is far from being dejected. In fact, he is
brimming with self-confidence. He says,
“A long stint in the government is bound
to generate discontent on many fronts. department was abolished and instead, the pay commission scales. However, when
But I have my hands on the pulse of the urban civic bodies and district panchayats that was done, the Adhyapaks discovered
people. I never behaved like a ruler. As the were asked to recruit Shiksha Karmis that their take-home had shrunk and
chief minister, I always considered myself a (teacher workers) to man the government moreover, deductions started being made
servant of the people. I have complete faith schools. After coming to power, the BJP from their salaries. In view of the growing
in the people of the state”. government ended the “Karmi culture” anger among the Adhyapaks, Chouhan
As for the reality of Chouhan’s claims, and gave the Shiksha Karmis the status of not only got the anomalies in the sixth pay
looking at the popular mood, he has taken Adhyapaks. A respectable enhancement commission scales removed but decided
a string of populist decisions. Among the was also made in their remuneration. But to revive the cadre of school teachers -
government servants, the two lakh-odd despite its promise of equal-pay-for-equal disbanded during the Digvijay rule - and
Adhyapaks were the most discontented. work, the BJP government could not fill merge the services of the Adhyapaks
During the regime of Digvijay Singh, the the chasm between the regular teachers and with it. Shivraj knows very well that the
cadre of teachers in the school education the Adhyapaks. During the run-up to the personnel manning the lower posts in the
last elections, they were promised the sixth government machinery play a key role


in the election process and can make or There is little doubt that farmers are in workers in the unorganised sectors. The
mar the chances of a political party. Not dire straits in the state. The government government is getting them registered and
only Adhyapaks, he also tried to fulfil the has been unable to come up to the is making arrangements for direct transfer
demands of the poorly-paid Aaganwadi expectations of the agrarian community of benefits into their bank accounts. To win
workers, Patwaris and the field staff of the – even more so because it expected that over the youth and the students, the Shivraj
health department working in the rural with ‘Kisan Putra’ Shivraj at its helm, Government has come out with a bouquet
areas. Anger against the government was the BJP Government would take steps of special schemes and programmes.
brewing among the farmers and those to end its distress. Obviously, higher the Even before he became the chief minister,
associated with the farm section in the expectations; more the discontent. Shivraj Chouhan was sensitive to the needs of the
state. The Shivraj Government took more knows this pretty well. He wants that when girls and the women. After taking over the
than two dozen pro-farmer decisions to the farmers set out to vote, they should be reins of the government, he has ensured
douse their anger, besides holding farmers’ convinced that the BJP would serve their that his concern for them gets translated
conventions in all districts to make sure interests better than the Congress. Besides into schemes for their wellbeing. To sum
that the decisions were implemented at the farmers, the chief minister has also taken up, Shivraj and his government wants to
ground level. a string of decisions in the interest of the project its human face to garner votes.

gap) and has served as a union minister,
the people would not accept him as the

chief minister. As for Scindia, Diggi
would not allow him to assume the top
post under any circumstances.

