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6.11 Motor Reflexes LE6

Dr. E.G. Bartolome, MD, MSc, MSPH | April 5, 2017

I. Reflex
II. Reflex Arc
OUTLINE 3. Center – integrates information; synapse between the
afferent and efferent neuron
4. Efferent neuron – motor nerve; synapse with effector to
produce response
III. Classification of Reflexes 5. Effector – produces the response (e.g. muscles, glands)
IV. Muscle Sensory Receptors
V. Myotatic Reflex
VI. Inverse Myotatic Reflex
VII. Polysynaptic Reflexes
VIII. Visceral Reflexes
IX. Postural Reflexes
X. Primitive/Neonatal Reflexes

At the end of the lecture, the student should be able to:
1. Define reflexes
2. Describe the functional components of a typical reflex arc.
3. Classify the different reflexes as to:
a. Location of receptor: superficial or deep tendon,
or visceral
b. Number of synaptic connections or complexity of Figure 1. Functional Components of a Reflex Arc. In this example, the afferent
circuit: monosynaptic or polysynaptic neuron goes to the spinal cord. It then forms a synapse with the interneuron.
c. Destination of the interneuron in the spinal cord: The interneuron will form a synapse with the efferent neuron. Finally, the
ipsilateral or contralateral response will be coming from the effector organ. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.
d. Processing site: spinal or cranial reflexes
e. Location of effector organ or motor response: Stimuli
somatic or visceral • Mechanical: touch, pressure, vibration, stretch
f. Development: Innate or Acquired • Chemical: electrolytes, gases, acids, and bases
4. Differentiate the following spinal reflexes: Myotatic, • Thermal: cold or warm
Inverse Myotatic, Withdrawal, Cross-Extension
• Noxious: pain
5. Explain reciprocal innervation
6. Recall some visceral reflexes • Psychological (2019A)
7. Identify the postural and righting of reflexes
8. Identify some of the primitive reflexes Note that in Anatomy, pain is considered to be sensed
Legend: by chemoreceptors (due to the substances released by the
Remember Previous damaged tissues). Refer to [ANA] 6.01 GSA
Lecturer Book Trans Com
(Exams) Trans

    
B. Receptors
Location of receptors:
Dr. Bartolome breezed through the first 3 parts of the 1. Somatic – receptors present in the skin, muscles,
lecture and went straight to Part IV (Muscle Sensory tendons, and joints
Receptors). The first three parts are included here since a. Cutaneous – tactile, pain, temperature
these are part of the learning objectives, but you shouldn’t b. Muscles and tendons – mechanical
take too long in these parts (which are mostly review) and c. Joints – mechanical, noxious
instead should focus more on Part IV onwards (which d. Ganglion – post-synaptic neuron
starts on page 3). Happy studying! 2. Visceral
a. Cardiac (e.g. carotid and aortic sinuses and bodies)
b. Respiratory (e.g. mechanoreceptors,
I. REFLEX chemoreceptors, irritant)
• Involuntary, automatic response to specific sensory c. Gastrointestinal tract (e.g. mechanoreceptors,
stimulus (tactile, proprioceptive, visual, auditory, or chemoreceptors)
vestibular stimuli) d. Genitourinary tract (e.g. mechanoreceptors,
• Stereotyped, rapid, automatic motor response to a chemoreceptors)
sensory stimulus e. Vascular
• Does not reach consciousness
• Simple, relatively stereotyped motor response to a C. Afferent Neurons
particular stimulus (Berne) Types of afferent neurons:
1. Somatic – send information from skeletal muscles, skin,
II. REFLEX ARC and joints
A. Functional Components 2. Visceral – send information from visceral organs (e.g.
1. Receptor – detects stimulus blood pressure, body fluid concentration, respiratory
2. Afferent nerve – sensory nerve gases)

TRANSCRIBERS Tan, J. C., Tanjangco, Tecson, C., EDITOR Tilbe (0925 545 2480) 1 of 8
Tecson, S., Tolentino
6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

