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Boost Your Immunity Naturally!

During the winter months when sunlight exposure is minimal but exposure to cold and flu bugs
is inevitable, it is important to have a strategy to help you and your family ward-off unwanted
viral infection by boosting your immunity. There are many simple natural but effective solutions
to help you prevent and treat your cold and flu symptoms. Some medications can be suppressive
and overly potent, leaving you in a more depleted and imbalanced state, therefore it is always
best to make lifestyle changes and use natural health products first. Here is what I have found

Throughout the cold and flu season it is paramount that you are getting enough rest & exercise as
well as proper intake of certain nutrients. Here are some simple suggestions to promote a
healthy immune system capable of warding off unwanted viruses and/or decrease the intensity
and duration of illness if you do fall sick.

1. Drink your lemons. Lemon is the ideal food for restoring acid-alkali balance. Drink
freshly squeezed lemon juice in water, or adding it to tea, salad dressings (in place of vinegar),
baking or cooking. Lemon helps maintain the body’s internal “climate” at a pH that supports
healthy bacteria instead of harmful bacteria and viruses, which thrive in more acidic
environments. Apple cider vinegar is another great way to improve your body’s alkalinity, but
the taste of lemons is much more pleasant for children.

2. Drink plenty of water. Most headaches occur because many people still aren’t drinking
enough water! Headaches and thirst are both signs of dehydration. You should be drinking, in
daily ounces, half your body weight in pounds. ‘Water’ can include spring/filtered water, herbal
teas, and 100% not from concentrate fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water.

3. Stop drinking coffee. Not only does caffeine promote dehydration, but it robs your body of
minerals and vitamins. If you drink coffee, make sure you drink an additional two glasses of
water per day for each cup of coffee you consume.

4. Decrease or avoid refined white sugar all together. If you do only one thing to boost
your immune system, eliminating sugar will do the trick. You will see noticeable results in
your energy levels, weight distribution, immunity and your ability to think clearly when you
break the cravings and stop eating refined sugar. Honey is a great substitute as it has added
immune boosting properties. Other healthier sugars such as agave and stevia do exist, but avoid
artificial sweeteners; they are even worse than cane sugar.

5. Eat plenty of protein. Protein is a building block for a healthy body, mind, and immune
system. Diets low in protein tend to be high in carbohydrates which convert readily to glucose,
spiking blood sugar and stressing the pancreas and the immune system. It is important to choose
healthy sources of protein such as beans, lentils, hemp seed hearts, fresh water fish, organic free-
range eggs, organic chicken, and grass fed beef (lean cuts).

6. Stock up on raw fruits and vegetables for their antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber
and enzymes. The nutritional content that you receive from raw fruits and veggies is
unparalleled. Many vitamins, including C, are antioxidants and will protect cells – including
those of your immune system – from damage by toxins in the environment. Dark-coloured
produce (berries, kale, and broccoli) tend to be higher in flavonoids, polyphenols and other
antioxidants. The perfect source of minerals is seaweed. Add seaweed to your rice as it cooks to
help reap some of the benefits from your sea vegetables.

7. Spend some time out in the cold. Exercise can make a noticeable difference to your health
and happiness by releasing endorphins. Most of us spend 90% of our lives indoors, inhaling
filtered air and other people’s germs, so take every opportunity to get outside. Time spent
outdoors in the cold also stimulates the thyroid gland.

8. Supplement your diet with some key natural health products.

1. Vitamin C: a very potent antioxidant and perhaps the key nutrient in treating viral
2. Oil of Oregano: has powerful antiviral and antimicrobial activity.
3. Echinacea: enhances immune function and dries up mucus.
4. Vitamin D: an amazingly effective antimicrobial agent. It is now believed one potential
symptom of vitamin D deficiency is catching a cold, flu, or other infection. The best
source of vitamin D is direct sun exposure; if this is not possible oral supplementation is
5. Beta-Carotene: protects and heals mucus membranes.
6. Zinc: soothes and heals sore throat and is an immune booster.

