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II I IllS( I !1001 & 01/St\.<; ·1800"1.<1!1!!/HIItYII r;!lv!..Jlr!]l!,; SSIII'·•· I II / I \/ •'! ;'.'.J /02200fl40II

,. !~ . .Accredit •• ... , ) ·:ttory in NOT Discipline: (RT I' . ·--UTG)

l(t'l'.d. Off: Pl ol No. ZitS, Li g ht Indu s trial Areil , Transport Nagar, llhil.1i -1 P i·. l llurg (CG) 1Jilll'''·

l' h n11e: 090J9()(,.1J 1-1 I 07lW -IOJJ!l57, 1\-m@il : pis bl!ll!l i@g nFlll.ropl I iotl •>i••'l';. Lh ilai&Olll

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!"'.1::'!. r-!-:)l._::aC! uu - 1111 ~ ... It_,,! I/, Ill 'II I \Ill F 'I It J

M/s SimpleJ< Ene~- & Foundry Works
Un it- Ill
Works: Teclesar.t
Dist: Rajnandg .. un - !~~1443
Sub: Quotation_of.JU:LUT of we ld joints at tedcsara works
Dear Sir,
As per vrriJ.!I di~.Lu <,•;ion with you 1oday rCJJ.~lrding radiography test & ultrasonic te:. l i111~ ol wo·ld joint in
your Tedes:1r<1 work~. w<· ar e pleasccllo quote our competitive rates for the above subjcctjoll Willi"'''""· .1ncl
Scope ofworlc WL· will provide all sorls lli"L·quipnwnts like lr 192 source for RT & UT digilnl nJuipllll"lll 11 i lli all
A. (a) Rate for.J.1::~!j ogr:lphy Test:
~l" 1.@ R~ S.!.'J/ (1:~ f1Vf' 1-:t. twenty five p:1i~.. 1) only fJL,r square inch of exposed film up to 30 mm tldtk.
- I"' ~ 2.@ Rs 6.J.'j/ (1\·. ·.i x ,'-:,.twenty five p~1i•.. l) u11iy per square inch of exposed film above 30 min ..! ll1i• f...
Or. Ia fi., 111111Jr ( \{·; tlllt"<: thousand) per ob)' minimum chargo.:s, whichever will he high<:r.
(b) l~ate for ttlt r ;,-;~m ic Test:
1.@ Rs lOll/~ (I:·. <J ilt' flundrecl) only IH'I llllllling meter of test ed length.
Or, 111 l~ s .'IHJll (I{,, 1wo lhousantl) P'"' d:oy mini111um chJrgcs, whichc::ve1 will he higher.

B. Goods & Service; I:}Ji_- : As per applicable.

c. Terms & C011dil ion_2:

1. You hJv1~ l o provide un skilled labour Zlt free of cos t.
2. You haw lu provid e source sto r age pit room as per AERB/BARC norm.
3. You hZ"~Vt' to provide• to & fro transponation ch <Jrge at on actual.
4. You k1V1· lu, ullt•r.l test report from our office 01" w ill submit in your Unit II Bhilai only.
D. Terms of P:t\"tt!e:ll- You have to rel<':l\t' p;~ymcnt within seven days.

0 Hope you willluund our rates & tenm /<oll(litions are quite reasonable and acceptable t o ymt :uod wo· ·.l!.dl be
favoured with yuur l'~leelllecl order which will receive our best careful attention at all time. We' .111 lllllVI' .111y moment
after getting your ll i l.

Thanking you,
Yo urs faithfully.
For, Perfect Inspection ~.o·rvi11 ...

(D.I<.Outta- Chief Exeu!liVI')

}4> ()o.:J.e M rr><SIJL ~ a~ ~6
~ } n Cc:Jrv->(JCVV- io 6-fVt~v..:>
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_\" \ft. ( '/~' \nol•-•••••tf ~ I\
Ft"llfll Cenlt.lllluil<er' lh o.trd,
I ' .\.o,.'ih'\
Dai·c.: 05/t 2/?015
R.efercnr:e HI). R\.VI'--15/SIMP/RT I 2015-16/013

Sub: Quotatior. for R(tdiographic 'rest

D""nr Si.
Refer' to 1 1~ abov~ ~ubj<:rJ ·mJ ch::clt'>Sion ht~cl t111tn you, piPa~:~ ftnd our price i'o carr·y out' ·il~t~ vnrious
1':!r.!in9' aphy rcstrng of VL\rious wefdmq nt ycUt' ··itr~ on the. fol lowing terms and conditrons as de~cribe.d


1. Scope Of Wod{ (MJs .. RVI/NS) :

•:· We. w'll do Radiogre1phy wol'k on Radiogr·ctphy p,~quvs1' wh ich details about Job.
·:· vVtz wil: ;.Jr'J"tde Ro.dio~,raphy Projf;cto:· (Ir-.19~) VJi h a [l safe>.ty app lwnce.s frw r·ndiogrophy.
•:· V 1c> will Jep,rrc. AH<B nppr·oved Radioqtaphei'S t·o CCJ"I'Y our I he job.
·:· Vv'e will providr? RadiOfW~tpf;y ConSl!l'i\L!L,h,:s for· (t.lf'ry out the. job.
·:· W~::. ~vil -: \ ··oon-off Hw nr•eo dw·inQ f.i.Jdroqr'ill;ny cno fJll'l our p.;r·sonnei !n ui~T 1 fo1' S<1 1e1 y

... Fad!.i 'C Prov!ded by M/s Sim. h<

will t :c•vtdC Ligh·i'Jnn rmd (..P:•i''):'rl<'t ;;, nff hold ing to cort'Y out The f<ac!IOgt ·aphy Job.
·:· M/ '""

v, I H~ !Jt' 1<£1()(1•, , ". 1 'h, l •CJ

~J Rs. 7S (.<upr• ·.: F J~il' t·n·~ -:;,~ve~dy f \ ; (1: • '-'' ly) r r square inch for EXIJOSe.d Ftl tns up to .i2mm
~ Thk.
@ Rs. 5.75 (Rup.:z~ Fiv.;, und Dev<:.:ni'y h·;c. P(uSe (J:,:y) (H?! ' squar·e inch fot' Exposed Frlms above 32t;,m

@ Rs. 3000 00 (Rupe£;s Thr·~P. Thou<;ond Only) per dey for tninitnutn visit charges or to t(\ I Radiography

Te.s'f"ntg d~c,r·gc.s whichever· will be htgha ........

~-. .S·e.r·•litf.: Tax :

A~ up~dtcut>le
i. - l

Roaist•1roc! Ofiice • A-46, G:tpit:•l C ity l,haso·UI, ~.,,ld<~, R:tipur (C.(·.. } Piu· tl9200 7
!lhilni Officf· • r,!l).5G9, Uousln<J Ro<~rd, ln1lu:>tli:;,l E~t .. t,, f!hll~i-4\Jf•O:?G
Ph : IWSH- 40":1108, l.. :IX: 07H8- 40!'·\'ltH), Mohil<> • ···!11·\l·lG:>.:'I4<.,f!f;:J,, 91 96G!l3630'l3
_IVIJ:.II.. mii-t · ···; rv;:''"- ~-H~·~t!tl~ol,,~um.

" tt - AJ\.CCR11 ''JM, .an JIW!'W4i0f!G

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