It may be
dept in the art of scoring self before casting their mentioned here
goals, the moves the Congress vote, they want to that despite his
party makes over the next few know who the next best efforts and his
months may prove decisive for it. Prime Minister of steamroller majority
Despite conditions being unfavourable chief minister would of 416 MPs, Rajiv
for the BJP, the Congress is not confident be. Scindia knows that Gandhi could not
of its victory. And the key reason is that if he is not projected succeed in installing
it is a house divided against itself. Its as the chief minister, Madhavarao Scindia
satraps cannot reach to a consensus on even if the party wins, as the chief minister
any issue. The Congress is neither able to the powerful leaders in place of Arjun
present itself as an alternative to the BJP of the party would Singh and had to
nor is it telling the people how and why not allow him to settle for Motilal Vora
it would provide a better government head the government. as the compromise
than the BJP and, if voted to power, His biggest rival candidate. Clearly,
how it would make the life of the people is Digvijay Singh. it would be futile to
better. After completing his expect Rahul Gandhi
The fact is that the smell of victory Narmada Parikrama, to succeed where
has triggered an internal battle in he has tried to throw a Rajiv Gandhi could
the Congress on who would head its wet blanket on the aspirations of Scindia not. Ajay Singh, the leader of opposition
government. It is hardly focussing on by saying that if Kamal Nath is projected and son of Arjun Singh, and state
evolving a winning strategy for the polls. as the chief minister, he would work for Congress President Arun Yadav have
One faction of the party insists that the party’s victory. He has also hinted been trying to weaken Scindia’s claim
if the party intends to win the polls, it that he would like to lead the party’s poll by repeatedly asserting that projecting
will have to pit a face against Shivraj. effort in the state on the condition that a chief ministerial face is against the
Jyotiraditya Scindia’s is undoubtedly the he would not become the chief minister. tradition of the Congress. The party
brightest and the most attractive face However, those who understand high command is in acute dilemma.
in the Congress – a face that may draw Diggi Raja’s politics know very well Meanwhile, Deepak Bavaria, appointed
youths into the party’s camp. Scindia that whether the elections are fought as the in-charge of the state elections by
has himself clearly said that it would under the leadership of Kamal Nath or the top leadership, has himself become a
be unwise to enter the electoral arena anyone else, it will be Diggi who will problem. If thing continue like this, the
without projecting a chief ministerial be the next chief minister. They know Congress’s dilemma may become the
candidate. There is merit in his argument that even though Kamal Nath has been people’s dilemma and that would make
because of late, the people of the country representing Chinndwara in the Lok the rather difficult path to victory, much
not only chose their governments but Sabha since 1980 (barring a three-year easier for the BJP.

Tiger Tiger,
by Giridhar Jha outstanding cash counter figures
of a movie that starred a rela-

OMEONE keeping a tab tively new actor. We normally
on mainstream Hindi expect such a humongous figure
cinema in the early nine­ only from the big-budget movies
ties may recall how Sub­ of a megastar such as Salman

hash Ghai, Bollywood’s Khan who has had a loyal fan-fol-
erstwhile showman and lowing over the years.”
hitmaker, had ‘signed’ actor Mohan, the editor of trade
Jackie Shroff’s then toddler son journal Complete Cinema, says
for one of his future ventures. considering the fact that Baaghi

At that time, he is learnt to have 2 had carried excellent pre-rel-
famously announced that in ease reports and that its prequel
the years to come, he would also turned out to be a decent hit,
launch Tiger Shroff as the lead­ it was expected to do a business
ing man just the way he had int­ of Rs 10-12 crore on the first day,
roduced his father in Hero but it surpassed all expectations
(1983). Given Ghai’s standing at by grossing Rs 25 crore. “Tiger
the time, the announcement Tiger Shroff breaks the Box has certainly proved all of us
was almost like stardom insur­ Office as a ‘dance­action’ star wrong with his box-office pull
ance for Jackie’s kid. after the below-par performance
With time though, Ghai lost his of his last two outings, The Flying
Midas touch. By the time Tiger came of throughout the movie. This phenome- Jatt (2016) and Munna Michael (2017)” .
age, Ghai was well past his prime. But a non has eluded other contemporary According to Mohan, this once again
younger filmmaker stepped in. It was actors, with the notable exception of the underlines the fact that a well-made
Sajid Nadiadwala who launched Tiger Khan triumvirate, in recent years. masala movie can never go out of fash-
five years back with Heropanti. The success of Baaghi 2 has left both ion. “If an action menu is served with
Still, going by the phenomenal success film industry insiders and trade experts the right ingredients, the audiences will
of Tiger’s recent film, which saw the awestruck, what with a collection of flock to the theatres to savour its taste,”
28-year-old actor emerge as a box-office more than Rs 25 crore on the very first he says. “A well-made action movie is
powerhouse, Ghai can be credited for day of its release on March 30—an what attracts the audiences, regardless
being clairvoyant enough to foresee a achievement only the Khans (and, of of prevailing trends.”
bright future for Jackie’s son long before course, Baahubali) have been able to Tiger’s action movies have always seen
he finally faced the arc-lights. boast of in the past decade or so. “The success. “Heropanti, Baaghi and, now,
Today, Tiger is being hailed as India’s collections of Baaghi 2 have been abso- Baaghi 2 have turned out to be the hits
answer to Tony Jaa (the Thai action lutely incredible so far, to say the least,” only because of his action sequences. On
star) by none other than Akshay Kumar. says veteran trade expert Atul Mohan. the contrary, The Flying Jatt and Munna
Other big stars such as Hrithik Roshan “We were all initially flummoxed by the Michael had dismal runs because they
are already singing hosannas to the did not contain enough maar-dhaad
young actor’s prowess. All this has come sequences to keep Tiger’s fans on the
about in the wake of Tiger’s fifth film— edge of their seats.”
Baaghi 2—a sequel to his 2016 hit Baaghi. Many believe that Tiger’s ability to
Directed by Ahmed Khan, the film—an connect with young audiences, espe-
unadulterated action masala entertainer cially kids and teenagers, has consoli-
in a strictly Bollywood sense—has regis- dated his fan base. “Like Salman, he
tered mindboggling footfalls in theatres appears to have endeared himself to his
across the country since it released last loyal admirers,” Mohan contends.
month. The movie has since crossed the Baaghi 2 has already done double the
Rs 150 crore milestone in the domestic business of its prequel in just two weeks
circuit alone, putting the success of and is therefore being seen in the indus-
Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s controversial, try as a veritable catalyst for the revival
much-hyped Padmaavat in the shade. Subhash Ghai famously of action movies—a genre that seemed
Even though many critics do not find
Tiger’s histrionics worth writing home
announced in the nineties to be on the wane in the era of millenni-
als. In recent years, only a few action
about, the young actor has amassed a that, in the future, he movies, such as Tiger Zinda Hai (2017),
solid fan-following among the younger have actually passed muster with
generation of cine-goers, especially would launch Tiger just younger audiences who are now exposed
teenagers. Theatres across cities report the way he had launched
youngsters whistling wildly and cheer- RIPPED REPERTOIRE Tiger in a
ing lustily the new six-packed sensation his father in Hero (above). still from the superhit Baaghi 2