9. Heal with Homeopathy. Undergoing a constitutional case taking and commencing your
constitutional remedy is the first step to improving your immunity & immune response.
Remember, it IS healthy for children to catch approximately 5 viruses a year (adults approx. 2)
because this is how we build natural immunity. Thus, it is not coming down with an illness that
is a sign of imbalanced health, but rather the duration and how successful your immune system
fights a virus that can point to lower immunity. There are general homeopathic remedies that
can help treat basic symptoms of cold and flu in an acute illness, as well as many specific
remedies that a professional homeopath can prescribe for more intense and long lasting
illnesses. Other preventative strategies include Oscillocccinum OR Influenzinum and Oil of
Oregano. Talk to your homeopath for more information.

If you have any questions or concerns about your health book a 15 minute complimentary
information session at K-W Homeopathic Wellness Centre today. Homoeopathy can help you

Andrea Hauser, Homeopath

From rudena75 on 2004-09-23

boosting immune 30 replies

Now in autumn I would like to boost my and my baby's immune system with
the help of homeopathy. Thank you

Re: boosting immune system From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-09-24

alfalafa tonic


bio-plasgen no 28 combination. (bio-chemic combination of all 12 tissue


pankaj varma

Re: boosting immune system From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-09-24

Dear Moderator,
The software is converting upper case to lower case by itself.

Re: boosting immune system From nikky chahal on 2011-03-10

How can you boost your immune system? My kids get sick all the time with
cold/Flu. They eat pretty healthy, no junk food at all and sleep well. But every
month almost they bring something home.

Seasonal allergies/Pollen From nikky chahal on 2011-03-10

What works in homeopathy the best for Pollen allergies? I am asking for my

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Re: boosting immune system From Reva V on 2011-03-12

These 3 medicines, given in the exact order, greatly helps:

Calc Carb 30 - 1 dose

Phos 30 - 1 dose
Lyco 30 - 1 dose

Give a gap of 2 hours between doses. Only 1 dose of each for 1 day only.
Repeat this only once a week and only 3 times and report back.

Will suggest the follow up medicine

Reva V

Re: boosting immune system From Joe De Livera on 2011-03-12

I have used the 3 remedies listed above and can confirm that they are almost
miraculous in their effectiveness.

I used to be oversensitive to colds which I used to catch roughly every 2-3

months. I discovered that one of my nostrils was invariably blocked and I
used Ferr Phos 6x which I would take at least 3 times weekly to clear my

Ever since I used the 3 remedies in the same order, I discovered that I my
nose is not blocked anymore and what is more important for me is that I did
not catch the sniffles for the last 3 months.

I have distributed these remedies to about 50 people who suffered from

Catarrh or were sensitive to Colds and they ALL responded positively.

I believe that these 3 remedies are the Ultimate Remedy to STOP CATCHING
Re: boosting immune system From ridhimaawasthi on 2012-08-31

Remedy is helpful. Doubt is can I give it to my 4 yrs child. He is suffering from

allergic cough very frequently and it is so worse that he vomits at night,
specially in the change of season. Please help me regarding this and how long
I have to continue this combination.

Re: boosting immune system From Reva V on 2012-08-31

Yes, you can give this to your 4 year old and is safe. I give all the time to 4
months or even younger infants to dry up the cold.

However, give 1, 2 or even 3 days of gap between these medicine. It tends to

dry (that is how it helps) and if you over dose by repeating it often, you will
see cough. Nothing to worry, a few doses of Bryonia 30 helps both cough and
clear the rest of the cold symptoms. However, not repeating is even a better

After giving one dose of each, with a gap of 2 days between them and
followed by only one dose of Baccillinum 200 is a safe recommendation to
prevent cold for all ages.

Reva V

Re: boosting immune system From pixie wood on 2012-08-31

Anybody can take the three remedies above then?


Re: boosting immune system From ridhimaawasthi on 2012-09-02

iam 32 years old , i am suffering from allergy in which continue sneezing

anytime blocked nose and ears, iching in eyes , what can i do regarding this, i
am taking nux vomica 30 in morning and evening but not getting relief please
help me ragarding this.

Re: boosting immune system From Reva V on 2012-09-02


You got to use it to experience the miralce of these remedies for all ages.

If Nash would have known this, he would not have given 20+ remedies for a
common cold. I could cut short the cold in 2 days with 3 days, free of all

First day, dont use this. Instead use Ferrum Phos 6x (10 tablets in 1/4 glass of
water, every 2 hours) or Eupa Perf 30, in wet dose, every 2 hours. You should
never attempt to dry the running nose during the inflamatory stage. Aconite
is another option.

