(Yds) Lys 5 - Eş Anlamli Cümle Sorulari

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1. Sally made her own costume for the school play, 4.

I used to play basketball several times a week

but she was the only one to do so. while I was at university.

A) Sally was the only one who helped to make the A) When I was a university student, it was my habit
costumes for the school play. to play basketball a few times a week, but now I
B) Sally helped to make the costumes for the
school play, but no one else did. B) It was during my university years that I got used
to playing basketball at least three times a
C) Sally made the costume she wore in the school
play herself, but none of the others made theirs.
C) I don’t play basketball now as often as I did
D) Except for Sally, no one helped to make the
when I was at university.
costumes for the school play.
D) During my university years, I started to play
E) It was only Sally who needed a special costume
basketball two or three times a week, but I
for the school play; none of the others did.
don’t any longer.
E) It was when I was at university that I took up
2. Most of the students had worked hard and so basketball and played several times a week.
they did quite well in the examination.

A) Most students work hard before an examination 5. As there was a great deal of traffic on the roads,
and so do well. the journey took us longer than we had expected.
B) A majority of the students got good grades in
A) There was a lot of heavy traffic on the roads, so
the examination as they had prepared well for
we had to go slowly.
B) In spite of the heavy traffic, the journey took
C) The students who do best in an examination are
hardly any longer than we had expected.
the ones who work hardest.
C) We were surprised at how long it took us to get
D) Quite a lot of the students did very well indeed
there as there was so little traffic.
in the examination.
D) The journey was over fairly quickly considering
E) Almost all of the hard-working students got very
how much traffic there was.
high grades in the examination.
E) The journey turned out to be much longer than
we’d foreseen, owing to the heavy traffic.
3. The last time I saw my cousin he was only five
years old.

A) I haven’t seen my cousin for five years.

B) It’s five years since I last saw my cousin.
C) The last time I saw my cousin was five years ago.
D) I haven’t seen my cousin since he was a 5-year-
old child.
E) I still haven’t seen my cousin who is now five
years old.

Sayfa 1 / 15
6. You knew I needed your help this weekend, so 9. I wanted to sit at a table near the window, but we
you shouldn’t have promised to go out with your couldn’t find a free one.
A) If there had been an empty table near the
A) You’d promised to help me this weekend, so I window, I would have liked to have sat there.
don’t see how you can agree to go off with your
B) All the tables near the window were occupied,
friends like that.
so we went somewhere else.
B) Why did you arrange to go out with your friends
C) We found one unoccupied table near the
over the weekend while you said you would
window and sat down there.
help me?
D) I would have been so pleased if we could have
C) I suppose you’ve arranged to go off with your
found a free table that was not near the
friends this weekend because you didn’t want to
help me though you had promised to!
E) I would have been surprised to have found any
D) It was not right for you to promise your friends
one of the tables near the window free.
that you’d go out with them this weekend since
you knew I had to have some help from you.
E) When you agreed to go out with your friends 10. I’d have worn the right shoes if I’d known we
this weekend, had you forgotten you’d were going to do all this climbing.
promised to help me?
A) I’d have gone on the climb if I’d been wearing
the right shoes.
7. This material is suitable for students of eighteen
B) I’d love to go climbing, but I don’t have any
years and up.
shoes that would be suitable.
A) The material is suitable for students who are C) As I didn’t realize there was going to be so much
over eighteen. climbing, I didn’t come in suitable shoes.
B) The material may be suitable for students of D) I didn’t realize that these shoes weren’t right for
over eighteen years of age. climbing in.
C) Students of eighteen years and over can use this E) If only I’d been wearing suitable shoes I would
material. have enjoyed the climb.
D) Only 18-year-old students will find this material
11. Everyone told me it was too cold to go swimming,
E) All students, whether under or over eighteen, but I didn’t listen to them.
can be given this material.
A) They all said it wasn’t warm enough to go
swimming, but I ignored them.
8. There is only one major difference between your
B) Nobody thought it was warm enough to swim,
plan and mine.
but I did.
A) There is really only one way in which the two C) I didn’t think it was too cold to go swimming,
plans are different. but the others did.
B) Your scheme differs from mine in just one D) They all told me not to swim, but I thought it
important respect. was warm enough.
C) Actually, both of our plans are very similar E) I didn’t go swimming as everyone said it was far
except for one or two details. too cold.
D) Your scheme hardly differs at all from mine.
E) I have a plan that is different from yours in
several ways.

