Dbap Gap Analysis

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Project Gap Analysis Strategy

DBAP, Inc.
March 24, 2019

Project Description
ECG is a mail-order and Internet catalog business marketing high-quality gifts,
apparel and home accessories. In operation for six years, ECG is seeking to
aggressively grow their company while remaining profitable. To reach this goal,
they would like to focus efforts on improving the quality of customer service and
resulting customer service scores by 10% and improve the quality of the work
environment through staff development and recognition.
Management has identified several areas of concern. Employee retention and
morale are low. Customer service complaints have increased 30% since the same
period in the previous year. In the coming year, ECG will be updating its current
technology including new hardware configurations and equipment. Additionally,
new HR policies were introduced along with a new company handbook. ECG has
designated a budget of $400,000 to employ DBAP, Inc. to assist the company in
reaching their determined growth goals through training to address these concerns.
DBAP, Inc. will conduct a full gap analysis to assess current conditions at ECG
and identify key sources impacting telephone operator performance and customer
service. Following the analysis, DBAP, Inc. will determine possible solutions to
address any identified areas of deficiency and if warranted, develop focused
training to remediate areas of need.

Information Needed
To adequately perform a thorough gap analysis for ECG, DBAP, Inc. will establish
a collection of data points through the analysis of various resources. Through
interviews, observations, surveys and artifact analysis, DBAP, Inc. will gather data
to inform their evaluation of the following:

 Employee
o Efficacy (technology, product knowledge)
o Proficiencies (language, technology)
o Perceptions
o Demographics
 Current Training
o Employee perceptions
o Goal alignment
o Best practices
o Sustained Professional Development (PD) efforts (catalog,
customer service, technology)
 Company and Human Resources Artifacts
o Call Data
o Customer Service Surveys
o Retention Data
o Recruitment and Hiring Practices
DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 1
o Policies and Procedures
 Company Climate
o Awards and Recognitions
o Morale
o Working Environment
 Technology
o Employee Training
o Current hardware, platforms, software and ordering system
o New hardware, platforms, software and ordering system
o Employee Support and Resolution for Technical Issues

Team Strategy
DBAP, Inc. will use a variety of methods to collect information
needed from several different audiences:
 Observations
o Telephone Operators
o Trainers
o Customer Service Supervisors
 Individual Interviews
o Telephone Operators
o Trainers
o Customer Service Supervisors
o Management
o Human Resources
o Technology Staff
 Surveys
o Telephone Operators
o Customer Service Supervisors
 Artifact Analysis
o Human Resources
o Company Records and Training Materials

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 2

Analysis Plan

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
Observations of the Telephone
1. Observations Telephone Operators Operators would provide data not Bernadette Neal
(representative obtainable by the Survey and allow for
sample of the 25) additional data to support the
interviews. This may include:
 Factors impeding smooth
 Adequacy of breaks to prevent
 Possible technical difficulties
 Colleague interactions
 Correlation of shift times and
productivity and service
 Phone etiquette and
communication skills

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 3

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
Observations of the trainers may
2. Observations Trainers (Judi provide valuable insight regarding the Bernadette Neal
Thompson & Sheena quality and content of the training. Amy Parlo
Perez) This data might include:
 Participant engagement
 Use of best practices in adult
 Alignment of learning
objectives with company

Observations of the Customer Service

3. Observations Customer Service Supervisors may provide greater Bernadette Neal
Supervisors (4) insight into:
 Level of coaching and support
for Telephone Operators
 Colleague interactions
 Implementation of strategies
imparted in training

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 4

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
These interviews would provide more
4. Interviews Telephone Operators in depth, qualitative data Pritha Sur
(individual) (representative supplementing the Likert Scale survey Amy Parlo
sample of the 25) to elicit greater detail in determining:
 Operators’ efficacy in fielding
questions about products.
 Operators’ perceptions about
the value/effectiveness of
current training.
 Operators’ values and
motivations for high
 Factors impacting Operator
These interviews would provide more
5. Interviews Customer Service in depth, qualitative data Pritha Sur
(individual) Supervisors (4) supplementing the Likert Scale survey
to elicit greater detail in determining:
 Regularity of feedback given
to operators
 Regularity of training for
supervisory roles
 Adequacy of training for
direction of the Telephone
 Complaint resolution
 Regularity of
acknowledgement or reward
for good work

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 5

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
These interviews would provide more
6. Interviews Catalog Product in depth, qualitative data Pritha Sur
(Individual) Trainers (Judi supplementing the Likert Scale survey
Thompson & Sheena to elicit greater detail in determining:
Perez)  Selection of training
 Regularity of PD offered to
Customer Service Supervisors
and Telephone Operators
 Supports for continued PD
and mentoring/coaching of
both Customer Service
Supervisors and Telephone
 Scope of the current training
These interviews would provide more
7. Interviews Management in depth, qualitative data Pritha Sur
(Individual) Director of Call supplementing the Likert Scale survey Dana Miller
Center to elicit greater detail in determining:
(Jane Mackenzie)  Response to current customer
service feedback
 Support for morale and
Merchandizing employee wellness
Manager (Sheena  Purpose of the monthly
Perez) meeting
Catalog Manager
(Judi Thompson)