D. Integrating Center Table 2. Classification of sensory fibers from muscle

Type Origin Fiber Sensitive to
• Spinal reflex – involves only spinal cord segment
control Ia Muscle spindle, Aα Muscle length and rate
• Cranial reflex – the pathway usually involves cranial annulo-spiral ending of change of length
nerves Ib Golgi tendon organs Aα Muscle tension
II Muscle spindle, flower A Muscle length (little rate
E. Efferent Neurons spray ending; Non- sensitivity), deep
spindle endings pressure
• Motor neuron
III Pain and cold Aδ Pain, chemical stimuli,
• Synapses with effector to produce response receptors, some touch temperature (important
• To visceral organ: autonomic nerves III, VII, IX, and X receptors for physiological
response to exercise)
Types of efferent neurons: IV Pain, temperature, Dorsal Pain, chemical stimuli,
1. Alpha motor neuron and other receptors root C temperature
• Innervates extrafusal muscle fibers
• Receives impulses from descending tracts
• Synaptic connections with afferent neuron
2. Gamma motor neuron
• Innervates intrafusal muscle fibers
• Receives impulses from higher centers
• Synaptic connections with afferent neuron

Figure 3. Classification of Peripheral Somatic Afferent Fibers. Adapted from

[ANA] 6.01 GSA by Dr. Esguerra


Figure 2. Alpha and gamma motor neurons. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.

F. Effectors
• Muscles
o Response: contraction or relaxation
o Skeletal, Smooth, or Cardiac muscles
• Glands Figure 4. Classification of reflexes. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.
o Response: greater of lesser secretion
A. According to origin of receptor and effector
Table 1. Mammalian nerve fibers. From lecturer’s ppt
Fiber Type Function Fiber Conduction • Viscerovisceral
Diameter Velocity • Viscerosomatic
(m) (m/s) • Somatovisceral
Aα Proprioception; 12-20 70-120 • Somatosomatic
somatic motor
A Touch, pressure 5-12 30-70 B. According to location of receptor
Ay Motor to muscle 3-6 15-30
spindles • Superficial reflex
Aδ Pain, temperature 2-5 12-30 • Deep tendon reflex
B Preganglionic <3 3-15 • Proprioception reflex
autonomic • Visceral reflex
C, Pain, temperature 0.4-1.2 0.5-2
Dorsal root
C. According to location of effector
C, Postganglionic 0.3-1.3 0.7-2.3
Sympathetic sympathetic • Somatic – skeletal muscle
• Visceral – visceral organ

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

D. According to Development/Onset of reflex A. Muscle Spindle

• Inborn or intrinsic reflex • Stretch receptor
o Unlearned • Found in almost all skeletal muscles, particularly
o Involuntary those that exert fine motor control
o Pathways are built into the body of each • Specialized muscle fibers richly innervated by sensory
individual during development and motor axons
o Ex. Primitive/neonatal reflexes • Innervated part is encased in a connective tissue
• Learned or acquired reflex capsule
o Learned through practice • Muscle spindles are composed of intrafusal muscle
o Involves a far more complicated set of fibers (while skeletal muscles are composed of
triggering stimuli and a far more complicated extrafusal muscle fibers)
pattern of motor response
o Ex. Riding a bicycle or driving a car

E. According to number of synaptic connection

• Monosynaptic reflex – No interneuron
o Myotatic/myotactic
• Disynaptic reflex – One interneuron
o Inverse myotatic
o Reciprocal innervation
• Polysynaptic reflex – Two or more interneurons
o Withdrawal
o Crossed extension
o Visceral