Second day, give this every 2 hours and third day is free of all common cold
symptoms. There is no rival to these remedies. Eupharasia, Merc Sol, Allium
Cepa, etc etc are not anywhere close.

Reva V

Re: boosting immune system From Reva V on 2012-09-02

You can be benefited from Lycopodium 3o only to clear the blocked nose.
Lycopodium is a gift to clear the blocked nose for all ages. Repeat this, twice a
day (the last dose in the night) for 2 days.

If this does not clear other symptoms and if the allergy is possibly due to
pollen, take Sabadilla 30, twice a day for one week. You should be ok.

the above protocol is more for common cold. In your case, there is nothing
wrong in trying this to boost your immunity after the above 2 medicines.
boosting immune system
Please note: This is an internet forum. Posts are not from medical

Re: boosting immune

From Reva V on 2012-09-02
You can be benefited from Lycopodium 3o only to clear the blocked
nose. Lycopodium is a gift to clear the blocked nose for all ages.
Repeat this, twice a day (the last dose in the night) for 2 days.

If this does not clear other symptoms and if the allergy is possibly due
to pollen, take Sabadilla 30, twice a day for one week. You should be

the above protocol is more for common cold. In your case, there is
nothing wrong in trying this to boost your immunity after the above 2

Reva V

Re: boosting immune

From ridhimaawasthi on 2012-09-02
sir i don't know that the allergy is due to pollen or not but my ears are
blocked now,nose get blocked at the time of sneezing too much ,it
seems that some thing is stucked in my nose ,is lycopodium 3o is the
remedy for this. i tried allopathy, doctor says, it is frontal sinus in
which allegy occurs and it will become worse in there any
remedyin homeopathy.

Re: boosting immune

From Reva V on 2012-09-05
Please take this sequence once and write back..
Reva V

Re: boosting immune

From ridhimaawasthi on 2012-09-10
I have tried lyco 30 but got relief temporarily, I am affected from sinus
pain and blockage of nose specially right nose is most affected, I have
pain in nose part to forehead also, what to do in sinus congestion and
allergy problem, should I take ferrum phos regularly to overcome this
prom or something else.
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Re: boosting immune

From Reva V on 2012-09-10
For sinus pain, please take Antimonium Crud 30, three times a day for
3 days and write back.

Also buy Kali Bichromium 30 for follow up, if necessary.

Reva V

Re: boosting immune

From pixie wood on 2012-09-12
Hi Reva V

My son has just caught a cold, the first one in 6 months yet they used to
be every 3 weeks. The last illness was whooping cough and he had one
dose of drosera 30c and this cured it like a miracle.
I am not sure if the dros has kept him well all this time or his immune
system is stronger (my other son has been well also and he was always
I would just leave this cold but everytime he got one last yr he had
asthma and croup with them and it's very scary.
Will the above remedies work? I do not have the ferrum 6x only 30c
Do you mind Advising what to do?
(maybe repeat the dros)
Many thanks

Re: boosting immune

From Reva V on 2012-09-13
if there is sign of cough, yes drosera helps. Even better, if you give a
dose of Nux Vomica after drosera (1 to 2 hours after)

During the first inflamatory stage of cold, give one of these medicines:
Aconite, Belladonna, Eupatorium Perf 30, Ferrum Phos 6 etc..

If the watery running nose turned to semi solid, even slightly, that is
the time to dry it. Then comes Calc Phos and Lyco very effective.

Yes, if you dont have FP 6x or 6, try 30. It is safe.

Reva V

Re: boosting immune From pixie wood on 2012-09-13

i gave dros 30c yesterday. he had high fever in the night and croup.
today he has started to cough and i keep blowing his nose. its still very
clear and not drying up atall. my concern is asthma as this usually
happens and of course more croup tonight. it was pretty mild last night
but i had windows open all night which helps.

The cold is worse today and he was not coughing yesterday so worried
tonights croup will be worse,

I have just posted a thread actually asking if parakletos may help but i
am gratful for any help from anyone

thanks for your reply


Re: boosting immune

From Reva V on 2012-09-14
if you did not get other help, please give Belladonna 30 and Ipeca 30
alternately, every 2 hours, till there is fever.