Sayfa 2 / 15
12. It was nearly 8 o’clock when I arrived and they 15. The rain continued for days and the basements of
were still having dinner. most houses were flooded.

A) They had already started the evening meal A) It rained continuously for days and the
when I arrived some time after 8 o’clock. basements of nearly all the houses were filled
with water.
B) I arrived shortly after 8 o’clock to find them still
having dinner. B) The rain lasted for days, and floods carried some
of the houses away.
C) Dinner was almost over at 8 o’clock when I
finally got there. C) The excessive rainfall caused flooding and
damage to the houses for many days.
D) They were almost through their dinner when I
got there at around 8 o’clock. D) Flood water poured into the basements of many
houses a few days after the heavy rains started.
E) When I got there at a few minutes to 8, they
hadn’t finished their evening meal. E) Within days, the continuing rain caused flooding
which damaged the basements of most houses.

13. I’m taking my bicycle into town to get it repaired.

16. By modern standards, the first supermarkets
A) Perhaps someone in town can mend my bicycle. were really quite small.
B) I know of a place in town where they mend
A) The early supermarkets and the present-day
ones are quite different from each other, even
C) My bicycle is in need of repair, so I can’t go to in size.
town on it.
B) Present-day supermarkets are on the whole
D) I want someone to mend my bicycle, so I’m larger than the early ones.
going into town with it.
C) Supermarkets have grown in size since they
E) While I’m in town, I hope to get my bicycle were first introduced, but their standards
repaired. remain the same.
D) Except in size, modern supermarkets are quite
unlike the original ones.
14. I’ll be surprised if it gets any warmer, won’t you?
E) Compared with what we have now, the early
A) I’m not expecting the weather to warm up, are supermarkets weren’t actually very large at all.
B) I’m not expecting the warm spell to continue,
17. We have missed the early morning train to
are you?
Istanbul; when is the next one?
C) We can’t expect it to continue as warm as this,
can we? A) If the early morning train to Istanbul has left,
when is the next one?
D) It wouldn’t surprise me if the warm weather
continues; would it surprise you? B) We were too late for the early morning train;
when does the next one leave for Istanbul?
E) I’m surprised the warm weather is continuing,
aren’t you? C) Did the early morning train to Istanbul leave
late? When did it leave?
D) If we had missed the early morning train to
Istanbul, when could we have got another?
E) As the early morning train to Istanbul has been
delayed, can we go another way?

Sayfa 3 / 15
18. After the news, they’ll give us the latest football 21. Brian is the most reliable person I know; if he said
results. he’d help, he will.

A) After the last news programme the football A) I don’t know anyone one can depend on more
results will be announced. than Brian; he’ll certainly help if he said he
B) At the latest, we’ll be able to learn the football
results at the end of the news. B) If Brian promised to help I suppose he will; he’s
generally very dependable.
C) We’ll get the latest football results once the
news is over. C) Brian is more dependable than most people so
I’m sure he’ll help if he offered to.
D) The latest football results always follow the
news. D) Brian is always a dependable person and he is
sure to help.
E) The main news item is the football results.
E) Brian is very dependable so I should ask him to
help you.
19. Karen won’t take part in the end-of-term concert
unless she really wants to.
22. In my opinion, this last novel by Paul Wright isn’t
A) Karen cannot be persuaded to do anything at nearly as entertaining as his early ones were.
the end-of-term concert.
A) I suppose the last novel by Paul Wright lacks the
B) Karen will only do something at the end-of-term
humour of the early ones.
concert if she actually feels like it.
B) I much prefer Paul Wright’s amusing early
C) Karen is eager to do something at the end-of-
novels to his later ones.
term concert if they’ll let her do so.
C) To my way of thinking Paul Wright’s early novels
D) Karen will gladly perform at the end-of-term were amusing but his last one isn’t.
concert if only they’ll allow her to.
D) Unlike his last novel, Paul Wright’s early novels,
E) Karen would give a performance at the end-of- it seems to me, were all full of fun.
term concert if only they’d let her.
E) I think Paul Wright’s early novels were far more
enjoyable than his last one.
20. I just can’t understand why so few people are
interested in this camping holiday.
23. Let’s go shopping sometime mid-week, it gets so
crowded at the weekends.
A) I find it surprising that there aren’t fewer people
interested in such a camping holiday.
A) I always like to shop mid-week as everywhere is
B) It’s hardly surprising that so few people are so crowded at weekends.
interested in this camping holiday.
B) Why don’t we get this shopping done before the
C) Hardly anyone wants to go on this camping rush hour starts?
holiday, which I find strange.
C) I suggest we avoid the weekend and do our
D) To my surprise almost no one was interested in shopping in the middle of the week when it’s
such a camping holiday. quieter.
E) Apparently, a camping holiday appeals to even D) I find it impossible to shop at weekends because
fewer people. there are so many people everywhere.
E) The best time to go shopping is mid-week when
it is usually reasonably quiet.