Vice President of
Sales (Mike Merrell)

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 6

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
This interview would provide more in
8. Interviews Human Resources depth, qualitative data supplementing Dana Miller
(individual) (Susan Turner) the Likert Scale survey to elicit greater
detail in determining:
 Current recruitment and hiring
 HR perception of current
morale of employees
 The nature of employee
 Disciplinary actions taken in
response to poor customer
service reviews
 Correlations between turnover
and work hours and shifts.
 Award and recognition
 Opportunities for continued
 Supports that promote
employee wellness
These interviews would provide more
9. Interviews Technology Staff in depth, qualitative data to elicit Dana Miller
(individual) (Bruce Bennet, Tsien greater detail in determining:
Yun, and Ted  Typical technical level of
Higgins) employees
 Common software issues
 Current employee tech
 Technology skills needed by

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 7

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
Likert Scale surveys will allow for the
10. Likert Scale Telephone Operators collection of quantitative data that Bernadette Neal
Survey (25) inform initial decisions on areas that
need further research. These surveys
will include questions that allow
participants to report their perception
 Morale (individual and peer)
 Quality of training received
 Support from management
 Availability of continued PD
 Their efficacy with the
Likert Scale surveys will allow for the
11. Likert Scale Customer Service collection of quantitative data that Pritha Sur
Survey Supervisors (4) inform initial decisions on areas that
need further research. These surveys
will include questions that allow
participants to report their perception
 Morale (individual and peer)
 Quality of training received
 Support from management
 Availability of continued PD
 Their efficacy with the

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 8

Research Method Target Audience Information You Hope to Gain Team Member Responsible
Analysis of various company
12. Artifact Analysis Human Resources documents could provide a wealth of Dana Miller
quantitative and qualitative data. Amy Parlo
These documents and corresponding
data that may be gleaned from those
documents include:
 Current Training Documents
 Job Aids
 Exit Interviews
 Customer Service Evaluations
 Employee Demographics
 Employee Performance
 History of Employee
Recognitions and Awards
 Company handbook
 Staffing distribution over
shifts and schedules
Analysis of various company
13. Artifact Analysis Company Records documents could provide a wealth of Amy Parlo
quantitative and qualitative data.
These documents and corresponding
data that may be gleaned from those
documents include:
 Previous customer service
survey data
 Reports generated by the
phone system

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 9

Activity 1 – Observations of Telephone Operators

Details of Activity/Method

In this activity, DBAP, Inc. will observe a representative sample of Telephone

Operators as they are answering customer service calls. Observations should be no
more than two hours per Telephone Operator. Observers will not interfere in any
way when Telephone Operators are on a call with a customer. In this
method, DBAP, Inc. will collect information in several areas that may help in
determining factors that impact performance.

Questions to Ask/Areas of Behaviors to Consider

 What are the shifts that the Telephone Operators work? Do they alternate?
 Is the area where Telephone Operators are working too loud?
 Is the area clean and professional?
 Is the break room clean? Does it allow the Telephone
Operators opportunities an opportunity to recharge?
 Do Telephone Operators have enough work space?
 Does the order entry system have any consistent glitches?
 How easy is it to access product information?
 How well do the Telephone Operators know how to use all the
technology (computer, ordering system, phones, etc.) necessary for their
Peers and Supervisors
 Is there any collaboration among Telephone Operators?
 Do they appear to work well together?
 How do the Telephone Operators and Supervisors interact?
 Are there opportunities for interaction?
 Are Telephone Operators following standard procedures?
 How do the Telephone Operators answer a call? How do they close a call?
 How well do they understand the order entry system?
 At what point do they transfer a customer to a Customer Service
 How thoroughly are Telephone Operators able to explain the different
products in the catalog?
 What customer questions do Telephone Operators seem to stumble on the
 How do Telephone Operators handle a difficult customer?
 Is the customer already angry by the time the Telephone Operator takes
the call?
 How often is a customer transferred to a Supervisor? Is there a common
reason they are transferred?
 According to reports, Telephone Operators are responding to only three
calls per hour instead of the required 6 calls. Why are Telephone
Operators spending longer times on the call than is expected?
 What is the demeanor of Telephone Operators when they talk to

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 10

 What percentage of calls does a Telephone Operator answer satisfactorily
on their shift?
 How long are customers on hold until they are able to speak to a
Telephone Operator?
 How are the energy levels of the Telephone Operators? Are they different
depending on the shift?
 What is the frustration level among Telephone Operators? Are they easily
frustrated? What are the most common triggers, if any?
 Are Telephone Operators motivated to find answers for customers and/or
make sure they are happy?
 Do the Telephone Operators complain amongst themselves about their
job? About what?