F. According to extent of response

• Segmental
o Local
o Deep tendon reflexes Figure 5. Muscle Spindle. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.
• Suprasegmental
o Diffused Intrafusal Muscle Fibers
o Superficial reflexes • Do not contribute to the build-up of tension within
o Visceral skeletal muscles (since they are too small)
• Arranged parallel to extrafusal muscle fibers
G. According to destination of interneuron o when extrafusal muscles are stretched, the
intrafusal muscle fibers will also be stretched
• Ipsilateral
o Central reflex activity remains on the same Types of Intrafusal Muscles Fibers
side • Nuclear bag
• Contralateral o Have enlargements in the central portion
o Afferent input enters the cord on one side o Nuclei are bunched together in the central
and motor output exhibited on the opposite region of the fiber (2017B)
side o Types of nuclear bags:
• Renshaw cell – inhibitory interneurons ▪ Bag 1/Dynamic Bag Fiber – signal
o Located in the anterior horns of the spinal information about the rate of
cord, in close association with motor neurons change (velocity) of muscle length
o Inhibitory cells that transmit signals to the ▪ Bag 2/Static Bag Fiber – signal
surrounding motor neuron information about the static length
o Stimulation of each motor neuron tends to of a muscle
inhibit adjacent motor neuron causing lateral • Nuclear chain fibers
inhibition o Thin intrafusal muscle fibers
o Receives impulses coming from a branch o No enlargements in the central portion
from the motor neuron
o Nuclei are arranged in a row (2017B)
o Signal information about the static length of
• Receptors present within the skeletal muscles
• Two receptor types to be discussed Sensory Innervation of Muscle Spindles
o Muscle spindle • Group/Type Ia afferent neurons
o Golgi tendon organ o Sensitive to BOTH the amount of muscle
stretch and velocity/rate of stretching

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

o Innervates BOTH the nuclear bag and

nuclear chain fibers aka ALL intrafusal
• Group/Type II afferent neurons
o Respond ONLY to the amount of stretch
and NOT the velocity/rate of the stretch
o Innervates nuclear bag 2 and nuclear
chain fibers
• Group Ia & II fibers show static-type response, thus
under steady state conditions (constant muscle
length), their firing rate will reflect the amount of
muscle stretch.
• However, while muscle length is changing, group Ia
firing also reflects the rate of stretch or shortening the
muscle is undergoing.
• Its activity overshoots during muscle stretch and
Figure 7. Muscle Spindle showing the innervations and the different fibers.
undershoots during shortening. These are called
On the left, you see the gamma neurons ending at the polar region. On the
dynamic responses. This dynamic sensitivity also
right, you see the different nuclear chain and nuclear bag (dynamic and
means that the activity of group Ia fibers is much more static) fibers. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.
sensitive to transient stretches.
Alpha Gamma Coactivation
• When the muscle is stretched, the muscle spindles
are also stretched. This is called the loading the
muscle spindles.
• When the skeletal muscle contracts, the muscle
shortens. The muscle spindles will not be stretched.
This is called the unloading of the muscle spindles.
• When the CNS instructs a muscle to contract, it not
only sends the appropriate signals to the alpha motor
neurons, it also instructs gamma motor neurons to
contract the intrafusal fibers
• If a resting muscle is stretched, the muscle spindle
becomes stretched in parallel, sending signals through
the primary and secondary afferents; however, the
spindle is rendered temporarily insensitive to stretch
after the muscle has contracted.
• Activation of gamma motor neurons prevents this
temporary insensitivity by causing a weak
contraction of the intrafusal fibers, in parallel with
Figure 6. Comparison between Group Ia and II Fibers and their reaction to the contraction of the muscle. This contraction keeps
different kinds of stretch. Group Ia will be important in the detection of the spindle taut at all times and maintains its sensitivity
amount of stretch and rate of stretch. Group II is only able to detect the to changes in the length of the muscle.
amount of stretch. Group Ia will have their endings on all the intrafusal
muscle fibers while Group II will have theirs in the nuclear bag and nuclear
chain fibers. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.