66 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018


SENIOR ROAR Salman Khan cackles

a machine gun in Tiger Zinda Hai

to high-quality, CGI-boosted action

extravaganzas from Hollywood and
other parts of the world. Even stars like
Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn, who
were once known as dependable action
heroes, have switched over to con-
tent-heavy social dramas these days
while Sunny Deol, who made a fortune
with his legendary dhaai kilo ke haath, is
well past his prime. It is only Salman
Khan, who can still deliver an occasional
action thriller. But then, at 52, he too is
no spring chicken, with the quick cuts
and slo-mos unable to hide the slowing
reflexes in fight scenes.

OLLYWOOD, in fact, desperately
needed a fresh action star, and Tiger
has arrived at the right time to fill
the slot. “The audience did not go to
theatres looking for a story in Baaghi 2, watching Newton, Bahubali and Baaghi and realistic cinema had relegated the
they just went to see Tiger pull off amaz- 2, all at the same time,” says Anupam. action flicks to the backseat.”
ing stunts and nothing else,” says film Film distributor Sanjay Sharma, on Sharma points out that no actor can
writer Vinod Anupam. “He truly the other hand, says that Tiger has currently match Tiger in action or dance
emerged as an action hero with this film.” donned the mantle of a ‘dancing-action’ scenes. “Hrithik is undoubtedly a ter-
The national award-winning writer star, a title no other actor has inherited rific dancer, but he cannot do action like
says Tiger created his own distinct since the fading of Mithun Chakraborty Tiger,” he says. “Similarly, Ranbir
identity with high-on-testosterone from the scene. “The last time I wit- Kapoor or Ranveer Singh are far better
stunt sequences over time. “Unlike nessed such craze in a theatre for a actors than him but they cannot do
some of the other star kids, Tiger does dancing-action star was when Mithun stunts the way Tiger does. That auto-
not carry the baggage of being a was in his prime with movies like Disco matically puts him in an altogether dif-
high-profile star kid. He has evolved on Dancer (1982),” says Sharma. “Until ferent position.”
his own, quietly making his own fans Tiger came along, no star could emulate Baaghi 2 had not received positive
who don’t care about his pedigree,” he Mithun’s feat in the past 25 years when reviews from critics after its release,
says. “His arrival is a bonanza for action Bollywood’s mushy musical romances unlike Blackmail, which carried exce-
movie lovers. When his fans go to see his llence reports. And yet, the Irrfan-star-
movie, they don’t expect him to be a rer dark comedy could collect only
replica of his father.” Rs 2.5 crore on the first day at the box off-
That appears to be true. Many star kids, ice, a tenth of what Tiger’s movie collec-
howsoever talented, failed to make it ted. In fact, such has been the impact of
over the years because they failed to the film’s commercial success that prod-
unburden themselves from the heft of ucers are more than eager to get Tiger to
huge expectations that the audiences sign on the dotted line, mostly for
had from them because of their pedigree. action-oriented movies. Not only this, if
In contrast, Tiger could grow out of the the industry grapevine is to be believed,
looming shadow of his father’s stardom even the script of his next release, Karan
effortlessly, thanks to his abilities to Johar’s Student of the Year 2, believed to
create an altogether different image of be a triangular love story starring Tiger
himself, primarily aided by his skills in “The last time I witnessed opposite newbies Ananya Pandey and
dance and action sequences—his father, Tara Sutaria, is being tweaked to make
despite his macho image, was always
such craze in a theatre for the most of his new-found popularity as
slightly awkward of body. a dancing-action star was an action star. Whether this is true or
Industry observers believe that not is immaterial, but it makes sharp
Baaghi 2’s success has once again emp- when Mithun was in his business sense, given the craze among
hasised the fact that there is always an prime,” says distributor Tiger’s action-loving admirers. Bottom
audience for all the different genres of line: Tiger definitely packs a punch at
Hindi cinema. “They (audiences) are Sanjay Sharma. the box office! O