Sayfa 4 / 15
24. You can rely on Pat to give you any help you may 27. One of them must be lying, and I suspect it’s
need. Emma.

A) Should you require any assistance, you can A) It’s probably Emma who is lying, it can’t be one
count on Pat for it. of the others.
B) If you need help of any kind, be sure to let Pat B) Emma is the one who is lying; it’s clearly not one
know. of the others.
C) Pat could have given you all the help you need. C) Clearly it’s Emma who is lying and the others are
D) Let Pat know if you need any help with this.
D) If anyone is lying, it’s got to be Emma.
E) Pat is the one to ask if you find you require any
assistance. E) I have a feeling that it’s Emma who is lying; one
of them certainly is.

25. She finally agreed to go with her little sister, but

was clearly reluctant to do so. 28. It’s the best film I’ve seen in ages.

A) She knew she had to take her young sister, but A) It’s not often one has the chance to see such an
naturally she didn’t want to. excellent film.
B) It was obvious that she didn’t want to B) It’s quite the best film I have ever seen.
accompany her young sister but in the end
C) That was a terrific film, quite unlike anything I
agreed to.
have ever seen.
C) She couldn’t refuse to take her little sister but
D) It’s a long time since I saw such a wonderful
made it clear she didn’t want to.
D) She would have preferred not to go with her
E) It’s an excellent film; I saw it years ago.
little sister but at last agreed to.
E) She couldn’t promise to accompany her small
sister though actually she wanted to. 29. Mary felt quite certain that her sister would stand
by her, but in the end she didn’t.

26. Everyone will be extremely surprised if Mary A) Mary had hoped that her sister would come to
doesn’t win the race. her aid, but she never did.
B) Mary was confident that she would have her
A) It is doubtful whether Mary will win the race.
sister’s support, but as it turned out she let her
B) It’s hardly likely that Mary will win the race. down.
C) After all, Mary could have won the race. C) Mary didn’t expect her own sister to let her
down like that.
D) It is almost certain that Mary will win the race.
D) It was unrealistic of Mary to rely on getting help
E) Mary thinks she is going to win the race.
from her sister.
E) It came as a horrible shock to Mary when her
own sister turned against her like that.

Sayfa 5 / 15
30. Our system is that the losing side pays for the hire 32. Even though it had been snowing all day, a great
of the basketball court. many people managed to get to the end-of-term
A) If our side loses, then we will have to pay for the
hire of the basketball court. A) A lot of people did get to the end-of-term
concert in spite of the snow that fell all day.
B) I don’t see why the losers should have to pay for
the hire of the basketball court. B) Since there had been snow all day long it wasn’t
easy for people to get to the end-of-term
C) The way we do it is, whichever side loses, that s
side pays for the hire of the basketball court.
C) As it had been snowing heavily all day, a great
D) With us it’s the winners, not the losers who
many people just could not get to the end-
have to pay for the hire of the basketball court.
ofterm concert.
E) The losers obviously expect the winning side to
D) Even though it had never stopped snowing all
pay for the hire of the basketball court
day, the hall where we gave the end-of-term
concert was full of people.
31. If only you’d told me you were planning to spend E) Very few people indeed were prevented from
the summer in Alanya, I would have joined you getting to the end-of-term concert by the heavy
there. snow.