Motor Innervation of Muscle Spindles

• Dynamic gamma motor axons
o End on nuclear bag 1 fibers
• Static gamma motor axons
o End on nuclear chain and bag 2 fibers
o These gamma motor neurons adjust to
sensitivity of the muscle spindles to stretch
• Gamma innervations end in the polar region

Figure 8. Alpha Gamma Coactivation. Alpha motor neurons innervate

extrafusal muscle fibers, which provide the force for muscle contraction,
while Gamma motor neurons innervate the ends of intrafusal fibers and
help to maintain the tautness of muscle spindles, such that they are always
sensitive to changes of muscle length. Adapted from lecturer’s ppt.

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

B. Golgi Tendon Organ

• Innervated from the terminals of group Ib afferent
• Terminals of group Ib afferent fibers are wrapped
around bundles of collagen fibers in the tendon of the
• Sensory ending is arranged in series with the
muscle, in contrast to the parallel arrangement of the
muscle spindle
• Can be activated by either muscle stretch or by
contraction of the muscle
• Response to stretch is the result of the spring-like
nature of the muscle
• When a muscle is stretched, Ib fiber will show an
initial increase in firing, reflecting the increased
tension on the muscle cause by stretch, but will then
show a gradual return toward its initial firing rate as
the tension in the muscle is lowered Figure 10. Knee jerk reflex: elicited by striking the patellar tendon with a
• Detects tension reflex hammer; this stretches the quadriceps muscle and excites a dynamic
stretch reflex causing the lower leg to” jerk” or extend forward (Guyton)

1. Phasic/ Ia /Dynamic Stretch Reflex

• In response to rapid, transient stretches of the muscle
• Exhibited by knee jerk/patellar reflex
• Elicited by Type Ia afferent neurons
• Form excitatory synapses directly (monosynaptic) on
virtually all  motor neurons that supply the same
(homonymous) muscle
• Note: Type Ia fibers do not contact the gamma motor
neurons to avoid positive feedback loop 

• Example: A waiter is holding an empty tray, when
unexpectedly a pitcher is placed on the tray. Because
the waiter’s muscles were not prepared to support the
increased weight, the tray should fall; however, a
spinal reflex is automatically initiated to keep the tray
relatively stable. When the heavy pitcher is placed on
Figure 9. Golgi Tendon Organ the tray, the increased weight stretches the muscle,
which results in the activation of the muscle spindle’s
V. MYOTATIC REFLEX Ia afferents. This causes a monosynaptic activation of
• A monosynaptic pathway that allows a reflex signal to the alpha motor neuron that causes the muscle to
return to the shortest possible time delay back to the contract. As a result, the stretch of the muscle is
muscle after excitation of the spindle quickly counteracted, and the waiter is able to maintain
• For the maintenance of posture and helps overcome the position of the tray (Neuroscience)
unexpected impediments during a voluntary movement Reciprocal innervation/inhibition
(Berne) • A disynaptic reflex
• Whenever a muscle is stretched suddenly, excitation of • In this response, the agonist is stimulated while the
the muscle spindles causes reflex contraction of the antagonist is inhibited.
large skeletal muscles (Guyton) • Muscle spindle will be stimulated and will send
impulses to the spinal cord via the Ia afferent fiber
Table 3. Characteristics of Myotatic / Stretch Reflex • Ia afferent fiber will form a synapse with two neurons:
Myotatic/Stretch Reflex o Alpha motor neuron as the effector of
Stimulus Stretch agonist muscle
Receptor Muscle spindle o Group Ia Inhibitory Interneuron which
Afferent Nerve Ia (Phasic); II (Tonic) would form a synapse with effector neuron
Center Spinal Cord (L2-L4)* that would be innervating the antagonist
Efferent Nerve motor neuron muscle. (Only interneuron which receives
Effector Agonist or homonymous muscle input from both Ia afferent and Renshaw
Response Contraction of agonist muscle; controls cells.)
muscle length (extensors > flexors) • Renshaw cells inhibit both the alpha motor neuron and
the Group Ia Inhibitory Interneuron
*level of the spinal cord depends on what muscle you o Leads to the opposite effect (contraction of
stimulate. L2-L4 is specific for the patellar reflex antagonist and relaxation of agonist)