Activity 2 – Observations of Trainers

Details of Activity/Method

In this activity, DBAP, Inc. will observe the half-day training that is conducted
for Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors before the release of a
new catalog. Recordings of previous trainings will be viewed if
available. Through this method, we will collect information that can help
in determining if the training materials and instruction support the transfer of
knowledge of the catalog products to the Telephone Operators and Customer
Service Supervisors.

Questions to Ask/Areas of Behaviors to Consider

 Where is the training held? Is there enough room for all participants?
 Is it free from distractions?
 What equipment is used in training? Does the equipment work?
 What time(s) is the training offered? Do participants have day and time
options to choose from?
 Are the objectives stated at the beginning of training?
 Are adult learning theories/strategies used in the training?
 What percentage of the training is “Absorb” vs. “Do” vs. “Connect”
 Are there any role play exercises?
 Are Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors given the
opportunity to interact with the products or each other?
 Are Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors trained on
ALL products? How many products are there to learn in a training
 Is there an assessment? How do instructors gauge that the Telephone
Operators and Customer Service Supervisors have learned the content of
the training?
 Are Telephone Operators shown how to access the product summary
descriptions on the order entry system?
 What do the instructors do when they notice learner engagement is

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 11

 Is the 30-minute Q&A at the end of training enough to answer all
questions? How many questions are asked? Is there a common thread
among the questions asked?
 Do the instructors offer contact details or options to participants if there
are follow up questions and answers?
Training Materials
 Is the new catalog available? Does each Telephone Operator
and Customer Service Supervisor get a copy of the catalog?
 Are any of the products being trained on available to the participants
during the training?
 Are there any physical takeaways such as job aids? Are there any
resources other than the product summary descriptions on the order entry
 What is the quality of the PowerPoint presentation? Does it enhance or
detract from the training?
Learner Engagement
 Is training mandatory? Is there 100% attendance? If not, how many
Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors attend?
 Do the Telephone Operators and Customer Service
Supervisors pay attention? Are they engaged?
 Do the Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors have a
positive attitude towards the training? Do they seem overwhelmed? Do
they seem confident following the training?
 Do the attitudes of the Telephone Operators and Customer Service
Supervisors change from the beginning of the training to the end?
 Do the Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors appear to
have the same attitudes?
 What kinds of comments are made by the Telephone Operators and
Customer Service Supervisors during the training?

Activity 3 – Observations of Customer Service Supervisors

Details of Activity/Method

In this activity, DBAP, Inc. will observe the Customer Service Supervisors in two
contexts: 1) how they interact with customers and 2) how they interact with
the Telephone Operators. In this method, DBAP, Inc. will listen and
watch silently as the Customer Service Supervisors handle the customer calls
transferred to them and how the call is resolved. DBAP, Inc. observes how the
Customer Service Supervisors communicate with the Telephone Operators and
what they communicate. Observations should be no more than 2 hours per
Supervisor. Observers will not interfere in any way when Customer Service
Supervisors are on a call with a customer. The information collected in this activity
can help to determine what factors may be impacting the performance of both the
Customer Service Supervisors and the Telephone Operators and their

Questions to Ask/Areas of Behaviors to Consider

 Is the area where Customer Service Supervisors are working too loud?
 Is the area clean and professional?

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Is the break room clean? Does it allow the Customer Service
Supervisors opportunities to recharge?
 Where are the Customer Service Supervisors in relation to the Telephone
 What shifts do the Customer Service Supervisors work?
 Does the order entry system have any consistent glitches?
 How easy is it to access product information?
 How well do the Customer Service Supervisors know how to use all the
technology (computer, ordering system, phones, etc.) necessary for their
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors have any additional equipment or
resources that the Telephone Operators don’t have?
Supervisors and Telephone Operators
 How often do the Customer Service Supervisors and Telephone
Operators talk to each other? How do they communicate?
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors and the Telephone Operators seem
to have a friendly relationship?
 Do Customer Service Supervisors support or coach the Telephone
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors seem approachable?
 Are there any team meetings led by the Customer Service Supervisors?
 Do Customer Service Supervisors offer any feedback to Telephone
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors say anything negative about or to
the Telephone Operators?
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors ever compliment any Telephone
Operators on a task done well?