If others have already suggested some other remedy, you need to

continue only one recommendation, as you may know.

Reva V

Re: boosting immune

From pixie wood on 2012-09-14
Hi Reva

I did repeat dros 2 days ago, he got worse and it started a fever and
mild croup the first night , yesterday he still seemed bad then suddenly
he changed and the dros is for sure his remedy for acute at present.he
got better quick after the aggravation.
Parakletos has given a form for me to fill out to stop this happening
long term.
I thank you for taking the time to read my posts.
I will tell my mother about your suggestion to prevent colds
Thanks again

Re: boosting immune

From paresh.b on 2013-10-23
Hello,i am 22 yrs and for the last 3 yrs i hv had coughs and cold
everyday. It involves having my nose blocked with mucous and cough
too contains mucous. I had checked it, the reports said its chronic
bronchitis. also i am taking foracort inhaler in-case of breathlessness. i
had taken belledona for 4 mths but no use. plz suggest some meds, it
will be very helpful.
[message edited by paresh.b on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:20:11 BST]

Re: boosting immune

From ridhimaawasthi on 2013-10-24
do anulom vilom daily in the morning for 15 min it will give u relief +
go for an ayurveda remedies + take B-plex forte two times daily to
increase ur immunity

Mouth ulcers From ridhimaawasthi on 2014-02-02

I have 5 yrs old kid and doctor diagnosed hand leg and mouth disease ,
he is having severe mouth ulcers I am giving him merc sol 30 nitric
acid 30 and belladona 30 combination , I am giving right medicine or
not , 3 days passed but he has no relief yet what to do kindly help

boosting immune system

Please note: This is an internet forum. Posts are not from medical

Mouth ulcers From ridhimaawasthi on 2014-02-02

I have 5 yrs old kid and doctor diagnosed hand leg and mouth disease ,
he is having severe mouth ulcers I am giving him merc sol 30 nitric
acid 30 and belladona 30 combination , I am giving right medicine or
not , 3 days passed but he has no relief yet what to do kindly help

Re: boosting immune

From rovart on 2014-10-29
Hi Reva,

I am in UK and my 10 months old baby is catching cold continuously

from last 2 months. i saw your post for how to boost immune system
and bought german packs from india of ---
Calc Carb 30
Phos 30
Lyco 30

Now please suggest me how to give her medicine i dont know what do
you mean by dose? these are liquid medicines. Looking forward to
your response.


Re: boosting immune

From simone717 on 2014-10-29
Hi Rovart,

Reva is not on the forum anymore for some time.

You need to do a post for your child that is the

treatment thread.

Go to the front of the forum first page- look above

the first post and click the button Post New Topic-
you will then be able to create a thread just for
the child, and someone will help you.

The symptoms of the child must be taken to do

this correctly.

Re: boosting immune

From hiren.v.modi on 2016-01-19
Hi Rovart,

By Any chance you got response on the doses for your kid? I have a
same problem with my kid and wants to use these medicine.

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Re: boosting immune

From umakulkarni on 2016-01-25

My younger daughter, age 4 years 3 months was down with throat

infection and was cured with Clampkid forte (5 days, 3 mlo dosage).

She was fine for 10 days, but now for the past 3 days she had been
complaining of left ear pain. She had fever We took her to an ENT
specialist who dfiagnosed it as Otitis Media or Glue ears. He has again
suggested the same antibiotic syrup for 5 more days.

Now what I want to know is she has taken the antibiotic for 2 days and
I see some improvement. No fever and not so aggressive pain.But she
isnt able to hear low whispers. What if the pain does not go away even
after the antibiotic course?

I want to put her on homeopathic course which can prevent the

infection to recur again and boost up her immunity on a long term.

Also she is underweight-11.56kgs and a fussy eater.

Kindly advise on an effective remedy that could cure her ear infection
and keep it away forever.

Thanks in advance.