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

Figure 11. Ia Inhibitory interneuron and Renshaw cell Figure 12. Inverse Myotactic Reflex. When there is increase in tension/force
of contraction within the skeletal muscles, the golgi tendon organs will be
stimulated, sending impulses through Ib. Then, it will form a synapse with
2. Tonic Phase / Static Stretch Reflex
inhibitory interneuron. The inhibitory interneuron will form a synapse with
• Response to a slower or steady stretch applied to the alpha motor neuron, inhibiting the agonist muscle.
• Elicited by passively bending a joint
Table 4. Characteristics of Inverse Myotatic Reflex
• Exhibited by Type Ia and Type II nerve endings of the Inverse Myotatic Reflex
muscle spindle Tension
• Same circuitry as phasic stretch reflex Golgi Tendon Organ
• Contribute to muscle tone and maintains posture
Afferent Nerve Group Ib
• Example: if the knee of a soldier standing at attention
Center Spinal Cord
flexes because of fatigue, the quadriceps will be
Efferent Nerve motor neuron
stretched and a tonic stretch reflex is elicited.
Quadriceps will contract more thereby opposing Effector Agonist or homonymous muscle
flexion and restoring posture (Berne) Response Relaxation of agonist muscle: Controls
muscle tension to prevent tearing of
• Golgi tendon Organ Reflex or Ib reflex VII. POLYSYNAPTIC REFLEXES
• Prevents tearing of the tendon A. Withdrawal/Flexion Reflex
• Maintains force in the tendon
• Initiated by cutaneous and pain receptors
• Controls the force within the muscle and stability of the
joints • After accidentally touching a hot stove or a sharp
object, we withdraw our hand even before we
• Feedback system to help maintain force levels in a
consciously experience the sensation of pain.
• There are no monosynaptic connections to α motor • This quick reflex removes the limb from the damaging
stimulus more quickly than if the pain signal had to
neurons Ib afferents synapse onto two classes of
interneurons: interneurons that inhibit α motor travel up to the brain, be brought to conscious
neurons that supply the homonymous muscle and awareness, and then trigger a decision to withdraw
excitatory interneurons that activate α motor the limb.
neurons to the antagonist
• Called a disynaptic reflex arc

o one interneuron between the sensory and
motor neuron
o Glycine: neurotransmitter secreted by the
o Reciprocal innervation is present
▪ Reciprocal excitation: relaxation of
the agonist causes contraction of the
• Myotactic and Inverse Myotatic reflex, functionally, can
act synergistically. Coordinated action of both muscle
spindle and Golgi tendon organ afferent fibers is
needed to cause greater contraction of the muscle and
maintenance of the posture
Figure 13. Withdrawal Reflex. The sensory neuron, interneuron, and the
motor neuron communicate via synapses in the spinal cord.