 What percentage of the calls are transferred to the Customer Service
 Do the Customer Service Supervisors follow procedures the same way as
the Telephone Operators?
 How do the Customer Service Supervisors answer a call? How do they
close a call?
 How well do they understand the order entry system?
 How well are Customer Service Supervisors able to explain the different
products in the catalog?
 How do they handle a difficult customer? What percentage of the
customers are already angry by the time they talk to a Customer Service
 How long are they on the phone, on average, with a customer?
 At the end of the call, does the customer seem satisfied?
 How are the energy levels of the Customer Service Supervisors?
 What is the frustration level among Customer Service Supervisors? Are
they easily frustrated? What are the most common triggers, if any?
 Are Customer Service Supervisors motivated to find answers for
customers and/or make sure they are happy?

Activity 4 – Individual interviews: Telephone Operators [PS]

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 13

Details of Activity/Method:

DBAP, Inc. will interview a representative sample of telephone operators to gain

insights regarding their working environment, training efficacy, communication,
and motivation. The interviews will not exceed one hour. DBAP, Inc. will audio-
record and transcribe the interviews for their study. The information shared
through these interviews will be kept confidential.

Questions to Ask

Working Environment
 Describe a typical day at work.
 How many hours per week are you expected to work?
 How frequently do you need to do overtime in a week?
 How would you describe the physical conditions of your general working
area and/or work station?
 Can you describe some of the challenges that you face while taking orders
from customers and/or handling customer complaints?
 Describe some instances when you had to redirect customer calls to a
customer service supervisor.
 How would you describe your interactions and relations with the customer
service supervisors?
 During which part of the day do you receive the maximum customer
 Which are the most frequent customer complaints?
 Do you think any form of additional tools or resources can help you
perform your work efficiently?
Training efficacy
 How did the trainers conduct the presentations? Was it easy to grasp what
was being taught?
 Did you find the duration of the training to be adequate for what was being
 How has the training helped you in your customer interactions
and/or customer service skills?
 Was the content in the training material adequate for you to describe a
product to a customer?
 Do you have any suggestions to improve the training so that you can gain
the maximum benefits from it?
 Can you suggest some ways that might make the training materials more
 Are there any training needs that you think require immediate attention?
 Do the supervisors provide you coaching and/or ongoing feedback while at
work? If yes, how frequently is it done?
 How often do you consult your peers for help before seeking the
 Do you face any challenges in understanding the language and accent of
the customers?
 Whom do you report technology-related issues (faulty headsets or other
computer-related)? How soon are they fixed/replaced?
 Does your job require paperwork or record-keeping in any other form that
leads to work flow lag?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 14

 What do you know about the recently introduced performance evaluation
policies of the company?
 What do you like the best about your job?
 What do you like the least about your job?
 How would you describe the general morale in the office?
 How frequently do your supervisors give you feedback regarding your
performance? Do you find the feedback fair and useful?
 Do you feel well-supported in your job by your peers and supervisors?
 Have you experienced any change in the organization? How has it
impacted your work?

Activity 5 - Individual interviews: Customer Service


Details of Activity/Method:

DBAP, Inc. will conduct a one-on-one interview with the four customer service
supervisors to gain insights about the expected and current performance of
operators, training, process, and accountability. The interviews will not exceed one
hour. DBAP, Inc. will audio-record and transcribe the interviews for their study.
The information shared through these interviews will be kept confidential

Questions to Ask

 Do you handle a team of operators? If yes, how many operators do you
 Do you follow a performance rubric for giving feedback? How will an
“excellent” operator perform at his job?
 How will you describe the current performance of the operators?
 How frequently do you give feedback to your operators?
 Describe the ways you provide feedback (brief and/or detailed).
 How receptive are operators do your feedback? Are they given a chance to
respond to your questions?
 Does the feedback affect your professional equations with the operators?
 How often does your job role require you to undergo supervisory training?
Who delivers this training and how?
 Are there any features that the product catalog training can borrow from
the supervisory training or vice-versa?
 Besides product catalog training, what other training might be useful to
you to do your job efficiently?
 Currently the telephone system is only 85% utilized in comparison to the
ideal 90%. Can you suggest any changes in the current protocol or
infrastructure that might speed up the work process?
 In which areas (product knowledge, skills, communication, or others) do
most operators underperform? Can you give some instances to support
your answer?
 Are there any issues in the current order entry system that SimplyOrder
will eliminate? How will it impact the workflow?
DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 15
 Do you think any form of additional tools or resources can help you
perform your work efficiently?
Recognition and accountability
 What qualities do you look for in star-performers?
 What is your action plan for operators who don’t meet the performance
 How do you handle the following complaints?
o Product-related from customers
o Operator- related from customers
o Management-related from operators as well as superiors
 Has the high turnover among operators always been a problem or is it a
recent trend?
 Do you have some suggestions for upper management to improve
customer satisfaction?