A) I’m planning to come to Alanya in the summer

as I hear you’ll be there then. 33. He probably walked off with your dictionary,
thinking it was his own.
B) You should have let me know that you’d be in
Alanya during the summer and I’d have come
A) He wouldn’t have taken the dictionary if he had
known it was yours.
C) I will be spending all the summer in Alanya, and
B) There must be some mistake! He wouldn’t take
hope you’ll be able to join me there.
Your dictionary without asking!
D) Let me know if you can manage to get to Alanya
C) The dictionaries are all alike; he took yours
next summer so that I can arrange to join you
thinking it was his.
D) He must have mistaken your dictionary for his,
E) Be sure to let me know what your plans are for
and that’s not surprising.
the summer, as I’m hoping we can meet up in
Alanya. E) It seems he went off with your dictionary,
mistaking it for his own.

34. If there hadn’t been such a strong wind, it would

not have been so difficult to put out the fire.

A) If the wind hadn’t been so strong, it would have

been much easier to put out the fire.
B) When a strong wind began to blow it was even
more difficult to control the fire.
C) It was the strong wind which made it difficult for
us to put out the fire.
D) As the wind was really very strong, it took them
a long time to put out the fire.
E) It’s always difficult to put out a fire when there
is a strong wind blowing.

Sayfa 6 / 15
35. Emily was perhaps the quietest of the three 37. If we had waited for Sally, we would certainly
Brontë sisters, but she was, nevertheless, the have missed the train.
most passionate.
A) It was on account of Sally that we managed to
A) All three Brontë sisters were quiet and catch the train.
emotional, but this was especially true of Emily.
B) We all missed the train because we waited for
B) Of all the Brontë sisters, Emily was certainly the Sally.
most passionate but she rarely talked to
C) We were able to catch the train because we
didn’t wait for Sally.
C) The quietest of the three Brontë sisters was
D) It was Sally’s fault that she missed the train.
certainly Emily, though she wasn’t the one with
deepest emotions. E) If we wait for Sally we may miss the train.
D) The least talkative of the three Brontë sisters
may have been Emily, but even so she was the
38. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help
one with the strongest emotions.
E) Emily Brontë wasn’t as talkative as either of her
sisters, and was also less passionate. A) Do tell me when you need more help.
B) If you’re going to need a lot of help I’ll try to
come along.
36. When the Spaniards first brought chocolate to
Europe only the very wealthy could afford to buy C) Are you sure you don’t need my help?
D) How much help are you going to need?
A) Though chocolate was expensive, the Spaniards E) If I can be of any use to you, just say so.
soon brought it to Europe and the wealthy
everywhere were keen to buy it.
39. Mary was the only one who answered all the
B) As chocolate was too expensive for all but the
questions correctly.
very rich it didn’t become popular when the
Spaniards first brought it to Europe.
A) Mary should have been the one to answer all
C) Chocolate, when it was introduced to Europe by questions correctly.
the Spaniards, was so expensive that none but
B) Everyone but Mary managed to answer all
the very rich could buy it.
questions correctly.
D) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe
C) Mary wasn’t the only one to give the correct
where there were more wealthy people to buy
D) No one but Mary got the correct answer to
E) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe but
every question.
for a long time there were very few people who
could afford to buy it. E) Mary answered all the questions correctly, but
so did several others.

40. Everything seemed to go wrong today.

A) I couldn’t please anyone today.

B) It was as if nothing would go right today.
C) I had a terrible day today; everything was
D) Apparently, nothing I did today was any good.
E) Whatever I did today seemed right at the time.

