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Quiz in SPED


Course, Yr. & Sec.:

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is refers to the ability of the individual to process information coming from the
environment and makes use of the information in the process.
a. Language Processing Disorder
b. Learning Disabilities
c. Academic achievement deficit
d. Sensory Integration

2. It is problems among children related to disorders in understanding or in using spoken

and/or written language.
a. Sensory Integration
b. Language Processing Disorder
c. Non-verbal Learning Disabilities
d. Learning Disabilities

3. This is a condition that adversely affects how sound that travels unimpeded through the
ear is processed or interpreted by the brain.
a. Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit
b. Auditory Processing Disorder
c. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
d. Language Processing Disorder

4. This is a specific type of Auditory Processing Disorder in which there is difficult

attaching meaning to sound groups that form words, sentences and stories.
a. Language Processing Disorder
b. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
c. Auditory Processing Disorder
d. Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit

5. This is a disorder that affects the understanding of information that a person sees, or the
ability to draw or copy.
a. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
b. Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit
c. Language Processing Disorder
d. Auditory Processing Disorder

6. This is a disorder which is usually characterized by a significant discrepancy between

higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills.
a. Auditory Processing Disorder
b. Language Processing Disorder
c. Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit
d. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

7. It is a specific learning disability that affects a person’s handwriting ability and fine
motor skills.
a. Dysgraphia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dyslexia
d. Auditory Processing Disorder

8. It is a specific learning disability that affects a person’s ability to understand numbers and
learn math facts.
a. Auditory Processing Disorder
b. Dysgraphia
c. Dyscalculia
d. Dyslexia

9. It is a specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based

processing skills.
a. Auditory Processing Disorder
b. Dysgraphia
c. Dyscalculia
d. Dyslexia

10. Have difficulty in determining the right word to define an object or idea. This signs is
observe during?
a. Kindergarten
b. Kindergarten through fourth grade
c. Fifth grade through eighth grade
d. High school and adulthood

11. Resist new environments and settings. This signs is observe during?
a. Kindergarten
b. Kindergarten through fourth grade
c. Fifth grade through eighth grade
d. High school and adulthood

12. Difficulty with handwriting, often as a result of an awkward pencil grip.

a. Kindergarten
b. Kindergarten through fourth grade
c. Fifth grade through eighth grade
d. High school and adulthood

13. This are the successful strategies for teaching students with LD, except?
a. Using a sequential, simultaneous structured multi-sensory approach
b. Provide prompts of strategies to use
c. Break learning into small steps
d. Provide ample dependent materials for practice

14. It is start out with the teacher using heavily mediated instruction, known as?
a. Scaffolding
b. Explicit Instruction
c. Monitoring
d. Mediated Instruction

15. It is interferes with an individual’s ability to focus, regulate activity level and inhibit
a. Hyperactive Disorder
b. Attention Deficit Disorder
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
d. Predominantly Hyperactive-impulsive

16. Children with inhibited behavior, inattentive, and without focus tend to be withdrawn,
polite and shy.
a. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
b. Impulsivity Disorder
c. Predominantly inattentive
d. Attention Deficit Disorder

17. Their recognizing boundaries characteristics shows that they are Honors boundaries and
over polite and obedient.
a. Attention Deficit Disorder
b. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
c. Learning Disability
d. Intellectually Gifted

18. This are the causes of having an ADHD except?

a. Genetic Factors
b. Head Injury
c. Bad Parenting
d. Environmental Factor

19. This subtype of ADHD act “as if driven by a motor”-moving, squirming, and talking at
even the most inappropriate times.
a. Primarily hyperactive-impulsive type
b. Primarily inattentive type
c. Primarily combined type
d. Primarily interactive type

20. This are the tips for managing ADHD except?

a. Help your child understand ADHD
b. Give advice to ADHD
c. Work with teachers and caregivers
d. Keep track of what helps your child

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