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Due Date

Module Code Lecturer Project Duration of Start Date No of weeks Due date
Number Module for
GAMDC Lars Espeter 1 2 weeks 23.02.15 1 07.04.15

Project / Assignment Name :

Game Design Document Part

Brief :
The objective is to develop a part of a game design document.
The student has to analyze a given basic game idea outline, recognize its different systems and elements and write them
down in a structured fashion as a part of a game design document. It has to be written in a way that others could start
working with it. If needed for better understanding the student has to create multiple document to structure the

The game design document will be based on the material for the Jose game project pitch of Group 2, available on the

For every part there will be an initial meeting with lecturer with the group for every part. This is not group work but
everyone has to be on the same page in the beginning.

The document parts you can pick from;

Gameplay – describe the controls and the gameplay systems and rules (excluding the level handling. Start after initial
meeting with lecturer).)

Level Generator system – explain how the game generates the different levels and responds to the player playing (This
will require an initial meeting with the lecturer.

Graphics – create the descriptions for style (find a style first), create concept material or very good reference art. Cover
ALL graphics including the menu system. Create asset lists for the different elements. (Start after initial meeting with the

Process to Follow :

Pick one of the mentioned parts.

Use the material on the Jose game idea pitch of group 2 provided on the server for research.
Read the material with the requirements for your document part in mind.
Take notes and start structuring your information.
Start writing the document.
Participate in the feedback session announced by the lecturer.
Have someone not working on a similar part of the document read parts of your document to get feedback
Use reference material, flowcharts, tables, excel lists for better readability and structure.

Technical Guidelines :
• Structure your information first, then start writing.
• Questions may be asked during the entire assignment.
• Use different documents if needed.
• Take a lot of notes during the research.
• Let someone else not working on your part read what you are writing.
• All work must be copied to the server.

Hand in :
The hand-in is your document(s) and materials in a folder with your name in the Projects folder (highlighted green) on the
Full time Game server.

Project Outcomes :
Having produced parts of a game design document for a real project. The next step to working on the game itself.

Marking Rubric :
49% or less FAIL
50% - 64% PASS
65% - 74% PASS (With Merit)
75% or more PASS (With Distinction)

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