Sayfa 7 / 15
41. I couldn’t help admiring the way he managed to 44. The rain had already started when I left the
finish the programme even after house.
such a bad fall.
A) The rain suddenly came on as I was leaving the
A) It was really a very bad fall, but somehow he house.
was still able to finish the programme and I had
B) As soon as I left home it began to rain.
to admire him for that.
C) Just as I was leaving the house it began to rain
B) In spite of the fall, he should have finished the
programme and we could have admired him for
that. D) It didn’t start to rain heavily until I left the
C) The way he finished the programme was
certainly admirable, as the fall had shaken him E) It was raining even before I left the house.
up badly.
D) He shouldn’t have given up so easily after the
45. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove that he
was guilty.
E) I really admire the way he got up after the fall
and completed the programme. A) They failed to prove his guilt as there was no
evidence to support the case.
B) They couldn’t have proved his guilt even if
42. If I’d known how hot and crowded it was going to
they’d had more evidence.
be here, I wouldn’t have come.
C) They couldn’t prove that he was guilty as the
A) As it’s so hot and crowded here, I’m beginning evidence was insufficient.
to wish I hadn’t come.
D) If there is enough evidence, they will be able to
B) I didn’t realize it would be so hot and crowded prove his guilt.
here, and if I had, I wouldn’t have come.
E) They can’t possibly prove his guilt as there is
C) I came here knowing very well it would be both clearly insufficient evidence.
hot and crowded.
D) I wouldn’t go as I was sure it would be terribly
hot and crowded.
E) If it’s going to be hot and crowded I will certainly
not go there.

43. I haven’t seen either James or his sister for a

very long time now.

A) I know I’ve met James, but I don’t think I’ve met

his sister before.
B) Neither James nor his sister has been seen by
anyone for ages.
C) I’ve met both James and his sister before, but it
was a long time ago.
D) It has been an awful long time since I saw either
James or his sister.
E) I can’t remember when I last saw James and his

Sayfa 8 / 15
46. When we lived in İzmir, I used to go to a concert 49. A few of the couples danced really well, but the
every week. majority were very poor indeed.

A) During our years in İzmir, I went to a concert A) Most of the couples were no good at all, but
regularly once a week. there were a few who danced extremely well.
B) As we lived in İzmir, I could go to a concert every B) Among the couples who danced, some were
week. good enough, but others were no good at all.
C) After we left İzmir, I started to go to a concert C) Among the couples there were more good
every week. dancers than there were bad ones.
D) While we were living in İzmir, we went to a D) Actually, some of the couples danced
concert at least once a week. remarkably well, but most were very ordinary.
E) When we lived in İzmir, they held concerts there E) There were some couples who gave a very poor
every week. performance, but most of them danced
reasonably well.

47. My brother’s work involves a great deal of travel,

so we don’t get to see him very often. 50. Much to our surprise, everyone arrived at the
meeting place on time, so this was a good start
A) I wish we could see my brother more often, but for the trip.
he always seems to be away on business.
A) Surprisingly enough, the trip turned out to be a
B) My brother is sometimes away on business, so
great success even though there were many
we can’t see him then.
C) We aren’t often able to see my brother as he
B) The trip began well as we were surprised to find
has to travel a lot on business.
that everyone had come to the meeting place at
D) Even if my brother didn’t travel so much, we the appointed time.
probably wouldn’t see him very often.
C) Everyone made a really big effort to get to the
E) When he isn’t away on business, we do manage meeting place on time, so the trip had a good
to see my brother quite often. start.
D) The trip started well, with everyone at the
meeting place on time, but then came some
48. I’m sure they would have come to the concert if
unpleasant surprises.
we had let them know about it in advance.
E) We were little surprised that everyone had
A) They never received an invitation to the concert, arrived at the meeting place before the trip
so naturally, they could not attend it. began.
B) Apparently, they didn’t attend the concert
because they were only invited to it at the last
C) They were sorry not to attend the concert, but
the invitation came too late.
D) If the invitation had reached them a day or two
earlier, they might have attended the concert.
E) If they had known beforehand that there was
going to be a concert, they would certainly have