68 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

theatre Shikhandi [

Starring: Meher Acharia-Dar, Mahnaz Damania, Vikrant Dhote, Karan Desai, Nikhil Murali, Srishti Srivastava. Writer-Director: Faezeh Jalali

In Between Epic And Eternity

HOSE familiar with the Mahabha­ past life is a vivid example. Amba (Shikhandi
rata in any of its forms will know in her past life) is kidnapped by Bhishma
that there are no easy answers to the along with her sisters to be married to his
questions raised by the multitude of brother. Amba has a lover and refuses to
characters in the innumerable sub­ marry, begging Bhishma to let her go. But she
plots mapping the epic. A swarm of is rejected by her lover, because she has been
ideas is also in battle at Kurukshetra. touched by another man—Bhishma. She
One character through whom the epic raises can’t get married to Bhishma either, because
difficult questions around gender is Shikha­ he has vowed celibacy. Even as she weeps,
ndi, a girl born to King Drupad (father of there’s a quick aside about whether marriage
Draupadi too), who raises her as a boy, tea­ is the only goal for a woman. The scenes with
ches her martial skills, even gets her married Lord Shiva, as he descends from the ceiling,
to another girl. Shikhandi grows up feeling are entertaining and effective. Draupadi too
traumatised and confused and even tries to has a delicious part—a feisty girl who would
kill herself for not having a penis. She then do anything to get rid of dance classes and
gets ‘manhood’ on loan from a Yaksha. How­ fights boys who bully Shikhandi.
ever, on the battlefield—by which time she is For the team, after getting a teacher to
both a man and a woman or neither—she teach Koodiyattam to the cast and travelling
confronts the invincible Bhishma, who drops to Udipi to learn Yakshagana and rehearsing
his weapon as he won’t fight a woman. That for several months, there were challenges
changes the course of the war. galore. “You don’t get space to rehearse at the
But that story is from thousands of years performance venue. So we realised that we
ago. Here in Mumbai, at the Experimental need to move faster in smaller spaces.
Theatre of NCPA, when Faezeh Jalali pre­ Knowing timing and the rhythm in the space
sents Shikhandi: The story of In-Betweens— where we are rehearsing as opposed to where
written and directed by her and researched we are performing is a challenge. Luckily at
and mulled over for almost a decade (she first the NCPA, we got to do tech rehearsals and
created it as a 20­minute, one­woman show we also got five show runs, which was great,”
in Berlin)—the story becomes a brisk, pinch­ says Jalali, who recently won a META award
ing satire about punishing times, then and for supporting acting in the play I don’t like it
now. The play, produced by Jalali’s company as you like it. “Also, because it is such an
FATS The Arts and NCPA, is back in Mumbai intensely physical form, there are worries
after travelling to different Indian cities. about injuries and the fitness of actors. But
The 90­minute, no­intermission play starts one remembers the ups.”
on a high note and takes the audience on a The strength of the play is in posing logical
fast­paced ride, starting with the battle scene questions as if there was no baggage of
of the Mahabharata. Jalali ambitiously mythology and religion attached to it, but
blends Koodiyattam, Kalaripayattu, Yaksha­ without ridiculing or over­simplifying and
gana, aerial rope skills and English verse to glossing over details. This play is very diff­
create a modern retelling of the myth of erent from the soul­stirring, existential quest
Jalali blends Shikhandi, while still keeping it rooted. The of Peter Brooks’ Mahabharata (a 1985 land­
Koodiyattam, actors don’t let her down—their energy and mark play to which a comparison for any play
timing for dance, dialogues and diction in in this domain is inevitable), but it stresses
Kalaripayattu, Marathi, Hindi and English lift the play sev­ more on the natural rights of human beings
Yakshagana, eral notches higher. Concepts of gender and to be what they are and how the assertion
aerial rope sexuality are discussed and stereotypes comes in direct conflict with societal rules; a
skills and shredded at every juncture, giving LGBTQ more relevant telling of the tale for our times.
English verse issues a strikingly ancient context. Not to mention the potential of the Maha­
Complicated sub­plots and back stories are bharata in drawing writers and directors to
to recreate explained rapidly in flashbacks and fast explore, unravel and discover the complexi­
the myth of movements, continuously interjected with a ties of human life for a long time to come. O
Shikhandi. modern, liberal take. The story of Shikhandi’s Prachi Pinglay-Plumber