Re: boosting immune

From Ssekhar on 2016-10-28
Hi, I have a 14 month old who goes to daycare and is sick most of the
time of the year. Wondering if there is something safe for her to take.
And if not at what age can I start giving her medicines to boost

Re: boosting immune

From simone717 on 2016-10-29

1.this is a time up to around 5 years old when kids get colds, etc as by
getting these things their body develops immunity against future
2. All parents complain about these years as kids bring home virus etc
that the parent never had and then parents get sick too.
3. The problem with daycare is kids are constantly touching each other
and toys and putting hands in mouth.
So te amount of illness goes way way up due to being around the other
I had my children in daycare a few half days a week. They were always
getting sick and ended up at home most of the time.
4. You do not give meds for immunity.
Give meds when sick that match individual symptoms. Meds are for
illness or out of balance state.
Build immunity with herbs and homeopathy
Oct 28, 2013 Jack Challem | Delicious Living

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Look beyond Emergen-C and reinforce your natural immunity arsenal with these research-
backed supplements.

Many of us already revere vitamins C and D as wintertime infection fighters. But with the
constant threat of airborne and surface-area germs promising to hammer your best defenses, it’s
wise to add an herbal or homeopathic product to help you avoid—or minimize symptoms of—
the common cold and influenza. “People who think there’s no cure for the cold or flu haven’t
discovered the powers of herbal medicine or homeopathics,” says Andy Swanson, ND, of
Portland, Oregon. “These natural remedies may completely resolve symptoms in the early stages
of an infection and, later, speed recovery.”

Allium cepa. Homeopathic remedies use trace, barely detectable amounts of a therapeutic
substance to ease illness symptoms under the theory that “like cures like.” Allium cepa contains
a minute amount of red onion and is used to relieve stuffy nasal congestion and teary eyes.

Dose: Three to five pellets dissolved under the tongue three times daily until symptoms subside.

Gelsemium. Swanson advocates this remedy, derived from the vine Gelsemium sempervirens,
for cold and flu symptoms that include fever, body aches, and exhaustion.

Dose: Five pellets dissolved under the tongue three times daily until symptoms subside.

Oscillococcinum. Often called Oscillo, this proprietary remedy from France contains extremely
tiny amounts of duck liver and heart. Although somewhat conflicting, evidence justifies trying it
on the first or second day flu-like symptoms, such as body aches and fatigue, appear. In a review
of medical studies, researchers concluded that Oscillo was both safe and effective.

Dose: One tube of Oscillo dissolved in the mouth every six hours, up to three times daily.


Astragalus. Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends this herb to strengthen the body’s
disease resistance; studies show that astragalus boosts the activity of various immune cells.
Swanson recommends using it to overcome recurrent colds and lingering flus, not for the first
cold of the season.

Dose: 1,000 mg every three to four hours for one or two months.

Echinacea. Few herbal remedies possess echinacea’s scientific résumé. In one of the latest
studies, people taking the herb had 59 percent fewer recurrent colds and reduced their use of
pain-relief drugs by half, a sign of significantly fewer symptoms.

Dose: Follow either label directions or your physician’s advice.

Elderberry. A traditional European folk remedy, elderberry gained scientific credibility almost
20 years ago through a classic study in which nearly all of the subjects taking the herbal extract
had a “complete cure” of their flu symptoms within two to three days. In contrast, people taking
placebos had symptoms linger for almost a week. A recent study confirmed the herb’s antiviral
and broad-spectrum antibacterial effects. Most contain some type of sweetener, so opt for an
extract sweetened with honey or sugar-free syrup.

Dose: 1 teaspoon extract or 2 teaspoons syrup four times a day until symptoms disappear.

Garlic. Records of garlic’s therapeutic use date back 3,500 years. Researchers have identified
more than 200 compounds in garlic, including 70 that contain sulfur— a key building block of
some of the body’s most potent infection fighters, including N-acetylcysteine and glutathione.
Swanson suggests consuming one-half clove of diced fresh garlic in a teaspoon of honey every
few hours when you feel the start of cold or flu symptoms; continue taking the garlic until
symptoms resolve. If you don’t want raw garlic, try capsules.

Dose: Follow label directions.


A. Vogel Echinaforce. Available as both a tincture and tablet, this herbal formula serves to ease
cold and flu-like symptoms.

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. Studies show that this proprietary garlic extract can reduce cold
and flu symptoms and provide other health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol levels.

Sambucol. The best-researched form of elderberry syrup; available sweetened and sugar free, as
well as in a children’s dose.

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