Sayfa 9 / 15
51. Arriving at work every day, employees are strictly 53. I wonder what our teacher will say when she
required to be punctual. realizes that we worked together on our
research projects.
A) The management has asked employees here to
arrive at work on time. A) I wish I knew whether or not our teacher will
approve of our cooperation on the research
B) Employees had better arrive at work on time
every day.
B) I am sure our teacher will be angry when she
C) Employees working here arrive on time every
finds out that we worked together to finish the
research projects.
D) Employees have to arrive at work on time every
C) Our teacher will certainly understand that we
cooperated on our research projects; what do
E) Arriving at work on time every day is suggested you think her reaction will be?
for employees.
D) When our teacher discovered that we
cooperated on our research projects, what did
she say?
52. If you want to get to school on time, you should
get up early. E) Do you think our teacher will let us work
together on our research projects when we ask
A) He wanted to get to school on time, but he her?
didn’t get up early enough.
B) A person who gets up late risks missing the bus
54. I wouldn’t trust her if I were you because she
for school.
never keeps promises.
C) You got up late, so you couldn’t get to school on
time. A) Since she never talks about what she has done,
it’s very difficult to depend on her.
D) What if you get up late? You can’t allow yourself
to be late for school again. B) If she really respected people, she would keep
her promises.
E) So as not to be late for school, you’ve got to get
up early. C) Though she never keeps a promise herself, she
expects others to do so.
D) I should let you know that she never expects
people to keep their own promises.
E) I’ve never known her to keep a promise, so I
don’t think you should rely on her.

Sayfa 10 / 15
55. Shall we have chicken with mushroom sauce for 57. In extremely cold regions, many animals
dinner tonight? hibernate, that is, they sleep through the winter,
because in this way they can survive.
A) Do the children like chicken with mushroom
sauce? I’m planning to fix that for dinner A) Many animals sleep through the winter, that is,
tonight. they hibernate, in really cold parts of the world,
as this makes it possible for them to survive.
B) What would you like for dinner tonight? Chicken
again? B) Hibernation, or the practice of sleeping right
through the winter, is a survival technique
C) I’m making chicken in a different way tonight,
favoured by many animals in very cold regions.
C) Many of the animals that hibernate, that is,
D) Would you like to have chicken with mushroom
sleep through the long, cold winters, do so from
sauce for dinner tonight?
choice, not necessity.
E) If I make chicken for dinner tonight, should I put
D) When the winters are particularly cold, many
mushroom sauce on it?
animals choose to hibernate, that is, sleep
through the long dark days and increase their
chances of survival.
56. I think Matisse was every bit as revolutionary an
artist as Picasso. E) In order to survive in the coldest parts of the
world, many animals are forced to hibernate, or
A) If you want my opinion, Matisse was much more sleep through at least a part of the winter.
revolutionary an artist than Picasso.
B) If you ask me, Matisse and Picasso were both
58. When UNICEF was established in 1946, its main
equally revolutionary artists.
aim was to provide help for the many children in
C) Matisse was not quite as revolutionary an artist need as a result of World War II.
as Picasso, in my opinion.
A) When it was founded in 1946, UNICEF took a
D) Neither Matisse nor Picasso was a revolutionary
number of steps to improve the conditions of
artist, as I see it.
children that survived World War II.
E) Picasso was quite a revolutionary artist, but
B) In 1946, soon after the end of World War II,
Matisse was a bit more so, in my view.
UNICEF was set up to assist children throughout
the world.
C) Because so many children had suffered during
World War II, UNICEF was set up in 1946 to give
them a better education.
D) In 1946 UNICEF was set up primarily because,
as a result of World War II, large numbers of
children were in need of help.
E) Following World War II, UNICEF was set up in
1946 and has since made great efforts to help
children in the world.

Sayfa 11 / 15
59. The view of the city from the top floor of the 61. If the meeting has to be on Monday, I can
hotel is absolutely wonderful, especially at night probably manage to come; but I’d much prefer
when all the lights are on. Tuesday.