**** Must See *** Good ** Average * Avoidable 30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 69
books Syeda Hameed
Born to be Hanged: Political Biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto | Rupa Publications | xxi + 264 pages | Rs 500

His Flaws Were Borrowed

Bhutto’s character traits, his late political life as PM, his controversial death...all that is brillianty lit in

by Vivek Katju Bhutto’s crowded, charged and short life, talks with Sardar Swaran Singh on
but did the fault lie in him or in his stars? Jammu and Kashmir. This was the only

N the introduction of her book, Bhutto’s political career falls into four time when India and Pakistan engaged
Syeda Hameed writes, “For twenty distinct parts: his induction to the in detailed discussions on the territorial
years I lived with a man I never Pakistan cabinet in 1958 when he was disposition of the state, but Hameed
met”. She repeats almost the same only thirty, to the split with his benefac­ omits any mention of this engagement.
sentence while finally summaris­ tor, Ayub Khan, in 1966; next came a Bhutto was one of the principal archi­
ing her assessment of Zulfikar Ali period of five years when he was incar­ tects of Pakistan’s failed 1965 war
Bhutto: “An extraordinary man who I cerated for some time, established the against India. Ironically, instead of
never met, but with whom I have lived Pakistan People’s Party and became being held responsible, he emerged as “a
for almost twenty years”. Clearly, West Pakistan’s popular mass leader; national hero”, partly because of his
Hameed has been awestruck by Bhu­ the third period saw Bhutto, after dramatic interventions in the United
tto. She worked on his political biog­ Pakistan’s decisive defeat in December Nations as foreign minister. These acted
raphy off and on for two decades; 1971, become Pakistan’s president and as a salve to the disappointments of the
hence, a full consideration of all fac­ later prime minister till, in July 1977, he Pakistani people, who were fed on a diet
ets of his complex political journey was overthrown in a military coup. The of great martial superiority. However,
could be legitimately expected. This last spell witnessed what Justice they had no impact on the national posi­
is sadly lacking, as is an examination Muneer told one of the convicting tions of member­states, who acted acc­
of some of Bhutto’s policies and act­ ording to their interests.
ions that particularly impacted India. Bhutto broke away from Ayub Khan
However, on offer are many int­ Hamid selectively focuses for ‘ignoring’ Kashmir at Tashkent. His
eresting aspects of Bhutto’s life and popularity soared because of his incar­
career which make Hameed’s work on Bhutto’s histrionics and ceration and his pro­poor and anti­India
worth reading. What adds interest how they swayed people. stance. In 1969, Ayub Khan had to quit
are the questions raised, although Ignored is his talks in ’63, as and Gen Yahya Khan took over. He held
tangentially, on the criterion to judge elections in 1970. The basic faultline of
great political leaders.
foreign minister, with India, Pakistan, between its East and West
Bhutto was the scion of a leading on Kashmir—the only time wings, now became decisive. Sheikh
Sindhi landed family. He inherited this has ever happened. Mujibur Rahman’s Awami League was
many of its feudal traits—fondness for in a position to form the federal govern­
the good life, supreme confidence, arro­ ment. Bhutto went along with the army
gance and disdain for opposing views. Supreme Court judges, “You have com­ to deny this. The army launched a geno­
But he also displayed qualities that went mitted judicial murder”. Zia­ul­Haq cide in March 1971. Bhutto’s role thr­
beyond the confines of his class—intel­ executed him in April 1979. ough this period, which witnessed the
lectual depth and vigour, powers of art­ Hameed steers selectively through break­up of Pakistan, is entirely dubious,
iculation, an ability to identify with and these four periods. She focuses on but Hameed ignores it.
therefore mobilise and sway the masses. Bhutto’s evolution as a political leader Pakistan’s decisive defeat in 1971 wit­
Their impact was eroded though by a and the development of his “political nessed Bhutto’s finest moment. Hameed
suspicious nature and vicious vengeful­ agenda based on Islamic faith, demo­ gives a fascinating account of the beh­
ness. Thus, many contradictions com­ cratic polity, socialist economy and ind­the­scene activity that led to Bhutto
bined in his varied personality, which confrontation with India”. Her interest becoming president after Dhaka had
took him to the pinnacle of power to give is on the ways he swept the masses of fallen to the Indian army. Bhutto’s
hope to a defeated country but which West Pakistan through his histrionics speeches to the UNSC were once again
also plunged him from the execution and oratory. While this is valuable in a balm to an enraged and disoriented
platform. Fascinated by the elements, gaining an understanding of Bhutto, it is populace. Now, with the army discred­
often at odds with themselves, in Bhutto at the cost of ignoring his association ited, he was the supreme leader of the
the man and politician, Hameed sees with some historically crucial events. country. He ruled Pakistan for almost
‘parallels’ in his life and Sophocles’s Almost his first assignment on becoming five years, till he was overthrown by his
Oedipus. True, there was much drama in foreign minister in 1963 was to hold own chosen army chief, Zia­ul­Haq, who