Activity 6 - Individual Interviews: Trainers

Details of Activity/Method

DBAP, Inc. will conduct one-on-one interviews with trainers, Judi Thompson and
Sheena Perez. The audio-recorded and transcribed interviews will aim
to understand their perception of performance gap, training needs and audience
characteristics, and other PD training support provided to employees.

Questions to Ask

Product catalog training:

 Can you explain briefly what topics are covered through
the product catalog training?
 Does the catalog training include only product specifics or technology and
customer service skills as well?
 Can you explain the learning characteristics of the target audience
(operators and customer service supervisors)?
 What were your reasons for delivering it as an instructor-led
training? Which instructional strategies did you employ for content
 Explain some of the challenges you faced during development or
delivering the training.
 How did you measure the learning outcomes?
 Do you have provision for post-training learner feedback?
 What are your reasons to identify “product knowledge” as the primary
cause for the performance gap?
Professional development (PD) training
 Are you responsible for any other professional development training
besides the product catalog training? If yes:
o What professional development training support do you offer to
customer service supervisors and telephone operators?
o Do learners take up PD training voluntarily or is it a promotion
o How frequently are the PD trainings scheduled? Does it interfere
with their regular shifts?
o What methodologies do you use to identify training needs?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 16

o Are there any training needs that you think require attention
immediately or in near future?
o Apart from sponsoring, how does the upper management
contribute towards these trainings?

Activity 7 - Individual Interviews: Management

Details of Activity/Method

Individual interviews will be conducted with the company’s management staff to

gain perspective from each person’s role and determine current and desired
conditions for the area they manage.

Questions to Ask

Mike Merrill, Vice-President of Sales:

 What is the most vital problem that needs to be solved?
 What are the perceived reasons for the problem?
 In what way could the problem could be resolved through training?
 What steps have you taken previously to solve the problem?
 What does your ideal sales outcome look like for next year?
 Are all orders placed by phone? Are some orders placed online? If orders
are placed by both phone and online, which contributes to a larger share of
 You have a 24/7 customer service toll free number. What are the
geographic locations of your target audience?
 Do you feel the size of the Telephone Operators/Customer Service
Supervisors staff is adequate to meet your sales targets for the coming
 How often do you meet with and/or communicate with the Telephone
Operators and Customer Service Supervisors? What is your typical
 Does ECG create a company newsletter? If so, how often does it go out
and what sort of inclusions are typically found in the newsletter? Is it
printed on paper, sent by email, posted in the break room, or a combination
of any of these mediums?
 Describe the trend in customer complaints since your first year in
operation. Is there a significant increase this year over previous years?
 What do you think is the best way to mitigate customer complaints?
 Describe any barriers that need to be addressed. How would you address

Jane Mackenzie, Director of Catalog Sales:

 What is the number one problem that needs to be solved?
 What are the reasons for the problem?
 In what way do you think the problem could be resolved through training?
 What steps have you taken to solve the problem?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 17

 Do you think the Telephone Operators/Customer Service Supervisors have
appropriate product knowledge? What sort of knowledge and skills of
products do they need to excel at their jobs?
 Do you think the Telephone Operators/Customer Service Supervisors have
appropriate customer service skills? Why or why not? If not, how could
their customer service skills be improved?
 Do you think the number of Telephone Operators/Customer Service
Supervisors staff is adequate to meet company sales goals?
 How often do you meet/communicate with the Telephone
Operators/Customer Service Supervisors? What do you discuss?
 Describe the procedure for handling irate customers. At what point of
escalation from a customer does a Telephone Operator contact a supervisor
for help? Is the Telephone Operator expected to try to calm the customer
down first before calling a supervisor? Does a supervisor ever call you for
assistance? Is there a job aid available for the Telephone Operators with
clear steps for handling irate customers?
 What is the purpose of monthly employee meetings? How soon before a
meeting is an agenda mailed or communicated to employees?

Sheena Perez, Merchandising Manager; Judi Thompson, Catalog Manager:

 What approaches/reasoning have you taken to ensure that your catalog
products appeal to your target audience?
 How do you plan your product lines? How do you make decisions to add
new products or remove products?
 When new products or product lines are added, what is your
communication process to the Telephone Operators or Customer Service
Supervisors to inform them? How soon are they made aware of any
product additions or removals?
 How many training sessions do you offer the Telephone Operators or
Customer Service Supervisors on the new catalog?
 Describe the training schedule for a Telephone Operator or Customer
Service Supervisor relative to when a new catalog is released.
 Are you satisfied with the results of your current training program? Do you
feel it provides all the knowledge and skills the Telephone Operator or
Customer Service Supervisor needs to perform their jobs to meet company
sales expectations?

Activity 8 – Individual Interviews: Human Resources

Details of Activity/Method

Individual interviews will be conducted with the company’s human resources staff
to gain perspective on the company’s cultural climate, communication practices
between management and employees, incentive and disciplinary practices, and
professional development opportunities.