A) The view of the city, especially at night when it’s A) Tuesday would suit me much better than
all lit up, is well worth a visit to the top floor of Monday, but if the meeting’s got to be on
the hotel. Monday I’ll do my best to come.
B) You must go up to the top floor of the hotel, B) I won’t be able to come to the Monday meeting,
preferably at night, for a magnificent view of the But I’ll come to the Tuesday meeting.
city and its lights.
C) It would suit me better if the meeting was held
C) From the top floor of the hotel you get a truly on Tuesday as usual, but I suppose I could
splendid view of the city, particularly at night manage Monday.
when it’s all lit up.
D) If the Tuesday meeting is put back to Monday, I
D) Be sure to go to the top floor of the hotel to get don’t think I will be able to come.
a magnificent view of the city and its lights.
E) I can’t come to a meeting on Monday, but I can
E) After dark when the lights have come on, you on Tuesday; would that be suitable?
get an unforgettable view of the city from the
top floor of the hotel.
62. I enjoyed the film even though I had seen it
60. Even if one forgets about the dangers involved,
coal-mining cannot be a very attractive way of A) I had seen the film before, but I still enjoyed it.
earning a living.
B) As I had seen the film before, I didn’t enjoy it.
A) It’s the risks that are involved that really make C) The film I have just seen was very enjoyable.
coal-mining such an unattractive form of
D) I saw the film and I enjoyed it a lot.
E) I want to see the film again since I had enjoyed it
B) Working in a coal mine must be rather an
unpleasant form of employment even when one
ignores the risks.
C) Work in a coal mine may still be unpleasant but 63. It has been fifteen days since Jessica got her new
there are no more risks than in other forms of job at the airline company.
A) It took Jessica fifteen days to get her new job at
D) Work in a coal mine is not the only form of
the airline company.
employment that has unpleasant aspects and
even risks. B) Jessica will have started her new job at the
airline company in fifteen-day time.
E) It’s hard to imagine anyone enjoying working for
a living in a coal mine even if it is perfectly safe. C) Jessica got her new job at the airline company
fifteen days ago.
D) Jessica could have started her new job at the
airline company fifteen days ago.
E) Jessica hasn’t been at her new job at the airline
company for the last fifteen days.

Sayfa 12 / 15
64. If I’d known how much the mechanic was going to 66. Experienced athletes and artists often complain
charge me at this auto repair shop, I’d have taken that they have lost touch with what made them
the car somewhere else. love what they do.

A) The price of the car service was so high that I A) More and more experienced athletes and artists
decided to look for a more reasonably priced are having issues about the areas that they are
auto repair shop. passionate about.
B) I knew this was an expensive auto repair shop, B) Most of the time, it is the less experienced
yet I didn’t look around for a cheaper one. athletes and artists who stay connected to what
they like to do.
C) If only I’d checked the prices of several auto
repair shops, I would have found a cheaper one. C) Losing interest in what enabled them to enjoy
what they were doing is a common complaint
D) I didn’t realize just how expensive this auto
among experienced athletes and artists.
repair shop was, but if I had, I would have gone
somewhere else. D) Not being able to do what they have experience
in usually causes athletes and artists to
E) We’d better go to another car mechanic, as this
auto repair shop is far too expensive.
E) Although experienced athletes and artists may
sometimes lose their excitement about what
65. The young generation still believe that there is they do, they still keep doing it.
hardly anything they cannot do.

A) Young people firmly believe that they can hardly 67. Languages are much more than a means of
do anything. communication, as they also express and shape
the way we see the world and the way we see
B) As always, young people believe that there is
nothing they can do.
C) Young people are capable of doing whatever A) We use languages to communicate, but it is
they believe they can do. unclear whether they influence the way we see
the world around us.
D) Young people’s belief that they can do almost
anything has not changed. B) Languages, though they both help us in
communication and in shaping our worldview,
E) There is absolutely nothing young people cannot
do not have any effect on how we perceive
do if it is based on their beliefs.
C) We express and shape our worldview thanks to
languages, but their primary function is to let us
D) The fact that languages are a means of
communication does not stop us from using
them for other purposes such as shaping our
E) Languages are not only a means of
communication for us, because they also
influence our worldview and our self-perception.

Sayfa 13 / 15
68. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Latin 70. Despite major reforms, small businesses still find
language continued to change and evolve as it it difficult to raise capital, and banks lend mostly
had always done. to established companies.