70 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

From The Epics
this biography, but it’s silent on his deleterious role in the 1971 crisis

was obsequious till he was subordinate

to Bhutto. His tragic end, which Hameed
focuses on admirably, should not pre­
vent an evaluation of the years of his
rule. Nor should his stoicism and refusal
to personally seek mercy when it bec­
ame increasingly clear that Zia, disrega­
rding mercy appeals from world leaders,
would execute him, prevent that.
As Hameed views Bhutto as a tragic
hero her emphasis is on how, when he
was at the pinnacle of his career, his flaws
and suspicions drove him to alienate and
often brutally humiliate his closest polit­
ical colleagues. She principally relies on
Mubashir Hasan, one of the founders of
the PPP and Bhutto’s finance minister till
he, like some others, resigned and left, to
relate the inner workings of the Bhutto
government. Hasan saw the process of
Bhutto relying more and more on the
intelligence agencies and the civilian
bureaucracy instead of colleagues. That
only insulates a leader from the people,
to his and the country’s detriment.

OR all this, Bhutto’s major contribu­ Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Dhaka, January 1971. They
tion to his country was to give it held talks to resolve the deepening crisis in East Pakistan, which went nowhere.
hope when it was in dark despair. He
had to regain Pakistan’s position in sympathy of the Islamic world (which own army and, increasingly, extreme
the world. He focused on negotiating Hameed emphasises through a long des­ religious groups; true democracy would
with India and building ties with the cription of the Second Islamic Summit, remain a distant dream.
larger Islamic world. Hameed asserts, held in Lahore in 1974) could transform In judging Bhutto, Hameed quotes
“The Simla Pact was a great victory for Pakistan as Bhutto wanted. Only true Hasan, “Try to understand the mind of a
Pakistan”. She states that Pakistan ent­ peace with India could, which he sovereign, a man in whose name a state
ered the negotiations as a defeated shunned. Indeed, as a democrat, he did acts. Don’t judge his actions as ethical or
country and made no “vital concessions” not realise that without peace with India, unethical. When you act for the state—
for the return of the POWs or territory. Pakistan would remain a prisoner of its you are the sovereign. There are no
This cannot be denied, but Bhutto’s ethics”. Earlier, she quotes Hasan on the
obsessive animosity towards and mis­ ‘sovereign mind’ thus: “Moral consider­
placed fear of India prevented him from Bhutto’s role in the Simla ations, personal and populist values
laying the foundations of peace and Agreement is undeniable, become secondary to the pursuit of
cooperation with a larger neighbour. In power and staying in power”. These
retrospect, this was not the act of a but his paranoia over India views pave the path to tyranny, megalo­
far­seeing statesman. stopped him from laying mania and disaster. They cannot bring
Neither Bhutto’s contribution to the the foundations of peace forth “the tallest political figure of Pak­
development of Pakistan’s nuclear weap­ istan, perhaps of South Asia and Islamic
ons programme (which Hameed does and left the door ajar for a world”. Hameed is simply wrong in so
not cover) nor the triumph of gaining the discredited army. evaluating Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. O