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

Table 5. Characteristics of Withdrawal/Flexion Reflex • A branch of the Group III/Aδ afferent innervates an
Withdrawal/Flexion Reflex excitatory interneuron that sends its axon across the
Stimulus Noxious (pain) midline into the contralateral spinal cord. There, it
Receptor Cutaneous (pain receptor) excites the alpha motor neurons that innervate the
Afferent Nerve Aδ or C fibers extensor muscles of the opposite leg.
Center Spinal Cord • There is double reciprocal innervation
Efferent Nerve motor neuron o Excite flexor and inhibit extensor in affected
Effector Agonist or homonymous muscle limb
Response Activation of flexor muscles; Withdraws o Excite extensor and inhibit flexor in
limb when it comes in contact with contralateral limb
painful stimuli Table 6. Comparison of Stretch and Flexion Reflexes
Stretch Reflex Flexion Reflex
• Stimulates sensory, association and motor neurons Afferent Grp Ia and II Flexion reflex
• Reciprocal inhibition: in flexion reflexes, afferent Limb afferents
volleys cause excitatory interneurons to activate  Latency Short Long (Polysynaptic)
motor neurons that supply the flexor muscles in the (Monosynaptic)
ipsilateral limb and inhibitory interneurons to inhibit Divergence Some Widespread
the  motor neurons that supply the antagonistic Target Same and Flexors of same side;
extensor muscles Muscle Synergists of extensors of opposite
• Once a nociceptor has been stimulated, the signal same side side
travels via the sensory nerve to the dorsal (posterior) Reciprocal Yes Yes (Double)
horn of the spinal cord Innervation
• The nerve synapses with ipsilateral motor neurons Linearity Linear Non-linear
that exit the ventral (anterior) horn of the spinal cord Duration Same as stimulus May persist because
and work to pull the injured body part away from of afterdischarge
danger within 0.5 seconds Specificity Specific to set of Less specific:
• At the same time, it also synapses with the motor muscles involves many
neuron in the contralateral anterior horn muscles
o stabilizes the uninjured side of the body Table 7. Summary Table of Motor Reflexes
• This contralateral stimulation of motor neurons to Myotatic Inverse Withdrawal/
stabilize the body is called the crossed extension Myotatic Flexion
reflex, and is a result of the withdrawal reflex Stimulus Stretch Tension Noxious (pain)
Receptor Muscle Golgi Cutaneous
spindle Tendon (pain receptor)
Afferent N. Ia (Phasic); Group Ib Aδ or C fibers
II (Tonic)
Center Spinal Cord
Efferent N. motor neuron
Effector Agonist
Response Contraction Relaxation Activation of
of agonist of agonist flexor muscles;
muscle muscle Withdraws limb
when it comes
in contact with
painful stimuli

From Trans group: Dr. Bartolome did not discuss the following topics
(Parts VIII, IX, & X); however, these can be found in her slides and are
also part of the learning objectives. These topics were also discussed
in the online resource she asked us to read.

Figure 14. Cross Extension Reflex.

B. Crossed Extension Reflex • CVS: Baroreceptor, Chemoreceptor, Bainbridge (↑
HR due to ↑ central venous pressure)
• Interneurons evoke the opposite pattern of activity in • Respiratory: Hering-Breur (prevent over-inflation of
the contralateral side of the spinal cord resulting in the lungs), sneeze, cough, diving
extension of the opposite limb • GIT: Deglutition, Vomiting, Defecation, Ileoileal,
• Imagine stepping on a tack, and having the flexor reflex Gastrocolic
withdraw your right leg immediately. The left leg must • Renal: Micturition
simultaneously extend in to support the body weight • Optha: Lacrimal
that would have been supported by the right leg.
• Oto: Attenuation/Tympanic reflex

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6.11 Motor Reflexes PHYSIOLOGY 2020C