Questions to Ask

Susan Turner, Director of Human Resources

 How would you describe the employee environment at ECG?
 What are the benefits of working for the company?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 18

 What methods do you use to recruit employees?
 What is your onboarding process?
 What are the company’s greatest challenges with its employees??
 What are the greatest concerns and complaints of employees?
 How do you collect and document employee concerns and complaints?
 How often do employees undergo performance evaluations?
 How do employees respond to the results of their performance
 Is there any sort of intervention or employee improvement plan put in
place before terminating an employee? If so, please describe.
 I understand that, on average, one staff member resigns or is terminated
every month. Is this a newer trend in the last year? If so, what has changed
from previous years?
 What sort of incentives and employee recognition opportunities does the
company provide and how often are they provided?
 Are there professional development opportunities offered? If so, please
 Does ECG have an employee wellness program? If so, please describe.

Activity 9 – Individual Interviews: Technology Staff

Details of Activity/Method

Individual Interviews will be conducted with the company’s technology staff to

gain perspective on the overall technical environment of the company, employee
software skill level, issues with software, and planned upgrades and/or changes to
any systems.

Questions to Ask

Bruce Bennet, VP of Information Technology

 How would you describe the aptitude of Telephone Operators and

Customer Service Supervisor with the systems used for catalog order
 How important are computer and technology skills for a Telephone
Operator or Customer Service Supervisor at ECG to have?
 What part does your department play in hiring decisions? Is there a
technology skills assessment for candidates?
 How is software training conducted for new employees? Could you
describe the process?
 How often does the customer service department face technology-related
issues? Are there any recurring ones?
 How long does it generally take to fix those issues? Do you offer
temporary replacements?
 Could you describe any common employee complaints or issues regarding
 Could you describe any dissatisfaction or issues that you have with
currently used systems?
 When was the current order entry system implemented? Why have you
decided to change it to SimplyOrder?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 19

 What is the timeline for the rollout into the new ordering system?
 What is your notification process to employees concerning software
updates and any new software implementation plans?
 What does your optimal technology environment look like?
 What improvements with employees and/or systems upgrades are needed
for an optimal technology environment?

Tsien Yun, Manager of SimplyOrder Implementation

 Describe your training plan for Telephone Operators and Customer Service
Supervisors for SimplyOrder.
 Will there be a testing period before the new ordering system goes “live”?
If so, what sorts of functions will be tested?
 What is your prior experience with using and/or administrating
SimplyOrder? Have you led implementation of this software before with
another company?
 On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you describe the “user-friendly” aspect
of SimplyOrder? Why do you rate it at this number?
 How long will it take for you to make the transition of the current system
to SimplyOrder?
 What technical difficulties do you foresee and what are your plans for
mitigating these difficulties?

Ted Higgins, Manager of Company Intranet

 How often do you update the Intranet?
 Please describe the types of information that is posted on the Intranet.
 Is any catalog product information updated in the company Intranet? If so,
how soon before the new product’s release is information available
through the Intranet?
 Do all levels of employees have access to the company Intranet?
(Hourly/Administrative/ Telephone Operators/Customer Service

Activity 10 – Survey: Telephone Operators

Details of Activity/Method

In this activity, DBAP, Inc. will solicit a quantitative opinion from the Telephone
Operators by asking them to complete an anonymous survey. DBAP, Inc. will
create an online survey that Telephone Operators can take at any place or time and
be able to express their true feelings about their job without fear that they may be
penalized by peers or management. This information can provide quantitative data
to support the qualitative data in observations and interviews. Additionally, it will
allow DBAP, Inc. to determine if there are other factors affecting performance
other than product knowledge and skills, as well as determine what other solutions,
aside from training, that should be considered.

Questions to Ask

Participant instructions: This survey is being used to collect opinions about

employee engagement and satisfaction among Telephone Operators. This survey is

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 20

Demographic Information:
 Which shift do you work?
1st / 2nd / 3rd / Alternating
 How long have you been with the company as a Telephone Operator?
0-6 months / 6-12 months / 1-2 years / 2-3 years / Over 3 years
 What is your current age?
Under 18 / 18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / Over 55
 What gender do you identify as?
Male / Female / Non-binary / Prefer not to say
 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
less than a high school diploma/ high school degree or GED/ Associates
Degree / Vocational Degree / Bachelor’s degree / Master’s degree / Doctorate /
Other (please specify)
 What is the language you are most comfortable speaking?
Cantonese / English / French / Indian Languages /Italian / Mandarin / Russian /
Spanish / other (please specify)
 How would you describe your English language speaking ability?
I am a native speaker of English/ I can speak proficiently / I can speak
conversationally or casually / I am not comfortable speaking English
 How would you describe your English language reading ability?
I can read English easily / I can read English but there are some words I do not
recognize / I am not comfortable reading English