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 71


Force Beneath Those Moves

The woman below, shouldering the burden in this picture, is Namrata Purohit—nat­
ional­level squash player, footballer, certified scuba diver, author and now an entrepre­
neur who co­founded The Pilates Studio. If you marvel at Kareena and Malaika’s
flexibility in Bollywood dance numbers, it’s this lady who deserves much of the credit.

’Em Now!
She won the country four medals,
including four precious gold, impress­
ing everyone with talent, poise, heart and
indomitable comebacks.... An athlete often
needs props to egg her on—the cheering audi­
ence, a personal keepsake. Manika Batra, our one
undisputed star from the CWG, painted her nails
tricoloured as she chopped and placed and
smashed at will. To call her
‘hypernationalist’ again
shows up the stench
from the garbage that
is social media.

Rapper Kendrick Lamar became the first artist to win the Pulitzer prize for music from a non-classical
or jazz background. The 30-year-old’s album, titled Damn, had already earned him rave reviews and five
THIS TOO Grammys. The album is very political and addresses issues like Black empowerment and Trump.

72 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

All Hands Aboard
When two acclaimed dir­ Role Model
ectors of them India has a tiny toehold
turns actor for the other. on the hair­raising espio­
Such is what happened nage activities and special
when Iranian auteur Majid ops in WWII that kept
Majidi asked Goutam Hollywood well­supplied
Ghose for a favour and rec­ for 80 years through Noor
eived ‘yea’ for an answer. Inayat Khan, the fearless
For Majidi’s Beyond The SOE operative in
Clouds, the script for which Occupied France who
demanded he gets a ‘hag­ tricked the Gestapo for
gard’ look, Ghose deprived years, before being bet­
himself of sleep ruthlessly, rayed and caught, later
while also losing weight. perishing in Dachau. The
Indian heroine is to be
played in a biopic by
Radhika Apte.
Hope she does
justice to

Slurps From His Secret Potion
When you are making pots of money in China, it is expected of you to
humour them. For Aamir Khan, Dangal was only the start of a lucrative
friendship. Secret Superstar, which grossed Rs 63 crore in India, made a
mountainous Rs 800 crore across the Doklam plateau. Pleased as punch,
Aamir teamed up with actor Andy Lau in Hong Kong for a presser.

Memory Ke Peechhe
Rumours of their romantic goi­
ngs­on lie yellowing in old gossip
pages. But old tales never die, so
both Madhuri and Sanjay Dutt
were tarrying, in typically weird
Bollywood style, to admit that
they’re co­actors in a period drama
called Kalank. Great. Big deal!


“I’ll assure you it’s a personal thing. Let’s just leave it at that.” Dire Straits
bassist JOHN ILLSLEY refers to lead singer/guitarist Mark Knopf ler, who did
not attend the band’s induction into the rock- n- roll hall of fame in Cleveland.