A) Latin began to develop and transform after the A) Due to the fact that banks lend mostly to
collapse of the Roman Empire. established companies, small businesses are still
facing problems and going through important
B) Latin was a changing and evolving language, and
this did not change after the Roman Empire’s
collapse. B) Major reforms did not help with the fact that
small businesses still experience problems in
C) Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin
raising capital, and banks lend mostly to bigger
transformed into an almost new language.
D) Latin remained a prestigious language in many
C) Small businesses find it problematic to raise
countries after the fall of the Roman Empire.
capital, and banks usually lend to bigger
E) The Latin language owed much of its progress to companies as a result of some certain
the Roman Empire even after its fall. regulations.
D) Because of major reforms, banks lend mostly to
established companies, making it hard for small
69. Young people must be well-educated in order
businesses to raise capital.
to become good citizens in the future.
E) Although there have been vital improvements,
A) So as to become good citizens, today’s youth banks do not lend to all types of companies, as it
needs to receive a good education. is difficult for some of them to raise capital.
B) As long as today’s youth receives a good
education, they will become citizens.
71. So many books have been written about Einstein
C) Today’s youth will become citizens even if they that you might expect there would be little left to
do not receive a good education. say.
D) The education in the future will teach young
A) You might think that Einstein is such a person
people how to become citizens.
that needs to be the subject of many more
E) Today’s youth should not only be well-educated, books.
but also be trained in citizenship
B) After hundreds of books have been written
about Einstein, you might expect there is still
much more to say.
C) Given the high number of books published on
Einstein, one would think there is hardly
anything left to say about him.
D) Seeing what has been said about Einstein, one is
forced to think what else is left to write.
E) The fact that so many books have been written
about Einstein leaves very little room for you to
write anything else about him.

Sayfa 14 / 15
72. Because doctors are unlikely to know the amount 74.Paediatricians warn parents to avoid excessive
of radiation a person has received, they usually food restriction which may cause nutritional
predict outcome based on the person’s deficiencies in children.
A) As put forward by the paediatricians, nutritional
A) Doctors often base their predictions on a deficiencies in children are inevitable and
person’s symptoms rather than on the amount harmful results of excessive food limitation.
of radiation the person has received.
B) Both parents and paediatricians share the same
B) It is unlikely that doctors will predict the amount opinion that excessive food restriction causes
of radiation a person has received based on the children to lack essential nutrients.
person’s symptoms.
C) What paediatricians warn parents about is that
C) Doctors usually predict outcome based on a excessive amounts of nutrients children take
person’s symptoms, but they may also know the may require food restriction.
amount of radiation the person has received.
D) According to the paediatricians, parents should
D) The amount of radiation a person has received not go extremes when it comes to food
is highly unlikely to lead to a prediction of the restriction, otherwise children may end up
outcome based on the person’s symptoms. having nutritional deficiencies.
E) Looking at a person’s symptoms, doctors often E) Parents sometimes ignore the warnings of
predict outcome, as they probably will not know paediatricians about excessive food restriction,
the amount of radiation to which the person has and their children have nutritional deficiencies.
been exposed.

73. Keen eyesight, an acute sense of smell and an

excellent sense of hearing enable predators to
track down their prey.

A) Predators can easily catch their prey thanks to

their highly developed sense of smell, hearing
and excellent eyesight.
B) In order to hunt their prey, all a predator needs
is a strong sense of smell, hearing and eyesight,
but hearing is the most important of all.
C) Sense of smell, hearing and eyesight can
become very crucial for predators when they
have difficulty in finding their prey.
D) Accurate eyesight and hearing abilities may help
the predators to follow their prey, but the
importance of smell cannot be neglected.
E) For predators, there are many senses that are
required to catch their prey easily such as sense
of smell, hearing and exceptional eyesight.

Sayfa 15 / 15
1. C 55. D
2. B 56. B
3. D 57. A
4. A 58. D
5. E 59. C
6. D 60. B
7. C 61. A
8. B 62. A
9. A 63. C
10. C 64. D
11. A 65. D
12. E 66. C
13. D 67. E
14. A 68. B
15. A 69. A
16. E 70. B
17. B 71. C
18. C 72. E
19. B 73. A
20. C 74. D
21. A
22. E
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. D
27. E
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. A
33. E
34. A
35. D
36. C
37. C
38. E
39. D
40. B
41. A
42. B
43. D
44. E
45. C
46. A
47. C
48. E
49. A
50. B
51. D
52. E
53. C
54. E

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