Survey Questions: Please rate how much you agree or disagree with each
 My organization is dedicated to my professional development.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I am satisfied with the training I receive on new catalog products.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I am satisfied with the support I receive from my organization.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me at work.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I understand how my job impacts my organization’s business goals.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I have all the tools I need to do my job effectively.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I am encouraged by management to meet my goals at work.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 My organization recognizes employees who do a good job.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 My work relationships with my coworkers are positive and professional.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 My work relationship with my supervisor is positive and professional.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I am satisfied with my physical work environment.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 I am satisfied with my compensation and benefits.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
 Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
Strongly Agree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 21

Activity 11 – Survey: Customer Service Supervisors
Details of Activity/Method

DBAP, Inc. will carry out a survey to acquire responses from customer service
supervisors for quantitative analysis of various issues. The respondents can take
the survey online, anonymously, at their own convenience. In the survey, the
respondents will be given statements and they need to indicate their degree of
agreement or disagreement. In addition, there will be a few questions to obtain
demographic data. All the responses will be kept confidential and therefore, the
respondents can answer without any fear of consequences.

Questions to Ask

Demographic questions:
 Which shift do you work?
1st / 2nd / 3rd / Alternating
 How long have you been with the company as a Customer Service
0-6 months / 6-12 months / 1-2 years / 2-3 years / Over 3 years
 What is your current age?
Under 18 / 18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / Over 55
 What gender do you identify as?
Male / Female / Non-binary / Prefer not to say
 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
less than a high school diploma/ high school degree or GED/ Associates
Degree / Vocational Degree / Bachelor’s degree / Master’s degree /
Doctorate / Other (please specify)
 What is the language you are most comfortable speaking?
Cantonese / English / French / Indian Languages /Italian / Mandarin /
Russian / Spanish / other (please specify)
 How would you describe your English language speaking ability?
I am a native speaker of English/ I can speak proficiently / I can speak
conversationally or casually / I am not comfortable speaking English
 How would you describe your English language reading ability?
I can read English easily / I can read English but there are some words I do
not recognize / I am not comfortable reading English
Survey questions:
 I’ve adequate product knowledge to help customers after the catalog
product training.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 The performance of operators has improved after the catalog product
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 The redirected calls are usually from customers who are already angry
with the operators.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 I regularly observe and coach my operators during work hours.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 I give fair and useful feedback to my operators.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 22

 The training was delivered in the best possible way.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 The management provides adequate support in terms of training and
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 The operators are very receptive to feedback.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 I’ve cordial working relations with my subordinates and superiors.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 I’m happy with my working hours and conditions.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 I have sound knowledge of computer skills.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 The company recognizes and awards hard work and good performance.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree
 Overall, I’m quite satisfied with my job.
Strongly agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly disagree

Activity 12 – Artifact Analysis: Human Resources

Details of Activity/Method

Company documents from Human Resources will be analyzed for valuable

information about Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors that can
give important insight into the current conditions at ECG. These documents
contain demographic, performance, and training records for employees.

Questions to Ask

Current Training Documents:

 Is the content aligned with the desired outcome?
 Does the content cover product knowledge as well as customer service
 Is technology training present?
 Do the training methodologies employ best practices in andragogy?

Exit Interviews:
 Why do employees report as their decision for leaving the company?
 What do the employees voice that they like about the company?
 What do the employees dislike?
 On average, about how long do employees stay with ECG?

Customer Service Evaluations:

 What is the primary complaint from customers?
 Are the complaints higher during certain times of year? For certain shift
times? When do the highest volume of complaints occur?
 What do positive reviews of employees from customers cite? What do
customers like most about their ECG service and experience?

Employee Demographics:

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 23

 What are the requirements found in the job description of the Telephone
Operator and Customer Service Supervisor positions?
 What are the preferred qualifications, if any, found in the job description of
the Telephone Operator and Customer Service Supervisor positions?
 What is the highest level of education required for each of these positions?
 What is the lowest level of education required for each of these positions?
 What are the reported skill level and experience in customer service and
technology required for each of these positions?
 What is the age range of employees (low to high) in these roles?
 What is the average age of all employees? Which age group represents the
highest number of employees?

Employee Performance Evaluations:

 What components are employees assessed on?
 Do employees have a chance to respond to feedback and evaluations?
 What are the most frequently noted strengths and weaknesses of Telephone
 Is there evidence of an action plan for discipline for employees with poor
evaluations? (Check the Company Handbook)

History of Employee Recognition and Awards:

 What sort of acts and/or attributes does the company award employees
 Are there any employees that receive multiple awards?
 Are there any that receive no awards?