30 April 2018 OUTLOOK 73

Much Water Has Flown have a span of 1,500 ft. The designers dec-
We mark the anniversaries of people, even ided on a balanced cantilever suspension
institutions, but seldom keep track of the age bridge: a 1,500-ft-long ropeway of steel,
of the magnificent structures surrounding slung on two towers rising about 300 ft
us, till one day, they begin to show signs of above the ground on either side. A mam-
distress, and a witch-hunt begins to identify moth 26,500 tonnes of steel work! The
a scapegoat! It was, therefore, a surprise 1,500 ft length has three parts. Two arms
when that warm invitation came from the of 470 ft each cantilevered from the tow-
engineering advisor to the Prime Minister AMITABHA ers—at a gentle slope of 1 in 40, to make it
of Bangladesh. It was the centenary of the GHOSHAL easy for bullock carts and manual carts
famed Hardinge Bridge (aka Sarah Bridge), (The author has engineered many bridges that made up the bulk of traffic—which in
across the lower Ganges. My association: I in India and abroad in a 60-year career.) turn support a central suspended girder of
was the engineer entrusted with repair of 560 ft. The arms have two short anchor
major damages inflicted on it during the 1971 war. An unusual spans, held down by massive concrete anchor blocks behind
assignment, it had called for innovative solutions, and urge- each tower. If you stand bang in the centre, you may not real-
ntly—the railway bridge was the lifeline of a newborn country ise you’re being held aloft in the air by anchors 1,000 ft away!
recovering from war. Now, we got a fabulous reception,
including a trip to the bridge by a special train. Judged against Make in India 1.0
the utter negligence the engineering community suffers in Stirrings against total domination by Britain too inflected this
our country, being honoured thus was a dream come true. essay in steel. The UK-based Cleveland Bridge, the selected
contractors, faced off against British-owned but Calcutta-
A Bridge Between Yesterday, Tomorrow based structural fabrication companies, which insisted the
Now Howrah Bridge, the silent hero of many a film, including contract should not be awarded to any company from outside
one by the same name, is completing 75 years. At a Victoria India! The claim of the lowest tenderer from Germany was
Memorial seminar, I had occasion to slip into a rare retrospec- brusquely dismissed because of the growing war clouds in
tive mood, telling the story of a bridge. How many Calcuttans Europe. Finally, a compromise was arrived at: Cleveland
remember this bridge was a replacement for one on floating would get the construction contract, and the entire fabrica-
pontoons, designed by Sir Bradford Lesley? It had a remova- tion would be subcontracted to the ‘Indian’ players, who
ble central section to allow river traffic that fed Calcutta port! merged to form ‘The Braithwaite, Burn & Jessop
Designed for a life of 25 years, it had to serve for 69 years, till Construction Co. (BBJ)’. The skills they picked up doing
the “New Howrah Bridge”, as it was called then, was inaugu- Howrah Bridge allowed them to do almost all major steel
rated in 1943. The old one was struggling with the ever-grow- bridges across India and abroad for the next 60 years, includ-
ing traffic across the river to Howrah, which housed the main ing the next bridge across the Hooghly, the Vidyasagar Setu.
railway station and was the gateway to Calcutta. It also had to
convey the raw material sourced from the rest of India for We Also Make Steel
Britain via the port, and the finished materials from the colo- Then came steel—this needed ‘high tensile’ stuff, almost 1½
nial masters to the populace of the colony. It was the times stronger than what’s normally used, euphemisti-
main artery of empire, and it was choking! The cally called ‘mild steel’. It wasn’t manufactured in
new bridge, therefore, was designed to India those days—but the Tatas put their foot
have a road carriageway of 71 feet, in the door and promised to upgrade!
enough to accommodate eight lanes of Finally, 23,500 tonnes of the total 26,500
traffic, including two tram tracks, was forged at Jamshedpur. The founda-
and, additionally, two 15-ft-wide tion work saw high-tech digging at lev-
footways on either side, keeping in els much below the river bed. They
view the huge pedestrian traffic were pioneers and martyrs diving
disgorged by the railway station. into aqua incognito: Bend Disease,
caused by the formation of nitrogen
The River, Right of Way bubbles in the bloodstream, felled a
Interesting debates shaped the few. When it was completed, on cue
new bridge. Port authorities vet- within five years, it was the middle of
oed a foundation inside the river WWII. Howrah Bridge went under
channel, fearing that would change the cover of barrage balloons to evade
siltation patterns permanently and Japanese bombs! It still eludes our atte-
affect ship movement. That dictated ntion, Calcutta’s proud and silent icon,
the broad plan—the bridge was forced to uncorroded, a testimony to India’s skills.


74 OUTLOOK 30 April 2018

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