IX. POSTURAL REFLEXES Moro Sudden move; Startles; Disappears at

Brainstem control of posture and movement: loud noise throws out three to four
1. Vestibular Reflexes arms and legs months
and then pulls
• rotation of the head activates sensory receptors of the
them toward
semicircular canal the body
• in generating eye movement, the sensory input to the Rooting Cheek stroked Turns toward
vestibular nuclei results in postural adjustments or side of mouth source, open
• mediated by commands transmitted to the spinal cord touched mouth and
through the lateral and medial vestibulospinal tracts sucks
and the reticulospinal tracts Stepping Infant held Moves feet as
Vestibular placing reaction: upright with feet if to walk
touching the
o tilting the head changes the linear ground
acceleration on individual hair cells of the Suckling Mouth touched Sucks on
otolith organs of the vestibular apparatus. The by object objects
resulting changes in hair cell activity can
produce eye movement and postural Swimming Places face Makes Disappears at
adjustment. down in water coordinated six to seven
swimming months
Vestibulocolic reflex: movements
o Lateral vestibulospinal tract activates Tonic Neck Placed on back Makes fists Disappears at
extensor muscles that support posture. For and turns two months
instance, if the head is rotated to the left, head to the
postural support is increased on the left side. right
This increased support prevents the subject
from falling to the left as the head rotation QUIZ
continues. #1-6. Write A if the reflex is monosynaptic, B if the reflex is disynaptic,
o Medial vestibulospinal tract causes or C if the reflex is polysynaptic:
contractions of neck muscles that oppose the 1. Withdrawal reflex 4. Visceral
induced movement 2. Inverse Myotatic 5. Myotatic
3. Crossed Extension 6. Reciprocal Innervation
2. Tonic Neck Reflexes: activated by muscle spindles 7. Which of the following is an example of a phasic reflex?
in neck (contains the largest concentration of muscle A. When you touch a hot pot and quickly retract your arm
spindles of any muscle in the body) B. When an examiner taps your knee and it jerks
• If the neck is bent (without tilting the head), the neck C. When you are about to fall but quickly regain balance
muscle spindles evoke tonic neck reflexes without #8-22. T/F
interference from the vestibular system. 8. Alpha motor neurons innervate the extrafusal muscle fibers while
• When the neck is extended, the forelimbs extend and Gamma motor neurons innervate intrafusal muscle fibers
9. Through the gamma motor neurons, adjustment of the muscle
the hind limbs flex. spindle enables it to be always sensitive
3. Righting Reflexes: mediated by the vestibular 10. Muscle spindles are arranged in series while Golgi tendon organs
apparatus, the neck stretch receptors, and are arranged in parallel with regards to the muscle fibers
mechanoreceptors of the body wall 11. Myotatic Reflex involves stimulation of the Group Ia Inhibitory
• Reflexes tend to restore an altered position of the neuron, which is responsible for contracting the agonist muscle
head and body toward normal. 12. Tonic phase is exhibited by only the Type II nerve endings of the
• The receptors responsible for righting reflexes are muscle spindle
13. In inverse myotatic reflex, relaxation of the agonist causes
exteroceptors (body-head/body-body righting), contraction of the antagonist
otoliths (labyrinthine righting), muscle spindles 14. Type Ia and II afferent fibers are sensitive to the rate of stretch
(neck righting), and retina (optical righting). 15. Alpha gamma coactivation is present in myotatic reflex
16. There is double reciprocal innervation in the flexion reflex
1. PRIMITIVE/NEONATAL REFLEXES 17. Golgi Tendon Organs play a role in righting reflexes
18. Placing a neonate on its back activates its tonic neck reflex
Table 8. Neonatal Reflexes 19. Stepping on a tack causes flexion of affected limb and extension of
Reflex Stimulation Response Duration contralateral limb
20. Pain fibers are more myelinated compared to pressure fibers
Babinski Sole of foot Fans out toes Disappears at 21. Glycine is released by the interneuron in the myotatic reflex
stroked and twists foot nine months 22. The neck contains the largest concentration of muscle spindles in
in to a year the body
Blinking Flash of light or Closes eyes Permanent 1C 2B 3C 4C 5A 6B 7B 8T 9T 10F 11F 12F 13T 14F 15F 16T 17F 18T 19T 20F 21F 22T
light or puff of air
Grasping Palms touched Grasps tightly Weakens at
1. Bartolome, E. (2017). Reflexes. Quezon City: Department of Physiology,
three months; UERMMMCI College of Medicine.
disappears at 2. Berne, R. (2010). Berne & Levy Physiology (6th Ed. Updated Ed.)
a year Philadelphia, PA: Mosby/Elsevier.
3. Hall, J. E. (2015). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology. Elsevier
Health Sciences.
4. 2019A & 2019C (2016). Reflexes Transcriptions. UERMMMCI College of
Medicine, Quezon City, Philippines.
5. Knierim, J. (n.d.) Spinal Reflexes and Descending Motor Pathways (online)
accessed from

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Tecson, S., Tolentino

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