Job Aids:
 What sort of desktop job aids are provided for quick information?
 How many job aids are available to employees?
 Are the job aids stored in one central location that is easy to find, like the
 How often are job aids updated?

Company Handbook:
 Is the handbook easy to read and understand?
 How big is the handbook?
 Does it provide clear details of company mission, policy, and procedures?
 Does it provide operational guidelines and rules concerning attendance,
behavior, harassment, and equal opportunity?
 Is there a requirement that the employees acknowledge receipt and
comprehension of the handbook, such as a signature?

 Are past work schedules archived?
 Are scheduled hours distributed evenly among the full-time employees?
 What are standard shift hours for full-time and part-time employees?
 How many breaks are allowed during a shift? For how long are the breaks?
 Do employees “punch in” with a time card? Is it electronic (on their
desktop) or by card?
 What is the call-out policy and procedure for sicknesses and emergencies?
 What is the vacation and PTO policy? How do employees earn time off?

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 24

Activity 13 – Artifact Analysis: Company Records
Details of Activity/Method

A DBAP, Inc. member will meet with Mike Merrill, Vice-President of Sales to
request the release of the following company records for analysis:
 Previous customer service survey data
This data will be analyzed to identify trends and themes in the nature of
customer complaints. Categories will be coded from the data.
 Phone System Reports
An analysis will be conducted to determine if a correlation may be
identified between poor customer service reviews and various factors such
as shift of employee, call volume, wait times and lengths of calls.
 Employee Scheduling
An examination of employee scheduling will be conducted to determine if
employee scheduling appropriately reflects need as determined by call

Findings from the analysis of these company records will serve to triangulate
findings from the surveys, observations and interviews.

Questions to Ask

 What were the most frequent complaints in the customer service surveys?
 What is the frequency of complaints related to phone etiquette?
 What is the frequency of complaints related to product knowledge?
 What times of day receive the greatest call volume?
 Is the number of telephone operators assigned to each shift appropriate for the
volume of calls?
 Do certain shifts receive more complaints?
 Does wait time vary with shift?
 Does call length reflect challenges in service or exemplary service?
 Do customer complaints correlate with the release of the new catalogs?
 How often are customers transferred to another agent or redirected to a supervisor?
 Do transfers correlate with shifts or call volume?

Roadblocks & Dependencies

To avoid any interference with the gap analysis, DBAP, Inc. has identified
potential conditions that could impact or hinder their research and determined
appropriate mitigation strategies to negate these possible roadblocks.

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 25

Roadblocks / Dependencies Mitigation Strategies

Telephone Operators and Customer Require that the Telephone

Service Supervisors are scheduled Operator interviews, observations
to work various times covering a and surveys are conducted in three
24 hour work day, 7 days a week. shifts in order to accommodate
Not all members are available to employee working schedules.
participate at one time.

Telephone Operators and Customer Provide incentives such as a free

Service Supervisors are not lunch during the analysis period or a
compensated for meeting designated amount of PTO for
attendance outside of their duty participating in the research activities.
day. They also have a high
turnover rate indicating low morale
and job satisfaction. Employees
possibly will have low motivation
and/or resistance to being observed
or surveyed.

Telephone Operators and Customer Ensure that all analysis records are
Service Supervisors could be protected under a confidentiality
fearful of retaliation and are clause in the contract that
resistant to being honest or acting guarantees all findings are reported
as they normally do when they are as anonymously sourced for the
observed, interviewed, or surveyed. purpose of this project.
Request that senior management
release an encouraging note
thanking everyone for their
participation along with a statement
in writing that affirms company
commitment to federal employment
laws regarding discrimination and
retaliation, as well as assurance that
this process is initiated to improve
company morale, sales growth, and
the working conditions of the staff.

Although the gap is being Make a request to Jane MacKenzie for

measured for training considering an SME list in the event additional
specific goals (financial, customer expertise is needed for a thorough gap
satisfaction, and employee analysis.
satisfaction and engagement), the
assessment is planned without

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 26

Roadblocks / Dependencies Mitigation Strategies

Key managers and directors from At the onset of planning the gap
IT, HR, and Business are busy. analysis schedule, secure interview
Availability is not guaranteed. appointments with each individual
and accommodate their schedules
with individual components of the

There are 5,000 products in the Out of 25 phone operators working

catalogs. Each employee currently three shifts, roughly eight are working
averages three calls per hour. at any given time. Plan to observe
Assessing how much knowledge each employee for 1 hour to produce a
employees have of each product random sampling of a day’s work.
and how to look up the knowledge
and communicate it could be very
time consuming and not cost
effective for the project.

Senior management has a preset Conduct thorough interviews with

idea that training in product each member of management staff
knowledge and customer and document the findings
communication skills is the answer. carefully for comparison with
employee surveys.

DBAP, Inc. Gap Analysis 27

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