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FRICTIONAL BEHAVIOR 35.1.5 FRICTIONAL BEHAVIOR Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE References i + “FRIC,” Section 1.1.8 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual © CFRIC + “VERIC,” Section 1.2.4 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual ‘+ “VFRIC_COER,” Section 1.2.5 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual + “VERICTION,” Section 1.2.6 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual + *PRICTION + *CHANGE FRICTION ‘eating interaction properties,” Section 15.12.2 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual, in the online HTML version of this manual “Mechanical contact properties: overview,” Section 3: SOEF,” Section 1.1.9 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual Overview When surfaces are in contact they usually transmit shear as well as normal forces across their interface. There is generally a relationship between these two force components. The relationship, known as the friction between the contacting bodies, is usually expressed in terms of the stresses at the interface of the bodies. The friction models available in Abaqus: * include the classical isotropic Coulomb friction model (see “Coulomb friction,” Section 5.2.3 of the Abaqus Theory Manual), which in Abaqus: — in its general form allows the friction coefficient to be defined in terms of slip rate, contact pressure, average surface temperature at the contact point, and field variables; and provides the option for you to define a static and a kinetic friction coefficient with a smooth transition zone defined by an exponential curve; * allow the introduction ofa shear stress limit, Tmax, Which is the maximum value of shear stress that can be carried by the interface before the surfaces begin to slide; ‘+ include an anisotropic extension of the basic Coulomb friction model in Abaqus/Standard; ‘+ include a model that eliminates frictional slip when surfaces are in contact; * include a “softened” interface model for sticking friction in Abaqus/Explicit in which the shear stress is a function of elastic slip; * can be implemented with a stiffness (penalty) method, a kinematic method (in Abaqus/Explicit), or a Lagrange multiplier method (in Abaqus/Standard), depending on the contact algorithm used; and + can be defined in user subroutines FRIC or FRIC_COEF (in Abaqus/Standard) or VFRIC, VFRICTION, or VFRIC_COEF (in Abaqus/Explicit). 35.1.5-1 FRICTIONAL BEHAVIOR In Abaqus/Standard tangential damping forces can be introduced proportional to the relative tangential velocity, while in Abaqus/Explicit tangential damping forces can be introduced proportional to the rate of relative elastic slip between the contacting surfaces (see “Contact damping,” Section 35.1.3, for more information). Including friction properties in a contact property definition Abaqus assumes by default that the interaction between contacting bodies is frictionless, You can include a friction model in a contact property definition for both surface-based contact and element-based contact. Input File Usage: Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use both of the following options for surface-based contact: *SURFACE INTERACTION, NAM “FRICTION Use both of the following options for element-based contact in Abaqus/Standard: *INTERFACE or *GAP, ELSET=name *FRICTION Interaction module: contact property editor: Mechanical—-Tangential Behavior Element-based contact is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. '-interaction_property_name Changing friction properties during an analysis The methods used to change friction properties during an analysis differ between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Changing friction proper s during an Abaqus/Standard analysis It is possible to remove, to modify, or to add a friction model that does not involve a user subroutine to a contact property definition in any particular step of an Abaqus/Standard simulation. In some models, such as shrink-fit contact interference problems, friction should not be added until after the first steps have been completed. In other models friction might be removed or lowered to represent the introduction of a lubricant between the bodies. You must identify which contact property definition or contact element set is being changed. Input File Usage: Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use both of the following options for surface-based contact: *CHANGE FRICTION, INTERACTION=name +FRICTION Use both of the following options for element-based contact: *CHANGE FRICTION, ELSET=name “FRICTION Define a contact property with a new friction definition. Then change the contact property assigned to an interaction in a particular step. Interaction module: Contact property editor: Mechanical—+Tangential Behavior 35.1.5-2 FRICTIONAL BEHAVIOR Interaction editor: Contact interaction property: new_interaction_property_name Element-based contact is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. Specifying the time variation of the change in friction properties You can specify an amplitude curve (see “Amplitude curves,” Section 32.1.2) to define the time variation of changes in friction coefficients and, if applicable, allowable elastic slip (see “Stiffness method for imposing frictional constraints in Abaqus/Standard,” below) throughout the step. If you do not specify an amplitude curve, changes in these friction properties are either applied immediately at the beginning of the step or ramped up linearly over the step, depending on the default amplitude variation assigned to the step (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1), with some exceptions as described below. For ‘many step types the default transition type is a linear ramping from old to new values, which helps avoid convergence problems that can occur upon sudden changes in friction properties, Amplitude curves used to control variations in friction properties are subjected to the following restrictions: ‘+ a tabular or smooth step amplitude definition must be used, ‘+ only amplitudes with monotonically increasing values between 0.0 and 1.0 are accepted, and + the amplitude must be defined in terms of step time and using relative magnitudes. The value of a friction coefficient or allowable clastic slip in effect at a given time is typically equal to the value of the property at the start of the step plus the current amplitude value times the anticipated change in property value over the step. Variations in friction properties must consider the following: ‘+ Changes in the type of frictional constraint enforcement method (penalty or Lagrange multiplier methods), changes between a “rough” friction model and a finite friction coefficient, and changes to friction properties other than the friction coefficient or allowable elastic slip always occur at the beginning of a step. ‘Ifa friction coefficient is dependent on slip rate, contact pr the conta sure, average surface temperature at point, or field variables, the estimate of the final value of the friction coefficient for the step (which is used in calculating the anticipated change in the friction coefficient over the step) assumes that the current slip rate, contact pressure, etc. will remain in effect at the end of the step. * Ifa friction coefficient is changed during the first step of an analysis, its value at the start of the step is equal to zero for this calculation, regardless of the original friction definition in the model. ‘+ Changes in allowable elastic slip always occur at the beginning of a step when an exponential-decay friction model is used or when frictional properties are changed during the first general step or during a steady-state transport step that is preceded by a step type other than steady-state transport. Input File Usage: *CHANGE FRICTION, AMPLITUDE=name Abaqus/CAE Usage: Time-dependent changes in friction properties are not supported in Abaqus/CAE. 35.1.5-8

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